USB enumeration failing in WIN 10 - usb

I have USB 1.1 Full Speed CDC Class USB device when I connect this device to WIN 7/WIN 8 the USB enumeration is completed and I can install the drivers.
But when I connect this to a WIN 10 Host the device is not enumerating. Connected USB analyzer to WIN 7 and WIN 10 I found that there is timeout in case of WIN 10 during the enumeration process.
Do we have any setting in WIN 10 so that this time-out can be avoid and it behaves similar to WIN 7 and WIN 8?


STM32 USB connection problem on windows 7

I have a board based on stm32f103cb with a USB connection in CDC device mode to connect with PC.
On windows 10 this board is recognized as a virtual com port but in windows 7 it is not.
I used Keil IDE and CMSIS library to configure the project.
One pin is defined as output to connect USB D+ pin via a resistor to 3.3V.
I installed STM32 USB Virtual COM port driver Win7 but anyway it is not working.
Windows 7 throws error code 29.
Any ideas or info very much appreciated.

Is it possible to emulate windows 10 machine as a usb slave through type-c connector?

I am wondering if it is possible to emulate a windows 10 pc as a usb slave (client device) through a type-c connector when connecting to another PC/MAC(or even a cell phone), to be a usb storage device or HID etc.
You would have to have:
PC that has USB device mode controller
Windows 10 device mode driver - this resource, should be good starting point for looking into this further.

Cannot connect usb 3.0 to vm workstation 10

I'm having problem with connecting usb 3.0 to vm workstation 10. The host is window 7
x64. I try installing intel ext usb 3.0 but didn't work.
Does anyone have a solution for this?

Simultaneous communication with many Windows/Windows Phone 8 devices using Proximity API

Is it possible to make an application that provide communication between one Windows 8 (as a server for example) device and 'n' (> 1) Windows Phone 8 devices using the Windows 8/Windows Phone 8 Proximity APIs?
I mean simultaneously and using NFC to establish the connection and Wi-Fi or Bluetooth for data exchange.
According to this article :, Wi-Fi Direct is not supported on Windows Phone 8. What does it really mean? Between 2 Windows Phone 8 Devices?
I think it would work according to the MSDN library :
This scenario works with Windows Phone 8 and Windows 8 devices. When a tap succeeds, you get back a socket that you can communicate with the other device. On Windows Phone 8, this socket is established on either a TCP/IP (Wi-Fi) connection or a Bluetooth connection.
Any ideas?
I have made some tests with several devices and what I can say is the following.
A W8 device and a WP8 device can only communicate if the 2 devices are NFC capable.
Indeed, Peer Browsing is not supported between W8 et WP8 (according to my tests). But once the NFC connection established the W8 and the WP8 can keep the connection using Bluetooth so the NFC connector can be released (NFC does not support multiple simultaneous connections).
You can keep several live connections between a W8 device and other devices (W8, WP8).
What I achieve to do is:
1 W8 (NFC) tablet hosting connections.
1 W8 PC (without NFC) that connects to the W8 tablet using Peer Browsing (Direct Wifi).
2 WP8 connecting to the W8 tablet using NFC and Bluetooth.
The hosting device can keep a socket per connected device.
You just need to manage all the sockets to receive and send data.
Yes, you can communicate between Windows Phone 8 and Windows 8 using the proximity framework.
On WP8 you'll need to set the following AlternateIdentity to your Win8 App full name:
PeerFinder.AlternateIdentities.Add("Windows", "<your Win8 app package family name>!<your app WP8 app ID");
// e.g.
PeerFinder.AlternateIdentities.Add("Windows", "NORADPublicAffairs.NORADTracksSanta_1.0.0.26_x64__bzcj0d5cg39gj");
On Win8 you'll need to set the following AlternateIDentity to your WP8 app GUID:
PeerFinder.AlternateIdentities["WindowsPhone"] = "{<your app GUID>}"
// e.g.
PeerFinder.AlternateIdentities["WindowsPhone"] = "{5b7ba36b-04fc-df11-9264-00237de2db9e}"
You can then use the proximity framework on both WP8 and Win8 to communicate with each other. NFC can be used to initiate a socket between WP8<->Win8 which should then use either Bluetooth or TCP/IP as the communication layer.

Windows phone 8 SDK - This computer does not support hardware virtualization, which means Windows Phone Emulator 8.0 can't run on this PC [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Unable to create the virtual machine
Warning during installation of WP8 SDK: "This computer does not support hardware virtualization, which means Windows Phone Emulator 8.0 can't run on this PC."
Windows 8 Enterprise 64, on a VirtualBox VM, 4G RAM.
This issue is that you cannot have a box inside of a box and expect to have the same exact coin in each box, that is to say that you cannot run a virtual machine in a virtual machine and have them both using hardware virtualization extensions to speedup processing, I't looks like your running in a virtual machine which is your issue. To use the virtual phone you must install windows 8 on your base pc, or another windows 8 compatible pc. This is the only way to use the software due to the way it was coded.
You must run your Windows 8 instance on bare metal, not in a virtual machine, to be able to test WP8 apps on WP8 emulator.
I've described more requirements for the WP8 development here: