Can't remove items from Kotlin HashMap after the items have been modified [duplicate] - kotlin

Is it bad practice to use mutable objects as Hashmap keys? What happens when you try to retrieve a value from a Hashmap using a key that has been modified enough to change its hashcode?
For example, given
class Key
int a; //mutable field
int b; //mutable field
public int hashcode()
return foo(a, b);
// setters setA and setB omitted for brevity
with code
HashMap<Key, Value> map = new HashMap<Key, Value>();
Key key1 = new Key(0, 0);
map.put(key1, value1); // value1 is an instance of Value
What happens if we now call map.get(key1)? Is this safe or advisable? Or is the behavior dependent on the language?

It has been noted by many well respected developers such as Brian Goetz and Josh Bloch that :
If an object’s hashCode() value can change based on its state, then we
must be careful when using such objects as keys in hash-based
collections to ensure that we don’t allow their state to change when
they are being used as hash keys. All hash-based collections assume
that an object’s hash value does not change while it is in use as a
key in the collection. If a key’s hash code were to change while it
was in a collection, some unpredictable and confusing consequences
could follow. This is usually not a problem in practice — it is not
common practice to use a mutable object like a List as a key in a

This is not safe or advisable. The value mapped to by key1 can never be retrieved. When doing a retrieval, most hash maps will do something like
Object get(Object key) {
int hash = key.hashCode();
//simplified, ignores hash collisions,
Entry entry = getEntry(hash);
if(entry != null && entry.getKey().equals(key)) {
return entry.getValue();
return null;
In this example, key1.hashcode() now points to the wrong bucket of the hash table, and you will not be able to retrieve value1 with key1.
If you had done something like,
Key key1 = new Key(0, 0);
map.put(key1, value1);
Key key2 = new Key(0, 0);
This will also not retrieve value1, as key1 and key2 are no longer equal, so this check
if(entry != null && entry.getKey().equals(key))
will fail.

Hash maps use hash code and equality comparisons to identify a certain key-value pair with a given key. If the has map keeps the key as a reference to the mutable object, it would work in the cases where the same instance is used to retrieve the value. Consider however, the following case:
T keyOne = ...;
T keyTwo = ...;
// At this point keyOne and keyTwo are different instances and
// keyOne.equals(keyTwo) is true.
HashMap myMap = new HashMap();
myMap.push(keyOne, "Hello");
String s1 = (String) myMap.get(keyOne); // s1 is "Hello"
String s2 = (String) myMap.get(keyTwo); // s2 is "Hello"
// because keyOne equals keyTwo
s1 = myMap.get(keyOne); // returns "Hello"
s2 = myMap.get(keyTwo); // not found
The above is true if the key is stored as a reference. In Java usually this is the case. In .NET for instance, if the key is a value type (always passed by value), the result will be different:
T keyOne = ...;
T keyTwo = ...;
// At this point keyOne and keyTwo are different instances
// and keyOne.equals(keyTwo) is true.
Dictionary myMap = new Dictionary();
myMap.Add(keyOne, "Hello");
String s1 = (String) myMap[keyOne]; // s1 is "Hello"
String s2 = (String) myMap[keyTwo]; // s2 is "Hello"
// because keyOne equals keyTwo
s1 = myMap[keyOne]; // not found
s2 = myMap[keyTwo]; // returns "Hello"
Other technologies might have other different behaviors. However, almost all of them would come to a situation where the result of using mutable keys is not deterministic, which is very very bad situation in an application - a hard to debug and even harder to understand.

If key’s hash code changes after the key-value pair (Entry) is stored in HashMap, the map will not be able to retrieve the Entry.
Key’s hashcode can change if the key object is mutable. Mutable keys in HahsMap can result in data loss.

This will not work. You are changing the key value, so you are basically throwing it away. Its like creating a real life key and lock, and then changing the key and trying to put it back in the lock.

As others explained, it is dangerous.
A way to avoid that is to have a const field giving explicitly the hash in your mutable objects (so you would hash on their "identity", not their "state"). You might even initialize that hash field more or less randomly.
Another trick would be to use the address, e.g. (intptr_t) reinterpret_cast<void*>(this) as a basis for hash.
In all cases, you have to give up hashing the changing state of the object.

There are two very different issues that can arise with a mutable key depending on your expectation of behavior.
First Problem: (probably most trivial--but hell it gave me problems that I didn't think about!)
You are attempting to place key-value pairs into a map by updating and modifying the same key object. You might do something like Map<Integer, String> and simply say:
int key = 0;
loop {
map.put(key++, newString);
I'm reusing the "object" key to create a map. This works fine in Java because of autoboxing where each new value of key gets autoboxed to a new Integer object. What would not work is if I created my own (mutable) Integer object:
MyInteger {
int value;
Then tried the same approach:
MyInteger key = new MyInteger(0);
map.put(key.plusOne(), newString)
My expectation is that, for instance, I map 0 -> "a" and 1 -> "b". In the first example, if I change int key = 0, the map will (correctly) give me "a". For simplicity let's assume MyInteger just always returns the same hashCode() (if you can somehow manage to create unique hashCode values for all possible states of an object, this will not be an issue, and you deserve an award). In this case, I call 0 -> "a", so now the map holds my key and maps it to "a", I then modify key = 1 and try to put 1 -> "b". We have a problem! The hashCode() is the same, and the only key in the HashMap is my MyInteger key object which has just been modified to be equal to 1, so It overwrites that key's value so that now, instead of a map with 0 -> "a" and 1 -> "b", I have 1 -> "b" only! Even worse, if I change back to key = 0, the hashCode points to 1 -> "b", but since the HashMap's only key is my key object, it satisfied the equality check and returns "b", not "a" as expected.
If, like me, you fall prey to this type of issue, it's incredibly difficult to diagnose. Why? Because if you have a decent hashCode() function it will generate (mostly) unique values. The hash value will largely take care of the inequality problem when structuring the map but if you have enough values, eventually you'll get a collision on the hash value and then you get unexpected and largely inexplicable results. The resultant behavior is that it works for small runs but fails for larger ones.
To find this type of issue, modify the hashCode() method, even trivially (i.e. = 0--obviously when doing this, keep in mind that the hash values should be the same for two equal objects*), and see if you get the same results--because you should and if you don't, there's likely a semantic error with your implementation that's using a hash table.
*There should be no danger (if there is--you have a semantic problem) in always returning 0 from a hashCode() (although it would defeat the purpose of a Hash Table). But that's sort of the point: the hashCode is a "quick and easy" equality measure that's not exact. So two very different objects could have the same hashCode() yet not be equal. On the other hand, two equal objects must always have the same hashCode() value.
p.s. In Java, from my understanding, if you do such a terrible thing (as have many hashCode() collisions), it will start using a red-black-tree as opposed to ArrayList. So when you expect O(1) lookup, you'll get O(log(n))--which is better than the ArrayList which would give O(n).
Second Problem:
This is the one that most others seem to be focusing on, so I'll try to be brief. In this use case, I try to map a key-value pair and then I do some work on the key and then want to come back and get my value.
Expectation: key -> value is mapped, I then modify key and try to get(key). I expect that will give me value.
It seems kind of obvious to me that this wouldn't work but I'm not above having tried to use things like Collections as a key before (and quite quickly realizing it doesn't work). It doesn't work because it's quite likely that the hash value of key has changed so you won't even be looking in the correct bucket.
This is why it's very inadvisable to use collections as keys. I would assume, if you were doing this, you're trying to establish a many-to-one relationship. So I have a class (as in teaching) and I want two groups to do two different projects. What I want is that given a group, what is their project? Simple, I divide the class in two, and I have group1 -> project1 and group2 -> project2. But wait! A new student arrives so I place them in group1. The problem is that group1 has now been modified and likely its hash value has changed, therefore trying to do get(group1) is likely to fail because it will look in a wrong or non-existent bucket of the HashMap.
The obvious solution to the above is to chain things--instead of using the groups as keys, give them labels (that don't change) that point to the group and therefore the project: g1 -> group1 and g1 -> project1, etc.
Please make sure to define a hashCode() and equals(...) method for any object you expect to use as a key (eclipse and, I'm assuming, most IDE's can do this for you).
Code Example:
Here is a class which exhibits the two different "problem" behaviors. In this case, I attempt to map 0 -> "a", 1 -> "b", and 2 -> "c" (in each case). In the first problem, I do that by modifying the same object, in the second problem, I use unique objects, and in the second problem "fixed" I clone those unique objects. After that I take one of the "unique" keys (k0) and modify it to attempt to access the map. I expect this will give me a, b, c and null when the key is 3.
However, what happens is the following:
map.get(0) map1: 0 -> null, map2: 0 -> a, map3: 0 -> a
map.get(1) map1: 1 -> null, map2: 1 -> b, map3: 1 -> b
map.get(2) map1: 2 -> c, map2: 2 -> a, map3: 2 -> c
map.get(3) map1: 3 -> null, map2: 3 -> null, map3: 3 -> null
The first map ("first problem") fails because it only holds a single key, which was last updated and placed to equal 2, hence why it correctly returns "c" when k0 = 2 but returns null for the other two (the single key doesn't equal 0 or 1). The second map fails twice: the most obvious is that it returns "b" when I asked for k0 (because it's been modified--that's the "second problem" which seems kind of obvious when you do something like this). It fails a second time when it returns "a" after modifying k0 = 2 (which I would expect to be "c"). This is more due to the "first problem": there's a hash code collision and the tiebreaker is an equality check--but the map holds k0, which it (apparently for me--could theoretically be different for someone else) checked first and thus returned the first value, "a" even though had it kept checking, "c" would have also been a match. Finally, the 3rd map works perfectly because I'm enforcing that the map holds unique keys no matter what else I do (by cloning the object during insertion).
I want to make clear that I agree, cloning is not a solution! I simply added that as an example of why a map needs unique keys and how enforcing unique keys "fixes" the issue.
public class HashMapProblems {
private int value = 0;
public HashMapProblems() {
public HashMapProblems(final int value) {
this.value = value;
public void setValue(final int i) {
this.value = i;
public int hashCode() {
return value % 2;
public boolean equals(final Object o) {
return o instanceof HashMapProblems
&& value == ((HashMapProblems) o).value;
public Object clone() {
return new HashMapProblems(value);
public void reset() {
this.value = 0;
public static void main(String[] args) {
final HashMapProblems k0 = new HashMapProblems(0);
final HashMapProblems k1 = new HashMapProblems(1);
final HashMapProblems k2 = new HashMapProblems(2);
final HashMapProblems k = new HashMapProblems();
final HashMap<HashMapProblems, String> map1 = firstProblem(k);
final HashMap<HashMapProblems, String> map2 = secondProblem(k0, k1, k2);
final HashMap<HashMapProblems, String> map3 = secondProblemFixed(k0, k1, k2);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
"map.get(%d) map1: %d -> %s, map2: %d -> %s, map3: %d -> %s",
i, i, map1.get(k0), i, map2.get(k0), i, map3.get(k0));
private static HashMap<HashMapProblems, String> firstProblem(
final HashMapProblems start) {
final HashMap<HashMapProblems, String> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put(start, "a");
map.put(start, "b");
map.put(start, "c");
return map;
private static HashMap<HashMapProblems, String> secondProblem(
final HashMapProblems... keys) {
final HashMap<HashMapProblems, String> map = new HashMap<>();
IntStream.range(0, keys.length).forEach(
index -> map.put(keys[index], "" + (char) ('a' + index)));
return map;
private static HashMap<HashMapProblems, String> secondProblemFixed(
final HashMapProblems... keys) {
final HashMap<HashMapProblems, String> map = new HashMap<>();
IntStream.range(0, keys.length)
.forEach(index -> map.put((HashMapProblems) keys[index].clone(),
"" + (char) ('a' + index)));
return map;
Some Notes:
In the above it should be noted that map1 only holds two values because of the way I set up the hashCode() function to split odds and evens. k = 0 and k = 2 therefore have the same hashCode of 0. So when I modify k = 2 and attempt to k -> "c" the mapping k -> "a" gets overwritten--k -> "b" is still there because it exists in a different bucket.
Also there are a lot of different ways to examine the maps in the above code and I would encourage people that are curious to do things like print out the values of the map and then the key to value mappings (you may be surprised by the results you get). Do things like play with changing the different "unique" keys (i.e. k0, k1, and k2), try changing the single key k. You could also see how even the secondProblemFixed isn't actually fixed because you could also gain access to the keys (for instance via Map::keySet) and modify them.

