Loop on scrapy FormRequest but only one item created - scrapy

So I've tried to loop on a formrequest that call my function that create, fill and yield the item, only pb : only one and only one item is done no matter how many times he looped and I can't figure out why ?
def access_data(self, res):
#receive all ID and request the infos
res_json = (res.body).decode("utf-8")
res_json = json.loads(res_json)
for a in res_json['data']:
req = FormRequest(
formdata={'valeur': str(a['id'])},
headers={'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest'}
yield req
def fill_details(self, res):
item = MyItem()
item['html'] = res.xpath('//body//text()')
item['existe'] = True
item['ip_proxy'] = None
item['launch_time'] = str(mySpider.init_time)
yield item
To be sure everything is clear :
When I run this, the log "annonce" is printed only one time while my logging a['id'] in my request loop is printed a lot and i can't find a way to fix this

I found the way !
If any one has the same pb : as my url is always the same (only formdata change) the scrapy filter is taking the control and destroy the duplicates.
Activate dont_filter to true in the formrequest to make it works


How to use the yield function to scrape data from multiple pages

I'm trying to scrape data from amazon India website. I am not able collect response and parse the elements using the yield() method when:
1) I have to move from product page to review page
2) I have to move from one review page to another review page
Product page
Review page
Code flow:
1) customerReviewData() calls the getCustomerRatingsAndComments(response)
2) The getCustomerRatingsAndComments(response)
finds the URL of the review page and call the yield request method with getCrrFromReviewPage(request) as callback method, with url of this review page
3) getCrrFromReviewPage() gets new response of the firstreview page and scrape all the elements from the first review page (page loaded) and add it to customerReviewDataList[]
4) get URL of the next page if it exists and recursively call getCrrFromReviewPage() method, and crawl elements from next page, until all the review page is crawled
5) All the reviews gets added to the customerReviewDataList[]
I have tried playing around with yield() changing the parameters and also looked up the scrapy documentation for yield() and Request/Response yield
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import scrapy
import logging
customerReviewDataList = []
customerReviewData = {}
#Get product name in <H1>
def getProductTitleH1(response):
titleH1 = response.xpath('normalize-space(//*[#id="productTitle"]/text())').extract()
return titleH1
def getCustomerRatingsAndComments(response):
#Fetches the relative url
reviewRelativePageUrl = response.css('#reviews-medley-footer a::attr(href)').extract()[0]
if reviewRelativePageUrl:
#get absolute URL
reviewPageAbsoluteUrl = response.urljoin(reviewRelativePageUrl)
yield Request(url = reviewPageAbsoluteUrl, callback = getCrrFromReviewPage())
self.log("yield request complete")
return len(customerReviewDataList)
def getCrrFromReviewPage():
userReviewsAndRatings = response.xpath('//div[#id="cm_cr-review_list"]/div[#data-hook="review"]')
for userReviewAndRating in userReviewsAndRatings:
customerReviewData[reviewTitle] = response.css('#cm_cr-review_list .review-title span ::text').extract()
customerReviewData[reviewDescription] = response.css('#cm_cr-review_list .review-text span::text').extract()
reviewNextPageRelativeUrl = response.css('#cm_cr-pagination_bar .a-pagination .a-last a::attr(href)')[0].extract()
if reviewNextPageRelativeUrl:
reviewNextPageAbsoluteUrl = response.urljoin(reviewNextPageRelativeUrl)
yield Request(url = reviewNextPageAbsoluteUrl, callback = getCrrFromReviewPage())
class UsAmazonSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = 'Test_Crawler'
allowed_domains = ['amazon.in']
start_urls = ['https://www.amazon.in/Philips-Trimmer-Cordless-Corded-QT4011/dp/B00JJIDBIC/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=philips&qid=1554266853&s=gateway&sr=8-3']
def parse(self, response):
titleH1 = getProductTitleH1(response),
customerReviewData = getCustomerRatingsAndComments(response)
'Title_H1' : titleH1,
'customer_Review_Data' : customerReviewData
I'm getting the following response:
{'Title_H1': (['Philips Beard Trimmer Cordless and Corded for Men QT4011/15'],), 'customer_Review_Data': <generator object getCustomerRatingsAndComments at 0x048AC630>}
The "Customer_review_Data" should be a list of dict of title and review
I am not able to figure out as to what mistake I am doing here.
When I use the log() or print() to see what data is captured in customerReviewDataList[], unable to see the data in the console either.
I am able to scrape all the reviews in customerReviewDataList[], if they are present in the product page,
In this scenario where I have to use the yield function I am getting the output stated above like this [https://ibb.co/kq8w6cf]
This is the kind of output I am looking for:
{'customerReviewTitle': ['Difficult to find a charger adapter'],'customerReviewComment': ['I already have a phillips trimmer which was only cordless. ], 'customerReviewTitle': ['Good Product'],'customerReviewComment': ['Solves my need perfectly HK']}]}
Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
You should complete the Scrapy tutorial. The Following links section should be specially helpful to you.
This is a simplified version of your code:
def data_request_iterator():
yield Request('https://example.org')
class MySpider(Spider):
name = 'myspider'
start_urls = ['https://example.com']
def parse(self, response):
yield {
'title': response.css('title::text').get(),
'data': data_request_iterator(),
Instead, it should look like this:
class MySpider(Spider):
name = 'myspider'
start_urls = ['https://example.com']
def parse(self, response):
item = {
'title': response.css('title::text').get(),
yield Request('https://example.org', meta={'item': item}, callback=self.parse_data)
def parse_data(self, response):
item = response.meta['item']
# TODO: Extend item with data from this second response as needed.
yield item

