How to mock and verify Lambda expression in Kotlin? - testing

In Kotlin (and Java 8) we can use Lambda expression to remove boilerplate callback interface. For example,
data class Profile(val name: String)
interface ProfileCallback {
fun onSuccess(profile: Profile)
class ProfileRepository(val callback: ProfileCallback) {
fun getProfile() {
// do calculation
We can change remove ProfileCallback and change it into Kotlin's Lambda:
class ProfileRepository(val callback: (Profile) -> Unit) {
fun getProfile() {
// do calculation
This works fine, but I'm not sure how to mock and then verify that function. I have
tried using Mockito like this
lateinit var profileCallback: (Profile) -> Unit
fun test() {
// this wouldn't work
but it throw an Exception:
org.mockito.exceptions.base.MockitoException: ClassCastException
occurred while creating the mockito mock : class to mock :
'kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1', loaded by classloader :
How to mock and verify Lambda expression in Kotlin? Is it even possible?

Here is example how you can achieve that using mockito-kotlin:
Given repository class
class ProfileRepository(val callback: (Int) -> Unit) {
fun getProfile() {
// do calculation
Using mockito-kotlin lib - you can write test mocking lambdas like this:
fun test() {
val callbackMock: (Int) -> Unit = mock()
val profileRepository = ProfileRepository(callbackMock)
argumentCaptor<Int>().apply {
verify(callbackMock, times(1)).invoke(capture())
assertEquals(1, firstValue)


Kotlin compiler reports unused expression in constructor for builder taking vararg lambdas

We have a relatively simple builder pattern we use for test data generator in Kotlin.
The builders follow the pattern:
class ThingBuilder private constructor(
var param1: Int = 1,
var param2: Boolean = true
) {
private constructor(vararg inits: ThingBuilder.(ThingBuilder) -> Unit) : this() {
inits.forEach { it(this) }
fun build(): Thing {
return Thing(
companion object {
fun asDefaultCase(init: ThingBuilder.(ThingBuilder) -> Unit = {}): ThingBuilder {
return ThingBuilder(init)
fun asSomethingElseCase(init: ThingBuilder.(ThingBuilder) -> Unit = {}): ThingBuilder {
return ThingBuilder({ b -> b.param2 = false }, init)
Here the Kotlin compiler reports a warning:
The expression is unused
which references the line:
inits.forEach { it(this) }
I've tried turning that into an Array<T> rather than varags but same warning occurs.
What would be the more correct way to make this structure where the consumers can pass in lambdas to configure the builder data?
(for reference, the code works correctly and the loop functions as expected)
This seems to be a rather old bug KT-21282 False positive UNUSED_EXPRESSION compiler warning with object and lambda with receiver / extension function type.
The fix is simple - just specify the explicit receiver and do I also don't see why you would need to pass this as both the receiver and the formal parameter to the block. I would just do this instead:
private constructor(vararg inits: ThingBuilder.() -> Unit) : this() {
inits.forEach { }
private constructor(vararg inits: ThingBuilder.() -> Unit) : this() {
inits.forEach { it(this) }
Then you don't even need to write the b parameter in asSomethingElseCase:
fun asSomethingElseCase(init: ThingBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): ThingBuilder {
return ThingBuilder({ param2 = false }, init)

Mockito: How to mock lambda callback? what is the type? (Kotlin)

I have two class TestTarget, MockTarget and test code below. If the TestTarget has two functions with same name and same count of parameter, the any() is ambiguous. I need to assign the type to any(ClassType). But what is the type of () -> Unit? I have tried Function0 and it doesn't work. Can anyone help?
Class TestTarget:
Class TestTarget(private val mockTarget: MockTarget) {
fun testFunction() {
// some logic to be tested.
// call mockTarget.doSomething.
Class MockTarget
Class MockTarget {
fun doSomething(callback: () -> Unit) {
// some logic here.
fun doSomething(listener: OtherType) {
// Test code works without this function.
Test Code:
// setup mocks.
fun `verify testFunction`() {
`when`(mockTarget.doSomething(any())).thenAnswer { invocation ->
// callback here.
Replace org.mockito.Mockito with org.mockito.kotlin.*
and you can code like this
val anyLambda = any<() -> Unit>()
val anyListener = any<OtherType>()

