Adding Apache POI 4.0.1 library not sufficient to use XSSFWorkbook - selenium

I am using the following tutorial to realize a Selenium Keyword Driven Framework :
For the part which ask to create an "util" package with an ExcelUtils class, I followed the instructions which begin by adding a jar to the project libraries.
This jar is for the library apache-poi-4.0.1 : poi-4.0.1.jar.
But even with this library and it's attached source, classes XSSFWorkbook, XSSFSheet and XSSFCell do not exist.
So my question is, which part of the tutorial I am missing? Or which library I am missing?
I am using Eclipse Oxygen with the JRE JavaSE-1.8
Package utils;
public class ExcelUtils {
private static XSSFSheet ExcelWSheet;
private static XSSFWorkbook ExcelWBook;
private static XSSFCell Cell;
//This method is to set the File path and to open the Excel file
//Pass Excel Path and SheetName as Arguments to this method
public static void setExcelFile(String Path,String SheetName) throws Exception {
FileInputStream ExcelFile = new FileInputStream(Path);
ExcelWBook = new XSSFWorkbook(ExcelFile);
ExcelWSheet = ExcelWBook.getSheet(SheetName);
//This method is to read the test data from the Excel cell
//In this we are passing parameters/arguments as Row Num and Col Num
public static String getCellData(int RowNum, int ColNum) throws Exception{
Cell = ExcelWSheet.getRow(RowNum).getCell(ColNum);
String CellData = Cell.getStringCellValue();
return CellData;

You are missing the below piece of code
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFCell;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFSheet;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook;

I finally found a solution.
I had to download 5 other libraries :
After that, I can use XSSF classes.

You need the poi-ooxml dependency as well.
This is how it looks in Gradle, just change $apachePoiVersion to the version you want.
implementation "org.apache.poi:poi:$apachePoiVersion"
implementation "org.apache.poi:poi-ooxml:$apachePoiVersion"


How to create a Gradle task of type KotlinCompile

I'm trying to compile generated Kotlin source code in a custom location to a custom location so that I can build a jar file with those class file only.
I had no issues setting it up for Java. Unfortunately, I'm having problems with Kotlin.
So here is the Kotlin version of what worked for me in Java:
public class MyCustomPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
private static final String GENERATED_STUB_CLASSES_DIRECTORY = "generated-stub-classes";
private static final String GENERATED_STUB_SOURCES_DIRECTORY = "generated-stub-sources";
public void apply(Project project) {
private void createCompileStubsTask(final Project project) {
KotlinCompile compileKotlin = (KotlinCompile) project.getRootProject().getTasksByName("compileKotlin", true).iterator().next();
TaskProvider<KotlinCompile> compileKotlinStubs = project.getTasks().register("compileStubs", KotlinCompile.class,
compileStubs -> {
File stubsClassesDir = new File(project.getBuildDir() + "/" + GENERATED_STUB_CLASSES_DIRECTORY);
This fails with:
Unable to determine constructor argument #1: missing parameter of type KotlinJvmOptions, or no service of type KotlinJvmOptions.
I tried to do it in the build.gradle file, like this:
task compileStubs(type: org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.tasks.KotlinCompile) {
File stubsClassesDir = new File(project.getBuildDir().name + "/generated-stub-classes")
But the result is exactly the same.
Please help...

How can the Repast file sink filename be set programmatically?

Does anybody know if there is a simple way to make the filename element path of an file sink variable according to one field in the model?
So instead of using a fix path like :
The attached ModelInitializer shows how to do this. I also copied the code below in case attachments doesn’t go through. To enable the ModelInitializer, you need to add the following to the scenario.xml file:
<model.initializer class="PredatorPrey.MyInitializer" />
I tested this in the Predator Prey demo so you should change the class package name. In the ModelInitializer example, you need to specify the root context ID which is the same as the context ID in the context.xml file. And you should specify the variable output folder name. This example requires a file name to be specified in the file sink as you would normally do and it inserts the variable path. On caveat is that the variable folder path will be saved in the scenario if the scenario is saved in the GUI, however this code will check for any existing path and simply replace the path with the outputFolder string. So you should put the entire path in the outputFolder string and not just part of it, or change the code behavior as needed.
package PredatorPrey;
import repast.simphony.data2.engine.FileSinkComponentControllerAction;
import repast.simphony.data2.engine.FileSinkDescriptor;
import repast.simphony.engine.controller.NullAbstractControllerAction;
import repast.simphony.engine.environment.ControllerAction;
import repast.simphony.engine.environment.RunEnvironmentBuilder;
import repast.simphony.engine.environment.RunState;
import repast.simphony.scenario.ModelInitializer;
import repast.simphony.scenario.Scenario;
import repast.simphony.util.collections.Tree;
public class MyInitializer implements ModelInitializer {
public void initialize(final Scenario scen, RunEnvironmentBuilder builder) {
scen.addMasterControllerAction(new NullAbstractControllerAction() {
String rootContextID = "Predator Prey";
String outputFolder = "testoutfolder";
public void batchInitialize(RunState runState, Object contextId) {
Tree<ControllerAction> scenarioTree = scen.getControllerRegistry().getActionTree(rootContextID);
findFileSinkTreeChildren(scenarioTree, scenarioTree.getRoot(), outputFolder);
// Reset the scenario dirty flag so the changes made to the file sink
// descriptors don't prompt a scenario save in the GUI
public static void findFileSinkTreeChildren(Tree<ControllerAction> tree,
ControllerAction parent, String outputFolder){
// Check each ControllerAction in the scenario and if it is a FileSink,
// modify the output path to include the folder
for (ControllerAction act : tree.getChildren(parent)){
if (act instanceof FileSinkComponentControllerAction){
FileSinkDescriptor descriptor = ((FileSinkComponentControllerAction)act).getDescriptor();
String fileName = descriptor.getFileName();
// remove any prefix directories from the file name
int lastSeparatorIndex = fileName.lastIndexOf(File.separator);
// Check for backslash separator
if (fileName.lastIndexOf('\\') > lastSeparatorIndex)
lastSeparatorIndex = fileName.lastIndexOf('\\');
// Check for forward slash operator
if (fileName.lastIndexOf('/') > lastSeparatorIndex)
lastSeparatorIndex = fileName.lastIndexOf('/');
if (lastSeparatorIndex > 0){
fileName = fileName.substring(lastSeparatorIndex+1, fileName.length());
descriptor.setFileName(outputFolder + File.separator + fileName);
else findFileSinkTreeChildren(tree, act, outputFolder);

