Why does ABAP cut string to one character? - abap

I have this simple ABAP code:
data foo_string.
foo_string = |hello world { sy-uname }|.
MESSAGE |foo: { foo_string } :-)| TYPE 'E'.
foo: h :-)
Why was the string cut to one character?

There is a typo in this line:
data foo_string.
data foo_string type string.


kotlin \n adds an extra space in output

So i have a string text = "" and when i want to increment i use text+= "something", but i need to make a break line because i will write that text a couple times repeated, but when i do text+="\n" it adds the spaces between the "something" texts but after that it adds another space that i dont want.
I would not do it iteratively. So instead of using a loop, you can use joinToString for that, like this:
lines.joinToString(separator = "\n")
val result = string.substringBeforeLast("\n")
This might help!
fun main() {
var string=""
for (line in 0 until 4){
string += "Something"
if (line!=3){

Adding back slash for quotes in Swift

I have the following code in Objective-C:
NSString *someString = #"Hello World";
I need a Swift Code with the following output: \"Hello World\"
Including the double checkmarks and the backslash.
According to your comment, you'll need this:
var mySuperFancyDynamicString: String = "whaaaazzuppp"
let someString: String = "\\\"\(mySuperFancyDynamicString)\\\""
print is \"whaaaazzuppp\" (well... was Hello World, before the edit)
Or to your "text box" Comment:
var mySuperFancyDynamicString: String = textBox.text
let someString: String = "\\\"\(mySuperFancyDynamicString)\\\""
Print will be : \"textBoxContent\"
Apparently you want to convert from Objective-c to swift, if yes then don't add backslash to your double quotes, String in swift are just double quoted text.
You should end with
someString = "Hello World"
If You don't want to convert to swift then what are you doing ? Cause the code you are providing (NSString *someString = #\"Hello World\";) will throw an error.
If you really need that specific output, you must create a string like that :
someString = "\\\"Hello World\\\""

NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData changes field type

I'm getting the following JSON response from the server:
"displayName":"display name"
When I use NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData and then prints the result NSDictionary I see in the console the following:
userId = 123456789
displayName = "display name"
Why do JSONObjectWithData changes the userId field type from String to a number?
It doesn't. The JSON deserialisation respects the data type and will maintain it. You can't tell the data type from a simple description log, you need to actually interrogate the class. The description log will quote some things if it makes more sense for the human reader, like spaces in the description, but it also omits quotes in some cases.
It doesn't.
Don't infer a variable type from its log representation, just test. Fire a Playground with this, for example:
let str = "{\"userId\":\"123456789\",\"displayName\":\"display name\"}"
if let data = str.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding),
jsonResult = try? NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data, options: []),
jsonObject = jsonResult as? [String:String],
id = jsonObject["userId"] {
print("User ID is " + id)

Convert quoted strings in a CSV to an NSMutableArray without the quotes

I have a question about the objective C. I have the following NSString *name shown below:
"First Name","Second Name","Last Name";
Actually, name is the header of the CSV and receive from the URL. And I use the follow statement to break the statement to array.
NSMutableArray *csvTitleArray;
csvTitleArray = [[name componentsSeparatedByString:#","];
The result of the array is
[0] = "First Name" // the " is part of the string, it means the first char of [0] is ", not F
[1] = "Second Name"
[2] = "Last Name"
However, I want to cancel the " in the begin and end of the string (the " is part of the string. Can anyone help me? Thank you.
Have a look at parsing csv data, the General CSV section (code example) handles your case.
See writing parser using nsscanner - csv for usefull more generic pointers about parsing data.
Have you thought of using stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:withString: and then splitting the string out into an array?

Powershell and SQL parameters. If empty string, pass DBNull

I got this parameter:
$objDbCmd.Parameters.Add("#telephone", [System.Data.SqlDbType]::VarChar, 18) | Out-Null;
$objDbCmd.Parameters["#telephone"].Value = $objUser.Telephone;
Where the string $objUser.Telephone can be empty. If it's empty, how can I convert it to [DBNull]::Value?
I tried:
if ([string]:IsNullOrEmpty($objUser.Telephone)) { $objUser.Telephone = [DBNull]::Value };
But that gives me the error:
Exception calling "ExecuteNonQuery" with "0" argument(s): "Failed to convert parameter value from a ResultPropertyValueCollection to a String."
And if I convert it to a string, it inserts an empty string "", and not DBNull.
How can this be accomplished?
In PowerShell, you can treat null/empty strings as a boolean.
$x = $null
if ($x) { 'this wont print' }
$x = ""
if ($x) { 'this wont print' }
$x = "blah"
if ($x) { 'this will' }
So.... having said that you can do:
$Parameter.Value = $(if ($x) { $x } else { [DBNull]::Value })
But I'd much rather wrap this up in a function like:
function CatchNull([String]$x) {
if ($x) { $x } else { [DBNull]::Value }
I don't know about powershell, but in C# I would do something like this:
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($objUser.Telephone))
$objDbCmd.Parameters["#telephone"].Value = [DBNull]::Value;
$objDbCmd.Parameters["#telephone"].Value = $objUser.Telephone;
Always append +"" at the end of db values...
$command.Parameters["#EmployeeType"].Value= $ADResult.EmployeeType + ""
Many years later, let me clarify:
Josh's answer shows a helpful simplification for testing strings for emptiness (relying on PowerShell's implicit to-Boolean conversion[1]), but it is unrelated to Tommy's (the OP's) problem.
Instead, the error message
"Failed to convert parameter value from a ResultPropertyValueCollection to a String."
implies that it is the non-null case that caused the problem, because $objDbCmd.Parameters["#telephone"].Value expects either a string value or [DBNull]::Value, whereas $objUser.Telephone is of type [ResultPropertyValueCollection], i.e. a collection of values.
Thus, in the non-null case, a string value must be assigned, which must be derived from the collection; one option is to take the first collection element's value, another would be to join all values with a separator to form a single string, using, e.g., [string]::Join(';', $objUser.Telephone) or, if joining the elements with spaces is acceptable (not a good idea with multiple phone numbers), simply with "$($objUser.Telephone)".[2]
Detecting an empty collection via [string]:IsNullOrEmpty() actually worked, despite the type mismatch, due to how PowerShell implicitly stringifies collections when passing a value to a [string] typed method parameter.[2]
Similarly, using implicit to-Boolean conversion works as expected with collections too: an empty collection evaluates to $false, a non-empty one to $true (as long as there are either at least two elements or the only element by itself would be considered $true[1])
Therefore, one solution is to use the first telephone number entry:
$objDbCmd.Parameters["#telephone"].Value = if ($objUser.Telephone) {
$objUser.Telephone[0].ToString() # use first entry
} else {
Note: If $objUser.Telephone[0] directly returns a [string], you can omit the .ToString() call.
In PowerShell v7+ you can alternatively shorten the statement via a ternary conditional:
$objDbCmd.Parameters["#telephone"].Value =
$objUser.Telephone ? $objUser.Telephone[0].ToString() : [DBNull]::Value
[1] For a comprehensive summary of PowerShell's automatic to-Boolean conversions, see the bottom section of this answer.
[2] When implicitly converting a collection to a string, PowerShell joins the stringified elements of a collection with a single space as the separator by default; you can override the separator with the automatic $OFS variable, but that is rarely done in practice; e.g., array 'foo', 'bar' is converted to 'foo bar'; note that this conversion does not apply when you call the collection's .ToString() method explicitly, but it does apply inside expandable (interpolating) strings, e.g., "$array".