How To Send The Body Of Http Post Request using HTTPWebRequest -

I just want to POST a body data in a x-www-form-urlencoded format in a specific URL. I searched a lot but I only found how to send a parameter in an HTTP request post in VB.NET.
This is my code, but when I see the output it is just sending the post parameter:
Dim TextBox10 = "12637"
Dim request As WebRequest = WebRequest.Create("")
request.Method = "POST"
Dim postbody As String = "employee_id=" + TextBox1.Text + "&company_code=" + TextBox2.Text + "&reg_key=" + TextBox3.Text + ""
Dim requestBody As String = "FormFieldName=Hello+World!"
Dim byteArray As Byte() = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(postbody)
request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
request.ContentLength = byteArray.Length
Dim dataStream As Stream = request.GetRequestStream()
dataStream.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length)
Dim response As WebResponse = request.GetResponse()
Console.WriteLine((CType(response, HttpWebResponse)).StatusDescription)
dataStream = response.GetResponseStream()
Dim reader As StreamReader = New StreamReader(dataStream)
Dim responseFromServer As String = reader.ReadToEnd()
TextBox4.Text = responseFromServer
'Clean up the streams.
Catch ex As Exception
TextBox4.Text = ""
TextBox3.Text = ""
TextBox2.Text = ""
End Try
This is the output of the posted code:
How should I send the body data?


access API on imagoxt

i must download some information from API exposed by a server, but whit information in my hand i'm very in difficult.
my code :
Dim request As HttpWebRequest
Dim response As HttpWebResponse = Nothing
Dim reader As StreamReader
Dim address As Uri
Dim data As StringBuilder
Dim byteData() As Byte
Dim postStream As Stream = Nothing
address = New Uri("")
request = DirectCast(WebRequest.Create(address), HttpWebRequest)
request.Method = "POST"
request.Headers("Authorization") = "Bearer " & "owvNGiOautorizzazoGDNHVGpSO2xcVzE8207JqnjNj"
request.Accept = "application/json"
request.ContentType = "multipart/form-data"
request.Host = ""
request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
request.Headers.Add("userid", "238")
request.Headers.Add("usernodeid", "1036")
request.Headers.Add("dashboardid", "589")
request.Headers.Add("widgetid", "6699")
data = New StringBuilder()
'data.Append("type: " & HttpUtility.UrlEncode("datatable"))
data.Append(body) 'HttpUtility.UrlEncode(body))
byteData = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data.ToString())
request.ContentLength = byteData.Length
postStream = request.GetRequestStream()
postStream.Write(byteData, 0, byteData.Length)
If Not postStream Is Nothing Then postStream.Close()
End Try
response = DirectCast(request.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)
reader = New StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream())
If Not response Is Nothing Then response.Close()
End Try
with this code i can access to API whit no error,
but i can't receive anythings.

