Extension functions issue - kotlin

Run into some difficulties while using extension functions with existing java api. Here some pseudocode
public class Test {
public Test call() {
return this;
public Test call(Object param) {
return this;
public void configure1() {
public void configure2(boolean value) {
Kotlin test
fun Test.call(toApply: Test.() -> Unit): Test {
return call()
fun Test.call(param: Any, toApply: Test.() -> Unit): Test {
return call(param)
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val test = Test()
//refers to java method; Unresolved reference: configure1;Unresolved reference: configure2
test.call {
//refers to my extension function and works fine
test.call(test) {
Why only function with param works fine ? what’s the difference ?

Kotlin will always give precedence to the classes member functions. Since Test:call(Object) is a possible match, Kotlin selects that method rather than your extension function.
The extension function with the added parameter is resolved the way you expect because the Test class does not have any member functions that would take precedent (no matching signature), so your extension method is selected.
Here is a link to the Kotlin documentation as to how extension functions are resolved: https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/extensions.html#extensions-are-resolved-statically


Mockito: How to mock lambda callback? what is the type? (Kotlin)

I have two class TestTarget, MockTarget and test code below. If the TestTarget has two functions with same name and same count of parameter, the any() is ambiguous. I need to assign the type to any(ClassType). But what is the type of () -> Unit? I have tried Function0 and it doesn't work. Can anyone help?
Class TestTarget:
Class TestTarget(private val mockTarget: MockTarget) {
fun testFunction() {
// some logic to be tested.
// call mockTarget.doSomething.
Class MockTarget
Class MockTarget {
fun doSomething(callback: () -> Unit) {
// some logic here.
fun doSomething(listener: OtherType) {
// Test code works without this function.
Test Code:
// setup mocks.
fun `verify testFunction`() {
`when`(mockTarget.doSomething(any())).thenAnswer { invocation ->
// callback here.
Replace org.mockito.Mockito with org.mockito.kotlin.*
and you can code like this
val anyLambda = any<() -> Unit>()
val anyListener = any<OtherType>()

Java8 Higher-Order Functions and Kotlin Lambdas interoperability

I have a Java example where a method is implemented as
public Function<ISeq<Item>, Double> fitness() {
return items -> {
final Item sum = items.stream().collect(Item.toSum());
return sum._size <= _knapsackSize ? sum._value : 0;
IntelliJ's automatic translation of it to Kotlin is
override fun fitness(): Function<ISeq<Item>, Double> {
return { items:ISeq<Item> ->
val sum = items.stream().collect(Item.toSum())
if (sum.size <= _knapsackSize) sum.value else 0.0
(I made the type of items explicit and changed return to 0.0)
Still I see that there are compatibility problems with Java's Function and Kotlin native lambdas, but I'm not that the most familiar with these. Error is:
Question is: is it possible to override in Kotlin the external Java library's fitness() method on this example and if so how ?
You are returning a (Kotlin) lambda ISeq<Knapsack.Item> -> Double. But this is not what you want. You want to return a Java Function<ISeq<Knapsack.Item>, Double>.
You can use a SAM Conversion to create a Function.
Just like Java 8, Kotlin supports SAM conversions. This means that
Kotlin function literals can be automatically converted into
implementations of Java interfaces with a single non-default method,
as long as the parameter types of the interface method match the
parameter types of the Kotlin function.
I created a minimal example to demonstrate that. Consider you have a Java class like this:
public class Foo {
public Function<String, Integer> getFunction() {
return item -> Integer.valueOf(item);
If you want to override getFunction in Kotlin you would do it like this:
class Bar: Foo() {
override fun getFunction(): Function<String, Int> {
return Function {
When returning lambda as Java's functional interface, you have to use explicit SAM constructor:
override fun fitness(): Function<ISeq<Item>, Double> {
return Function { items:ISeq<Item> ->
val sum = items.stream().collect(Item.toSum())
if (sum.size <= _knapsackSize) sum.value else 0.0
Also don't forget to import java.util.function.Function since Kotlin has its own class of that name

How to mock and verify Lambda expression in Kotlin?

In Kotlin (and Java 8) we can use Lambda expression to remove boilerplate callback interface. For example,
data class Profile(val name: String)
interface ProfileCallback {
fun onSuccess(profile: Profile)
class ProfileRepository(val callback: ProfileCallback) {
fun getProfile() {
// do calculation
We can change remove ProfileCallback and change it into Kotlin's Lambda:
class ProfileRepository(val callback: (Profile) -> Unit) {
fun getProfile() {
// do calculation
This works fine, but I'm not sure how to mock and then verify that function. I have
tried using Mockito like this
lateinit var profileCallback: (Profile) -> Unit
fun test() {
// this wouldn't work
but it throw an Exception:
org.mockito.exceptions.base.MockitoException: ClassCastException
occurred while creating the mockito mock : class to mock :
'kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1', loaded by classloader :
How to mock and verify Lambda expression in Kotlin? Is it even possible?
Here is example how you can achieve that using mockito-kotlin:
Given repository class
class ProfileRepository(val callback: (Int) -> Unit) {
fun getProfile() {
// do calculation
Using mockito-kotlin lib - you can write test mocking lambdas like this:
fun test() {
val callbackMock: (Int) -> Unit = mock()
val profileRepository = ProfileRepository(callbackMock)
argumentCaptor<Int>().apply {
verify(callbackMock, times(1)).invoke(capture())
assertEquals(1, firstValue)

How do you Mockk a Kotlin top level function?