I won't repeat what others have said. Yes, it's inadvisable. But in my opinion, it's not overly obvious where the documentation states this.
You can find it on the JavaDoc for the Map interface:
Note: great care must be exercised if mutable objects are used as map
keys. The behavior of a map is not specified if the value of an object
is changed in a manner that affects equals comparisons while the
object is a key in the map

Behaviour of a Map is not specified if value of an object is changed in a manner that affects equals comparision while object(Mutable) is a key. Even for Set also using mutable object as key is not a good idea.
Lets see a example here :
public class MapKeyShouldntBeMutable {
* #param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Map<Employee,Integer> map=new HashMap<Employee,Integer>();
Employee e=new Employee();
Employee e1=new Employee();
Employee e2=new Employee();
Employee e3=new Employee();
Employee e4=new Employee();
map.put(e, 24);
map.put(e1, 25);
map.put(e2, 26);
map.put(e3, 27);
map.put(e4, 28);
System.out.println(" is e equals e1 "+e.equals(e1));
for(Employee s:map.keySet())
System.out.println("key : "+s.getName()+":value : "+map.get(s));
class Employee{
String name;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
public boolean equals(Object o){
Employee e=(Employee)o;
return true;
return false;
public int hashCode() {
int sum=0;
for(int i=0;i<;i++)
/*System.out.println("name :"" code : "+sum);*/
return sum;
Here we are trying to add mutable object "Employee" to a map. It will work good if all keys added are distinct.Here I have overridden equals and hashcode for employee class.
See first I have added "e" and then "e1". For both of them equals() will be true and hashcode will be same. So map sees as if the same key is getting added so it should replace the old value with e1's value. Then we have added e2,e3,e4 we are fine as of now.
But when we are changing the value of an already added key i.e "e2" as one ,it becomes a key similar to one added earlier. Now the map will behave wired. Ideally e2 should replace the existing same key i.e e1.But now map takes this as well. And you will get this in o/p :
is e equals e1 true
{Employee#1aa=28, Employee#1bc=27, Employee#142=25, Employee#142=26}
key : five:value : 28
key : four:value : 27
key : one:value : 25
key : one:value : 25
See here both keys having one showing same value also. So its unexpected.Now run the same programme again by changing e2.setName("diffnt"); which is e2.setName("one"); here ...Now the o/p will be this :
is e equals e1 true
{Employee#1aa=28, Employee#1bc=27, Employee#142=25, Employee#27b=26}
key : five:value : 28
key : four:value : 27
key : one:value : 25
key : diffnt:value : null
So by adding changing the mutable key in a map is not encouraged.

To make the answer compact:
The root cause is that HashMap calculates an internal hash of the user's key object hashcode only once and stores it inside for own needs.
All other operations for data navigation inside the map are doing by this pre-calculated internal hash.
So if you change the hashcode of the key object (mutate) it will be still stored nicely inside the map with the changed key object's hashcode (you could even observe it via HashMap.keySet() and see the altered hashcode).
But HashMap internal hash will not be recalculated of course and it will be the old stored one and the map won't be able to locate your data by the provided mutated key object new hashcode. (e.g. by HashMap.get() or HashMap.containsKey()).
Your key-value pairs will be still inside the map but to get it back you will need that old hash code value that was given when you put your data into the map.
Notice that you also will be unable to get data back by the mutated key object taken right from the HashMap.keySet().


Generating unique random values with SecureRandom

i'm currently implementing a secret sharing scheme.(shamir)
In order to generate some secret shares, I need to generate some random numbers within a range. FOr this purpose, I have this very simple code:
val sharesPRG = SecureRandom()
fun generateShares(k :Int): List<Pair<BigDecimal,BigDecimal>> {
val xs = IntArray(k){ i -> sharesPRG.nextInt(5)}
return xs
I have left out the part that actually creates the shares as coordinates, just to make it reproduceable, and picked an arbitrarily small bound of 5.
My problem is that I of course need these shares to be unique, it doesnt make sense to have shares that are the same.
So would it be possible for the Securerandom.nextint to not return a value that it has already returned?
Of course I could do some logic where I was checking for duplicates, but I really thought there should be something more elegant
If your k is not too large you can keep adding random values to a set until it reaches size k:
fun generateMaterial(k: Int): Set<Int> = mutableSetOf<Int>().also {
while (it.size < k) {
You can then use the set as the source material to your list of pairs (k needs to be even):
fun main() {
val pairList = generateMaterial(10).windowed(2, 2).map { it[0] to it[1] }

Kotlin number boxing test strange [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
kotlin int boxed identity
(1 answer)
Closed 4 years ago.
I am a beginner of kotlin.
I do not understand the output below.
fun testNumberBoxing() {
val a:Int = 1000
val boxedA1: Int? = a
val boxedA2: Int? = a
println("first check = ${boxedA1 === boxedA2}")
val b: Int = 2
val boxedB1: Int? = b
val boxedB2: Int? = b
println("second check = ${boxedB1 === boxedB2}")
result is
first check = true
second check = false
Why are the two outputs different?
my kotlin version is 1.2.31
The output I got
first check = false
second check = true
What the code compiles to
public static final void main(#NotNull String[] args) {
Intrinsics.checkParameterIsNotNull(args, "args");
int a = 1000;
Integer boxedA1 = Integer.valueOf(a);
Integer boxedA2 = Integer.valueOf(a);
String var4 = "first check = " + (boxedA1 == boxedA2);
int b = 2;
Integer boxedB1 = Integer.valueOf(b);
Integer boxedB2 = Integer.valueOf(b);
String var7 = "second check = " + (boxedB1 == boxedB2);
Why valueOf is not consistent
For this we need to look at the JavaDoc of valueOf:
Returns an Integer instance representing the specified int value. If a new Integer instance is not required, this method should generally be used in preference to the constructor Integer(int), as this method is likely to yield significantly better space and time performance by caching frequently requested values. This method will always cache values in the range -128 to 127, inclusive, and may cache other values outside of this range.
As you can see, for small values it will return the same object on both calls, so they are equal, and for the larger uncached value the 2 objects are different
In java the == checks for object equality, so the 2 equal objects are false, while 2 copies of the same object returns true.
That's rather weird, I'm consistently (both locally and on with different Kotlin versions) getting this result instead:
first check = false
second check = true
And this is what is to be expected, as the JVM caches Integer instances int the -127 to 128 range, reusing the same Integer instance when one is required for boxing, literals, or Integer.valueOf calls in this range.
In contrast to php or javascript where === is in most cases the more sane option, in Kotlin === compares references to objects instead of values.
As others pointed out, objects for Integers of the same value can be cached. Same goes for Strings and the other primitive types.