login to Huawei Wingle e8231s - 2 with return login error

I'm trying to send sms from win7 pc/64bit, visual studio 2015,,
using Huawei Wingle e8231s - 2 GSM Wifi Stick,
The GSM Wifi Stick web interface makes calls to API that I'm trying to mimic.
To do so, a Login request must done first, with header contains both verification token and cookie(session id), which I can get by requesting from the wingle webserver.
I always have The response code is 108006 which is incorrect username or password.
My code:
Public Sub Main()
Dim request As WebRequest = WebRequest.Create("")
Dim response As WebResponse = request.GetResponse()
Dim dataStream As Stream = response.GetResponseStream()
' Open the stream using a StreamReader for easy access.
Dim reader As New StreamReader(dataStream)
' Read the content.
Dim responseFromServer As String = reader.ReadToEnd()
' Extract the header: cookie is the session id.
Dim SesStart As Short = responseFromServer.IndexOf("<SesInfo>") + 9
Dim SesEnd As Short = responseFromServer.IndexOf("</SesInfo>")
Dim TokStart As Short = responseFromServer.IndexOf("<TokInfo>") + 9
Dim TokEnd As Short = responseFromServer.IndexOf("</TokInfo>")
Dim vSessionId As String = responseFromServer.Substring(SesStart, SesEnd - SesStart)
Dim vToken As String = responseFromServer.Substring(TokStart, TokEnd - TokStart)
' Clean up the streams and the response.
'Call SetSesAndToken(response)
'Make the api call using the session ID extracted
request = WebRequest.Create("")
request.Headers.Add("__RequestVerificationToken", vToken)
request.Headers.Add("Cookie", vSessionId)
Dim PassWordEncoded As String = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("admin"))
Dim Myxml As String = "<?xml version:'1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<Password>" & PassWordEncoded & "</Password>
Dim bytes As Byte() = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Myxml)
request.Method = "POST"
request.ContentLength = bytes.Length
request.ContentType = "text/xml"
Using requestStream As Stream = request.GetRequestStream()
requestStream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length)
End Using
Dim ReceiveStream As Stream
Dim encode As Encoding
Dim sr As StreamReader
Using myresponse As HttpWebResponse = DirectCast(request.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)
If myresponse.StatusCode <> HttpStatusCode.OK Then
Dim message As String = [String].Format("POST failed. Received HTTP {0}", myresponse.StatusCode)
Throw New ApplicationException(message)
End If
ReceiveStream = myresponse.GetResponseStream()
encode = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("utf-8")
sr = New StreamReader(ReceiveStream)
responseFromServer = sr.ReadToEnd()
End Using
You need to have a cookie container and keep your container with the cookies for subsequent calls. You first do a GET to retreive the security token and/or other cookies then you make other calls like login etc.
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12
Dim FormData As String = "login_user=&wallet=0x29a450d32a95b0b08230b93cc9ac328db81dc80e"
Dim cookiejar As New CookieContainer
Dim webreq As HttpWebRequest = HttpWebRequest.Create("")
Dim responseReader As StreamReader
Dim responseData As String
Dim requestWriter As StreamWriter
webreq.Method = HttpMethod.Get.Method
webreq.CookieContainer = cookiejar
Dim xxx As HttpWebResponse = webreq.GetResponse()
responseReader = New StreamReader(webreq.GetResponse.GetResponseStream())
responseData = responseReader.ReadToEnd()
webreq = HttpWebRequest.Create("")
webreq.Accept = "text/html"
webreq.Method = HttpMethod.Post.Method
webreq.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
webreq.ContentLength = FormData.Length
webreq.CookieContainer = cookiejar
requestWriter = New StreamWriter(webreq.GetRequestStream)
responseReader = New StreamReader(webreq.GetResponse.GetResponseStream())
responseData = responseReader.ReadToEnd()
Code to Authenticate your modem:
Public Sub Main()
' Hitting the starting page
Dim cookiejar As New CookieContainer
Dim request As WebRequest = WebRequest.Create("")
request.CookieContainer = cookiejar
Dim response As WebResponse = request.GetResponse()
Dim dataStream As Stream = response.GetResponseStream()
' Open the stream using a StreamReader for easy access.
Dim reader As New StreamReader(dataStream)
' Read the content.
Dim responseFromServer As String = reader.ReadToEnd()
' Extract the header: cookie is the session id.
' Dim SesStart As Short = responseFromServer.IndexOf("<SesInfo>") + 9
' Dim SesEnd As Short = responseFromServer.IndexOf("</SesInfo>")
' Dim TokStart As Short = responseFromServer.IndexOf("<TokInfo>") + 9
' Dim TokEnd As Short = responseFromServer.IndexOf("</TokInfo>")
' Dim vSessionId As String = responseFromServer.Substring(SesStart, SesEnd - SesStart)
' Dim vToken As String = responseFromServer.Substring(TokStart, TokEnd - TokStart)
' Clean up the streams and the response.
' Hitting the login api endpoint
'Call SetSesAndToken(response)
'Make the api call using the session ID extracted
request = WebRequest.Create("")
request.CookieContainer = cookiejar
Dim PassWordEncoded As String = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("admin"))
