How do I use the primary key of a table in a fact table? [PowerDesigner] - sap

I have to create a database model in university and there are several tables. I want to add all of the primary keys of these tables to a fact table.
But somehow I'm not able to check the "Primary key box" when using it in both tables with the same name.
It looks like this
Is there anything in the settings I have to change or am I just doing something wrong?
I've seen another thread on here, where people said, that two boxes under Tools > Model Options > Data Item have to be unchecked, but I can't find them - might be, because the question was more than 4 years old and some things changed since then.
However, I'd really appreciate any help I can get.
Thank you in advance.
I expected to be able to check the primary key box in both, the normal and the fact table.


SQL Server database design with foreign keys

I have the following partial database design:
All the tables are dependent on each other so the table bvd_docflow_subdocuments is dependent on the table bdd_docflow_subsets
and the table bvd_docflow_subdocuments is dependent on bvd_docflow_subsets. So I thought I could me smart and use foreign keys on every table (and ON DELETE CASCADE). However the FK are being drilldown how further I go in to the tables.
The problem is the table bvd_docflow_documents has no point having a reference to the 1docflow_documentset_id` PK / FK. Is there a way (and maybe my design is crappy) that only the table standing above it has an FK relationship between the tables and not all the tables above it.
More explanation:
In the bvd_docflow_subsets table information is stored about objects to create documents. There is an relation between that table and bvd_docflow_subdocuments table (This table stores master data about all the documents for an subset. (docflow_subset_id is in both tables). This is the link between those to tables.
Going further down we also got the table bvd_docflow_documents this table contains the actual document data. The link between bvd_docflow_documents and bvd_docflow_subdocuments is bvd_docflow_subdocument_id.
On every table I got an foreign key defined so when data is removed on a table all the data linked to that data is also removed.
However when we look to the bvd_docflow_documents table it has all the foreign keys from the other tables (docflow_subset_id and docflow_documentset_id) and there is the problem. The only foreign key needed for that bvd_docflow_documents table is docflow_subdocument_id and no other.
Edit 2
I have changed my design further and removed information that I don't need after initial import of the data.
See the following link for the (total) databse design:
The tables subsets, subdocuments and documents have a many to many relationship so I thought a table in between those 3 documents_subdocuments is the way to go were I define all the different keys for those tables.
I am not used to the database design first and then build it. But, for everything there is a first time, and I try to do make a database that is using standards and is using the power of SQL Server the correct way.
I'll address the bottom-most table and ignore the rest for the most part.
But first some comments. Your schema is simply a model of a system. To provide feedback, one must understand this "system" and how it actually works to evaluate your model. In addition, it is important to understand your entities and your reasons for choosing them and modelling them in the specified manner. Without that understanding all of this guessing based on experience.
And another comment. Slapping an identity column into every table is just lazy modelling IMO. Others will disagree, but you need to also enforce all natural keys. Do you have natural keys? It is rare not to have any. Enforce those that do exist.
And one last comment. Stop the ridiculous pattern of prepending the column names with the table names. And you should really think long and hard about using very long table names. Given what you have, I sense you need a schema for your docflow stuff.
For the documents table, your current PK makes no sense. Again, you've slapped an identity column into the table. By itself, this column is a key for the table. The inclusion of any other columns does not make the key any more "unique" - that inclusion is logical nonsense. Following your pattern, you would designate the identity column as the primary key. But ...
According to your image, the documents table is related to one and only one subdocument. You added a foreign key to that table - which matches the image. You also added additional columns and foreign keys to the "higher" tables. So now a document "points" to a specific subdocument. It also points to a specific subset - which may have no relationship to the subdocument. The same thought applies to the other FK. I have a doubt that this is logically correct. So why do these columns (and related FKs) exist? Perhaps this is the result of premature optimization - which everyone knows is the root of all evil coding. Again, it is impossible to know if this is "right" or even "useful" for your model.
To answer your question "... is there a way", the answer is obviously yes. You remove the columns of which you complain. You added them - Why? Is this perhaps a problem with the tool you are using?
And some last comments. There is nothing special about "varchar(50)". Perhaps this is a place holder that will be updated later. It may also be another sign of laziness. And generally speaking, columns with names like "type" and "code" tend to be foreign keys to "lookup" tables - because people like to add, modify, or remove these sorts categorization values over time. I'm also concerned about the column name overlap among the tables. "Location" exists in multiple tables, as do action_code and action_id. And a column named "id" (action_id) suggests a lookup to another table - is it? Should it be? Is there a relationship between action_id and action_code? From a distance it is impossible to answer any of these questions.
But designing a database is more art than science. Sometimes you just need to create something, populate it with some sample data, and then determine if it works for your needs. Everyone will get something wrong in the first try. That is expected; that is how you learn. The most difficult part is actually completing your first attempt.

Can I have two two relationships on one field?

I am creating a database which due to college security rules has to be an access database :( but its a website database and i have an invoiceing system. I have an user and product table and i am trying to add a comment table which relates to both of the these tables via the fields UID(user id) & PID(product id). however both of these field are already related to the invoice table. im sorry if this seems like a stupid question but i couldnt find a clear answer on this.
There is nothing saying that you can't have two tables that use the same foreign keys from two other tables. But, you need to ask yourself what you are trying to represent.
Are you trying to make arbitrary comments about each user and each product, or are you really trying to attach comments to an invoice line? If that is the case, then you should probably either put the comment in the Invoice table, or make a foreign key relations ship with that.
In the attached diagram I show both ways a Comments table could be related.

Error Creating relationship in SSAS Tabular

We are having a very frustrating problem with SSAS. we are trying to create a fairly simple Tabular model have had no problem with a few dimensions and a single fact table. when we recently added a new dimension table, and a second fact table we can not get it to stop telling us that
The relationship cannot be created because each column contains duplicate values.
we have deleted and reimported these tables many times. at times we can attach the Dim table to an existing fact without problem, which tells me that the key is unique, but then it errors when attaching to a second fact. at other times it just errors right away.
The key and Foreign Key values are Int in the database. and we have examined the data many times, creating stripped down tables with just a few columns, validating that a
Select Distinct ID from Table
type query returns the same number of rows as a wide open one.
At this point it looks like we simply have a bug in SSAS Tab. I cant see a good reason for this to not work.
any ideas would be greatly appreciated
I have had the same problem, the way I solved is to create the relationship in reverse order meaning: from the 1 to many. This will solve the issue, and the relationship's direction will indeed be from the many to the 1
I do not have any explanation for this...
sometimes SSAS cannot detect that your column is unique so you should do that. you can click on your primary key column and get properties and choose true on the unique property and after that create your relationship

General SQL question about Primary Keys

I know this is pretty elementary but here it goes.
I would like to know how you know what columns are a primary key in a table that does not have a primary key? Is there a technique or something that I should read?
Thank you in advance
You need to take a look at your data structures.
A primary key must:
never be NULL (no exceptions)
reliably and uniquely identify each single row
and it helps if it's
small and easy to use
stable (doesn't change at all, or at least not often)
a single column (or at most two)
Check your data - which columns or set of columns can fulfill these requirements??
Once you have those potential primary keys (the "candidate keys") - think about how you will access the data, and what other data might need to be associated with this one entity in question - what would make sense as a foreign key? Do you want to reference your department by its name? Probably not a good idea, since the name could be misspelled, it might change over time etc. By the department's office location? Bad choice, too. But something like a unique "department ID" might be a good idea.
If you don't find any appropriate column(s) in your actual data that could serve as primary key and would make sense, it's a common practice to introduce a "surrogate key" - an extra column, often an INT (and often something like an "auto-increment" INT) that will serve as an artificial identifier for each row. If you do this, one common best practice is to never show that artificial key on any data screen - it has no meaning whatsoever to the users of your system - so don't even show it to them.
Checking these requirements, and a lot of experience, will help you find the right primary key.
It really depends on the data itself. You need to determine what fields can be used to identify the record uniquely.
In SQL server it'll have a key next to it. It's typically ID or something with ID in it. It's also unique and typically increments. When you look at it in SQL. Server management studio under table design you'll see it towards the top of the list of columns with the Lil key icon.
It's a unique identifier that deciphers each record from one another. Kind of like how each person has a ssn.

Trying to verify understanding of foreign keys SQL Server

So I'm working on just a learning project to expose myself to doing some things I do not get to do at work. I'm just making a simple bug and case tracking app (I know there are a million this is just to work with some tools I don't get to). So I was designing my database and realized I've never actually used Foreign Keys before in any of my projects, I've used them before but never actually setting up a column as a FK. So I've designed my database as follows, which I think is close to correct (at least for the initial layout).
Database Image
However When I try to add the FK's to the linking Tables I get an error saying, "The tables present in the relationship must have the same number of columns". I'm doing this by in SQLSMS by going to the Keys 'folder' and adding a FK. Is there something that I am doing wrong here, I don't understand why the tables would have to have the same number of columns for me to add a FK relationship between the tables?
When defining a foreign key relationship there are four things you need to specify:
The referring table (foreign key table)
The columns from the referring table that will form the foreign key.
The referred table (primary key table)
The columns from the referred table that form the key.
I'm guessing that you have selected one of the above incorrectly - probably you have forgotten that you need to state the column involved in the relationship twice - once for each table.
Here's a screenshot of how it should look - note that the column is specified twice. In my example the columns have slightly different names to demonstrate that they don't always need to have the same name, but in your case the column names will be the same.