zookeeper vs redis server sync - redis

I have a small cluster of servers I need to keep in sync. My initial thought on this was to have one server be the "master" and publish updates using redis's pub/sub functionality (since we are already using redis for storage) and letting the other servers in the cluster, the slaves, poll for updates in a long running task. This seemed to be a simple method to keep everything in sync, but then I thought of the obvious issue: What if my "master" goes down? That is where I started looking into techniques to make sure there is always a master, which led me to reading about ideas like leader election. Finally, I stumbled upon Apache Zookeeper (through python binding, "pettingzoo"), which apparently takes care of a lot of the fault tolerance logic for you. I may be able to write my own leader selection code, but I figure it wouldn't be close to as good as something that has been proven and tested, like Zookeeper.
My main issue with using zookeeper is that it is just another component that I may be adding to my setup unnecessarily when I could get by with something simpler. Has anyone ever used redis in this way? Or is there any other simple method I can use to get the type of functionality I am trying to achieve?
More info about pettingzoo (slideshare)

I'm afraid there is no simple method to achieve high-availability. This is usually tricky to setup and tricky to test. There are multiple ways to achieve HA, to be classified in two categories: physical clustering and logical clustering.
Physical clustering is about using hardware, network, and OS level mechanisms to achieve HA. On Linux, you can have a look at Pacemaker which is a full-fledged open-source solution coming with all enterprise distributions. If you want to directly embed clustering capabilities in your application (in C), you may want to check the Corosync cluster engine (also used by Pacemaker). If you plan to use commercial software, Veritas Cluster Server is a well established (but expensive) cross-platform HA solution.
Logical clustering is about using fancy distributed algorithms (like leader election, PAXOS, etc ...) to achieve HA without relying on specific low level mechanisms. This is what things like Zookeeper provide.
Zookeeper is a consistent, ordered, hierarchical store built on top of the ZAB protocol (quite similar to PAXOS). It is quite robust and can be used to implement some HA facilities, but it is not trivial, and you need to install the JVM on all nodes. For good examples, you may have a look at some recipes and the excellent Curator library from Netflix. These days, Zookeeper is used well beyond the pure Hadoop contexts, and IMO, this is the best solution to build a HA logical infrastructure.
Redis pub/sub mechanism is not reliable enough to implement a logical cluster, because unread messages will be lost (there is no queuing of items with pub/sub). To achieve HA of a collection of Redis instances, you can try Redis Sentinel, but it does not extend to your own software.
If you are ready to program in C, a HA framework which is often forgotten (but can be quite useful IMO) is the one coming with BerkeleyDB. It is quite basic but support off-the-shelf leader elections, and can be integrated in any environment. Documentation can be found here and here. Note: you do not have to store your data with BerkeleyDB to benefit from the HA mechanism (only the topology data - the same ones you would put in Zookeeper).


Distributed Locking for Device

We have distributed cluster weblogic setup.
Our Use Case was whenever Device Contact our system need to compute Parameter and provision to the device. There can be concurrent request from devices. We cant reject any request from devices.So we are going with Async Processing approach.
Here problem we are facing is whenever device contacts we need to lock the source device as well as neighbor devices to provision optimized parameter.
Since we have cluster system, we require a distributed locking system which provides high performance.
Could you suggest us any framework/suggestion in java for distributed locking which suits to our requirement ?
Typically, when you sense a need for distributed locking, that indicates a design flaw. Distributed locking is usually either slow or unsafe. It's slow when done correctly because strong consistency guarantees are required to ensure two processes can't hold the same lock at the same time, and unsafe when consistency constraints are relaxed in favor of performance gains.
Often you can find a better solution than distributed locking by doing something like consistent hashing to ensure related requests are handled by the same process. Similarly, leader election can be a more performant alternative to distributed locking if you can elect a leader and route related requests to the leader. But certainly there must be some cases where these solutions are not possible, and so I'd better answer your question...
Assuming fault tolerance is a requirement, and considering the performance and safety concerns mentioned above, Hazelcast may be a good option for your use case. It's a fast embedded in-memory data grid that has a distributed Lock implementation. Often it's nice to use an embedded system like Hazelcast rather than relying on another cluster, but Hazelcat does have the potential for consistency issues in certain partition scenarios, and that could result in two processes acquiring a lock. TBH I've heard more than a few complaints about locks in Hazelcast, but no doubt others have had positive experiences.
Alternatively, ZooKeeper is likely the most common system for distributed locking in Java. However, ZooKeeper tends to be significantly slower for writes than reads since its quorum based - though it is relatively fast and very mature - and locking is a write-heavy work load. Also, in contrast to Hazelcast, one major downside to ZooKeeper is that it's a separate cluster and thus a dependency on another external system. I think ZooKeeper's stability and maturity makes it worth a look.
There doesn't currently seem to be many proven projects in between Hazelcast (an embedded eventually strongly consistent framework) and ZooKeeper (a strongly consistent external service) which is why (disclaimer: self promotion incoming) I created Atomix to provide safe distributed locking and leader elections as an embedded system for Java. It's a decent option if you need a framework like Hazelcast that has the same (actually stronger) consistency guarantees as ZooKeeper.
If performance and scalability is paramount and you're expecting high rates of requests, you will likely have to sacrifice consistency and look at a Hazelcast or something similar.
Alternatively, if fault tolerance is not a requirement (I don't think you spshould cities that it is) you can even just use a Redis instance :-)

