How to create an inner class where only the outer class can access the constructor, but the rest is visible everywhere? - kotlin

I originally wanted to create a class that can abort instantiation in constructor, but according to this link I should instead use a Factory class. But now I want to prevent anyone except the factory class from creating an object of class "Inner" while giving access to the methods of the inner class to everyone.
I have already tried this answer.
import java.util.Date
object InnerFactory {
class Inner private constructor(startDate: Date? = null, endDate: Date? = null) {
fun getTimeDifference(): Long? {
//calculates time difference but doesn't matter to this example
fun createInnerObject(startDate: Date? = null, endDate: Date? = null): Inner? {
if (startDate != null && endDate != null && !endDate.after(startDate)) {
return null
return Inner(startDate, endDate)
I would use it like the following:
val date1 = Date(1547600000)
val date2 = Date(1547600600)
val inner = InnerFactory.createInnerObject(date1, date2) //should return an instance
val invalidInner = InnerFactory.createInnerObject(date2, date1) //should not return an instance because the "endDate" is before "startDate"
val difference = inner?.getTimeDifference()
It says "cannot access '<init>': it is private in 'Inner'" when hovering over my usage of the constructor in the "createInnerObject" function.

What you could do:
introduce an interface Inner with all the necessary functions that should be exposed
make all the class(es) private and implement that interface
object InnerFactory {
interface Inner {
fun getTimeDifference(): Long?
private class InnerImpl(startDate: Date? = null, endDate: Date? = null) : Inner {
override fun getTimeDifference(): Long? = TODO("some implementation")
fun createInnerObject(startDate: Date? = null, endDate: Date? = null): Inner? {
if (startDate != null && endDate != null && !endDate.after(startDate)) {
return null
return InnerImpl(startDate, endDate) // InnerImpl accessible from here but not from outside of InnerFactory...
Now you can't access InnerImpl from outside anymore, but still have all the necessary functions available:
// the following all work as it deals with the interface
val inner = InnerFactory.createInnerObject(date1, date2) //should return an instance
val invalidInner = InnerFactory.createInnerObject(date2, date1) //should not return an instance because the "endDate" is before "startDate"
val difference = inner?.getTimeDifference()
// the following will not compile:

Unfortunately, private members of Kotlin inner classes are not accessible from the outer instance:
private means visible inside this class only
Kotlin reference / Visibility modifiers
However, Java is not this restrictive with its visibility modifiers:
access is permitted if and only if it occurs within the body of the top level type (§7.6) that encloses the declaration of the member or constructor.
Java Language Specification / §6 Names / §6.6 Access Control / §6.6.1 Determining Accessibility
This is one of the only (annoying) cases I have found where Kotlin's rules make a common Java pattern impossible.
The only workarounds (if you want to keep your current structure) would be to rewrite this class in Java, or to expose this constructor with a less restrictive visibility (e.g. internal.)
There was a discussion about this on the Kotlin forums - it seems that this is a JVM limitation, and that it only works in Java because the compiler generates appropriate synthetic accessors.

You could make make the constructor protected. This way you only expose it to subclasses, in this case PrivateClass. Then you will create an instance of PrivateClass or null but return it as InnerClass?.
object InnerFactory {
fun createInnerObject(startDate: Date? = null, endDate: Date? = null): Inner? {
// return null here if conditions are not met
return PrivateClass(startDate, endDate)
open class Inner protected constructor(val startDate: Date?, val endDate: Date?) {
fun getTimeDifference(): Long? { /* ... */ }
private class PrivateClass(startDate: Date?, endDate: Date?): Inner(startDate, endDate)


equal() function in Kotlin

I need if two objects are equal() need to print("Equal") if objects are not equal -> "Not equal".I can not find mistake of this codeThis is my code in IntelliJ IDEA
As a side note, when we override equals(), it is recommended to also override the hashCode() method. If we don’t do so, equal objects may get different hash-values; and hash based collections, including HashMap, HashSet, and Hashtable do not work properly (see this for more details). We will be covering more about hashCode() in a separate post.
internal class Complex(private val re: Double, private val im: Double) {
// Overriding equals() to compare two Complex objects
fun equals(o: Object): Boolean {
// If the object is compared with itself then return true
if (o === this) {
return true
/* Check if o is an instance of Complex or not
"null instanceof [type]" also returns false */if (o !is Complex) {
return false
// typecast o to Complex so that we can compare data members
val c = o as Complex
// Compare the data members and return accordingly
return (, == 0
&&, == 0)
} // Driver class to test the Complex class
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val c1 = Complex(12.0, 15.0)
val c2 = Complex(10.0, 15.0)
if (c1 == c2) {
println("Equal ")
} else {
println("Not Equal ")
In Kotlin, you use Any instead of Object. It will not allow you to test if your class instance is an Object, only Any.
Also, you are failing to override equals since you didn't use the override keyword. The argument needs to be Any?, not Object.
fun equals(o: Object): Boolean {
override fun equals(o: Any?): Boolean {
Also, in this case, you should use a data class so you won't have to write your own equals() implementation in the first place.
And in the future, when you aren't using a data class, you can use the IDE option to generate equals and hashcode for you automatically.
A data class would make more sense:
data class Complex(
private val re: Double,
private val im: Double
val c1 = Complex(12.0, 15.0)
val c2 = Complex(10.0, 15.0)
if (c1 == c2) {
} else {
println("Not Equal")
Output: Not Equal

How to make field required in kotlin DSL builders

In Kotlin, when creating a custom DSL, what is the best way to force filling required fields inside the builder's extension functions in compile time. E.g.:
person {
name = "John Doe" // this field needs to be set always, or compile error
age = 25
One way to force it is to set value in a function parameter instead of the body of the extension function.
person(name = "John Doe") {
age = 25
but that makes it a bit more unreadable if there are more required fields.
Is there any other way?
New type inference enables you to make a null-safe compile-time checked builder:
data class Person(val name: String, val age: Int?)
// Create a sealed builder class with all the properties that have default values
sealed class PersonBuilder {
var age: Int? = null // `null` can be a default value if the corresponding property of the data class is nullable
// For each property without default value create an interface with this property
interface Named {
var name: String
// Create a single private subclass of the sealed class
// Make this subclass implement all the interfaces corresponding to required properties
private class Impl : PersonBuilder(), Named {
override lateinit var name: String // implement required properties with `lateinit` keyword
companion object {
// Create a companion object function that returns new instance of the builder
operator fun invoke(): PersonBuilder = Impl()
// For each required property create an extension setter
fun String) {
contract {
// In the setter contract specify that after setter invocation the builder can be smart-casted to the corresponding interface type
returns() implies (this#name is PersonBuilder.Named)
// To set the property, you need to cast the builder to the type of the interface corresponding to the property
// The cast is safe since the only subclass of `sealed class PersonBuilder` implements all such interfaces
(this as PersonBuilder.Named).name = name
// Create an extension build function that can only be called on builders that can be smart-casted to all the interfaces corresponding to required properties
// If you forget to put any of these interface into where-clause compiler won't allow you to use corresponding property in the function body
fun <S> Person where S : PersonBuilder, S : PersonBuilder.Named = Person(name, age)
Use case:
val builder = PersonBuilder() // creation of the builder via `invoke` operator looks like constructor call
builder.age = 25
// // doesn't compile because of the receiver type mismatch (builder can't be smart-casted to `PersonBuilder.Named`)"John Doe")
val john = // compiles (builder is smart-casted to `PersonBuilder & PersonBuilder.Named`)
Now you can add a DSL function:
// Caller must call build() on the last line of the lambda
fun person(init: PersonBuilder.() -> Person) = PersonBuilder().init()
DSL use case:
person {
name("John Doe") // will not compile without this line
age = 25
Finally, on JetBrains open day 2019 it was said that the Kotlin team researched contracts and tried to implement contracts that will allow creating safe DSL with required fields. Here is a talk recording in Russian. This feature isn't even an experimental one, so
maybe it will never be added to the language.
In case you're developing for Android I wrote a lightweight linter to verify mandatory DSL attributes.
To solve your use case you will only need to add an annotation #DSLMandatory to your name property setter and the linter will catch any place when it is not assigned and display an error:
var name: String
You can take a look here:
Simple, throw an exception if it's not defined in your DLS after the block
fun person(block: (Person) -> Unit): Person {
val p = Person()
if ( == null) {
// throw some exception
return p
Or if you want to enforce it at build time, just make it return something useless to the outer block if not defined, like null.
fun person(block: (Person) -> Unit): Person? {
val p = Person()
if ( == null) {
return null
return p
I'm guessing your going off this example so maybe address would be the better example case:
fun Person.address(block: Address.() -> Unit) {
// city is required
var tempAddress = Address().apply(block)
if ( == null) {
// throw here
But what if we wanted to ensure everything was defined, but also wanted to let you do it in any order and break at compile time. Simple, have two types!
data class Person(var name: String = null,
var age: Int = null,
var address: Address = null)
data class PersonBuilder(var name: String? = null,
var age: Int? = null,
var address: Address? = null)
fun person(block: (PersonBuilder) -> Unit): Person {
val pb = PersonBuilder()
val p = Person(, pb.age, pb.address)
return p
This way, you get to you the non-strict type to build, but it better be null-less by the end. This was a fun question, thanks.

Kotlin: single property with multiple setters of different types

I'm trying to build a class that has a property of LocalDate type which has setters that accept different types: LocalDate or String. In case of LocalDate, the value gets assigned directly, in case of String, it gets parsed and then assigned.
In Java, I just need to implement two overloaded setters handling both of above mentioned cases. But I have no idea how to handle that in Kotlin. I have tried this:
class SomeExampleClass(var _date: LocalDate) {
var date = _date
set(value) {
when(value) {
is LocalDate -> value
is String -> LocalDate.parse(value)
It doesn't compile. How can I resolve such a problem?
After some time I returned to the problem of overloaded setters and developed the following solution:
class A(_date: LocalDate) {
var date: Any = _date
set(value) {
field = helperSet(value)
get() = field as LocalDate
private fun <T> helperSet(t: T) = when (t) {
is LocalDate -> t
is String -> LocalDate.parse(t)
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException()
So if you just want to construct it (via constructor), just create a secondary constructor
class SomeExampleClass(var _date: LocalDate) {
constructor(_date: String) : this(LocalDate.parse(_date))

Can a field be cast to non null version of itself?

I have a data class
data class MyModel(private val _data: MyData? = null)
And I want to ensure my data is only accessible when it is not null, else throw.
I use the below which is good.
fun getData(): MyData {
return checkNotNull(_data) { "data shouldn't be null" }
However, if I follow the guide as per Override getter for Kotlin data class, the below complaints I need to return MyData? instead of MyData
val data = _data
get(): MyData {
return checkNotNull(field) { "data shouldn't be null" }
Is it true that field can't be cast to the Non-null version of it when return?
If your goal is to declare a getter for a Any? property that returns a Any, it's not possible. You'll get the following error:
Getter return type must be equal to the type of the property
So attempting to do something like
val test : String?
get() : String = "hi"
Wouldn't work.
However, you could hide the nullable property and expose a non-nullable property which references the nullable value via casting:
private val test : String? = "hi"
val testNotNull : String = test as String
If test referenced null, an exception will be thrown.
For example:
fun main(args: Array<String>) = print(Demo().testNotNull)
class Demo(private var test: String? = "hi") {
val testNotNull : String
. get() = test as String
You can test this snippit out at
Although this is not safe. You should rethink your design. If you're not interoping with Java, you shouldn't punish yourself with nullable types.
I don’t think you can. What you did with the fun getData() is a valid approach IMO. Or you could just not use a data class and create a normal class, obviously.
What I think it may work is with something like this:
typealias notNullType = MyData
data class Test(private val _value: MyData? = null) {
val v: notNullType = _value as notNullType
get() { return field }
This would totally allow you to do:
fun play() {
val t = Test(null)
print(t.v) //see what I did? :-)
THAT BEING SAID… I don’t think “hiding” the ? optional is necessarily a good idea.
It doesn't necessarily mean that the MyData class is null if you cast it like MyData?
The '?' Just allows the object to be null in the instance that it actually becomes null to avoid an exception at runtime.
You can make your class nullable and it can still contain your data.

Override getter for Kotlin data class

Given the following Kotlin class:
data class Test(val value: Int)
How would I override the Int getter so that it returns 0 if the value negative?
If this isn't possible, what are some techniques to achieve a suitable result?
After spending almost a full year of writing Kotlin daily I've found that attempting to override data classes like this is a bad practice. There are 3 valid approaches to this, and after I present them, I'll explain why the approach other answers have suggested is bad.
Have your business logic that creates the data class alter the value to be 0 or greater before calling the constructor with the bad value. This is probably the best approach for most cases.
Don't use a data class. Use a regular class and have your IDE generate the equals and hashCode methods for you (or don't, if you don't need them). Yes, you'll have to re-generate it if any of the properties are changed on the object, but you are left with total control of the object.
class Test(value: Int) {
val value: Int = value
get() = if (field < 0) 0 else field
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (this === other) return true
if (other !is Test) return false
return true
override fun hashCode(): Int {
return javaClass.hashCode()
Create an additional safe property on the object that does what you want instead of having a private value that's effectively overriden.
data class Test(val value: Int) {
val safeValue: Int
get() = if (value < 0) 0 else value
A bad approach that other answers are suggesting:
data class Test(private val _value: Int) {
val value: Int
get() = if (_value < 0) 0 else _value
The problem with this approach is that data classes aren't really meant for altering data like this. They are really just for holding data. Overriding the getter for a data class like this would mean that Test(0) and Test(-1) wouldn't equal one another and would have different hashCodes, but when you called .value, they would have the same result. This is inconsistent, and while it may work for you, other people on your team who see this is a data class, may accidentally misuse it without realizing how you've altered it / made it not work as expected (i.e. this approach wouldn't work correctly in a Map or a Set).
You could try something like this:
data class Test(private val _value: Int) {
val value = _value
get(): Int {
return if (field < 0) 0 else field
assert(1 == Test(1).value)
assert(0 == Test(0).value)
assert(0 == Test(-1).value)
assert(1 == Test(1)._value) // Fail because _value is private
assert(0 == Test(0)._value) // Fail because _value is private
assert(0 == Test(-1)._value) // Fail because _value is private
In a data class you must to mark the primary constructor's parameters with either val or var.
I'm assigning the value of _value to value in order to use the desired name for the property.
I defined a custom accessor for the property with the logic you described.
The answer depends on what capabilities you actually use that data provides. #EPadron mentioned a nifty trick (improved version):
data class Test(private val _value: Int) {
val value: Int
get() = if (_value < 0) 0 else _value
That will works as expected, e.i it has one field, one getter, right equals, hashcode and component1. The catch is that toString and copy are weird:
println(Test(1)) // prints: Test(_value=1)
Test(1).copy(_value = 5) // <- weird naming
To fix the problem with toString you may redefine it by hands. I know of no way to fix the parameter naming but not to use data at all.
I have seen your answer, I agree that data classes are meant for holding data only, but sometimes we need to make somethings out of them.
Here is what i'm doing with my data class, I changed some properties from val to var, and overid them in the constructor.
like so:
data class Recording(
val id: Int = 0,
val createdAt: Date = Date(),
val path: String,
val deleted: Boolean = false,
var fileName: String = "",
val duration: Int = 0,
var format: String = " "
) {
init {
if (fileName.isEmpty())
fileName = path.substring(path.lastIndexOf('\\'))
if (format.isEmpty())
format = path.substring(path.lastIndexOf('.'))
fun asEntity(): rc {
return rc(id, createdAt, path, deleted, fileName, duration, format)
I know this is an old question but it seems nobody mentioned the possibility to make value private and writing custom getter like this:
data class Test(private val value: Int) {
fun getValue(): Int = if (value < 0) 0 else value
This should be perfectly valid as Kotlin will not generate default getter for private field.
But otherwise I definitely agree with spierce7 that data classes are for holding data and you should avoid hardcoding "business" logic there.
I found the following to be the best approach to achieve what you need without breaking equals and hashCode:
data class TestData(private var _value: Int) {
init {
_value = if (_value < 0) 0 else _value
val value: Int
get() = _value
// Test value
assert(1 == TestData(1).value)
assert(0 == TestData(-1).value)
assert(0 == TestData(0).value)
// Test copy()
assert(0 == TestData(-1).copy().value)
assert(0 == TestData(1).copy(-1).value)
assert(1 == TestData(-1).copy(1).value)
// Test toString()
assert("TestData(_value=1)" == TestData(1).toString())
assert("TestData(_value=0)" == TestData(-1).toString())
assert("TestData(_value=0)" == TestData(0).toString())
assert(TestData(0).toString() == TestData(-1).toString())
// Test equals
assert(TestData(0) == TestData(-1))
assert(TestData(0) == TestData(-1).copy())
assert(TestData(0) == TestData(1).copy(-1))
assert(TestData(1) == TestData(-1).copy(1))
// Test hashCode()
assert(TestData(0).hashCode() == TestData(-1).hashCode())
assert(TestData(1).hashCode() != TestData(-1).hashCode())
First, note that _value is var, not val, but on the other hand, since it's private and data classes cannot be inherited from, it's fairly easy to make sure that it is not modified within the class.
Second, toString() produces a slightly different result than it would if _value was named value, but it's consistent and TestData(0).toString() == TestData(-1).toString().
Seems to be an old but interesting question.
Just want to contribute an option:
data class Test(#JvmField val value: Int){
fun getValue() = if(value<0) 0 else value
Now you can override getValue, and still have component1() working.
This seems to be one (among other) annoying drawbacks of Kotlin.
It seems that the only reasonable solution, which completely keeps backward compatibility of the class is to convert it into a regular class (not a "data" class), and implement by hand (with the aid of the IDE) the methods: hashCode(), equals(), toString(), copy() and componentN()
class Data3(i: Int)
var i: Int = i
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
if (this === other) return true
if (other?.javaClass != javaClass) return false
other as Data3
if (i != other.i) return false
return true
override fun hashCode(): Int
return i
override fun toString(): String
return "Data3(i=$i)"
fun component1():Int = i
fun copy(i: Int = this.i): Data3
return Data3(i)
You can follow the Builder Pattern for this I think it'd be much better.
Here is an example:
data class Test(
// Fields:
val email: String,
val password: String
) {
// Builder(User):
class Builder(private val email: String) {
// Fields:
private lateinit var password: String
// Methods:
fun setPassword(password: String): Builder {
// Some operation like encrypting
this.password = password
// Returning:
return this
fun build(): Test = Test(email, password)