Is it possible to customize UI of Google Custom Search's UI and the result? - google-custom-search

Today, I found there is Google Custom Search to improve websites' search features as I'd been pretty struggling for having better results on my website search engine. However, on my website, the result page is supposed to show some images with a Javascript-rendered carousel slider.
If possible I would like to hook up the carousel slider with the results. Even though I've googled about it, what I found is just "Look and Feel" on Google Custom Search, which is a basic-level customization for fonts or colors.
Does anyone know if Google Custom Search is a editable library?

The Custom Search JSON API might be a better fit for this use case. The GCS Search Element can be styled with CSS, but trying to get the results into a carousel sounds implausible.


noscript text is appearing in Google

I have added in the bottom of my html like this (just like how stackoverflow has it implemented):
<noscript>This site works best with Javascript is enabled</noscript>
but in one of my pages that has very little text, the text "Javascript is disabled" appears in Google search.
Is there a way to tell Google to avoid indexing this part? Or is there a better alternative instead of using <noscript> tag?
The issue is that Google often won't render Javascript. It can - but it often won't.
You either need to present a pre-rendered page or provide it with a meta description that accurately describes the content. Look up tags and how Google uses them to embellish it's search listings.
Other options like or can encourage Google from deviating from the provided description. However, a pre-rendered page for it to scrape is always more reliable.

Add extra link to google custom search engine result

I need to build a search results page, hopefully using a Google Custom Search Engine. My problem though is that I need to add an extra link or icon to each item in the search result.
It would be an icon to generate a custom short-link for that particular result.
What would be the best way to go about doing that?
If you want to add html and stuff to google result,
you couldn't use the simple google custom search engine.
You should use google search api,
and than process the results and display them by yourself to the screen.

How do i get google cse to just search images

Google's Custom search engine is really good. Though im having problems with it. Whenever i search on it, it has 2 tabs. (Web and Image). How do i get it to have the image tab to be the default tab when something is searched.
You can use "defaultToImageSearch" param in your search box configuration:
It is explained here:

Google Search API with joomla

I would like to implement the google search API in a joomla site. What would be the best way to pass the search query and show the results inside of my templates content area. Making a custom component or there is a lighter workaround?
You could always try RokAjaxSearch as I believe this has the ability to display results from Google. And above all, it's Ajax, therefore doesn't refresh the page.
Hope this helps

How can I display a google search api result in a div?

I'm trying to display the google search result in a specific div. It seems like there is a way to print the results in a different frame or window by tweaking 'target' property... but not in a different div. Has anyone actually done it before... or know any tutorials available on the internet?
JSON/Atom Custom Search API
Is this what u want?