Can I use lpop/rpop to create a simple queue system with Redis?

I tried several message/job queue systems but they all seem to add unnecessary complexity and I always end up with the queue process dying for no reason and cryptic log messages.
So now I want to make my own queue system using Redis. How would you go about doing this?
From what I have read, Redis is good because it has lpop and rpush methods, and also a pub/sub system that could be used to notify the workers that there are new messages to be consumed. Is this correct?
Yes you can. In fact there are a number of package which do exactly this ... including Celery and RQ for Python and resque for Ruby and ports of resque to Java (Jesque and Javascript (Coffee-resque).
There's also RestMQ which is implemented in Python, but designed for use with any ReSTful system.
There are MANY others.
Note that Redis LISTs are about the simplest possible network queuing system. However, making things robust over the simple primitives offered by Redis is non-trivial (and may be impossible for some values of "robust" --- at least on the server side). So many of these libraries for using Redis as a queue add features and protocols intended to minimize the chances of lost messages while ensuring "at-most-once" semantics. Many of these use the RPOPLPUSH Redis primitive with some other processing on the secondary LIST to handle acknowledgement of completed work and re-dispatch of "lost" units. (Consider the case where some client as "popped" a work unit off your queue and died before the work results were posted; how do you detect and mitigate for that scenario?)
In some cases people have cooked up elaborate bits of server side (Redis Lua EVAL) scripting to handle more reliable queuing. For example implementing something like RPOPLPUSH but replacing the "push" with a ZADD (thus adding the item and a timestamp to a "sorted set" representing work that's "in progress"). In such systems the work is completed with a ZREM and scanned for "lost" work using ZRANGEBYSCORE.
Here are some thoughts on the topic of implementing a robust queuing system by Salvatore Sanfilippo (a.k.a. antirez, author of Redis): Adventures in message queues where he discusses the considerations and forces which led him to work on disque.
I'm sure you'll find some detractors who argue that Redis is a poor substitute for a "real" message bus and queuing system (such as RabbitMQ). Salvatore says as much in his 'blog entry, and I'd welcome others here to spell out cogent reasons for preferring such systems.
My advice is to start with Redis during your early prototyping; but to keep your use of the system abstracted into some consolidated bit of code. Celery, among others, actually does this for you. You can start using Celery with a Redis backend and readily replace the backend with RabbitMQ or others with little effect on the bulk of your code.
For a catalog of alternatives, consider perusing: http://queues.io/

Replicated message queue

I am looking for a message queue which would replicate messages across a cluster of servers. I am aware that this will cause a performance hit, but that's what the requirements are - message persistence is very important.
The replication can be asynchronous, but it should be there - if there's a large backlog of messages waiting for processing, they shouldn't be lost.
So far I didn't manage to find anything from the well-known MQs. HornetQ for example supported message replication in 2.0 but in 2.2 it seems to be removed. RabbitMQ doesn't replicate messages at all, etc.
Is there anything out there that could meet my requirements?
There are at least three ways of tackling this that come to mind, depending upon how robust you need the solution to be.
One: pick any messaging tech, then replicate your disk-storage. Using something like DRBD you can have the file-backed storage copied to another machine under the covers. If your primary box dies, you should be able to restart on your second machine from the replicated files.
Two: Keep looking. There are various commercial systems that definitely do this, two such (no financial benefit on my part) are Informatica Ultra Messaging (formerly 29West) and Solace. These are commonly used in the financial community.
Three: build your own. ZeroMQ is one such toolkit that you could use to roll-your-own system from pre-built messaging blocks. Even a system that does not officially support it could fairly easily be configured to publish all messages to two queues. Your reader would have to drain both somehow, so this may well be a non-starter, but possible in any case.
Overall: do test your performance assumptions, as all of these will have various performance implications in various scenarios.
Amazon SQS is designed with this very thing in mind, but because of the consistency model (which is a part of messaging anyway), you're responsible for de-duplicating messages on the consumer side. Granted, SQS maybe somewhat slow and the costs can add up for lots of messages, but if you want to guarantee that no messages are lost, then it's a pretty solid way to go.
new Kafka 0.8.1 offers replication!

unison star topology

How exactly does unison star topology work?
I sort of understand the concept that one machine acts as the HUB where every spoke syncs to it but is it just a concept and I have to implement it on my own or is this some kind of feature built into unison?
If I have to script this myself how exactly would I do it, what are the sync steps?
Unison is a bidirectional synching system that you can use anyway you want. To avoid synchronization confllicts however, a star topology is often preferred, but there is nothing that forces you to do it in that way, nor is there any node to be designated as 'hub' or that needs a special implementation. As far as the protocol is concerned, all nodes are peers (unless you run in socket mode, which is insecure, and only intended for specific needs).
I use unison in a star topology, and I don't need any special scripting. Mostly I initiate the synch from the clients, but nothing prevents me from initiating it from the server, or to synch 2 clients directly when the server is down. But the latter "unstructured" approach has a higher risk to become unmanagable, especially if you have a lot of clients.

Experiences with message based master-worker frameworks (Java/Python/.Net)

I am designing a distributed master-worker system which, from 10,000 feet, consists of:
Web-based UI
a master component, responsible for generating jobs according to a configurable set of algorithms
a set of workers running on regular pc's, a HPC cluster, or even cloud
a digital repository
messaging based middleware
different categories of tasks, with running times ranging from < 1s to ~6hrs. Tasks are computation heavy, rather than data/IO heavy. The volume of tasks is not expected to be great (as far as I can see now). Probably maxing around 100/min.
Strictly speaking there is no need to move outside of the Windows ecosystem but I would be more comfortable with a cross-platform solution to keep options open (nb. some tasks are Windows only).
I have pretty much settled on RabbitMQ as a messaging layer and Fedora-commons seems to be the most mature off-the-shelf repository. As for the master/worker logic I am evaluating:
Java-based: Grails + Postgres + DOSGi or GridGain with
Python-based: Django + Postgres + Celery
.net-based: ASP.NET MVC + SQL Server + NServiceBus + Sharepoint or Zentity as the repository
I have looked at various IoC/DI containers but doubt they are really the best fit for a task execution container and add extra layers/complexity. But maybe I'm wrong.
Currently I am leaning towards the python solution (keep it lightweight) but I would be interested in any experiences/suggestions people have to share, particularly with the .net stack. Open source/scalability/resilience features are plus points.
PS: A more advanced future requirement will be the ability for the user to connect directly to a running task (using a web UI) and influence its behaviour (real-time steering). A direct communication channel will be needed to do this (doing this over AMQP does not seem like a good idea).
With respect to the master / worker logic and the Java option.
Nimble (see http://www.paremus.com/products/products_nimble.html) with its OSGi Remote Services stack might provide an interesting / agile pure OSGi approach. You still have to decided on a specific distribution mechanism. But given that the USe Case is computationally heavy & data-lite, using the Essence RMI transport that ships with Nimble RSA with a simple front end load balancer function might work really well.
An good approach to 'direct communication channel' - would be to leverage DDS - this a low latency Publication / Subscription peer to peer messaging standard - used in distributed command/control type environments. I think there is a bare-bones OSS project somewhere but we (Paremus) work with RTI in this area.
Hope the above is of background interest.