Verify method signatures before swizzling - objective-c

I have been using method swizzling to swap implementations for unit testing. However, I am concerned that if the production code's method signatures change due to parameter changes, the unit tests will compile without error and testing run-time behavior could be unstable.
So, is there any compile-time or even run-time way to confirm that the signatures of two Objective-C methods are the same?

As long as you have set up your unit tests such that the code is written as if you are calling an instance of the real class using its real interface, then a change in signature should be caught at compile time.
You could grub thru the runtime and get a hold of the method signatures and then compare the elements of said signatures for compatibility, but that won't catch all changes (for example, all parameters that accept objects are encoded as '#').


Test assertions inside test doubles?

Is it a good practice to write a EXPECT(something) inside a test double (e.g. spy or mock) method? To ensure the test double is used in a specific way for testing?
If not, what would be a preferred solution?
If you would write a true Mock (as per definition from xUnit Test Patterns) this is exactly what defines this kind of test double. It is set up with the expectations how it will be called and therefore also includes the assertions. That's also how mocking frameworks produce mock objects under the hood. See also the definition from xUnit Test Patterns:
How do we implement Behavior Verification for indirect outputs of the SUT?
How can we verify logic independently when it depends on indirect inputs from other software components?
Replace an object the system under test (SUT) depends on with a test-specific object that verifies it is being used correctly by the SUT.
Here, indirect outputs means that you don't want to verify that the method under test returns some value but that there is something happening inside the method being tested that is behaviour relevant to callers of the method. For instance, that while executing some method the correct behaviour lead to an expected important action. Like sending an email or sending a message somewhere. The mock would be the doubled dependency that also verifies itself that this really happened, i.e. that the method under test really called the method of the dependency with the expected parameter(s).
A spy on the other hand shall just record things of interest that happened to the doubled dependency. Interrogating the spy about what happened (and sometimes also how often) and then judging if that was correct by asserting on the expected events is the responsibility of the test itself. So a mock is always also a spy with the addition of the assertion (expectation) logic. See also Uncle Bobs blog The Little Mocker for a great explanation of the different types of test doubles.
Yes, the mock includes the expectations (assertion) itself, the spy just records what happened and lets the test itself asks the spy and asserts on the expected events.
Mocking frameworks also implement mocks like explained above as they all follow the specified xunit framework.
mock.Verify(p => p.Send(It.IsAny<string>()));
If you look at the above Moq example (C#), you see that the mock object itself is configured to in the end perform the expected verification. The framework makes sure that the mock's verification methods are executed. A hand-written would be setup and than you would call the verification method on the mock object yourself.
Generally, you want to put all EXPECT statements inside individual tests to make your code readable.
If you want to enforce certain things on your test stub/spy, it is probably better to use exceptions or static asserts because your test is usually using them as a black box, and it uses them in an unintended way, your code will either not get compiled, or it will throw and give you the full stack trace which also will cause your test to fail (so you can catch the misuse).
For mocks, however, you have full control over the use and you can be very specific about how they are called and used inside each test. For example in Google test, using GMock matchers, you can say something like:
EXPECT_CALL(turtle, Forward(Ge(100)));
which means expect Forward to be called on the mock object turtle with a parameter equal or greater than 100. Any other value will cause the test to fail.
See this video for more examples on GMock matchers.
It is also very common to check general things in a test fixture (e.g. in Setup or TearDown). For example, this sample from google test enforces each test to finish in a certain amount of time, and the EXPECT statement is in teardown rather than each individual test.

Can I invoke MethodHandle.invokeExact from ByteBuddy?

MethodHandle#invokeExact(Object...) is a strange method in Java.
Suppose I wanted to invoke this from ByteBuddy (using MethodCall.invoke() and the like). Is there a way to do this without incurring a runtime exception? (Please bear in mind in any answers to this question that although it looks like it takes an ordinary Object array, MethodHandle#invokeExact(Object...) treats that argument very unusually.)
Those methods have a polymorphic signature and expect the arguments to be of the expected types, against the actual class file signature. Unfortunately, this corner case of method invocation is not supported in Byte Buddy at this day.