How to check if url from xpath exists?

I have two functions in Scrapy
def parse_attr(self, response):
for resource in response.xpath(''):
item = Item()
item['Name'] = response.xpath('').extract()
item['Title'] = response.xpath('').extract()
item['Contact'] = response.xpath('').extract()
item['Gold'] = response.xpath('').extract()
company_page = response.urljoin(resource.xpath('/div/#href').extract_first())
if company_page:
request = scrapy.Request(company_page, callback = self.company_data)
request.meta['item'] = item
yield request
yield item
def company_data(self, response):
item = response.meta['item']
item['Products'] = response.xpath('').extract()
yield item
parse_attr calls company_data when it extracts #href from page and it passes it to company_page, however, this href does not always exists. How can i check if href exists, and if not, stop scrapy from moving to other function?
Above code does not satisfy this condition because company_page is always true.
What I want is scrapy to stop if there is no href, and finish its job just with items it already has. If href is found, then I want scrapy to move to other function and extract additional item.
response.urljoin() will always return something (the request's base URL), even if the argument is empty. Therefore your variable will always contain a value and consequently evaluate as True.
You need to do the URL joining inside your conditional. For example:
company_page = resource.xpath('/div/#href').extract_first()
if company_page:
company_page = response.urljoin(company_page)
request = scrapy.Request(company_page, callback = self.company_data)
request.meta['item'] = item
yield request
yield item

Scrapy only show the first result of each page

I need to scrape the items of the first page and then go to the next button to go to the second page and scrape and so on.
This is my code, but only scrape the first item of each page, if there are 20 pages enter to every page and scrape only the first item.
Could anyone please help me .
Thank you
Apologies for my english.
class CcceSpider(CrawlSpider):
name = 'ccce'
item_count = 0
allowed_domain = ['www.example.com']
start_urls = ['https://www.example.com./afiliados value=&categoria=444&letter=']
rules = {
# Reglas Para cada item
Rule(LinkExtractor(allow = (), restrict_xpaths = ('//li[#class="pager-next"]/a')), callback = 'parse_item', follow = True),
def parse_item(self, response):
ml_item = CcceItem()
#info de producto
ml_item['nombre'] = response.xpath('normalize-space(//div[#class="news-col2"]/h2/text())').extract()
ml_item['url'] = response.xpath('normalize-space(//div[#class="website"]/a/text())').extract()
ml_item['correo'] = response.xpath('normalize-space(//div[#class="email"]/a/text())').extract()
ml_item['descripcion'] = response.xpath('normalize-space(//div[#class="news-col4"]/text())').extract()
self.item_count += 1
if self.item_count > 5:
raise CloseSpider('item_exceeded')
yield ml_item
As you haven't given an working target url, I'm a bit guessing here, but most probably this is the problem:
parse_item should be a parse_page (and act accordingly)
Scrapy is downloading a full page which has - according to your description - multiple items and then passes this as a response object to your parse method.
It's your parse method's responsibility to process the whole page by iterating over the items displayed on the page and creating multiple scraped items accordingly.
The scrapy documentation has several good examples for this, one is here: https://doc.scrapy.org/en/latest/topics/selectors.html#working-with-relative-xpaths
Basically your code structure in def parse_XYZ should look like this:
def parse_page(self, response):
items_on_page = response.xpath('//...')
for sel_item in items_on_page:
ml_item = CcceItem()
#info de producto
ml_item['nombre'] = # ...
# ...
yield ml_item
Insert the right xpaths for getting all items on the page and adjust your item xpaths and you're ready to go.

