I currently have a QA and a training environment. I want to test if a particular web pages display the same objects. ( i.e both the pages must show the same inputs, links, tabs, textareas, etc) from both the environments. I currently run e2e tests with a protractor cucumber framework. Is it possible to write a code which does this comparison and outputs the mismatches(if any) within the pages from QA and training.
There are two ways to do this
Taking the screenshot for the pages in both environment and
compare them
Comparing the source of the page
But first option would be very easy and effective
use below code for taking the screenshot
public static void takeSnapShot(WebDriver webdriver,String fileWithPath) throws Exception{
TakesScreenshot scrShot =((TakesScreenshot)webdriver);
File SrcFile=scrShot.getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
File DestFile=new File(fileWithPath);
FileUtils.copyFile(SrcFile, DestFile);
Use the Sikulix API for comparing an image with the current screen
Screen screen = new Screen();
screen.wait(new Pattern("img/image.PNG")).click();
screen.wait(new Pattern("img/image.PNG").exact()).click();
Or you can use Appli tool for comparing two image files.
I am using hooks #Before (to initialize browser instance) and #After (to close browser instance) which means if there are three scenarios in feature file then the browser will open three times and close three times.
I want to run all three scenarios in the single browser instance.
Cucumber provides background which lets you set things ups before tests are executed.
The official docs are here. Scroll down to background (or CTRL+F background x3).
Feature File:
Given browser is initialized.
Scenerio: Test 1
Then browser is running.
And you can write the step definition as usual.
I am creating automated test cases by using selenium 3 & testng. Everything looks good, except the screenshots that are generated. Here is my piece of code to create screenshots PNG files:
file = ((TakesScreenshot) driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
FileUtils.copyFile(file, new File(pngfile));
which is pretty standard way to do it, but the quality of the created PNG file is not so good.
As you can see from following PNG file. In the picture, the email value ( "....#yahoo.com"), which should be at the upper-right corner of the web-page and should be as high as the other navigation bar elements on the left side. But in the created PNG file, this item has been squeezed to the lower level, which is not what I am looking for. Any ideas ? Thanks for the help !
Make sure your window is the right size when you're opening the browser. You can do this via visual inspection or using Selenium's getSize method. I assume you're using Java, but here it is in Python as well.
Then, if the window is not of the correct size in order to guarantee that your webpage's CSS doesn't break, use setSize. Here is that method in Python as well.
Afterwards, your screenshot should look like the window does.
Please try this,
public void calltakeScreenShot(String SSName) throws Exception
File screen = ((TakesScreenshot) driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
BufferedImage img = ImageIO.read(screen);
File filetest = Paths.get(".").toAbsolutePath().normalize().toFile();
ImageIO.write(img, "png", new File(filetest + "\\Screenshots\\" + SSName + ".png"));
Additionally Here you just need to pre-created Screenshots folder in your Project directory. It will store it by getting absolute path of your project. Also you can manage screenshot name by passing argument.
After several day's research, here is my latest summary.
A). If I was executing the scripts, that is not in the "headless" mode. When the selenium test case is being executed, I will see a new browser session is being popped up and get to that URL, click some buttons, etc, ... till the execution is finished. In this execution, the screenshot page will be saved in good quality.
B). For the same selenium test script, if I am including one extra ChromeOptions setting, which is "--headless", I will not see any browser being brought up during the execution. And once execution is finished, I will get the screenshot with such squeezed web elements.
Comments ?
I was wondering how one would create proper test evidence of Selenium UI tests.
I was thinking about screenshots but they do not actually cover everything you have done as it is difficult to determine when to screenshot. (Every click or every wait or every pageload).
Another option I thought about was screen recording, but this makes it rather difficult to work with parallelism as you record the whole screen and not a specific chrome window.
However, you could possibly also take a screenshot every second via the webdriver and turn this into a video. Then one would have to work with a separate thread which can be quite challenging considering the condition you have to provide to stop the thread from taking screenshots. Else the test will run forever.
As I was not able to draw a convincing conclusion based on my own thoughts about creating a test evidence report for UI tests I was hoping someone could explain to me how to properly do this.
I had similar issue and I've introduced in my automation framework ExtentReports + klov server with Testrail as tool for test-management.
I think that nobody would ask of You to show testcases via video or screenshot, but if that is necessary, You can check out several libraries for taking 'video', because this is not actual video, than rather bunch of screenshots that are mashed into one video.
What has actually proven really good investment of time is to take fallen tests cases screenshot and attach it in testcase result (Testrail, Bugzila, Extentreports whatever).
Actualy if using selenium/appium You can check this repo
[https://github.com/groupon/Selenium-Grid-Extras] they make 'video' like mentioned and stored on local hub/node.
But best menthod that has been real good method was report with detail steps of each testcase:
Screenshot testcase with detailed steps and action:
The way I handled the reporting in my application goes in the line of what Kovacic said.
I also used ExtentReports as a way to generate metrics and having a step by step record of what happened.
I created a method reponsible for recording a step ( clicked that, navigated there, asserting that... ) with the option of taking a screenshot if needed, and another one for starting a new test.
Then , it's a matter of calling those methods in the PageObject style testing framework and pretty much having those method called in every action made by your framework.
To better illustrate here are some implementation examples (c#) :
Log a step method
public void LogStep(Status status,string MessageToLog, bool hasScreenshot)
//we leave the possibility of taking the screenshot with the step or not
if (hasScreenshot)
Test.Log(logstatus, messageToLog)
Test.Log(logstatus, messageToLog);
Screenshot capture method
public static string GetScreenshot()
ITakesScreenshot ts;
//Browser.Driver here is the instance of the Driver you want to take screenshots with
ts = (ITakesScreenshot)Browser.Driver;
var screenshot = ts.GetScreenshot();
// Here just input the name you want your screenshot to have, with path
var screenshotPath = ScreenShotFolder + #"\" + _screenshotcount + ".bmp";
// I've introduced a variable to keep track of the screenshot count (optional)
return (ScreenShotFolder.Substring(_reportRoot.Length) +"/"+ _screenshotcount + ".bmp");
Example of call in the framework
public void BlockAccount()
ExtentReportGenerator.LogStep(Status.Info, "Blocking Account");
catch (NoSuchElementException)
ExtentReportGenerator.LogStep(Status.Fail, "Could not find block button", true);
A NunitTest using the whole system
[TestCase, Order(1)]
public void CanBlockCard()
//Creates a new test in the report
ExtentReportGenerator.Test = ExtentReportGenerator.Extent.CreateTest(GetCurrentMethod());
//Each one of these calls to the framework has logged steps
CashlessPages.CashlessAffiliationsPage.AccessAccount(1, 1);
Example of generated Report
Hope this helps
I'm trying to write an automated test that will automate the process of updating a google chrome extension. I'm not aware of another method of doing this automatically so here is what I'm currently trying to do:
Open the chrome extensions page (as far as I'm aware this is just an html page unless I'm missing something).
Click on the "Update extensions" button
Here is what I have tried having opened the chrome extensions page:
IwebElement UpdateButton = driver.findelement(By.Id("update-extensions-now"));
For some reason the button click is not registering. I have tried some other locators such as CSS path and Xpath but they don't work either. Also, when I debug this test, it passes fine so I know it's not an issue with any of my locators. I have (as a test) tried to automate clicks on the other elements on this page and it's the same issue. I can't get a handle on any elements on the chrome://extensions page at all.
Has anyone encountered this or have any ideas as to what's going on?
You can use the Chrome extensions API to auto-update required extension.
Find the file "manifest.json" in the default Google Chrome
C:\Users\*UserName*\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions
There find the update URL of your extension:
"name": "My extension",
"update_url": "http://myhost.com/mytestextension/updates.xml",
The returned XML by the Google server looks like:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<gupdate xmlns='http://www.google.com/update2/response' protocol='2.0'>
<app appid='yourAppID'>
<updatecheck codebase='http://myhost.com/mytestextension/mte_v2.crx' version='2.0' />
The extension or app ID, generated based on a hash of the public key, as described in Packaging. You can find the ID of an extension or Chrome App by going to the Extensions page (chrome://extensions).
A URL to the .crx file.
Used by the client to determine whether it should download the .crx file specified by codebase. It should match the value of "version" in the .crx file's manifest.json file.
The update manifest XML file may contain information about multiple extensions by including multiple elements.
Another option is to use the --extensions-update-frequency command-line flag to set a more frequent interval in seconds. For example, to make checks run every 45 seconds, run Google Chrome like this:
chrome.exe --extensions-update-frequency=45
Note that this affects checks for all installed extensions and apps, so consider the bandwidth and server load implications of this. You may want to temporarily uninstall all but the one you are testing with, and should not run with this option turned on during normal browser usage.
The request to update each individual extension would be:
You can find even more detailed information on exntesions developers site: https://developer.chrome.com/extensions
If you look at the HTML of the "chrome://extensions" page you will notice that the "Update extensions now" button is contained within an iframe. You need to switch to the iframe before trying to register a button click. i.e:
(This is in c#. Note that this code is written from memory so it may not be 100% accurate. Also, you will want to write more robust method. This code just quickly demonstrates that by switching to the iframe, it will work ok)
String ChromeExtensionsPage = "chrome://extensions";
IwebElement UpdateButton = driver.findelement(By.Id("DesiredButtonID"));
I am attempting to use selenium to test OpenLayers-2.13.1 functionality.
I am having problems with mouse clicks, mouse downs etc....
I found a couple of out-dated posts with similar problems but their resolution didn't help me.
Does anyone know of any software that can be automated to properly test Open Layers.
We have had some success in using Selenium WebdriverIO in running automated tests of our mapping.
The way we address map click throughs is by exposing a function from the map script from which we can get the pixel location of a feature on the map.
function pixelOfFeature (id) {
return map.getPixelFromCoordinate(...coordinate of feature...)
Then in our test script, once on our loaded mapping page, we query the map object for the pixel of the feature we want to click, and using webdriverio we can then move the mouse to the pixel value within the map css selector, and then perform a .buttonPress().
var client = webdriverio.remote(options)
client.moveToObject('.map', pixel[0], pixel[1]).then(function(){
We use ol3 however the same approach could be taken for openlayers 2
It's probably too late for the OP but hopefully this might help someone get started.