Windows phone 8 SDK - This computer does not support hardware virtualization, which means Windows Phone Emulator 8.0 can't run on this PC [duplicate] - windows-8

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Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Unable to create the virtual machine
Warning during installation of WP8 SDK: "This computer does not support hardware virtualization, which means Windows Phone Emulator 8.0 can't run on this PC."
Windows 8 Enterprise 64, on a VirtualBox VM, 4G RAM.

This issue is that you cannot have a box inside of a box and expect to have the same exact coin in each box, that is to say that you cannot run a virtual machine in a virtual machine and have them both using hardware virtualization extensions to speedup processing, I't looks like your running in a virtual machine which is your issue. To use the virtual phone you must install windows 8 on your base pc, or another windows 8 compatible pc. This is the only way to use the software due to the way it was coded.

You must run your Windows 8 instance on bare metal, not in a virtual machine, to be able to test WP8 apps on WP8 emulator.
I've described more requirements for the WP8 development here:


Porting Windows Phone 8.1 app to UWP

I'm working on a port of my WP 8.1 app to run on tablets, and PCs. I started working on a Windows 10 port, but I realized that it won't run on Windows Phone 8.1 devices. As far as I know the other way was to create a Universal 8.1 app, but that would mean to redesign most of my pages, there would be a bunch of API and control incompatibility with WP and Windows 8.1. (Pivot control does not exist in Windows 8.1). That's why I chose the easier way to port to UWP. The question is: can I upload a Windows Phone 8.1 package, and a Windows 10 package (only PC and tablet device families targeted) to the same app in dev center? So both mobile and PCs, tablets are supported.
Yes, you can upload (say) a Windows Phone 7 Silverlight package, and a Windows 10 universal package. Devices will get the highest version numbered package that will work for their device

Browser testing on Windows 8?

I have a Mac and I am deciding whether to install Windows 7 or 8 on Boot Camp.
Is it possible to test websites inside actual windows of IE6+ and older Firefox/Chrome/Opera browsers with Windows 8?
I tried bootcamping a Core 2 Duo iMac a year or so ago with Windows 8 and it would cause regular crashes. It looks like there is an updated to Bootcamp (I was running the previous version 4) which supports Windows 8 so you could use either option.
If you use Windows 7 (like I did), you can install and run Windows Virtual PC with different versions of Windows and IE. The cool thing is Virtual PC has something called Integration Features which allows you to launch specific applications (like IE) from the virtual machines without being in the virtual machines. (Think virtual applications)
I do this. I have one Virtual PC with XP and IE6. I cloned it, upgraded it to IE7 and then did the same thing with IE8. Now I've got a Windows 7 machine with IE9 and virtual browsers of IE8, 7, and 6. I also run older versions of Firefox on those cloned XP machines.
If you use Windows 8 you can do the same thing, its just a little different procedure (see my comment below) because Windows 8 uses Hyper-V instead of Virtual PC. I prefer Virtual PC because of the Integration Features, with Windows 8 you'll have to use the Hyper-V console but you can do the same thing.
You'll need a virtual machine within Windows 8 to run anything earlier than IE10, since Windows 8 only started with IE10.
There are some hacks to make pages behave a bit "like" IE6 (or other browsers), but I doubt they are going to work well now you're reaching all the way back from IE10.
Firefox/Chrome/Opera will work OK, as they aren't integrated into the OS.
There are a couple of options that might work for you better than installing Windows 7 or 8 on bootcamp:
Use a service such as BrowserStack. This costs money, but Microsoft provides 3 free months via
Install virtual machines on your Mac. Microsoft makes these available for free, also via

Deploy private app to windows 8 phone [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Can you install you own apps on your windows 7 phone
Sideloading apps on Windows 8 Pro
I am planing to buy and windows 8 phone and port some apps for private use to the system. I however read this article about the deployment process, which scared me off. If I understood the article correctly, you can only let Microsoft check your apps before they are accessible to everyone over the marketplace, or you use some overkill enterprise deployment eco-system which also requires all kinds of vetting processes. Is there a way just to create an installation package, put it on the sd card and then install it, without any additional overhead? And maybe hand the app to a few friends, that they can also use it.
I come from an android background where such an easy installation process is common. How does that compare to Windows 8 phone? Is there maybe some development mode? Devs must at least be able to debug their apps on the phone... I really can't find too much information on the internet, which is odd.
EDIT: I just read here that you require a pricy dev account for testing apps on the phone. After installing the required Windows 8 OS to be able to install Visual Studio for the Windows 8 phones development, my emulator won't start because my PC doesn't support some odd virtualization stuff. That makes it really easy to develop apps...

Starting the WindowsPhone 7 emulator crashes running instances of VMWare (Server)

I have a machine running Windows 7 Professional SP1 directly on hardware.
I use this machine for all developing stuff. As this includes web– as well as WP7–development I have some virtual linux-hosts running inside VMWareServer2 for my webdevelopment.
As soon as I start the WindowsPhone emulator (natively, not inside any of the VMWare client-instances) all the VMWare machines stop working and remain unstartable upon restart of my Windows 7 machine.
It seems, that the launch of WindowsPhone emulator (which is a virtual machine itself) crashes VMWareServer and keeps it locked down even after the WindowsPhone emulator was closed.
How can I prevent the WindowsPhone emulator from crashing VMWareServer?
Have a look at this blog post, he seems to have the same problems as you and found a work around... Although not an idea one he had to disable hardware assisted emulation in VMWareServer.
VMWare themselves just say to uninstall the competitors emulator... as if that was an option

Developing for WP8 with only WP7 device?

I don't understand from today's WP8 event: will I be able to develop apps working on both 7.5 and 8, having only one 7.5 (7.8) device for testing?
I don't like WP emulator, even though it's better than iOS/Android ones. I know that in Visual Studio 2012 it will become even better. But still!
Current devices running Windows Phone 7.X will be able to be upgraded to Windows Phone 7.8 but not Windows Phone 8.
If you want to use a feature that is specific to WP8 you'll either have to wait for hardware or use the eumlator (when available).
I don't like WP emulator
But you should. The emulator for Windows Phone 8 is a full featured Hyper-V emulator, that can even run unmanaged code.
As pointed out by Matt, you'll not be able to do any deployment of Windows Phone 8 apps to your Windows Phone 7 device, and as such you'll need a new device, or use the emulator.
And as the SDK is likely to be released before any devices, I'll strongly encourage you to do development in the emulator until the real devices are on the market.
You'll have to use Windows Phone 8 emulator, or cross your fingers that the equivalent to XDA-Developers for Windows Phone roots your model of phone and is able to get Windows 8 working(hint: unlikely)
The Windows Phone 8 emulator is really very nice though. The only big troubling thing about it is that it requires hardware Hyper-V support and Windows 8. This means you can't run the phone emulator inside of most virtualization technologies. However, I've been using VMWare 9 which appears to include an "unsupported" feature to allow Hyper-V to work though.. So your only choice for running the phone emulator is to either buy VMWare 9 or upgrade a physical machine to Windows 8