ZSCAN guarantee for elements which score has changed during iteration

I cannot find this information in the documentation: Does Redis guarantee that an element is returned with ZSCAN command under this condition:
The element was contained in the sorted set from the start to the end
of a full iteration, BUT the score of such element has changed (even
several times, for instance by another client) during iteration?
Only related statement I found regarding this is the following:
Elements that were not constantly present in the collection during a
full iteration, may be returned or not: it is undefined.
But I don't know if score change in such case is the same thing as remove/add operations or not.
If the element exists during the full iteration, it will be returned by the zscan command. It doesn't matter whether the score has been changed during the iteration.
Normally, zset is implemented as a hash table (i.e. Redis' dict), and a skiplist. When running the zscan command, it iterates over the hash table entries to do the scan job. The changing of the score (value of the dict entry) won't affect the iteration process.
If zset is small enough, Redis implements it as a ziplist. In this case, Redis returns all elements in a single zscan call. So the score CANNOT be changed during the iteration.
In a word, you have the guarantee.
Thanks a lot for_stack for the confirmation. I didn't know if someone will response so meanwhile I implemented some own checks in Java:
public void testZScanGuaranteeWithScoreUpdates() {
try (Jedis jedis = jedisPool.getResource()) {
IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 50).forEach(i -> testZScanGuaranteeWithUpdates(jedis, false));
IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 50).forEach(i -> testZScanGuaranteeWithUpdates(jedis, true));
* Changing score of elements (named ids) during iteration (eventually inserting and removing another unchecked ids)
* and then assert that no element (id) is missing
private void testZScanGuaranteeWithUpdates(Jedis jedis, boolean noise) {
Random ran = new Random();
List<String> noiseIds = IntStream.range(0, 4000).mapToObj(i -> UUID.randomUUID().toString()).collect(toList());
if (noise) { // insert some noise with random score (from 0 to 5000)
noiseIds.forEach(id -> jedis.zadd(KEY, ran.nextInt(5000), id));
int totalIds = 2000;
List<String> ids = IntStream.range(0, totalIds).mapToObj(i -> UUID.randomUUID().toString()).collect(toList());
Set<String> allScanned = new HashSet<>();
ids.forEach(id -> jedis.zadd(KEY, ran.nextInt(2500) + 1000, id)); // insert all IDs with random score (from 1000 to 3500)
redis.scanIds(KEY, 100, res -> { // encapsulate iteration step - this closure is executed for every 100 elements during iteration
allScanned.addAll(res); // record 100 scanned ids
Collections.shuffle(ids); -> jedis.zadd(KEY, ran.nextInt(2500) + 1000, id)); // change score of 500 random ids
if (noise) { // insert and remove some noise
IntStream.range(0, 50).forEach(i -> jedis.zadd(KEY, ran.nextInt(5000), UUID.randomUUID().toString()));
IntStream.range(0, 60).forEach(i -> jedis.zrem(KEY, noiseIds.get(ran.nextInt(noiseIds.size()))));
if (!noise) {
assertEquals(totalIds, allScanned.size()); // 2000 unique ids scanned
assertTrue(allScanned.containsAll(ids)); // none id is missing
jedis.del(KEY); // prepare for test re-execution
Tests are passing, i.e. all elements are returned by ZSCAN even when their score has changed during iteration using ZADD command.

Accessing a dictionary key by its index

It's probably an easy question but how do I access the value of a dictionary key in a specific row.
Let's say Dict is { 1,13; 3,14; 5,17 }
The second key is 3.
How do I get that value?
I tried Dict->Key[2] but gave an error and can't find a reference to it
This gives me what I need but maybe there is a faster way.
Dictionary<double, double>::KeyCollection^ keyColl = Dict->Keys;
double first;
double last;
int counter=0;
int dictionaryCount = Dict->Count;
for each( double s in keyColl )
if(dictionaryCount == counter+1){
//Dict[first] would be the first key
//Dict[last] would be the last key
The Dictionary<> class has an indexer, you use it by applying the [] operator directly to the object reference. It is named Item in the MSDN Library articles. The indexer for Dictionary takes a key and returns the value for the key. Sample code:
auto dict = gcnew Dictionary<int, double>();
dict->Add(1, 13);
dict->Add(3, 14);
dict->Add(5, 17);
auto value = dict[3];
You could use the TryGetValue() method instead if you are not sure if the key is present.
The dictionary is Dict<double,double>
Do beware that using double as the key is very troublesome. Comparing floating point values for equality is filled with surprises, none of them good ones. You must use the Dictionary(IEqualityComparer<>) constructor and pass your own comparer to have any hope of surviving this. Ask another question about that if necessary.

Expression Evaluation and Tree Walking using polymorphism? (ala Steve Yegge)

This morning, I was reading Steve Yegge's: When Polymorphism Fails, when I came across a question that a co-worker of his used to ask potential employees when they came for their interview at Amazon.
As an example of polymorphism in
action, let's look at the classic
"eval" interview question, which (as
far as I know) was brought to Amazon
by Ron Braunstein. The question is
quite a rich one, as it manages to
probe a wide variety of important
skills: OOP design, recursion, binary
trees, polymorphism and runtime
typing, general coding skills, and (if
you want to make it extra hard)
parsing theory.
At some point, the candidate hopefully
realizes that you can represent an
arithmetic expression as a binary
tree, assuming you're only using
binary operators such as "+", "-",
"*", "/". The leaf nodes are all
numbers, and the internal nodes are
all operators. Evaluating the
expression means walking the tree. If
the candidate doesn't realize this,
you can gently lead them to it, or if
necessary, just tell them.
Even if you tell them, it's still an
interesting problem.
The first half of the question, which
some people (whose names I will
protect to my dying breath, but their
initials are Willie Lewis) feel is a
Job Requirement If You Want To Call
Yourself A Developer And Work At
Amazon, is actually kinda hard. The
question is: how do you go from an
arithmetic expression (e.g. in a
string) such as "2 + (2)" to an
expression tree. We may have an ADJ
challenge on this question at some
The second half is: let's say this is
a 2-person project, and your partner,
who we'll call "Willie", is
responsible for transforming the
string expression into a tree. You get
the easy part: you need to decide what
classes Willie is to construct the
tree with. You can do it in any
language, but make sure you pick one,
or Willie will hand you assembly
language. If he's feeling ornery, it
will be for a processor that is no
longer manufactured in production.
You'd be amazed at how many candidates
boff this one.
I won't give away the answer, but a
Standard Bad Solution involves the use
of a switch or case statment (or just
good old-fashioned cascaded-ifs). A
Slightly Better Solution involves
using a table of function pointers,
and the Probably Best Solution
involves using polymorphism. I
encourage you to work through it
sometime. Fun stuff!
So, let's try to tackle the problem all three ways. How do you go from an arithmetic expression (e.g. in a string) such as "2 + (2)" to an expression tree using cascaded-if's, a table of function pointers, and/or polymorphism?
Feel free to tackle one, two, or all three.
[update: title modified to better match what most of the answers have been.]
Polymorphic Tree Walking, Python version
class Node:
"""base class, you should not process one of these"""
def process(self):
raise('you should not be processing a node')
class BinaryNode(Node):
"""base class for binary nodes"""
def __init__(self, _left, _right):
self.left = _left
self.right = _right
def process(self):
raise('you should not be processing a binarynode')
class Plus(BinaryNode):
def process(self):
return self.left.process() + self.right.process()
class Minus(BinaryNode):
def process(self):
return self.left.process() - self.right.process()
class Mul(BinaryNode):
def process(self):
return self.left.process() * self.right.process()
class Div(BinaryNode):
def process(self):
return self.left.process() / self.right.process()
class Num(Node):
def __init__(self, _value):
self.value = _value
def process(self):
return self.value
def demo(n):
print n.process()
demo(Num(2)) # 2
demo(Plus(Num(2),Num(5))) # 2 + 3
demo(Plus(Mul(Num(2),Num(3)),Div(Num(10),Num(5)))) # (2 * 3) + (10 / 2)
The tests are just building up the binary trees by using constructors.
program structure:
abstract base class: Node
all Nodes inherit from this class
abstract base class: BinaryNode
all binary operators inherit from this class
process method does the work of evaluting the expression and returning the result
binary operator classes: Plus,Minus,Mul,Div
two child nodes, one each for left side and right side subexpressions
number class: Num
holds a leaf-node numeric value, e.g. 17 or 42
The problem, I think, is that we need to parse perentheses, and yet they are not a binary operator? Should we take (2) as a single token, that evaluates to 2?
The parens don't need to show up in the expression tree, but they do affect its shape. E.g., the tree for (1+2)+3 is different from 1+(2+3):
/ \
+ 3
/ \
1 2
/ \
1 +
/ \
2 3
The parentheses are a "hint" to the parser (e.g., per superjoe30, to "recursively descend")
This gets into parsing/compiler theory, which is kind of a rabbit hole... The Dragon Book is the standard text for compiler construction, and takes this to extremes. In this particular case, you want to construct a context-free grammar for basic arithmetic, then use that grammar to parse out an abstract syntax tree. You can then iterate over the tree, reducing it from the bottom up (it's at this point you'd apply the polymorphism/function pointers/switch statement to reduce the tree).
I've found these notes to be incredibly helpful in compiler and parsing theory.
Representing the Nodes
If we want to include parentheses, we need 5 kinds of nodes:
the binary nodes: Add Minus Mul Divthese have two children, a left and right side
/ \
node node
a node to hold a value: Valno children nodes, just a numeric value
a node to keep track of the parens: Parena single child node for the subexpression
( )
For a polymorphic solution, we need to have this kind of class relationship:
BinaryNode : inherit from Node
Plus : inherit from Binary Node
Minus : inherit from Binary Node
Mul : inherit from Binary Node
Div : inherit from Binary Node
Value : inherit from Node
Paren : inherit from node
There is a virtual function for all nodes called eval(). If you call that function, it will return the value of that subexpression.
String Tokenizer + LL(1) Parser will give you an expression tree... the polymorphism way might involve an abstract Arithmetic class with an "evaluate(a,b)" function, which is overridden for each of the operators involved (Addition, Subtraction etc) to return the appropriate value, and the tree contains Integers and Arithmetic operators, which can be evaluated by a post(?)-order traversal of the tree.
