Web page is showing weird unicode(?) letters: \u200e - django-errors

How can I remove that? I Tried so many things and I am exhausted of trying to defeat this error by myself. I spent the last 3 hours looking at this and trying to get through it and I surrender to this code. Please help.
The first "for" statement grabs article titles from news.google.com
The second "for" statement grabs the time of submisssion from that article on news.google.com.
This is on django btw and this page shows the list of article titles and their time of submission in a list, going down. The weird unicode letters are popping up from the second "for" statement which is the time submissions. Here is my views.py:
def articles(request):
""" Grabs the most recent articles from the main news page """
import bs4, requests
list = []
list2 = []
url = 'https://news.google.com/'
r = requests.get(url)
r.raise_for_status() == True
except ValueError:
print('Something went wrong.')
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser')
for (listarticles) in soup.find_all('h2', 'esc-lead-article-title'):
if listarticles is not None:
a = listarticles.text
for articles_times in soup.find_all('span','al-attribution-timestamp'):
if articles_times is not None:
b = articles_times.text
list = zip(list,list2)
context = {'list':list}
return render(request, 'newz/articles.html', context)


Why does my web scraping function not export the data?

I am currently web scraping a few pages inside a list. I have the following code provided.
pages = {
"https://shop.supervalu.ie/shopping/wine-beer-spirits-lager/c-150302375", #More than one page
"https://shop.supervalu.ie/shopping/wine-beer-spirits-ale/c-150302388", #More than one page
"https://shop.supervalu.ie/shopping/wine-beer-spirits-irish-whiskey/c-150302435", #More than one page
products = []
prices = []
images = []
urls = []
def export_data():
logging.info("exporting data to pandas dataframe")
supervalu = pd.DataFrame({
'img_url' : images,
'url' : urls,
'product' : products,
'price' : prices
logging.info("sorting data by price")
supervalu.sort_values(by=['price'], inplace=True)
output_json = 'supervalu.json'
output_csv = 'supervalu.csv'
output_dir = Path('../../json/supervalu')
output_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
logging.info("exporting data to json")
supervalu.to_json(output_dir / output_json)
logging.info("exporting data to csv")
supervalu.to_csv(output_dir / output_csv)
def get_data(div):
raw_data = div.find_all('div', class_='ga-product')
raw_images = div.find_all('img')
raw_url = div.find_all('a', class_="ga-product-link")
product_data = [data['data-product'] for data in raw_data]
new_data = [d.replace("\r\n","") for d in product_data]
for name in new_data:
new_names = re.search(' "name": "(.+?)"', name).group(1)
for price in new_data:
new_prices = re.search(' "price": ''"(.+?)"', price).group(1)
for image in raw_images:
new_images = image['data-src']
for url in raw_url:
new_url = url['href']
def scrape_page(next_url):
page = requests.get(next_url)
if page.status_code != 200:
logging.error("Page does not exist!")
soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, 'html.parser')
get_data(soup.find(class_="row product-list ga-impression-group"))
load_more_text = soup.find('a', class_='pill ajax-link load-more').findAll('span')[-1].text
if load_more_text == 'Load more':
next_page = soup.find('a', class_="pill ajax-link load-more").get('href')
logging.info("Scraping next page: {}".format(next_page))
logging.warning("No more next pages to scrape")
for page in pages:
logging.info("Scraping page: {}".format(page))
The main issue that appears is during the try exception handling of the next page. As not all of the pages provided have the the appropriate snippet, a ValueAttribute error will araise hence I have the aforementioned statement closed off in a try exception case. I want to skip the pages that don't have next page and scrape them regardless and continue looping the rest of the pages until a next page arises. All of the pages appear to be looped through but I never get the data exported. If I try the following code:
load_more_text = soup.find('a', class_='pill ajax-link load-more').findAll('span')[-1].text
if load_more_text == 'Load more':
next_page = soup.find('a', class_="pill ajax-link load-more").get('href')
logging.info("Scraping next page: {}".format(next_page))
logging.warning("No more next pages to scrape")
This would be the closest that I have gotten to the desired outcome. The above code works and the data gets exported but not all of the pages get exported because as a result - a new dataframe is created for every time a new next page appears and ends i.e. - code iterarets through the list, finds a next page, next page 'pages' get scraped and a new dataframe is created and deletes the previous data.
I'm hoping that someone would give me some guidance on what to do as I have been stuck on this part of my personal project and I'm not so sure on how I am supposed to overcome this obstacle. Thank you in advance.
I have modified my code as shown below and I have received my desired outcome.
load_more_text = soup.find('a', class_='pill ajax-link load-more')
if load_more_text:
next_page = soup.find('a', class_="pill ajax-link load-more").get('href')
logging.info("Scraping next page: {}".format(next_page))