Should I put assertions inside object's methods or writing and calling a check representation fuction is enough?t

I wonder if writing a check representation function for an object and calling it while testing is enough to check the object's internal state corectness or should I also put assertions inside methods? Or maybe I should only use assertions inside methods and just don't include them in production version to not slow my app down?

Why does the JVM have both `invokespecial` and `invokestatic` opcodes?

Both instructions use static rather than dynamic dispatch. It seems like the only substantial difference is that invokespecial will always have, as its first argument, an object that is an instance of the class that the dispatched method belongs to. However, invokespecial does not actually put the object there; the compiler is the one responsible for making that happen by emitting the appropriate sequence of stack operations before emitting invokespecial. So replacing invokespecial with invokestatic should not affect the way the runtime stack / heap gets manipulated -- though I expect that it will cause a VerifyError for violating the spec.
I'm curious about the possible reasons behind making two distinct instructions that do essentially the same thing. I took a look at the source of the OpenJDK interpreter, and it seems like invokespecial and invokestatic are handled almost identically. Does having two separate instructions help the JIT compiler better optimize code, or does it help the classfile verifier prove some safety properties more efficiently? Or is this just a quirk in the JVM's design?
Disclaimer: It is hard to tell for sure since I never read an explicit Oracle statement about this, but I pretty much think this is the reason:
When you look at Java byte code, you could ask the same question about other instructions. Why would the verifier stop you when pushing two ints on the stack and treating them as a single long right after? (Try it, it will stop you.) You could argue that by allowing this, you could express the same logic with a smaller instruction set. (To go further with this argument, a byte cannot express too many instructions, the Java byte code set should therefore cut down wherever possible.)
Of course, in theory you would not need a byte code instruction for pushing ints and longs to the stack and you are right about the fact that you would not need two instructions for INVOKESPECIAL and INVOKESTATIC in order to express method invocations. A method is uniquely identified by its method descriptor (name and raw argument types) and you could not define both a static and a non-static method with an identical description within the same class. And in order to validate the byte code, the Java compiler must check whether the target method is static nevertheless.
Remark: This contradicts the answer of v6ak. However, a methods descriptor of a non-static method is not altered to include a reference to this.getClass(). The Java runtime could therefore always infer the appropriate method binding from the method descriptor for a hypothetical INVOKESMART instruction. See JVMS §4.3.3.
So much for the theory. However, the intentions that are expressed by both invocation types are quite different. And remember that Java byte code is supposed to be used by other tools than javac to create JVM applications, as well. With byte code, these tools produce something that is more similar to machine code than your Java source code. But it is still rather high level. For example, byte code still is verified and the byte code is automatically optimized when compiled to machine code. However, the byte code is an abstraction that intentionally contains some redundancy in order to make the meaning of the byte code more explicit. And just like the Java language uses different names for similar things to make the language more readable, the byte code instruction set contains some redundancy as well. And as another benefit, verification and byte code interpretation/compilation can speed up since a method's invocation type does not always need to be inferred but is explicitly stated in the byte code. This is desirable because verification, interpretation and compilation are done at runtime.
As a final anecdote, I should mention that a class's static initializer <clinit> was not flagged static before Java 5. In this context, the static invocation could also be inferred by the method's name but this would cause even more run time overhead.
There are the definitions:
There are significant differences. Say we want to design an invokesmart instruction, which would choose smartly between inkovestatic and invokespecial:
First, it would not be a problem to distinguish between static and virtual calls, since we can't have two methods with same name, same parameter types and same return type, even if one is static and second is virtual. JVM does not allow that (for a strange reason). Thanks raphw for noticing that.
First, what would invokesmart foo/Bar.baz(I)I mean? It may mean:
A static method call foo.Bar.baz that consumes int from operand stack and adds another int. // (int) -> (int)
An instance method call foo.Bar.baz that consumes foo.Bar and int from operand stack and adds int. // (foo.Bar, int) -> (int)
How would you choose from them? There may exist both methods.
We may try to solve it by requiring foo/Bar.baz(Lfoo/Bar;I) for the static call. However, we may have both public static int baz(Bar, int) and public int baz(int).
We may say that it does not matter and possibly disable such situation. (I don't think that it is a good idea, but just to imagine.) What would it mean?
If the method is static, there are probably no additional restrictions. On the other hand, if the method is not static, there are some restrictions: "Finally, if the resolved method is protected (§4.6), and it is either a member of the current class or a member of a superclass of the current class, then the class of objectref must be either the current class or a subclass of the current class."
There are some further differences, see the note about ACC_SUPER.
It would mean that all the referenced classes must be loaded before bytecode verification. I hope this is not necessary now, but I am not 100% sure.
So, it would mean very inconsistent behavior.

