I want to get the sum on a specific date given e.g from 18/12/04 to 18/12/15 then calculate the total amount

The key is in the GROUP BY statement.
If you want to get the sum per tenant and date, group by them both.
If you want to get the sum per date, group by date only (and remove the tenant colums [or select MAX] from the SELECT).
Paste your code as text and I can edit it for you if you want.

If you want to get the total as additional column, you can use WINDOW functions:
SELECT tenant_id
,SUM(total_amount) OVER (PARTITION BY tenant_id)
,SUM(total_amount) OVER ()
FROM tenant_reeipits


Using range of cells as conditions in SQL Query

My company uses a SQL Server database.
Is it possible to use a range of cells as a condition in a SQL query if it equals ANY of those values? Can it even use date ranges on the same rows?
Reference Example:
Data Example:
Output Desired:
Question 1:
Can I reference an entire column?
SELECT ID, sum(units) FROM sales WHERE ID = any ID in Column A
Question 2:
Can I specify just a cell range?
SELECT ID, sum(units) FROM table WHERE ID = any value in A2:A10
Question 3:
Can I add a date range cell reference with the possibility that the same ID may appear more than once but have a different date range (see 747375 in sample) and return results for both ranges separately?
SELECT ID, sum(units) FROM table WHERE ID = any value in A2:A10 AND DATE >= date found in column B that is next to ID in the same row AND DATE <= date found in column C that is next to ID in the same row
You can use between as following
sum(units) as units
from reference r
join data d
on r.id = d.id
where d.date between r.start and r.end
group by
Question 1: Can I reference an entire column?
Yes. A default select without a where clause will reference the entire column.
Your example SELECT ID, sum(units) FROM sales WHERE ID = any ID in Column A is not logically sound. From the select, I am presuming that you want the sum of units for each individual ID, not the sum of all the units without regard to the ID. For this, you want to use group by
select ID, sum(units) totalunits
from sales
group by ID
There is no need for a where clause because you want everything.
Question 2: Can I specify just a cell range?
And no.
There is no direct concept of "cell range" in SQL (well, maybe top but not really). Data is stored unordered in SQL. In Excel, the cell range "A2:A10" means "whatever values just happen to be in those cells at this point in time". Often this will mean "the 2nd through 10th values entered in time", or "the first through 9th values entered in time" if there is a header row. But then later you can sort the data differently and now there is different data there. In SQL, there is no order in storage. You can specify an order for the output when you select data, but that is manually specified for each select.
However, the related concept is probably rather obvious. "A2:A10" is often going to mean "the first 9 values by date/time", or "the largest/smallest 9 values" etc.
Your example SELECT ID, sum(units) FROM table WHERE ID = any value in A2:A10 needs to change to define what values you expect to be in A2:A10. For example, if A2:A10 represents the first 9 values by date, you would do something like this: (untested)
select ID, sum(units) totalunits
from sales
where ID in (select top(9) ID
from sales
order by date
group by ID
This would provide the sum of units for each of the IDs that were amongst the first 9 IDs entered by date (what to do with a tie for 9th I will not go into here).
Question 3: Can I add a date range cell reference with the possibility that the same ID may appear more than once but have a different date range (see 747375 in sample) and return results for both ranges separately?
This one is difficult to understand. And it might be meaningless based on the answer to your 2nd question. However, you can setup a query that chooses the IDs you want, and in that query you can also select the min and max dates. Finally, you can use the information from that query as a subquery to get the information by ID that has the sum of units within the min/max dates and one that is the sum of units outside the min/max dates. This would require some effort and I will not at this time try to figure that out for you.

Sum dates with different timestamps and picking the min date?

Beginner here. I want to have only one row for each delivery date but it is important to keep the hours and the minutes. I have the following table in Oracle (left):
As you can see there are days that a certain SKU (e.g SKU A) was delivered twice in the same day. The table on the right is the desired result. Essentially, I want to have the quantities that arrived on the 28th summed up and in the Supplier_delivery column I want to have the earliest delivery timestamp.
I need to keep the hours and the minutes otherwise I know I could achieve this by writing sth like: SELECT SKU, TRUNC(TO_DATE(SUPPLIER_DELIVERY), 'DDD'), SUM(QTY) FROM TABLE GROUP BY SKU , TRUNC(TO_DATE(SUPPLIER_DELIVERY), 'DDD')
Any ideas?
You can use MIN():
This assumes that SUPPLIER_DELIVERY is a date and does not need to be converted to one. But it would work with TO_DATE() in the GROUP BY as well.

how to convert date from rows to columns as week numbers and get the price from the highest week number

Problem: I am trying to convert date from rows to columns as week numbers and get the price from the highest week number and call it givenPrice.
See below. In your case, shopName is the row field, date is your pivot field, and price is your crosstab field. Since it appears that you are not doing anything to the crosstab values, we can just use a Max() function as a dummy because we don't need to ensure that the values in the pivot field are unique. So, I came up with this:
TRANSFORM Max(price)
SELECT shopName
FROM YourTable
GROUP BY shopName
PIVOT date;
NOTE: This query is Access SQL.

Use row number in aggregate sum over UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING SQL

I would like to add a discount rate when summing Cashflows over a number of period. To do this I need to multiply each of the remaining cashflows by the discount rate, consummate with this period. I could do this, if I knew the row number of each period, but I can't use it with the window calc I am using. The example below shows the column 'Remaining Interest' which is what I am trying to calculate based on raw data of period and interest.
select Period,RemainingInterest = SUM(PeriodInterestPaid)
Period Interest Remaining Interest(Query) Remaining Interest(Required)
1 1000 1000+2000 1000/1.02^1+2000/1.02^2
2 2000 2000 2000/1.02^1
hi i hope i understand Well ---
you need to get the sum of value based on the period that what i under stand from the query but u said that you need a multiply
So there's no need to make a window function just group by
select Period, SUM(PeriodInterestPaid) as RemainingInterest
and if u want a multiplay you will make group by also but u will use anther exp :
Pls explan what exactly u need

Retrieving how many transactions were made on a date in SQL?

I have a table named Sales and a column within it named Date. I'm simply trying to find how many sales were made on a specific date. My intuition was to use something like this:
SELECT COUNT(Date) FROM Sales WHERE Date='2015-04-04'
this should count all sales that were made on that date, but that returns 0. What am I doing wrong?
While it is difficult to be precise without table definitions or an indication of what RDBMS you are using, it is likely that Date is a time/date stamp, and that the result you want would be obtained either by looking for a range from the beginning of the day to the end of the day in your WHERE clause, or by truncating Date down to a date without the time before comparing it to a date.
Try the below once.
select count(*) from <t.n> where date like '2015-04-04%';
When you want to find the count of rows based on a field (Date) You need to Group By over it like this:
FROM Sales
Now you have all count of rows for each Date.
Type and Value of Date is important in the result of the above query.
For example in SQL Server your best try is to convert a DateTime field to varchar and then check it as the result of CONVERT like this:
FROM Sales
WHERE CONVERT(VARCHAR, Date, 111) = '2015/04/04'