Select every nth row as a Pandas DataFrame without reading the entire file - pandas

I am reading a large file that contains ~9.5 million rows x 16 cols.
I am interested in retrieving a representative sample, and since the data is organized by time, I want to do this by selecting every 500th element.
I am able to load the data, and then select every 500th row.
My question: Can I immediately read every 500th element (using.pd.read_csv() or some other method), without having to read first and then filter my data?
Question 2: How would you approach this problem if the date column was not ordered? At the moment, I am assuming it's ordered by date, but all data is prone to errors.
Here is a snippet of what the data looks like (first five rows) The first 4 rows are out of order, bu the remaining dataset looks ordered (by time):
VendorID tpep_pickup_datetime tpep_dropoff_datetime passenger_count trip_distance RatecodeID store_and_fwd_flag PULocationID DOLocationID payment_type fare_amount extra mta_tax tip_amount tolls_amount improvement_surcharge total_amount
0 1 2017-01-09 11:13:28 2017-01-09 11:25:45 1 3.30 1 N 263 161 1 12.5 0.0 0.5 2.00 0.00 0.3 15.30
1 1 2017-01-09 11:32:27 2017-01-09 11:36:01 1 0.90 1 N 186 234 1 5.0 0.0 0.5 1.45 0.00 0.3 7.25
2 1 2017-01-09 11:38:20 2017-01-09 11:42:05 1 1.10 1 N 164 161 1 5.5 0.0 0.5 1.00 0.00 0.3 7.30
3 1 2017-01-09 11:52:13 2017-01-09 11:57:36 1 1.10 1 N 236 75 1 6.0 0.0 0.5 1.70 0.00 0.3 8.50
4 2 2017-01-01 00:00:00 2017-01-01 00:00:00 1 0.02 2 N 249 234 2 52.0 0.0 0.5 0.00 0.00 0.3 52.80

Can I immediately read every 500th element (using.pd.read_csv() or some other method), without having to read first and then filter my data?
Something you could do is to use the skiprows parameter in read_csv, which accepts a list-like argument to discard the rows of interest (and thus, also select). So you could create a np.arange with a length equal to the amount of rows to read, and remove every 500th element from it using np.delete, so this way we'll only be reading every 500th row:
n_rows = 9.5e6
skip = np.arange(n_rows)
skip = np.delete(skip, np.arange(0, n_rows, 500))
df = pd.read_csv('my_file.csv', skiprows = skip)

Can I immediately read every 500th element (using.pd.read_csv() or some other method), without having to read first and then filter my data?
First get the length of the file by a custom function, remove each 500 row by numpy.setdiff1d and pass to the skiprows parameter in read_csv:
def file_len(fname):
with open(fname) as f:
for i, l in enumerate(f):
return i + 1
len_of_file = file_len('test.csv')
print (len_of_file)
skipped = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(len_of_file), np.arange(0,len_of_file,500))
print (skipped)
df = pd.read_csv('test.csv', skiprows=skipped)
How would you approach this problem if the date column was not ordered? At the moment, I am assuming it's ordered by date, but all data is prone to errors.
The idea is read only the datetime column by parameter usecols, and then sort and select each 500 index value, get the difference and pass again to parameter skiprows:
def file_len(fname):
with open(fname) as f:
for i, l in enumerate(f):
return i + 1
len_of_file = file_len('test.csv')
df1 = pd.read_csv('test.csv',
sorted_idx = (df1['tpep_pickup_datetime'].sort_values()
skipped = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(len_of_file), sorted_idx)
print (skipped)
df = pd.read_csv('test.csv', skiprows=skipped).sort_values(by=['tpep_pickup_datetime'])

use a lambda with skiprows:
pd.read_csv(path, skiprows=lambda i: i % N)
to skip every N rows.