Mockk allows mocking static functions, but how does one mock a Kotlin top level function?
For example, if I have a Kotlin file called HelloWorld.kt, how do I mock the sayHello() function?
fun sayHello() = "Hello Kotlin!"
The following syntax has worked to me.
I'm surprised there is nothing on the jvm-stdlib yet for this.
This overload has now been introduced officially:
There is way to mockk a top level function:
every { fun() } returns 5
You just need to know which file this function goes. Check in JAR or stack trace.
To add on previous answers this is working:
every { fun() } returns 5
Where mockStatic takes as an argument "package_name:class_file_name"
But to simplify the mockStatick call you can give your file a name for the compiler with #file:JvmName directly in the file.
fun sayHello() = "Hello Kotlin!"
every { fun() } returns 5
More detailed explication on why this is necessary and other examples here:https://blog.kotlin-academy.com/mocking-is-not-rocket-science-mockk-advanced-features-42277e5983b5
Building on #Sergey's answer:
You could have the actual implementation of the sayHello() function in a variable that's then the default value of a function parameter to sayHello().
This example works:
package tests
import io.mockk.every
import io.mockk.mockk
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
val sayHelloKotlin = { "Hello Kotlin!" }
fun sayHello(producer: () -> String = sayHelloKotlin): String = producer()
class Tests {
interface Producer {
fun produce(): String
fun `Top level mocking`() {
val mock = mockk<Producer>()
every { mock.produce() } returns "Hello Mockk"
val actual = sayHello(mock::produce)
Assertions.assertEquals(actual, "Hello Mockk")
The problem with this is that you're changing production code just to cater for testing, and it feels contrived.
This code doesn't work for me with mockk version 1.10.0 but works well in 1.11.0 (of course need to change mockkStatic(::bar) )
package com.example.myapplication
fun foo(): Boolean {
return bar()
fun bar():Boolean {
return false
#Config(sdk = [Build.VERSION_CODES.O_MR1])
class ExampleUnitTest {
fun addition_isCorrect() {
every { bar() } returns true

Method References to Super Class Method

How to use method references to refer to super class methods?
In Java 8 you can do SubClass.super::method.
What would be the syntax in Kotlin?
Looking forward to your response!
Thanks to Bernard Rocha!
The syntax is SubClass::method.
But be careful. In my case the subclass was a generic class. Don't forget to declare it as those:
MySubMap<K, V>::method.
It still doesn't work in Kotlin.
Hers's an example in Java 8 of a method reference to a super class method:
public abstract class SuperClass {
void method() {
System.out.println("superclass method()");
public class SubClass extends SuperClass {
void method() {
Runnable superMethodL = () -> super.method();
Runnable superMethodMR = SubClass.super::method;
I'm still not able to do the same in Kotlin...
This is an example how I tried to achieve it in Kotlin:
open class Bar {
open fun getString(): String = "Hello"
class Foo : Bar() {
fun testFunction(action: () -> String): String = action()
override fun getString(): String {
//this will throw an StackOverflow error, since it will continuously call 'Foo.getString()'
return testFunction(this::getString)
I want to have something like that:
override fun getString(): String {
//this should call 'Bar.getString' only once. No StackOverflow error should happen.
return testFunction(super::getString)
It's not possible to do so in Kotlin yet.
I submitted a feature report. It can be found here: KT-21103 Method Reference to Super Class Method
As the documentation says you use it like in java:
If we need to use a member of a class, or an extension function, it
needs to be qualified. e.g. String::toCharArray gives us an extension
function for type String: String.() -> CharArray.
I think you can achieve what you want doing something like this:
open class SuperClass {
companion object {
fun getMyString(): String {
return "Hello"
class SubClass : SuperClass() {
fun getMyAwesomeString(): String {
val reference = SuperClass.Companion
return testFunction(reference::getMyString)
private fun testFunction(s: KFunction0<String>): String {
return s.invoke()
Don't know if it is possible to get the reference to super class's function, but here is an alternative to what you want to achieve:
override fun getString(): String = testFunction { super.getString() }
According to Bernardo's answer, you might have something like this. It doesn't have remarkable changes.
fun methodInActivity() {
fun config(){
What is more, in the incoming 1.2 version you can use just