How to get website to consistently return content from a GET request when it's inconsistent?

I posted a similar question earlier but I think this is a more refined question.
I'm trying to scrape: https://www.prosportstransactions.com/football/Search/SearchResults.php?Player=&Team=&BeginDate=&EndDate=&PlayerMovementChkBx=yes&submit=Search&start=0
My code randomly throws errors when I send a GET request to the URL. After debugging, I saw the following happen. A GET request for the following url will be sent(Example URL, could happen on any page): https://www.prosportstransactions.com/football/Search/SearchResults.php?Player=&Team=&BeginDate=&EndDate=&PlayerMovementChkBx=yes&submit=Search&start=2400
The webpage will then say "There were no matching transactions found.". However, if I refresh the page, the content will then be loaded. I'm using BeautifulSoup and Selenium and have put sleep statements in my code in hopes that it'll work but to no avail. Is this a problem on the website's end? It doesn't make sense to me how one GET request will return nothing but the exact same request will return something. Also, is there anything I could to fix it or is it out of control?
Here is a sample of my code:
def scrapeWebsite(url, start, stop):
driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path='/Users/Downloads/chromedriver')
print(start, stop)
madeDict = {"Date": [], "Team": [], "Name": [], "Relinquished": [], "Notes": []}
#for i in range(0, 214025, 25):
for i in range(start, stop, 25):
print("Current Page: " + str(i))
currUrl = url + str(i)
#r = requests.get(currUrl)
#soupPage = BeautifulSoup(r.content)
#Sleep program for dynamic refreshing
soupPage = BeautifulSoup(driver.page_source, 'html.parser')
#page = urllib2.urlopen(currUrl)
#soupPage = BeautifulSoup(page, 'html.parser')
info = soupPage.find("table", attrs={'class': 'datatable center'})
extractedInfo = info.findAll("td")
The error occurs at the last line. "findAll" complains because it can't find findAll when the content is null(meaning the GET request returned nothing)
I did some workaround to scrape all the page using try except.
Probably the requests loop it is so fast and the page can't support it.
See the example below, worked like a charm:
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
URL = 'https://www.prosportstransactions.com/football/Search/SearchResults.php?Player=&Team=&BeginDate=&EndDate=' \
def scrape(start=0, stop=214525):
for page in range(start, stop, 25):
current_url = URL % page
print('scrape: current %s' % page)
while True:
response = requests.request('GET', current_url)
if response.ok:
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content.decode('utf-8'), features='html.parser')
table = soup.find("table", attrs={'class': 'datatable center'})
trs = table.find_all('tr')
slice_pos = 1 if page > 0 else 0
for tr in trs[slice_pos:]:
yield tr.find_all('td')
except Exception as exception:
for columns in scrape():
values = [column.text.strip() for column in columns]
# Continuous your code ...

