Issues with vue router installed on my vue2 project - vue.js

When I installed vue router on my vue2 project, all the code on my App.vue file got overriden and the router-link thingy was set-up there instead now I can't find the code anywhere and that code is very important cos its the homepage of the website.
I tried uninstalling vue router cos I thought this would help but the steps for the uninstallation was very confusing. Please anyone with any ideas? I'd appreciate it a lot.


VSC not highlighting Vue 3 imports (Composition API)

As you can see below, the import is not highlited even though the component SearchBar is been used.
I've tried fixing this problem by installing the Vetur and Vue 3 Support - All In One extensions, but they don't fix it.
I would appreciate if someone could help me solve this.
Use Vue Volar extension Pack extension instead of Vetur
This is the official Vue.js language feature extension for VS Code

Title cannot contain "Automatic import from npm to vue app"

npm is great to download some js libraries, but including the into a vue app is really hard. i have no idea if there is an "official" way, but searching online i see so many different approaches.
sometimes it is imported in the app.js file, sometimes in the .vue files inside the tags. i have also seen that there are vue plugins that handle differently. how should i know if i have a vue plugin or not? i don't even know what the other option would be. like a vue module instead of a vue plugin?
is there a way that the vue app just includes/imports the stuff from node_modules so i can use it? so that after doing some npm install it is all available?
Npm just downloads the library into the node_modules folder and let's you access it where you need it.
If it's a vue component you need to import it in a vue file, because that's where you need it.
If it's a vue plugin you have to import it in the main js file because that's where it gets initalized in the whole app.
Looks like you are new to vue, I suggest you to take a look at this simple guide where you can learn some basic stuff.

component not found when deploy on Netlify

I'm trying to deploy my test app site build with Vite and Vue 3 on Netlify. It´s a very simple project, with two pages and simple components. Building in my laptop works fine, but not when I try to deploy it.
But in Netlify
I don't really know how to solve this. My source code is here
Any help would be appreciated! Thanks in advance
Thanks to Ifaruki, the solution was easy (a typo change):
I have to change my import in App.vue from this :
import Navbar from '#/components/Navbar.vue'
import Navbar from '#/components/NavBar.vue'

Integrate a stenciljs web component into a stenciljs app

I did build some web components with stencil and published them on npm. Now I want to integrate them into another stencil app but I can't find any suggestions how to do so or the suggestions I found so far are not working.
e.g. there is no collections attribute anymore on the stencil config to include external components and this, which I found on the official documentation to distribute the components is not working:
In a stencil-app-starter app
Run npm install my-name --save
Add an import to the npm packages: import my-component;
Then you can use the element anywhere in your template, JSX, html etc.
I know that the components work because I successfully integrated them into an Angular and React App already.
Thanks for your help in advance :)
I had the same problem and just solved it. I'm building a StencilJS app and tried to use my component library #elgervb/stencil-components.
Here is what I did to get it working:
I've added my library with:
yarn add #elgervb/stencil-components
and in tsconfig.json I added typeRoots to the compilerOptions to load my types:
"typeRoots": [
After that I can use all of my components in my app:
<evb-filepicker accept="image/*">
<evb-button>Pick image</evb-button>
Hope this helps :-)

vuex installation makes my project to go blank

can anyone please help, i am doing this tutorial on Vuejs, everything was going great until when i installed Vuex and Vuex-router-sync then nothing is getting rendered on my browser anymore.
am using vue-cli2