How do i get google cse to just search images - google-custom-search

Google's Custom search engine is really good. Though im having problems with it. Whenever i search on it, it has 2 tabs. (Web and Image). How do i get it to have the image tab to be the default tab when something is searched.

You can use "defaultToImageSearch" param in your search box configuration:
It is explained here:


How can I use Algolia on Shopify to show accurate search results when I input more than one word in the search box?

I am using algolia app for my shopify project. When I tried to input two words in the search box, the autocomplete results are really accurate. The problem is that when I hit enter key to go to instant search page, the results are not accurate anymore. Is there any settings to help me fix this problem?
This is the screenshot on my problem:
If you already enabled Instant Search on your shop and still have the default Shopify search results page, it's most likely the provided CSS Selector is incorrect.
The Instant Search widget provided by our Plugin needs a CSS Selector in order to render the results in the search results page.
If you wonder how to find the proper CSS Selector value, please read this post that explains how to do it.

Is it possible to customize UI of Google Custom Search's UI and the result?

Today, I found there is Google Custom Search to improve websites' search features as I'd been pretty struggling for having better results on my website search engine. However, on my website, the result page is supposed to show some images with a Javascript-rendered carousel slider.
If possible I would like to hook up the carousel slider with the results. Even though I've googled about it, what I found is just "Look and Feel" on Google Custom Search, which is a basic-level customization for fonts or colors.
Does anyone know if Google Custom Search is a editable library?
The Custom Search JSON API might be a better fit for this use case. The GCS Search Element can be styled with CSS, but trying to get the results into a carousel sounds implausible.

Add extra link to google custom search engine result

I need to build a search results page, hopefully using a Google Custom Search Engine. My problem though is that I need to add an extra link or icon to each item in the search result.
It would be an icon to generate a custom short-link for that particular result.
What would be the best way to go about doing that?
If you want to add html and stuff to google result,
you couldn't use the simple google custom search engine.
You should use google search api,
and than process the results and display them by yourself to the screen.

Modifying photosphere on website thing

What i am trying to do is to use a photosphere on my website so that it shows up on full screen as a website cover page. The problem is the the code to embed a photosphere in a webpage given here by google
lets only the photosphere size to be hardcoded as
what ever the values but its still hardcoded. What i want is that it gets adjusted to the screen of the user and gets displayed in the whole browser window. Any one got an idea how to pull it off? I didn't find any stuff about 'photosphere on web' other than the google link i gave above.
Indeed the API is currently designed to take static values. I think it's a good point that users might want to set the dimensions to 100% and let it resize dynamically.
I put it on the TODO list and will try to get to it shortly.
In the meantime, one work around is the following: After the viewer loads you will find an iframe on the page which contains it. You can change it's dimensions dynamically to your liking and the viewer should adapt.
The API provided by Google wraps the whole photosphere in layers of iFrames.
You can use the API to request a certain photosphere but only use the response to parse it for the values you need. Then you create your own request and the result can be shown fullscreen.
An example link is this
I created this link dynamically from the JSON response from the elements
media$group media$content 0 url
Hope it helps.
Can't you take the raw image and just use webgl to project it on the inside of a sphere?

how can we have images at google search text result

Can someone help me on how to setup such a result:
Want to know the mechanism on how can we set the parameters that it shows also the image on the search.
You need to implement your CMS system Authorship tags to get the writers image in your search results.
More info you will find on Google Authorship home page.
It's called Google Authorship.