Mock method with multiple lambda parameters

Say I have this situation:
interface Repository {
fun getMovies(success: (List<String>) -> Unit, failure: (Int) -> Unit)
and I want to mock the implementation of this interface. Basically in this case, there are two lambdas as input parameters to the getmovie method, and for the test case, I only want to produce success (success.invoke(theMoviesList) should be called).
Below is something similar to what I would like to do:
class MovieViewModel constructor(val repository: AppRepository) {
var movieNames = listOf<String>() // Not private, or live data, for simplicity
fun fetchMovies() {
success = {
movies ->
this.movieNames = movies
}}, failure: {
statusCode ->
class MoviePageTests {
private var movieViewModel: MovieViewModel? = null
lateinit var mockRepository: AppRepository
fun before() {
movieViewModel = MovieViewModel(repository = mockRepository)
fun checkFetchMoviesUpdatesMoviesData() {
var testMovies = listof("Dracula", "Superman")
//Set up mockito so that the repository generates success with testMovies above
assertEquals(movieViewModel.movies, testMovies)
I know how to do this by way of a RepositoryImpl, but not in Mockito, despite looking at many examples online.
Any ideas?

Extension functions issue

Run into some difficulties while using extension functions with existing java api. Here some pseudocode
public class Test {
public Test call() {
return this;
public Test call(Object param) {
return this;
public void configure1() {
public void configure2(boolean value) {
Kotlin test
fun Test.() -> Unit): Test {
return call()
fun Any, toApply: Test.() -> Unit): Test {
return call(param)
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val test = Test()
//refers to java method; Unresolved reference: configure1;Unresolved reference: configure2 {
//refers to my extension function and works fine {
Why only function with param works fine ? what’s the difference ?
Kotlin will always give precedence to the classes member functions. Since Test:call(Object) is a possible match, Kotlin selects that method rather than your extension function.
The extension function with the added parameter is resolved the way you expect because the Test class does not have any member functions that would take precedent (no matching signature), so your extension method is selected.
Here is a link to the Kotlin documentation as to how extension functions are resolved:

Is there a way to verify that a top-level function passed as a dependency to a class has been called during testing?

I have a class that receives a function allowing it to display things on the UI during a failure case. What's the best way that I can verify that the function is called in my test?
MyClass(private val uiPrinter: (String) -> Unit) {
fun foo() {
// do some stuff
uiPrinter("printing from foo!")
// do some more stuff
MyClassTest() {
val testUiPrinter: (String) -> Unit = { System.out.println(it) }
fun uiPrinterIsInvoked() {
val myClass = MyClass(testUiPrinter)
// can I verify that testUiPrinter has been invoked?
You may want to check out the Model-View-Presenter architecture. Its purpose is to hide the Android framework behind an abstract View interface which a purely Java Presenter can interact with. In your example:
interface ViewInterface {
fun printError(error: String)
class MyPresenter(private val view: ViewInterface) {
fun foo() {
// do some stuff (testable stuff)
view.printError("Printing from foo()!")
// do some more (testable) stuff
class MyPresenterTest() { // Test using Mockito to mock the abstract view
private val view = mock(
private val presenter = MyPresenter(view)
fun printsError() {
// set up preconditions
verify(view).printError("Printing from foo()!")
Your concrete view will generally be an Android Activity, Fragment, or View which implements the view interface. Notice MyPresenter only expects the abstract view and does not need knowledge of the framework-dependent operations.
class MyActivity : Activity(), ViewInterface {
// ...
override fun printError(error: String) {
textView.text = error // For example
// ...
This can be achieved by mocking the higher-order function as higher-order functions are objects unless inlined.
val testUiPrinter: (String) -> Unit
fun uiPrinterIsInvoked() {
val myClass = MyClass(testUiPrinter)
verify(testUiPrinter).invoke("Printing from foo!")