You can use csv module return a iterator and use itertools.cycle to select every nth row.
import csv
from itertools import cycle
chooser = (x == 0 for x in cycle(range(cycle_size)))
with open(source_file) as f1:
rdr = csv.reader(f1)
data = [row for pick, row in zip(chooser, rdr) if pick]


Get value of variable quantile per group

I have data that is categorized in groups, with a given quantile percentage per group. I want to create a threshold for each group that seperates all values within the group based on the quantile percentage. So if one group has q=0.8, I want the lowest 80% values given 1, and the upper 20% values given 0.
So, given the data like this:
I want object 1, 2 and 5 to get result 1 and the other 3 result 0. In total my data consists of 7.000.000 rows with 14.000 groups. I tried doing this with groupby.quantile but therefore I need a constant quantile measure, whereas my data has a different one for each group.
num = 7_000_000
grp_num = 14_000
qua = np.around(np.random.uniform(size=grp_num), 2)
df = pd.DataFrame({
"Group": np.random.randint(low=0, high=grp_num, size=num),
"Quantile": 0.0,
"Value": np.random.randint(low=100, high=300, size=num)
}).sort_values("Group").reset_index(0, drop=True)
def func(grp):
grp["Quantile"] = qua[grp.Group]
return grp
df = df.groupby("Group").apply(func)
Answer: (This is basically a for loop, so for performance you can try to apply numba to this)
def func2(grp):
return grp.Value < grp.Value.quantile(grp.Quantile.iloc[0])
df["result"] = df.groupby("Group").apply(func2).reset_index(0, drop=True)
Group Quantile Value result
0 0 0.33 156 1
1 0 0.33 259 0
2 0 0.33 166 1
3 0 0.33 183 0
4 0 0.33 111 1
... ... ... ... ...
6999995 13999 0.83 194 1
6999996 13999 0.83 227 1
6999997 13999 0.83 215 1
6999998 13999 0.83 103 1
6999999 13999 0.83 115 1
[7000000 rows x 4 columns]
CPU times: user 14.2 s, sys: 362 ms, total: 14.6 s
Wall time: 14.7 s

Time column interval filter

I have a dataframe with a "Fecha" column, I would like to reduce de Dataframe size through filter it and maintain just the rows which are on each 10 minutes multiple and discard all rows which are not in 10 minutes multiple.
Some idea?
I have to guess some variable names. But assuming your dataframe name is df, the solution should look similar to:
df['Fecha'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Fecha'])
df = df[df['Fecha'].minute % 10 == 0]
The first line guarantees that your 'Fecha' column is in DateTime-Format. The second line filters all rows which are a multiple of 10 minutes. To do this you use the modulus operator %.
Since I'm not sure if this solves your problem, here's a minimal example that runs by itself:
import pandas as pd
idx = pd.date_range(pd.Timestamp(2020, 1, 1), periods=60, freq='1T')
series = pd.Series(1, index=idx)
series = series[series.index.minute % 10 == 0]
The first three lines construct a series with a 1 minute index, which is filtered in the fourth line.
2020-01-01 00:00:00 1
2020-01-01 00:10:00 1
2020-01-01 00:20:00 1
2020-01-01 00:30:00 1
2020-01-01 00:40:00 1
2020-01-01 00:50:00 1
dtype: int64

how to do a proper pandas group by, where, sum

i am having a hard time using a group by + where to apply a sum to a broader range.
given this code:
from io import StringIO
import numpy as np
f = pd.read_csv(StringIO("""
# fund total - works as expected
f['fund_total'] = f.groupby('fund_id')['val'].transform(np.sum)
# fund L total - applied only to L rows.
f['fund_total_l'] = f[f['l_s'] == "L"].groupby('fund_id')['val'].transform(np.sum)
this code gets me close:
numbers are correct, but i would like fund_total_l column to show 30 for all rows of fund1 (not just L). I want a fund level summary, but sum filtered by the l_s column
i know i can do this with multiple steps, but this needs to be a single operation. i can use a separate generic function if that helps.
Use Series.where, to create NaN, these will be ignored in your sum:
f['val_temp'] = f['val'].where(f['l_s'] == "L")
f['fund_total_l'] = f.groupby('fund_id')['val_temp'].transform('sum')
f = f.drop(columns='val_temp')
Or in one line using assign:
df['fun_total_l'] = (
f.assign(val_temp=f['val'].where(f['l_s'] == "L"))
Another way would be to partly use your solution, but then use DataFrame.reindex to get the original index back and then use ffill and bfill to fill up our NaN:
f['fund_total_l'] = (
f[f['l_s'] == "L"]
fund_id l_s val fund_total_l
0 fund1 L 10 30.0
1 fund1 L 20 30.0
2 fund1 S 30 30.0
3 fund2 L 15 75.0
4 fund2 L 25 75.0
5 fund2 L 35 75.0
I think there is a more elegant solution, but I'm not able to broadcast the results back to the individual rows.
Essentially, with a boolean mask of all the "L" rows
f.groupby("fund_id").apply(lambda g:sum(g["val"]*(g["l_s"]=="L")))
you obtain
fund1 30
fund2 75
dtype: int64
now we can just merge after using reset_index to obtain
pd.merge(f, f.groupby("fund_id").apply(lambda g:sum(g["val"]*(g["l_s"]=="L"))).reset_index(), on="fund_id")
to obtain
fund_id l_s val 0
0 fund1 L 10 30
1 fund1 L 20 30
2 fund1 S 30 30
3 fund2 L 15 75
4 fund2 L 25 75
5 fund2 L 35 75
However, I'd guess that the merging is not necessary and can be obtained directly in apply