Dim Myxml As String = "<?xml version:'1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<Password>" & PassWordEncoded & "</Password>
Dim bytes As Byte() = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Myxml)
request.Method = "POST"
request.ContentLength = bytes.Length
request.ContentType = "text/xml"
Using requestStream As Stream = request.GetRequestStream()
requestStream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length)
End Using
Dim ReceiveStream As Stream
Dim encode As Encoding
Dim sr As StreamReader
Using myresponse As HttpWebResponse = DirectCast(request.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)
If myresponse.StatusCode <> HttpStatusCode.OK Then
Dim message As String = [String].Format("POST failed. Received HTTP {0}", myresponse.StatusCode)
Throw New ApplicationException(message)
End If
ReceiveStream = myresponse.GetResponseStream()
encode = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("utf-8")
sr = New StreamReader(ReceiveStream)
responseFromServer = sr.ReadToEnd()
End Using
void SaveUrl(string sourceURL, string savepath) {
CookieContainer cookies = new CookieContainer();
HttpWebRequest webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(sourceURL);
webRequest.CookieContainer = cookies;
HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)webRequest.GetResponse();
StreamReader responseReader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream());
string sResponseHTML = responseReader.ReadToEnd();
using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(savepath, false)) {
string[] ImageUrl = GetImgLinks(sResponseHTML);
foreach (string imagelink in ImageUrl) {
HttpWebRequest imgRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(imagelink);
imgRequest.CookieContainer = cookies;
HttpWebResponse imgresponse = (HttpWebResponse)imgRequest.GetResponse();
//Code to save image
Test it out I am not a .net guy. Good Luck!
The cleaner approach is to create a Session for HTTP requests instead of hitting individual api endpoints. In this case the cookies will be sent by default.If you have enough time you can explore AT commands also. Good luck!
Code to Authenticate your modem:
Public Sub Main()
' Hitting the starting page
Dim cookiejar As New CookieContainer
Dim request As WebRequest = WebRequest.Create("")
request.CookieContainer = cookiejar
Dim response As WebResponse = request.GetResponse()
Dim dataStream As Stream = response.GetResponseStream()
' Open the stream using a StreamReader for easy access.
Dim reader As New StreamReader(dataStream)
' Read the content.
Dim responseFromServer As String = reader.ReadToEnd()
' Extract the header: cookie is the session id.
' Dim SesStart As Short = responseFromServer.IndexOf("<SesInfo>") + 9
' Dim SesEnd As Short = responseFromServer.IndexOf("</SesInfo>")
' Dim TokStart As Short = responseFromServer.IndexOf("<TokInfo>") + 9
' Dim TokEnd As Short = responseFromServer.IndexOf("</TokInfo>")
' Dim vSessionId As String = responseFromServer.Substring(SesStart, SesEnd - SesStart)
' Dim vToken As String = responseFromServer.Substring(TokStart, TokEnd - TokStart)
' Clean up the streams and the response.
' Hitting the login api endpoint
'Call SetSesAndToken(response)
'Make the api call using the session ID extracted
request = WebRequest.Create("")
request.CookieContainer = cookiejar
Dim PassWordEncoded As String = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("admin"))
Dim Myxml As String = "<?xml version:'1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<Password>" & PassWordEncoded & "</Password>
Dim bytes As Byte() = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Myxml)
request.Method = "POST"
request.ContentLength = bytes.Length
request.ContentType = "text/xml"
Using requestStream As Stream = request.GetRequestStream()
requestStream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length)
End Using
Dim ReceiveStream As Stream
Dim encode As Encoding
Dim sr As StreamReader
Using myresponse As HttpWebResponse = DirectCast(request.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)
If myresponse.StatusCode <> HttpStatusCode.OK Then
Dim message As String = [String].Format("POST failed. Received HTTP {0}", myresponse.StatusCode)
Throw New ApplicationException(message)
End If
ReceiveStream = myresponse.GetResponseStream()
encode = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("utf-8")
sr = New StreamReader(ReceiveStream)
responseFromServer = sr.ReadToEnd()
End Using
void SaveUrl(string sourceURL, string savepath) {
CookieContainer cookies = new CookieContainer();
HttpWebRequest webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(sourceURL);
webRequest.CookieContainer = cookies;
HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)webRequest.GetResponse();
StreamReader responseReader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream());
string sResponseHTML = responseReader.ReadToEnd();
using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(savepath, false)) {
string[] ImageUrl = GetImgLinks(sResponseHTML);
foreach (string imagelink in ImageUrl) {
HttpWebRequest imgRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(imagelink);
imgRequest.CookieContainer = cookies;
HttpWebResponse imgresponse = (HttpWebResponse)imgRequest.GetResponse();
//Code to save image
Please test it out I am not a .net guy. Good Luck!