Loop on scrapy FormRequest but only one item created

So I've tried to loop on a formrequest that call my function that create, fill and yield the item, only pb : only one and only one item is done no matter how many times he looped and I can't figure out why ?
def access_data(self, res):
#receive all ID and request the infos
res_json = (res.body).decode("utf-8")
res_json = json.loads(res_json)
for a in res_json['data']:
req = FormRequest(
formdata={'valeur': str(a['id'])},
headers={'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest'}
yield req
def fill_details(self, res):
item = MyItem()
item['html'] = res.xpath('//body//text()')
item['existe'] = True
item['ip_proxy'] = None
item['launch_time'] = str(mySpider.init_time)
yield item
To be sure everything is clear :
When I run this, the log "annonce" is printed only one time while my logging a['id'] in my request loop is printed a lot and i can't find a way to fix this
I found the way !
If any one has the same pb : as my url is always the same (only formdata change) the scrapy filter is taking the control and destroy the duplicates.
Activate dont_filter to true in the formrequest to make it works

function with loop for urls won't return all of them

I am working on a project to pull details from state reports on restaurant inspections. Each inspection has its own url. I am able to gather the values into a dictionary, but only return one at a time. In the call to the function, if I don't specify a specific library entry, I get an error: ''list' object has no attribute 'timeout'' If it ask for a specific entry, I get a good return. How can I get them all?
# loop through the url list to gather inspection details
detailsLib = {}
def get_inspect_detail(urlList):
html = urlopen(urlList)
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(html.read(), 'lxml')
details = soup.find_all('font', {'face': 'verdana'})[10:]
result = []
for detail in details:
siteName = details[0].text
licNum = details[2].text
siteRank = details[4].text
detailsLib = {
'Restaurant': siteName,
'License': licNum,
'Rank': siteRank,
return result
So I can get the 21st restaurant on the list, repeating 36 times, but not all of them.
Another question for another day is where to do the clean-up. The details will need some regex work but I'm unsure whether to do that inside the function (one at a time), or outside the function by calling all values from a specific key in the library.
Call get_inspect_detail() once per item in urlList, and save all the results.
all_results = []
for url in urlList:
details = get_inspect_detail(url)

Scrapy only show the first result of each page

I need to scrape the items of the first page and then go to the next button to go to the second page and scrape and so on.
This is my code, but only scrape the first item of each page, if there are 20 pages enter to every page and scrape only the first item.
Could anyone please help me .
Thank you
Apologies for my english.
class CcceSpider(CrawlSpider):
name = 'ccce'
item_count = 0
allowed_domain = ['www.example.com']
start_urls = ['https://www.example.com./afiliados value=&categoria=444&letter=']
rules = {
# Reglas Para cada item
Rule(LinkExtractor(allow = (), restrict_xpaths = ('//li[#class="pager-next"]/a')), callback = 'parse_item', follow = True),
def parse_item(self, response):
ml_item = CcceItem()
#info de producto
ml_item['nombre'] = response.xpath('normalize-space(//div[#class="news-col2"]/h2/text())').extract()
ml_item['url'] = response.xpath('normalize-space(//div[#class="website"]/a/text())').extract()
ml_item['correo'] = response.xpath('normalize-space(//div[#class="email"]/a/text())').extract()
ml_item['descripcion'] = response.xpath('normalize-space(//div[#class="news-col4"]/text())').extract()
self.item_count += 1
if self.item_count > 5:
raise CloseSpider('item_exceeded')
yield ml_item
As you haven't given an working target url, I'm a bit guessing here, but most probably this is the problem:
parse_item should be a parse_page (and act accordingly)
Scrapy is downloading a full page which has - according to your description - multiple items and then passes this as a response object to your parse method.
It's your parse method's responsibility to process the whole page by iterating over the items displayed on the page and creating multiple scraped items accordingly.
The scrapy documentation has several good examples for this, one is here: https://doc.scrapy.org/en/latest/topics/selectors.html#working-with-relative-xpaths
Basically your code structure in def parse_XYZ should look like this:
def parse_page(self, response):
items_on_page = response.xpath('//...')
for sel_item in items_on_page:
ml_item = CcceItem()
#info de producto
ml_item['nombre'] = # ...
# ...
yield ml_item
Insert the right xpaths for getting all items on the page and adjust your item xpaths and you're ready to go.