Cross compilling .deb package for yocto image?i.e [closed] - ssh

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am new to yocto development. I have a yocto image installed on an armv7 based device. I need some kind of a software to ssh the device through internet. Previously i were using service/software on my raspberryPI and now i need something similar for my yocto image. Is there any recipe already available for yocto pyro branch which can meet this requirement? and if not can i cross compile for my yocto image?
I tried to build from source through this link..
but it need dependencies of "mawk" and "cron" which is absent.
I searched for these two recipes of "mawk" and "cron" but havent found any.
Can somebody help me what should i do?
Thanks a lot!

Sadly it looks like there is nothing to compile - only binaries are provided. And if the binaries do not match your target architecture/OS, they will not run, or run with obscure errors. Raspbian is not the same as Yocto-based distro.
You can simply add a ssh server (dropbear or openssh are both provided) to your target image, although this does not scale to 'device management solution' that provides.


TestCafe not finding testcafe module [closed]

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Closed last year.
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I'm evaluating TestCafe for use on our team and recently installed it on a Mac/OS running Monterrey 12.1 I realized the issue is that the node_modules were nowhere to be found. In typical Windows fashion, I just created a directory on the desktop and installed Testcafe. Apparently, the node modules were not installed or installed elsewhere. Is there a recommended process for installing Testcafe on a mac o/s? I'm running node v16.13.2, testcafe 1.18.3 . I don't typically use macs and had no issues with Testcafe on Windows. Maybe a newbie issue?
There are no specific recommendations for installing testcafe on macOs. Follow instructions - this should be sufficient.

Really "basic" sorry... I Can't see how to create a simple EXE in I Can't even see how to publish my app simply [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I have used VB5 extensively and it created exe files - easy to deploy without having to install much else. I will be really disappointed if my recent use of "modern" .net (I moved over for extra features) means I can't even create the age old simple exe file... What a pain! Hope I'm wrong...
When you build a project an exe file will appear by default in either the bin/Debug/ or bin/Release/ directory (depending on the build configuration) under your project every time you compile it.
It's not a "native" exe file though, so it will require the .NET Framework to be installed to run, however most relevant machines should already have at least some version installed.

Providing third-party dependencies in CMake project [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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My CMake-based C++ project uses a third-party library. It is relying on that this library is installed. I'd like to include or add the third-party library in some way into my project. How can I achieve that?
For external project that are available with their source code, use CMake's external project, cf.
With that you can automatically download and compile external project. Then you can use them like an internal library and you can install them together with your library, if you wish.
Depending on the licence you can add the compiled library, too. Thus your user does not need to compile by it self, which can save a lot of trouble.

Firebird installation on Linux as non-root [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I'm trying to install firebird under Linux on a machine where I don't have root access, but fails with the error "You need to be 'root' user to do this change." How can this be done?
I also tried building from source:
./ --prefix=/home/sergei/firebird
These go through fine, but then 'make install' gives:
(cd ../gen; ./install/
You must be root to build package
To be clear, I'm only interested in running it in embedded/standalone mode (single process accessing single file), as an SQLite replacement.
short answer, you can't
Firebird full install need to create a Linux user and to activate a service, so it need root access
you can try a fakeroot, a chroot, or as said Jonathan modify the install script.
or you can try to run it in place if is for testing purpose see
but what is your goal ?

GNUstep installation [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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How will I install GNUStep in Linux ?
First, make sure you path the start up scripts. They were necessary to be invoked once per shell before running any GNUstep binary. Something like this
. /usr/local/share/GNUstep/Makefiles/
(Don't miss the first dot and a space after it)
You can install things directly from trunk. Here are some useful scripts from Etoile project. It fetch the svn and install things for you. You may also look into the script and ignore the Etoile bits.
AFAICR, it is not a good idea to use distributor's packages, they were badly maintained, broken and should be avoided.
And you should ditch gcc for clang.
Also, take a look at Philippe Roussel's package repository. I've never use them.