Looking for a better way to handle all items from one url

I have one spider to crawl a list of urls, like
class MySpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = 'example.com'
allowed_domains = ['example.com']
start_urls = [
def parse(self, response):
items = []
records = response.xpath('//*[#id="feed-main-list"]/li')
for rec in records:
item = MyItem()
item['spiderUrl'] = response.request.url
item['url'] = rec.xpath('.//*[#class="feed-block-title"]/a/#href').extract_first().strip()
item['title'] = rec.xpath('string(.//*[#class="feed-block-title"])').extract_first().strip()
item['lastUpdate'] = 'success'
return items
For each url, i need to handle the items together(analyze data, send email if something happens) and as soon as possible. I choose the pipeline to do it. But in pipeline, it just receives item one by one from from.
So, i try to pack the items into one container item in spider.
In spider,
container = ContainerItem()
container['url'] = response.request.url
container['itemist'] = items
return [container]
and in pipeline,
> def process_item(self, item, spider):
> item['itemList']
> n = len(item['itemList'])
> for i in item['itemList']:
> item = dict(i)
> ...
So, my questions are:
1. Is it a good way to implement it according to my requirement?
2. Packing a list of items into one container item like that seems very ugly. Is there any Scrapy-style method to do it?
I think the most logical solution would be to combine all items into one. Nesting in a dictionary is a very common concept and it might appear complicated and dirty but really is optimal and easy as long as you don't go 10 levels deep.
To do that simply wrap your items list in a dictionary, like:
def parse(self, response):
items = []
records = response.xpath('//*[#id="feed-main-list"]/li')
for rec in records:
item = MyItem()
item['spiderUrl'] = response.request.url
item['url'] = rec.xpath('.//*[#class="feed-block-title"]/a/#href').extract_first().strip()
item['title'] = rec.xpath('string(.//*[#class="feed-block-title"])').extract_first().strip()
item['lastUpdate'] = 'success'
return {'items': items}
Now your pipeline will receive all of the items as one item, that you can unpack, sort and do whatever you wish.
In scrapy this approach is very common and even used with ItemLoader if those are used instead of pure scrapy.Item, which to clarify is just slightly modified python dictionary!

Web page is showing weird unicode(?) letters: \u200e

How can I remove that? I Tried so many things and I am exhausted of trying to defeat this error by myself. I spent the last 3 hours looking at this and trying to get through it and I surrender to this code. Please help.
The first "for" statement grabs article titles from news.google.com
The second "for" statement grabs the time of submisssion from that article on news.google.com.
This is on django btw and this page shows the list of article titles and their time of submission in a list, going down. The weird unicode letters are popping up from the second "for" statement which is the time submissions. Here is my views.py:
def articles(request):
""" Grabs the most recent articles from the main news page """
import bs4, requests
list = []
list2 = []
url = 'https://news.google.com/'
r = requests.get(url)
r.raise_for_status() == True
except ValueError:
print('Something went wrong.')
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser')
for (listarticles) in soup.find_all('h2', 'esc-lead-article-title'):
if listarticles is not None:
a = listarticles.text
for articles_times in soup.find_all('span','al-attribution-timestamp'):
if articles_times is not None:
b = articles_times.text
list = zip(list,list2)
context = {'list':list}
return render(request, 'newz/articles.html', context)