Minecraft modding 1.7.10 setTextureName not working

I am making a new mod and my block textures work fine but my item textures dont
i need assistance on this because i just started to code java
This Is My Script:
package com.HaydenMod.item;
import com.HaydenMod.lib.RefStrings;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry;
import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
public class DiamondShard {
public static void MainRegistery(){
public static Item Dshard;
public static void intializeItem(){
Dshard = new Item().setUnlocalizedName("Dshard").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabMaterials).setTextureName(RefStrings.MODID + ":Diamond_Shard").setMaxStackSize(16);
public static void registerItem(){
GameRegistry.registerItem(Dshard, Dshard.getUnlocalizedName());
.setTextureName(RefStrings.MODID + ":" + "Diamond_Shard")
If it dosn't work can you attach a pastebin with the error log
YourItemName= new Item().setUnlocalizedName("YourItemName").setTextureName("yourModFile:YourtextureImageNAme").setCreativeTab(TheCreativeTabYouWantToPutItIn);
This is what is used and it works perfectly. The TextureName has to be exactly the same as the TextureName in the source folder.
For example, my TextureName is blah.png and in my source folder. When calling it, should write it as setTextureName("yourModFile:blah").

JSLint4Java usage

JSLint4Java is a Java wrapper for JSLint. I need something like this for use in my GWT project, but the only way to use JSLint4Java seems to be from command line or with an ANT task. Does anyone know if there is any way to just import the JARs and use them in a project? When I try adding them to the GWT WAR folder, I get lots of errors like 'xxx cannot be resolved to a type'.
Yes you can import the jar and use it like this :
import com.googlecode.jslint4java.Issue;
import com.googlecode.jslint4java.JSLint;
import com.googlecode.jslint4java.JSLintBuilder;
import com.googlecode.jslint4java.JSLintResult;
public static void lint(final String filePath) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
String fileContent = FileInputStream(new File(filePath))));
JSLintBuilder builder = new JSLintBuilder();
JSLint jsLint = builder.fromDefault();
JSLintResult result = jsLint.lint("test.js", fileContent);
for (Issue issue : result.getIssues()) {

Using Java Compiler API to compile multiple java files

Hi I have requirement to create ,compile and load java classes run time. Using FTL i am creating java source files , and able to compile the source if there is no dynamic dependency.
To elaborate with an instance, I have two java source file, one interface and its implementation class. I am able to compile the interface using java compiler api as follows
String classpath=System.getProperty("java.class.path");
String testpath =classpath+";"+rootPath+"/lib/is_wls_client.jar;"+rootPath+"/rtds_wls_proxyclient.jar;.;";
File javaFile = new File(javaFileName+".java");
JavaCompiler compiler = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler();
List<String> optionList = new ArrayList<String>();
StandardJavaFileManager sjfm = compiler.getStandardFileManager(null, null, null);
Iterable fileObjects = sjfm.getJavaFileObjects(javaFile);
JavaCompiler.CompilationTask task = compiler.getTask(null, null, null,optionList,null,fileObjects);;
I set class path for static classes which are already in the classpath , but this approach do not work for dynamically created classes? Any custom class loader will do the fix? My final implementation will be in web/app server
Any feedback will be highly appreciated
I was able to solve this issue by compiling all the java files together. Using FTL I generate the java classes, and then compile it using java compiler api and load classes with custom class loader
Java Complier
private void compile(File[] files) throws IOException{
String classpath=System.getProperty("java.class.path");
String rootPath=getServletContext().getRealPath("/");
System.out.println("--> root Path "+rootPath);
String testpath=classpath+";.;xx.jar;yy.jar";
JavaCompiler compiler = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler();
List<String> optionList = new ArrayList<String>();
// optionList.addAll(Arrays.asList("-d",rootPath+"/target"));
StandardJavaFileManager sjfm = compiler.getStandardFileManager(null, null, null);
Iterable fileObjects = sjfm.getJavaFileObjects(files);
JavaCompiler.CompilationTask task = compiler.getTask(null, null, null,optionList,null,fileObjects);;
Below code snippet shows how to use custom class loader
class CustomClassLoader extends ClassLoader {
public CustomClassLoader(ClassLoader parent) {
public Class findClass(String className,String path) {
byte[] classData = null;
try {
FileInputStream f = new FileInputStream(path);
int num = f.available();
classData = new byte[num];;
} catch (IOException e) {
Class x = defineClass(className, classData, 0, classData.length);
return x;