I won't give away the answer, but a
Standard Bad Solution involves the use
of a switch or case statment (or just
good old-fashioned cascaded-ifs). A
Slightly Better Solution involves
using a table of function pointers,
and the Probably Best Solution
involves using polymorphism.
The last twenty years of evolution in interpreters can be seen as going the other way - polymorphism (eg naive Smalltalk metacircular interpreters) to function pointers (naive lisp implementations, threaded code, C++) to switch (naive byte code interpreters), and then onwards to JITs and so on - which either require very big classes, or (in singly polymorphic languages) double-dispatch, which reduces the polymorphism to a type-case, and you're back at stage one. What definition of 'best' is in use here?
For simple stuff a polymorphic solution is OK - here's one I made earlier, but either stack and bytecode/switch or exploiting the runtime's compiler is usually better if you're, say, plotting a function with a few thousand data points.
Hm... I don't think you can write a top-down parser for this without backtracking, so it has to be some sort of a shift-reduce parser. LR(1) or even LALR will of course work just fine with the following (ad-hoc) language definition:
Start -> E1
E1 -> E1+E1 | E1-E1
E1 -> E2*E2 | E2/E2 | E2
E2 -> number | (E1)
Separating it out into E1 and E2 is necessary to maintain the precedence of * and / over + and -.
But this is how I would do it if I had to write the parser by hand:
Two stacks, one storing nodes of the tree as operands and one storing operators
Read the input left to right, make leaf nodes of the numbers and push them into the operand stack.
If you have >= 2 operands on the stack, pop 2, combine them with the topmost operator in the operator stack and push this structure back to the operand tree, unless
The next operator has higher precedence that the one currently on top of the stack.
This leaves us the problem of handling brackets. One elegant (I thought) solution is to store the precedence of each operator as a number in a variable. So initially,
int plus, minus = 1;
int mul, div = 2;
Now every time you see a a left bracket increment all these variables by 2, and every time you see a right bracket, decrement all the variables by 2.
This will ensure that the + in 3*(4+5) has higher precedence than the *, and 3*4 will not be pushed onto the stack. Instead it will wait for 5, push 4+5, then push 3*(4+5).
Re: Justin
I think the tree would look something like this:
/ \
2 ( )
Basically, you'd have an "eval" node, that just evaluates the tree below it. That would then be optimized out to just being:
/ \
2 2
In this case the parens aren't required and don't add anything. They don't add anything logically, so they'd just go away.
I think the question is about how to write a parser, not the evaluator. Or rather, how to create the expression tree from a string.
Case statements that return a base class don't exactly count.
The basic structure of a "polymorphic" solution (which is another way of saying, I don't care what you build this with, I just want to extend it with rewriting the least amount of code possible) is deserializing an object hierarchy from a stream with a (dynamic) set of known types.
The crux of the implementation of the polymorphic solution is to have a way to create an expression object from a pattern matcher, likely recursive. I.e., map a BNF or similar syntax to an object factory.
Or maybe this is the real question:
how can you represent (2) as a BST?
That is the part that is tripping me
Look at my note on representing the nodes. If you use that scheme, then
2 + (2)
can be represented as
/ \
2 ( )
should use a functional language imo. Trees are harder to represent and manipulate in OO languages.
As people have been mentioning previously, when you use expression trees parens are not necessary. The order of operations becomes trivial and obvious when you're looking at an expression tree. The parens are hints to the parser.
While the accepted answer is the solution to one half of the problem, the other half - actually parsing the expression - is still unsolved. Typically, these sorts of problems can be solved using a recursive descent parser. Writing such a parser is often a fun exercise, but most modern tools for language parsing will abstract that away for you.
The parser is also significantly harder if you allow floating point numbers in your string. I had to create a DFA to accept floating point numbers in C -- it was a very painstaking and detailed task. Remember, valid floating points include: 10, 10., 10.123, 9.876e-5, 1.0f, .025, etc. I assume some dispensation from this (in favor of simplicty and brevity) was made in the interview.
I've written such a parser with some basic techniques like
Infix -> RPN and
Shunting Yard and
Tree Traversals.
Here is the implementation I've came up with.
It's written in C++ and compiles on both Linux and Windows.
Any suggestions/questions are welcomed.
So, let's try to tackle the problem all three ways. How do you go from an arithmetic expression (e.g. in a string) such as "2 + (2)" to an expression tree using cascaded-if's, a table of function pointers, and/or polymorphism?
This is interesting,but I don't think this belongs to the realm of object-oriented programming...I think it has more to do with parsing techniques.
I've kind of chucked this c# console app together as a bit of a proof of concept. Have a feeling it could be a lot better (that switch statement in GetNode is kind of clunky (it's there coz I hit a blank trying to map a class name to an operator)). Any suggestions on how it could be improved very welcome.
using System;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string expression = "(((3.5 * 4.5) / (1 + 2)) + 5)";
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} = {1}", expression, new Expression.ExpressionTree(expression).Value));
Console.WriteLine("\nShow's over folks, press a key to exit");
namespace Expression