Custom performance profiler for Objective C

I want to create a simple to use and lightweight performance profile framework for Objective C. My goal is to measure the bottlenecks of my application.
Just to mention that I am not a beginner and I am aware of Instruments/Time Profiler. This is not what I am looking for. Time Profiler is a great tool but is too developer oriented. I want a framework that can collect performance data from a QA or pre production users and even incorporate in a real production environment to gather the real data.
The main part of this framework is the ability to measure how much time was spent in Objective C message (I am going to profile only Objective C messages).
The easiest way is to start timer in the beginning of a message and stop it at the end. It is the simplest way but its disadvantage is that it is to tedious and error prone - if any message has more than 1 return path then it will require to add the "stop timer" code before each return.
I am thinking of using method swizzling (just to note that I am aware that Apple are not happy with method swizzling but these profiled builds will be used internally only - will not be uploaded on the App Store).
My idea is to mark each message I want to profile and to generate automatically code for the method swizzling method (maybe using macros). When started, the application will swizzle the original selector with the generated one. The generated one will just start a timer, will call the original method and then will stop the timer. So in general the swizzled method will be just a wrapper of the original one.
One of the problems of the above idea is that I cannot think of an easy way how to automatically generate the methods to use for swizzling.
So I greatly will appreciate if anyone has any ideas how to automate the whole process. The perfect scenario is just to write one line of code anywhere mentioning the class and the selector I want to profile and the rest to be generated automatically.
Also will be very thankful if you have any other idea (beside method swizzling) of how to measure the performance.
I came up with a solution that works for me pretty well. First just to clarify that I was unable to find out an easy (and performance fast) way to automatically generate the appropriate swizzled methods for arbitrary selectors (i.e. with arbitrary arguments and return value) using only the selector name. So I had to add the arguments types and the return value for each selector, not only the selector name. In reality it should be relatively easy to create a small tool that would be able to parse all source files and detect automatically what are the arguments types and the returned value of the selector which we want to profile (and prepare the swizzled methods) but right now I don't need such an automated solution.
So right now my solution includes the above ideas for method swizzling, some C++ code and macros to automate and minimize some coding.
First here is the simple C++ class that measures time
class PerfTimer
PerfTimer(PerfProfiledDataCounter* perfProfiledDataCounter);
uint64_t _startTime;
PerfProfiledDataCounter* _perfProfiledDataCounter;
I am using C++ to use that the destructor will be executed when object has exited the current scope. The idea is to create PerfTimer in the beginning of each swizzled method and it will take care of measuring the elapsed time for this method
The PerfProfiledDataCounter is a simple struct that counts the number of execution and the whole elapsed time (so it may find out what is the average time spent).
Also I am creating for each class I'd like profile, a category named "__Performance_Profiler_Category" and to conforms to "__Performance_Profiler_Marker" protocol. For easier creating I am using some macros that automatically create such categories. Also I have a set of macros that take selector name, return type and arguments type and create selectors for each selector name.
For all of the above tasks, I've created a set of macros to help me. Also I have a single file with .mm extension to register all classes and all selectors I'd like to profile. On app start, I am using the runtime to retrieve all classes that conforms to "__Performance_Profiler_Marker" protocol (i.e. the registered ones) and search for selectors that are marked for profiling (these selectors starts with predefined prefix). Note that this .mm file is the only file that needs .mm extension and there is no need to change file extension for each class I want to profile.
Afterwards the code swizzles the original selectors with the profiled ones. In each profiled one, I just create PerfTimer and call the swizzled method.
In brief that is my idea which turned out to work pretty smoothly.