can anyone please help, i am doing this tutorial on Vuejs, everything was going great until when i installed Vuex and Vuex-router-sync then nothing is getting rendered on my browser anymore.
am using vue-cli2
When I installed vue router on my vue2 project, all the code on my App.vue file got overriden and the router-link thingy was set-up there instead now I can't find the code anywhere and that code is very important cos its the homepage of the website.
I tried uninstalling vue router cos I thought this would help but the steps for the uninstallation was very confusing. Please anyone with any ideas? I'd appreciate it a lot.
The documentation for react-navigation v5 mentions this:
To finalize installation of react-native-gesture-handler, add the
following at the top (make sure it's at the top and there's nothing
else before it) of your entry file, such as index.js or App.js
Note: If you are building for Android or iOS, do not skip this step,
or your app may crash in production even if it works fine in
development. This is not applicable to other platforms.
with v6 being the currently newest, it doesnt mention that anywhere:
it doesnt even say you have to install react-native-gesture-handler to begin with.
And the upgrade guide doesnt say you have to remove it:
Now the reason im asking is because the v5 docs say your app may crash in production even if it works in development. that is IF you DONT import 'react-native-gesture-handler' at the top.
im currently in a situation where my app works in development and crashes in production. im using v6 of react-navigation, AND im still importing react-native-gesture-handler at the top. which made me wonder if that could have anything to do with it. its the production apps so i cant look at error messages, so im mostly just guessing. ive just thought about this before, how the documentation and upgrade guide didnt mention anything, and its just now that im releasing that i wonder if thats whats causing errors.
It does say it on the Stack Navigator setup page for v6.
I am attempting to build a popup Suitlete that displays a Vue app. It needs to have the ability to pass data back and forth into the transaction that opened it.
Has anyone done this in the past and if so what did the setup for the Vue files and the Suitelet/RESTlet look like? Can't seem to find examples.
You can find projects on GitHub that have great Vue/NetSuite project file setups, ones where you can use Vue CLI to work locally that still work with RESTlets. Here's one
I've just lost a frustrating amount of time trying to work out why npm run serve was hanging when attempting to run my vue js app. Eventually, I tracked it down to one error in a vue file I made, it took me a long time to work this out since the issue manifests itself in a way that the console window just hangs.
Is there some other way developers can get a more descriptive error list from vue js prior to attempting to run/build?
Personally, I find the most useful and essential tools to be (I use VS Code as "IDE")
Vetur: includes syntax-highlighting, snippets, linter (error checking), auto completition, etc.
Vue.js devtools (for chrome): Not sure about other browsers, but this is incredibly useful for chrome. Let's you see what's really going on with vue.js' components, the store, etc (screenshot from the chrome store page).
Hope this helps!
I have created a SPA dashboard using Vue.JS and Laravel, and now would like to create a script that I can use in other sites I manage to just display the event data I am creating in the dashboard via the APIs I have made. I am using Laravel's webpack.mix to do my bundling. Thus far, I haven't really found anything for this situation that explains what I need to do. Any pointers would be helpful, and I can post my code, if I knew what code would be helpful. :)
I didn't entirely understand what you want to do but maybe this project will help. It's a Vue Component bundled using Laravel Mix and deployed to npm: