I'm trying to fill the path of this Path in an SVG which is a hexagon.
<Path d="M205 3521 l-200 -117 -2 -240 -3 -239 204 -117 204 -116 204 118 203 118 0 243 0 243 -195 113 c-107 62 -199 112 -205 112 -5 0 -100 -53 -210 -118z m395 -38 l170 -98 -3 -214 -2 -214 -178 -104 -179 -104 -179 103 -179 102 0 211 1 210 177 102 c97 56 183 103 189 103 7 0 89 -44 183 -97z" fill="red" />
I'm using React Native but the syntax is the same. Filling the path red applies to the outside border.
You already have a path with a fill. However it's a path with a hole.
One solution to your problem would be deleting everything in your path's d attribute from m395 -38 to the end. (This is the hole part)
svg{border:1px solid;width:85vh;}
<svg viewBox ="0 2690 820 950">
<path id = "kk"
d="M205 3521
l-200 -117
-2 -240
-3 -239
204 -117
204 -116
204 118
203 118
0 243
0 243
-195 113
c-107 62 -199 112 -205 112
-5 0 -100 -53 -210 -118z
" fill="red" />
However if you need to keep the actual shape and fill it with a different color, in this case you may copy everything in your path's d from the beginning to the first z and create an other path using the copied part as the d attribute. Put this new path before the old one.
svg{border:1px solid;width:85vh}
<svg viewBox ="0 2690 820 950">
<path d="M205 3521
l-200 -117
-2 -240
-3 -239
204 -117
204 -116
204 118
203 118
0 243
0 243
-195 113
c-107 62 -199 112 -205 112
-5 0 -100 -53 -210 -118z" fill="skyBlue"/>
d="M205 3521
l-200 -117
-2 -240
-3 -239
204 -117
204 -116
204 118
203 118
0 243
0 243
-195 113
c-107 62 -199 112 -205 112
-5 0 -100 -53 -210 -118z
m395 -38
l170 -98
-3 -214
-2 -214
-178 -104
-179 -104
-179 103
-179 102
0 211
1 210
177 102
c97 56 183 103 189 103
7 0 89 -44 183 -97z" fill="red" />
I have a data table derived via unstacking an existing dataframe:
Day 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 223 231 135 122 099 211 217
1 156 564 132 414 156 454 157
2 950 178 121 840 143 648 192
3 025 975 151 185 341 145 888
4 111 264 469 330 671 201 345
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
I want to simply change the column titles so I have the days of the week displayed instead of numbered. Something like this:
Day Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
0 223 231 135 122 099 211 217
1 156 564 132 414 156 454 157
2 950 178 121 840 143 648 192
3 025 975 151 185 341 145 888
4 111 264 469 330 671 201 345
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
I've tried .rename(columns = {'original':'new', etc}, inplace = True) and other similar functions, none of which have worked.
I also tried going to the original dataframe and creating a dt.day_name column from the parsed dates, but it come out with the days of the week mixed up.
I'm sure it's a simple fix, but I'm living off nothing but caffeine, so help would be appreciated.
You can try:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=[0,1,2,3,4,5,6])
df.columns = ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"]
I am working with the following code:
url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dothemathonthatone/maps/master/fertility.csv'
df = pd.read_csv(url)
year regional_schlüssel Aus15 Deu15 Aus16 Deu16 Aus17 Deu17 Aus18 Deu18 ... aus36 aus37 aus38 aus39 aus40 aus41 aus42 aus43 aus44 aus45
0 2000 5111000 0 4 8 25 20 45 56 89 ... 935 862 746 732 792 660 687 663 623 722
1 2000 5113000 1 1 4 14 13 33 19 48 ... 614 602 498 461 521 470 393 411 397 400
2 2000 5114000 0 11 0 5 2 13 7 20 ... 317 278 265 235 259 228 204 173 213 192
3 2000 5116000 0 2 2 7 3 28 13 26 ... 264 217 206 207 197 177 171 146 181 169
4 2000 5117000 0 0 3 1 2 4 4 7 ... 135 129 118 116 128 148 89 110 124 83
I would like to create a new set of columns fertility_deu15, ..., fertility_deu45 and fertility_aus15, ..., fertility_aus45 such that aus15 / Aus15 = fertiltiy_aus15 and deu15/ Deu15 = fertility_deu15 for each ausi and Ausj where j == i \n [15-45] and deui:Deuj where j == i \n [15-45]
I'm not sure what is up with that data but we need to fix it to make it numeric. I'll end up doing that while filtering
numerator = df.filter(regex='^[a-z]+\d+$') # Lower case ones
numerator = numerator.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce') # Fix numbers
denominator = df.filter(regex='^[A-Z][a-z]+\d+$').rename(columns=str.lower)
denominator = denominator.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')
I'm working on a php project where I need to perform some pdf manipulation.
I need to "convert" all colors of a vector file(pdf) into one very specific color (a spot color in my case.)
Here is an illustrated example
The input file can vary, and it can contain any color (so I can't just convert all "red" or "green" to my target color).
I have a fair idea on how to do it on a raster image using imagemagick's composite, but I'm unsure if it's even possible with a vector image.
My first approach was to create a template pdf, with a filled rectangle in the desired color. My hope was then to use ghostscript to somehow apply the input file as a mask on said template. But I assume this wouldn't be possible as vector files are different from raster images.
My second approach was to use ghostscript to convert all colors (regardless of colorspace) into the desired color. But after extensive googling, I've only found solutions that convert from one colorspace to another (i.e. sRGB to CMYK, CMYK to gray-scale, etc.)
I'm not much of a designer, so perhaps I am simply lacking the proper "terms" for these "actions".
I am looking for a library/tool that can help me "convert" all colors of a vector file(pdf) into one very specific color.
The input file may vary (various shapes and colors), but will always be a pdf file without any fonts.
Output must remain as a vector file (read, no rasterisation.)
I have root access on a VPS running linux (centos7, I assume that is irrelevant.)
You could try rasterising at a high resolution and converting the colours with ImageMagick, then re-vectorising with potrace
So, if you had a PDF, you would do:
convert -density 288 document.pdf ...
As you have provided a PNG, I will do:
convert image.png -fill black -fuzz 10% +opaque white pgm:- | potrace -b svg -o result.svg -
which gives this SVG:
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 20010904//EN"
<svg version="1.0" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
width="800.000000pt" height="450.000000pt" viewBox="0 0 800.000000 450.000000"
preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet">
Created by potrace 1.13, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2015
<g transform="translate(0.000000,450.000000) scale(0.100000,-0.100000)"
fill="#000000" stroke="none">
<path d="M4800 4324 c0 -50 -2 -55 -17 -49 -84 35 -140 -17 -130 -119 7 -77
70 -120 122 -82 16 11 21 11 33 0 7 -8 18 -12 23 -9 5 4 9 76 9 161 0 147 -1
154 -20 154 -18 0 -20 -7 -20 -56z m-22 -90 c46 -32 18 -134 -38 -134 -25 0
-40 29 -40 79 0 39 19 71 43 71 7 0 23 -7 35 -16z"/>
<path d="M4926 4358 c-9 -12 -16 -35 -16 -50 0 -18 -5 -28 -15 -28 -8 0 -15
-7 -15 -15 0 -8 7 -15 15 -15 12 0 15 -17 15 -89 0 -89 6 -105 38 -94 8 3 12
31 12 94 0 88 0 89 25 89 16 0 25 6 25 15 0 9 -9 15 -25 15 -21 0 -25 5 -25
30 0 30 7 34 43 30 13 -1 18 4 15 17 -5 29 -72 30 -92 1z"/>
<path d="M3347 4364 c-4 -4 -7 -16 -7 -26 0 -14 6 -19 23 -16 14 2 22 10 22
23 0 20 -25 32 -38 19z"/>
<path d="M4170 4310 c0 -23 -4 -30 -20 -30 -11 0 -20 -7 -20 -15 0 -8 9 -15
20 -15 18 0 20 -7 20 -80 0 -74 2 -81 25 -96 32 -21 75 -12 75 17 0 16 -4 19
-21 14 -30 -10 -39 9 -39 83 l0 62 30 0 c20 0 30 5 30 15 0 10 -10 15 -30 15
-27 0 -30 3 -30 30 0 23 -4 30 -20 30 -16 0 -20 -7 -20 -30z"/>
<path d="M3345 4278 c-3 -8 -4 -59 -3 -114 2 -80 6 -99 18 -99 12 0 15 19 15
109 0 79 -4 111 -12 113 -7 3 -15 -2 -18 -9z"/>
<path d="M3453 4283 c-9 -3 -13 -34 -13 -108 0 -74 4 -105 13 -108 29 -10 37
6 37 78 0 57 4 75 18 88 46 42 72 10 72 -91 0 -54 4 -71 15 -76 22 -8 26 10
23 104 -3 77 -5 84 -31 104 -24 17 -32 19 -59 8 -18 -6 -38 -8 -47 -3 -9 5
-22 6 -28 4z"/>
<path d="M3687 4283 c-4 -3 -7 -71 -7 -150 l0 -143 25 0 c23 0 25 4 25 45 0
42 2 45 19 35 33 -17 61 -11 92 19 24 25 29 37 29 81 0 95 -51 141 -119 107
-25 -13 -31 -13 -35 -1 -6 15 -19 18 -29 7z m122 -47 c19 -22 23 -78 9 -106
-29 -55 -88 -26 -88 43 0 62 48 100 79 63z"/>
<path d="M3927 4284 c-4 -4 -7 -45 -7 -91 0 -76 2 -86 25 -108 27 -28 61 -32
92 -10 18 13 22 13 27 0 3 -8 12 -12 21 -9 13 5 15 24 13 113 -3 98 -4 106
-23 106 -18 0 -20 -8 -23 -75 -4 -94 -28 -128 -72 -100 -10 6 -16 34 -20 91
-5 75 -15 101 -33 83z"/>
<path d="M4432 4282 c-9 -7 -12 -43 -10 -148 3 -136 4 -139 26 -142 20 -3 22
1 22 41 l0 45 35 -11 c31 -9 39 -8 63 10 37 27 54 83 42 136 -15 68 -64 94
-120 63 -20 -12 -26 -12 -35 0 -6 8 -15 10 -23 6z m122 -54 c22 -31 20 -81 -3
-109 -19 -23 -21 -23 -48 -9 -24 13 -28 23 -31 62 -3 39 1 49 20 62 30 22 44
20 62 -6z"/>
<path d="M4310 4096 c0 -30 30 -43 47 -21 16 23 5 45 -23 45 -19 0 -24 -5 -24
<path d="M4046 3795 l-67 -141 -227 -12 c-418 -22 -765 -74 -1127 -167 -612
-157 -1080 -387 -1387 -684 -214 -205 -323 -393 -359 -615 -16 -101 -6 -270
20 -361 136 -461 637 -856 1409 -1111 152 -51 434 -125 583 -154 l66 -13 -30
-169 c-16 -93 -27 -171 -24 -174 2 -3 124 58 271 135 l266 140 80 -9 c44 -5
197 -14 339 -21 259 -12 617 -3 844 21 l88 9 265 -140 c146 -77 268 -138 270
-136 5 4 -41 294 -52 328 -4 13 8 19 58 28 465 89 939 260 1278 461 626 370
880 871 686 1356 -69 174 -228 375 -415 526 -517 418 -1411 697 -2402 750
l-226 12 -71 141 -70 140 -66 -140z m-202 -407 c-31 -62 -119 -241 -196 -398
-76 -156 -140 -285 -142 -287 -3 -3 -799 -120 -1156 -170 -102 -14 -188 -29
-193 -32 -4 -4 102 -113 235 -242 133 -129 353 -344 489 -479 l248 -245 -45
-260 c-25 -143 -58 -332 -73 -420 l-27 -160 -41 2 c-61 2 -333 68 -515 124
-674 209 -1153 533 -1334 905 -59 121 -77 209 -71 349 5 137 35 235 109 359
58 97 206 261 311 344 463 366 1242 627 2097 701 69 6 141 13 160 15 19 1 72
4 118 4 l82 2 -56 -112z m906 86 c760 -79 1420 -283 1875 -581 864 -566 763
-1326 -245 -1840 -266 -136 -602 -253 -942 -328 -92 -21 -173 -35 -181 -32 -9
3 -20 44 -31 114 -10 59 -42 248 -72 419 l-54 311 213 210 c116 115 337 331
489 479 153 148 274 271 270 275 -4 3 -106 20 -227 37 -452 64 -1118 162
-1120 164 -6 6 -195 387 -291 587 l-104 214 137 -7 c76 -4 203 -14 283 -22z
m-424 -2761 c137 -73 200 -111 193 -118 -14 -14 -794 -14 -809 1 -7 7 49 41
192 117 112 58 207 107 212 107 5 0 100 -48 212 -107z"/>
<path d="M1815 3669 c-46 -47 -113 -80 -221 -111 -62 -17 -106 -22 -204 -22
-137 0 -185 12 -221 58 -48 61 -211 80 -449 53 -118 -14 -400 -63 -408 -72 -3
-3 28 -145 32 -145 1 0 55 11 120 25 181 37 365 58 481 53 98 -3 105 -5 125
-30 113 -144 579 -119 806 44 50 35 109 108 97 118 -5 4 -33 21 -63 38 l-55
31 -40 -40z"/>
<path d="M7647 575 c-66 -79 -247 -137 -432 -138 -134 0 -170 10 -221 61 -18
17 -53 37 -84 46 -70 21 -238 21 -395 0 -122 -15 -364 -60 -372 -68 -5 -5 17
-119 26 -133 4 -7 47 -2 121 13 181 37 358 56 477 52 l108 -3 37 -37 c120
-117 482 -110 720 13 75 40 168 123 168 151 0 10 -110 80 -122 77 -2 0 -16
-16 -31 -34z"/>
which looks like this as a PNG (because StackOverflow doesn't allow SVG images AFAIK):
You can make all the PATHs your preferred shade of green by editing the SVG, like this:
sed 's/path /path fill="#7CBE89" /' black.svg > green.svg
You could do this with Ghostscript, but you would need some PostScript programming experience.
Essentially you want to override all the setcolor/setcolorspace operations by looking at each setcolor operation, checking the colour space and values to see if its your target colour and, if it is, set the colorspace and values to your desired target.
The various PDF operations to set colour space and values are all defined in ghostpdl/Resource/Init/pdf_draw.ps. You'll need to modify the definitions of:
/G and /g (stroke and fill colours in DeviceGray)
/RG and /rg (stroke and fill colours in DeviceRGB)
/K and /k (stroke and fill colours in DeviceCMYK)
/SC and /sc (stroke and fill colours in Indexed, CalGray, CalRGB or Lab)
/SCN and /scn (stroke and fill colours in Pattern, Separation, DeviceN or ICCBased)
There are quite a few wrinkles in there;
You can probably ignore Pattern spaces and just deal with any colours that are set by the pattern itself.
For SC/sc and /SCN/scn you need to figure out whether the colour specified is the target colour, assuming your target can be specified in these spaces. Note that /Indexed is particularly interesting as it can have a base space of any of the other spaces, so you need to look and see.
Finally note that images (bitmaps) are specified differently, and altering those would be much harder.
Depending on the exact nature of the requirement (ie what space/colours constitute valid targets) this could be quite a lengthy task, and it will require someone with PostScript programming ability to write it.
Oh, and on a final note, have you considered transparency ? That can specify the blending colour space too, which might mean that after you had substituted the colour, it would be blended in a different colour space, resulting in your careful substitution disappearing.
Lest you think this unlikely I should mention that a number of PDF producers create files with transparency groups in them, even when no actual transparency operations take place.
have a schema with 9 fields and i want to take only two fields(6,7 i.e $5,$6) and i want to calculate the average of $5 and i want to sort the $6 in ascending order so how to do this task can some one help me.
Input Data:
N368SW 188 170 175 17 -1 MCO MHT 1142
N360SW 100 115 87 -10 5 MCO MSY 550
N626SW 114 115 90 13 14 MCO MSY 550
N252WN 107 115 84 -10 -2 MCO MSY 550
N355SW 104 115 85 -1 10 MCO MSY 550
N405WN 113 110 96 14 11 MCO ORF 655
N456WN 110 110 92 24 24 MCO ORF 655
N743SW 144 155 124 7 18 MCO PHL 861
N276WN 142 150 129 -2 6 MCO PHL 861
N369SW 153 145 134 30 22 MCO PHL 861
N363SW 151 145 137 5 -1 MCO PHL 861
N346SW 141 150 128 51 60 MCO PHL 861
N785SW 131 145 118 -15 -1 MCO PHL 861
N635SW 144 155 127 -6 5 MCO PHL 861
N242WN 298 300 276 68 70 MCO PHX 1848
N439WN 130 140 111 -4 6 MCO PIT 834
N348SW 140 135 124 7 2 MCO PIT 834
N672SW 136 135 122 9 8 MCO PIT 834
N493WN 151 160 136 -9 0 MCO PVD 1073
N380SW 170 155 155 13 -2 MCO PVD 1073
N705SW 164 160 147 6 2 MCO PVD 1073
N233LV 157 160 143 1 4 MCO PVD 1073
N786SW 156 160 139 6 10 MCO PVD 1073
N280WN 160 160 146 1 1 MCO PVD 1073
N282WN 104 95 81 10 1 MCO RDU 534
N694SW 89 100 77 3 14 MCO RDU 534
N266WN 94 95 82 9 10 MCO RDU 534
N218WN 98 100 77 12 14 MCO RDU 534
N355SW 47 50 35 15 18 MCO RSW 133
N388SW 44 45 30 37 38 MCO RSW 133
N786SW 46 50 31 4 8 MCO RSW 133
N707SA 52 50 33 10 8 MCO RSW 133
N795SW 176 185 153 -9 0 MCO SAT 1040
N402WN 176 185 161 4 13 MCO SAT 1040
N690SW 123 130 107 -1 6 MCO SDF 718
N457WN 135 130 105 20 15 MCO SDF 718
N720WN 144 155 131 13 24 MCO STL 880
N775SW 147 160 135 -6 7 MCO STL 880
N291WN 136 155 122 96 115 MCO STL 880
N247WN 144 155 127 43 54 MCO STL 880
N748SW 179 185 159 -4 2 MDW ABQ 1121
N709SW 176 190 158 21 35 MDW ABQ 1121
N325SW 110 105 97 36 31 MDW ALB 717
N305SW 116 110 90 107 101 MDW ALB 717
N403WN 145 165 128 -6 14 MDW AUS 972
N767SW 136 165 125 59 88 MDW AUS 972
N730SW 118 120 100 28 30 MDW BDL 777
i have written the code like this but it is not working properly:
a = load '/path/to/file' using PigStorage('\t');
b = foreach a generate (int)$5 as field_a:int,(chararray)$6 as field_b:chararray;
c = group b all;
d = foreach c generate b.field_b,AVG(b.field_a);
e = order d by field_b ASC;
dump e;
I am facing error at order by:
grunt> a = load '/user/horton/sample_pig_data.txt' using PigStorage('\t');
grunt> b = foreach a generate (int)$5 as fielda:int,(chararray)$6 as fieldb:chararray;
grunt> describe #;
b: {fielda: int,fieldb: chararray}
grunt> c = group b all;
grunt> describe #;
c: {group: chararray,b: {(fielda: int,fieldb: chararray)}}
grunt> d = foreach c generate b.fieldb,AVG(b.fielda);
grunt> e = order d by fieldb ;
2017-01-05 15:51:29,623 [main] ERROR org.apache.pig.tools.grunt.Grunt - ERROR 1025:
<line 6, column 15> Invalid field projection. Projected field [fieldb] does not exist in schema: :bag{:tuple(fieldb:chararray)},:double.
Details at logfile: /root/pig_1483631021021.log
I want output like(not related to input data):
(({(Bharathi),(Komal),(Archana),(Trupthi),(Preethi),(Rajesh),(siddarth),(Rajiv) },
{ (72) , (83) , (87) , (75) , (93) , (90) , (78) , (89) }),83.375)
If you have found the answer, best practice is to post it so that others referring to this can have a better understanding.
I have an rsa.PublicKey object (retrieved from an rsa.PrivateKey). And I'm trying to export it into the OpenSSH format, to display it in a web page.
I've noticed the go.crypto/ssh library, which seems to be doing this.
And there's the discussion about it's implementation (it's actually exactly what I need to do)
Unfortunately, I'm getting a bit stuck, as the byte array returned is in an unknown encoding and I can't just transform it to a string to display it.
func PublicKey(rsaKey rsa.PublicKey) string {
key, _ := ssh.NewPublicKey(&rsaKey)
marshalled := ssh.MarshalPublicKey(key)
return string(marshalled)
This seems to work as it adds the ssh-rsa at the beginning of the string. However, most characters aren't recognized.
Here's the bytes array I'm retrieving for a lambda public key:
[0 0 0 7 115 115 104 45 114 115 97 0 0 0 3 1 0 1 0 0 0 65 0 178 153 15 73 196 125 250 140 212 0 174 106 77 27 138 59 106 19 100 43 35 242 139 0 59 251 151 121 10 222 154 76 200 43 139 42 129 116 125 222 192 139 98 150 229 58 8 195 49 104 126 242 92 75 244 147 107 161 192 230 4 30 157 21]
Any hint on properly displaying this bytes array as a string?
Marshaling a key is for the wire format. You just need to base64 encode the bytes:
base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(marshalled) + "\n"