How to manipulate data in arrays using pandas

Have data in dataframe and need to compare current value of one column and prior of value of another column. Current time is row 5 in this dataframe and here's the desired output:
target data is streamed and captured into a DataFrame, then that array is multiplied by a constant to generate another column, however unable to generate the third column comp, which should compare current value of prod with prior value of the comp from comp.
df['temp'] = self.temp
df['prod'] = df['temp'].multiply(other=const1)
Another user had suggested using this logic but it is generates errors because the routine's array doesn't match the size of the DataFrame:
for i in range(2, len(df['temp'])):
df['comp'].append(max(df['prod'][i], df['comp'][i - 1]))
Let's try this, I think this will capture your intended logic:
df = pd.DataFrame({'col0':[1,2,3,4,5]
df['col3'] = df['col2'].shift(-1).cummax().shift()
col0 col1 col2 col3
0 1 5.0 2.50 NaN
1 2 4.9 2.45 2.45
2 3 5.5 2.75 2.75
3 4 3.5 1.75 2.75
4 5 6.3 3.15 3.15

Sorting Pandas data frame with groupby and conditions

I'm trying to sort a data frame based on groups meeting conditions.
The I'm getting a syntax error for the way I'm sorting the groups.
And I'm losing the initial order of the data frame before attempting the above.
This is the order of sorting that I'm trying to achieve:
1) Sort on First and Test columns.
2) Test==1 groups, sort on Secondary then by Final column.
---Test==0 groups, sort on Final column only.
import pandas as pd
def sorter(x):
if x["Test"]==1:
x.sort_values(['Secondary','Final'], inplace=True)
x=x.sort_values('Final', inplace=True)
df=df.sort_values(["First","Test"],ascending=[False, False]).reset_index(drop=True)
df.groupby(['First','Test']).apply(lambda x: sorter(x))
Expected result:
First Test Secondary Final
200 1 0.4 10.1
200 1 0.3* 9.9*
200 1 0.3* 8.8*
200 0 0.4 11.11*
200 0 0.3 7.7*
100 1 0.5 2.2
100 1 0.1* 3.3*
100 1 0.1* 1.1*
100 0 0.3 6.6*
100 0 0.2 5.5*
100 0 0.2 4.4*
You can try of sorting in descending order without groupby,
w.r.t sequence you gave, the order of sorting will change.will it work for you
df = df.groupby(['First','Test']).apply(lambda x: x.sort_values(['First','Test','Secondary','Final'],ascending=False) if x.iloc[0]['Test']==1 else x.sort_values(['First','Test','Final'],ascending=False)).reset_index(drop=True)
Final First Secondary Test
3 2.20 100 0.5 1
4 3.30 100 0.1 1
5 1.10 100 0.1 1
0 6.60 100 0.1 0
1 5.50 100 0.4 0
2 4.40 100 0.9 0
8 10.10 200 0.4 1
9 9.90 200 0.3 1
10 8.80 200 0.3 1
6 11.11 200 0.4 0
7 7.70 200 0.3 0
The trick was to sort subsets separately and replace the values in the original df.
This came up in other solutions to pandas sorting problems.
import pandas as pd
df.sort_values(['First','Test','Secondary','Final'],ascending=False, inplace=True)