Zookeeper:how many nodes can zookeeper support? - config

In our team,we use zookeeper to process when configure changed.
1、Zookeeper can support how much nodes.
2、What factors can affect zookeeper supported nodes,cpu、disk or network?

Zookeeper can support as many nodes as you wish. It is distributed coordination service that doesn't get affected by the number of nodes you vary in the network. It only matters if the application involves more reads/writes. Zookeeper is most suited when there are more reads, although it works well with writes too.
Zookeeper doesn't get affected by the CPU or the Disk. Since the underlying consensus Protocol in Zookeeper is ZAB, which takes care of CP in CAP theorem. Partitioning of the network is tolerated along with maintaining the consistency using atomic broadcast protocol.


How does Redis achieve the high throughput and performance?

I know this is a very generic question. But, I wanted to understand what are the major architectural decision that allow Redis (or caches like MemCached, Cassandra) to work at amazing performance limits.
How are connections maintained?
Are connections TCP or HTTP?
I know that it is completely written in C. How is the memory managed?
What are the synchronization techniques used to achieve high throughput inspite
of competing read/writes?
Basically, what is the difference between a plain vanilla implementation of a machine with in memory cache and server that can respond to commands and a Redis box? I also understand that the answer needs to be very huge and should include very complex details for completion. But, what I'm looking for are some general techniques used rather than all nuances.
There is a wealth of of information in the Redis documentation to understand how it works. Now, to answer specifically your questions:
1) How are connections maintained?
Connections are maintained and managed using the ae event loop (designed by the Redis author). All network I/O operations are non blocking. You can see ae as a minimalistic implementation using the best network I/O demultiplexing mechanism of the platform (epoll for Linux, kqueue for BSD, etc ...) just like libevent, libev, libuv, etc ...
2) Are connections TCP or HTTP?
Connections are TCP using the Redis protocol, which is a simple telnet compatible, text oriented protocol supporting binary data. This protocol is typically more efficient than HTTP.
3) How is the memory managed?
Memory is managed by relying on a general purpose memory allocator. On some platforms, this is actually the system memory allocator. On some other platforms (including Linux), jemalloc has been selected since it offers a good balance between CPU consumption, concurrency support, fragmentation and memory footprint. jemalloc source code is part of the Redis distribution.
Contrary to other products (such as memcached), there is no implementation of a slab allocator in Redis.
A number of optimized data structures have been implemented on top of the general purpose allocator to reduce the memory footprint.
4) What are the synchronization techniques used to achieve high throughput inspite of competing read/writes?
Redis is a single-threaded event loop, so there is no synchronization to be done since all commands are serialized. Now, some threads also run in the background for internal purposes. In the rare cases they access the data managed by the main thread, classical pthread synchronization primitives are used (mutexes for instance). But 100% of the data accesses made on behalf of multiple client connections do not require any synchronization.
You can find more information there:
Redis is single-threaded, then how does it do concurrent I/O?
What is the difference between a plain vanilla implementation of a machine with in memory cache and server that can respond to commands and a Redis box?
There is no difference. Redis is a plain vanilla implementation of a machine with in memory cache and server that can respond to commands. But it is an implementation which is done right:
using the single threaded event loop model
using simple and minimalistic data structures optimized for their corresponding use cases
offering a set of commands carefully chosen to balance minimalism and usefulness
constantly targeting the best raw performance
well adapted to modern OS mechanisms
providing multiple persistence mechanisms because the "one size does fit all" approach is only a dream.
providing the building blocks for HA mechanisms (replication system for instance)
avoiding stacking up useless abstraction layers like pancakes
resulting in a clean and understandable code base that any good C developer can be comfortable with

Redis performance on a multi core CPU

I am looking around redis to provide me an intermediate cache storage with a lot of computation around set operations like intersection and union.
I have looked at the redis website, and found that the redis is not designed for a multi-core CPU. My question is, Why is it so ?
Also, if yes, how can we make 100% utilization of CPU resources with redis on a multi core CPU's.
I have looked at the redis website, and found that the redis is not designed for a multi-core CPU. My question is, Why is it so?
It is a design decision.
Redis is single-threaded with epoll/kqueue and scales indefinitely in terms of I/O concurrency. --#antirez (creator of Redis)
A reason for choosing an event-driven approach is that synchronization between threads comes at a cost in both the software (code complexity) and the hardware level (context switching). Add to this that the bottleneck of Redis is usually the network or the *memory, not the CPU. On the other hand, a single-threaded architecture has its own benefits (for example the guarantee of atomicity).
Therefore event loops seem like a good design for an efficient & scalable system like Redis.
Also, if yes, how can we make 100% utilization of CPU resources with
redis on a multi core CPU's.
The Redis approach to scale over multiple cores is sharding, mostly together with Twemproxy.
However if for some reason you still want to use a multi-threaded approach, take a look at Thredis but make sure you understand the implications of what its author did (you can not use it as a replication master, for instance).
Redis server is a single threaded. But it allows to achieve 100% utilization of CPU resources using Redis nodes (master and/or slave).
Read operations could be scaled using Redis master/slave configuration with single master. One of CPU core used for master node and all others for slaves.
Write operations could be scaled using Redis multi-master cluster configuration. Multiple CPU cores used for master nodes and all others for slaves.
Redisson - Redis Java client which provides full support of Redis cluster. Works with AWS Elasticache and Azure Redis Cache. It includes master/slave discovery and topology update.

zookeeper vs redis server sync

I have a small cluster of servers I need to keep in sync. My initial thought on this was to have one server be the "master" and publish updates using redis's pub/sub functionality (since we are already using redis for storage) and letting the other servers in the cluster, the slaves, poll for updates in a long running task. This seemed to be a simple method to keep everything in sync, but then I thought of the obvious issue: What if my "master" goes down? That is where I started looking into techniques to make sure there is always a master, which led me to reading about ideas like leader election. Finally, I stumbled upon Apache Zookeeper (through python binding, "pettingzoo"), which apparently takes care of a lot of the fault tolerance logic for you. I may be able to write my own leader selection code, but I figure it wouldn't be close to as good as something that has been proven and tested, like Zookeeper.
My main issue with using zookeeper is that it is just another component that I may be adding to my setup unnecessarily when I could get by with something simpler. Has anyone ever used redis in this way? Or is there any other simple method I can use to get the type of functionality I am trying to achieve?
More info about pettingzoo (slideshare)
I'm afraid there is no simple method to achieve high-availability. This is usually tricky to setup and tricky to test. There are multiple ways to achieve HA, to be classified in two categories: physical clustering and logical clustering.
Physical clustering is about using hardware, network, and OS level mechanisms to achieve HA. On Linux, you can have a look at Pacemaker which is a full-fledged open-source solution coming with all enterprise distributions. If you want to directly embed clustering capabilities in your application (in C), you may want to check the Corosync cluster engine (also used by Pacemaker). If you plan to use commercial software, Veritas Cluster Server is a well established (but expensive) cross-platform HA solution.
Logical clustering is about using fancy distributed algorithms (like leader election, PAXOS, etc ...) to achieve HA without relying on specific low level mechanisms. This is what things like Zookeeper provide.
Zookeeper is a consistent, ordered, hierarchical store built on top of the ZAB protocol (quite similar to PAXOS). It is quite robust and can be used to implement some HA facilities, but it is not trivial, and you need to install the JVM on all nodes. For good examples, you may have a look at some recipes and the excellent Curator library from Netflix. These days, Zookeeper is used well beyond the pure Hadoop contexts, and IMO, this is the best solution to build a HA logical infrastructure.
Redis pub/sub mechanism is not reliable enough to implement a logical cluster, because unread messages will be lost (there is no queuing of items with pub/sub). To achieve HA of a collection of Redis instances, you can try Redis Sentinel, but it does not extend to your own software.
If you are ready to program in C, a HA framework which is often forgotten (but can be quite useful IMO) is the one coming with BerkeleyDB. It is quite basic but support off-the-shelf leader elections, and can be integrated in any environment. Documentation can be found here and here. Note: you do not have to store your data with BerkeleyDB to benefit from the HA mechanism (only the topology data - the same ones you would put in Zookeeper).

Redis Cluster vs ZeroMQ in Pub/Sub, for horizontally scaled distributed systems

If I were to design a huge distributed system whose throughput should scale linearly with the number of subscribers and number of channels in the system, which would be better ?
1) Redis Cluster (only for Redis 3.0 alpha, if its in cluster mode, you can publish in one node and subscribe in another completely different node, and the messages will propagate and reach you). The complexity of Publish is O(N+M), where N is the number of subscribed clients and M is the number of subscribed patterns in the system, but how does it scale when in a Redis Cluster ? I accept educated guesses on this.
2) ZeroMQ since 3.x, it does server-side filtering, so it also has some time complexity there, but I have not seen anything about it in the documentation. If I wanted to scale it, I could just have lots of servers publishing to whatever channels, and each subscriber would connect to all the servers, and subscribe for the desired channel. That seems nice.
So which of those is better for horizontal scaling of a huge publisher system ? What are other solutions I should look into ? Remember, I want to minimize latency and throughput, but being able to scale horizontally.
You want to minimize latency, I guess. The number of channels is irrelevant. The key factors are the number of publishers and number of subscribers, message size, number of messages per second per publisher, number of messages received by each subscriber, roughly. ZeroMQ can do several million small messages per second from one node to another; your bottleneck will be the network long before it's the software. Most high-volume pubsub architectures therefore use something like PGM multicast, which ZeroMQ supports.
In Redis, like in ZeroMQ, the bottleneck will be the network. Redis can reach millions of messages per second, at least as much if not more than ZeroMQ.
You should be aware that the current implementation of Redis Cluster distributes PUBLISH messages across all cluster nodes using the inter-node bus. This approach assumes that PUBLISH is extremely cheap on Redis (as explained in this issue on Github).
However, there is a small overhead involved which is inter-node communication. As you scale up this overhead will be more significant. There is another Redis Cluster implementation I'm aware of - please note it's a commercial one - in which channels or patterns are distributed across cluster nodes in a similar fashion to the way Redis keys are distributed. At least according to the vendor, this should save the overhead of inter-node communication and increase performance, but I have not benchmarked it myself.

Distributed Cache that supports incr

I'm looking for a distributed key/value store that supports a balanced load of reads and writes.
Necessary Features:
Get, Set, Incr
Disk backed
Blazingly fast (i.e. eventual consistency is OK)
High availability (i.e. rebalancing load upon node failures)
Nice to have Features:
Overflow to disk (Assuming the load has nice locality properties)
Platform-agnostic (e.g. java based)
Because a lot of the distributed caching solutions support get/set but not incr, it looks like the only option that fits the requirements is terracotta. (Though Redis has a cluster model in their unstable branch).
Any Suggestions?
I can speak namely for redis.
Necessary Features:
Yes, support also for other advanced data structures like hashed, (ordered) sets and lists
Yes, by default redis saves snapshot of the data set on disk.
Rebalancing load upon node failures is rather a partition tolerance than high availability in terms of CAP theorem. Redis support replication and cluster is in development.
Nice to have Features:
Read the article about virtual memory.
Most of the POSIX systems.
Maybe your can try to take a look also on membase or couchbase server.
http://www.basho.com/ Riak will do this for you.