// -------------------------------------------------------
abstract class NodeBase
public abstract double Value { get; }
// -------------------------------------------------------
class ValueNode : NodeBase
public ValueNode(double value)
_double = value;
private double _double;
public override double Value
return _double;
// -------------------------------------------------------
abstract class ExpressionNodeBase : NodeBase
protected NodeBase GetNode(string expression)
// Remove parenthesis
expression = RemoveParenthesis(expression);
// Is expression just a number?
double value = 0;
if (double.TryParse(expression, out value))
return new ValueNode(value);
int pos = ParseExpression(expression);
if (pos > 0)
string leftExpression = expression.Substring(0, pos - 1).Trim();
string rightExpression = expression.Substring(pos).Trim();
switch (expression.Substring(pos - 1, 1))
case "+":
return new Add(leftExpression, rightExpression);
case "-":
return new Subtract(leftExpression, rightExpression);
case "*":
return new Multiply(leftExpression, rightExpression);
case "/":
return new Divide(leftExpression, rightExpression);
throw new Exception("Unknown operator");
throw new Exception("Unable to parse expression");
private string RemoveParenthesis(string expression)
if (expression.Contains("("))
expression = expression.Trim();
int level = 0;
int pos = 0;
foreach (char token in expression.ToCharArray())
switch (token)
case '(':
case ')':
if (level == 0)
if (level == 0 && pos == expression.Length)
expression = expression.Substring(1, expression.Length - 2);
expression = RemoveParenthesis(expression);
return expression;
private int ParseExpression(string expression)
int winningLevel = 0;
byte winningTokenWeight = 0;
int winningPos = 0;
int level = 0;
int pos = 0;
foreach (char token in expression.ToCharArray())
switch (token)
case '(':
case ')':
if (level <= winningLevel)
if (OperatorWeight(token) > winningTokenWeight)
winningLevel = level;
winningTokenWeight = OperatorWeight(token);
winningPos = pos;
return winningPos;
private byte OperatorWeight(char value)
switch (value)
case '+':
case '-':
return 3;
case '*':
return 2;
case '/':
return 1;
return 0;
// -------------------------------------------------------
class ExpressionTree : ExpressionNodeBase
protected NodeBase _rootNode;
public ExpressionTree(string expression)
_rootNode = GetNode(expression);
public override double Value
return _rootNode.Value;
// -------------------------------------------------------
abstract class OperatorNodeBase : ExpressionNodeBase
protected NodeBase _leftNode;
protected NodeBase _rightNode;
public OperatorNodeBase(string leftExpression, string rightExpression)
_leftNode = GetNode(leftExpression);
_rightNode = GetNode(rightExpression);
// -------------------------------------------------------
class Add : OperatorNodeBase
public Add(string leftExpression, string rightExpression)
: base(leftExpression, rightExpression)
public override double Value
return _leftNode.Value + _rightNode.Value;
// -------------------------------------------------------
class Subtract : OperatorNodeBase
public Subtract(string leftExpression, string rightExpression)
: base(leftExpression, rightExpression)
public override double Value
return _leftNode.Value - _rightNode.Value;
// -------------------------------------------------------
class Divide : OperatorNodeBase
public Divide(string leftExpression, string rightExpression)
: base(leftExpression, rightExpression)
public override double Value
return _leftNode.Value / _rightNode.Value;
// -------------------------------------------------------
class Multiply : OperatorNodeBase
public Multiply(string leftExpression, string rightExpression)
: base(leftExpression, rightExpression)
public override double Value
return _leftNode.Value * _rightNode.Value;
Ok, here is my naive implementation. Sorry, I did not feel to use objects for that one but it is easy to convert. I feel a bit like evil Willy (from Steve's story).
#!/usr/bin/env python
#tree structure [left argument, operator, right argument, priority level]
tree_root = [None, None, None, None]
#count of parethesis nesting
parenthesis_level = 0
#current node with empty right argument
current_node = tree_root
#indices in tree_root nodes Left, Operator, Right, PRiority
L, O, R, PR = 0, 1, 2, 3
#functions that realise operators
def sum(a, b):
return a + b
def diff(a, b):
return a - b
def mul(a, b):
return a * b
def div(a, b):
return a / b
#tree evaluator
def process_node(n):
except TypeError:
return n
left = process_node(n[L])
right = process_node(n[R])
return n[O](left, right)
#mapping operators to relevant functions
o2f = {'+': sum, '-': diff, '*': mul, '/': div, '(': None, ')': None}
#converts token to a node in tree
def convert_token(t):
global current_node, tree_root, parenthesis_level
if t == '(':
parenthesis_level += 2
if t == ')':
parenthesis_level -= 2
try: #assumption that we have just an integer
l = int(t)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
pass #if not, no problem
if tree_root[L] is None: #if it is first number, put it on the left of root node
tree_root[L] = l
else: #put on the right of current_node
current_node[R] = l
priority = (1 if t in '+-' else 2) + parenthesis_level
#if tree_root does not have operator put it there
if tree_root[O] is None and t in o2f:
tree_root[O] = o2f[t]
tree_root[PR] = priority
#if new node has less or equals priority, put it on the top of tree
if tree_root[PR] >= priority:
temp = [tree_root, o2f[t], None, priority]
tree_root = current_node = temp
#starting from root search for a place with higher priority in hierarchy
current_node = tree_root
while type(current_node[R]) != type(1) and priority > current_node[R][PR]:
current_node = current_node[R]
#insert new node
temp = [current_node[R], o2f[t], None, priority]
current_node[R] = temp
current_node = temp
def parse(e):
token = ''
for c in e:
if c <= '9' and c >='0':
token += c
if c == ' ':
if token != '':
token = ''
if c in o2f:
if token != '':
token = ''
print "Unrecognized character:", c
if token != '':
def main():
parse('(((3 * 4) / (1 + 2)) + 5)')
print tree_root
print process_node(tree_root)
if __name__ == '__main__':