Context type error http post visual basic

I have been trying to send an HTTP post to a web service and got this message:
"The 'Content-Type' header must be modified using the appropiat
property or method, Parameter nama:name"
This happens when i try to update a customer with this JSON fotmat :
{"display_name":"john smith","email":"johnsmith#something","company_name":"enterprise"}
This is a part of the code i have been using to connect to the API:
Dim sUrl As String = ""
Dim wHeader As WebHeaderCollection = New WebHeaderCollection()
Dim wRequest As HttpWebRequest = DirectCast(System.Net.HttpWebRequest.Create(sUrl), HttpWebRequest)
wHeader.Add("Authorization: Zoho-authtoken 7ca5747efb3be868e155e707e679f9f5")
wHeader.Add("X-com-zoho-subscriptions-organizationid: 397080968")
wHeader.Add("Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8")
wRequest.Accept = "application/json"
wRequest.Headers = wHeader
wRequest.Method = "POST"
Dim postData As String = sw.ToString
Dim byteArray As Byte() = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(postData)
wRequest.ContentLength = byteArray.Length
Dim dataStream As Stream = wRequest.GetRequestStream()
dataStream.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length)
Dim response As WebResponse = wRequest.GetResponse()
Console.WriteLine(CType(response, HttpWebResponse).StatusDescription)
dataStream = response.GetResponseStream()
Dim reader As New StreamReader(dataStream)
Dim responseFromServer As String = reader.ReadToEnd()
LblResponse.Text = sResponse
Catch ex As Exception
If ex.InnerException IsNot Nothing Then
LblResponse.Text = ex.Message + " >> " + ex.InnerException.ToString()
LblResponse.Text = ex.Message
End If
End Try
any ideas ?

Error trying to Create ASANA Project in VB.NET

I am getting an error:
400 Bad request
when trying to create a project via in asana.
Note: The ApiKey I am using works when I use it in other code to get the list of workspaces which is where I got my workspace ID.
Here is my code; I would be grateful for any insight...
Public Sub main()
Dim address As Uri
address = New Uri("")
Dim ApiKey As String
ApiKey = "<my api key>"
Dim basicAuthenticationString As String
basicAuthenticationString = Convert.ToBase64String(New UTF8Encoding().GetBytes(ApiKey + ":"))
' Create the web request
Dim request As HttpWebRequest
request = DirectCast(WebRequest.Create(address), HttpWebRequest)
request.Headers("Authorization") = "Basic " & basicAuthenticationString
request.Method = "POST"
request.ContentType = "application/json"
Dim postData As String = "{""data"":[{""name"":""Randy Test Project"",""notes"":""Randy Test Project Notes"",""workspace"":5272875888767}]}"
Dim byteArray As Byte() = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(postData)
request.ContentLength = byteArray.Length
Dim dataStream As Stream = request.GetRequestStream()
dataStream.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length)
Dim response As HttpWebResponse = request.GetResponse()
Console.WriteLine(CType(response, HttpWebResponse).StatusDescription)
dataStream = response.GetResponseStream()
Dim reader As New StreamReader(dataStream)
Dim responseFromServer As String = reader.ReadToEnd()
Exit Sub
End Sub
I was able to figure it out, My address needed to be:
Dim address As Uri = New Uri("")
Then my postData needed to be:
Dim postData As String = "{""data"":{""name"":""Randy Test Project"",""notes"":""Randy Test Project Notes""}}"
Alternatively, you can specify the team or workspace in the post data. When you get a 400 Bad Request the body of the error response will tell you which fields were actually missing/invalid.

Prestashop webservice update price of a product

I use the following code to GET the product form
Dim Req As WebRequest = WebRequest.Create("")
Req.Method = "GET"
Req.Credentials = New NetworkCredential("????????????????????????????????", "")
Dim Resp As HttpWebResponse = CType(Req.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)
If Resp.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK Then
Dim dataStream As Stream = Resp.GetResponseStream()
Dim reader As New StreamReader(dataStream)
Dim R As String = reader.ReadToEnd()
MsgBox(Resp.StatusCode & vbCrLf & Resp.StatusDescription)
End If
and I get awnser from the database with all the information of the 10047 product.
how can I update the price of this product?