Visual Studio 2019 MPF 15.0 is missing - azure-data-lake

VS 2019 Preview 1 is just released but I am getting this MPF 15.0 error. This was happened before with VS 2017 and 2015. So, we are not able to update some extensions even if we download from Microsoft marketplace. Do you have any suggestions?

In short, from Mads Christensens instructions, as mentioned by #LarsWa:
Edit extension.vsixmanifest in the zip archive Microsoft.Azure.DataLake.Tools.VisualStudio.Extension.vsix, search for
<Dependency Id="Microsoft.Framework.NDP" DisplayName="Microsoft .NET Framework" Version="[4.5,)" />
<Dependency Id="Microsoft.VisualStudio.MPF.15.0" DisplayName="Visual Studio MPF 15.0" Version="[15.0,)" />
and remove dependency from Microsoft.VisualStudio.MPF.15.0. Microsoft.Azure.DataLake.Tools.VisualStudio.Extension.vsix should install correctly.

(Azure Data Lake team here)
The Azure Data Lake Tools for Visual Studio doesn't support Visual Studio 2019 right now. We are actively working on it. Removing the dependencies manually can successfully install the VSIX, but some features may break.

Looks like the Azure Data Lake team have not yet updated the extension to support Visual Studio version 16, as pr Mads Christensens instructions found here
I wrote to them on twitter, about it. – LarsWA 1 min ago

If you have a dependency on Microsoft.VisualStudio.MPF then delete it. This dependency is a legacy one that hasn’t been needed since before Visual Studio 2010


SAP B1 Studio for Visual Studio 2022

How do I install the SAP Business One Add-On Project templates for Visual Studio 2022?
I upgraded my VS from 2019 to 2022 and installed the latest SAP B1 Version 10 FP 2111. But the installer says it cannot find Visual Studio installed. How do I get to install it?
I guess VS2022 is not yet supported from SAP.
you should install sapb1 tools sdk vb again, then i think you will see the sapb1 addon project menu
You have to install the SAP B1 SDK,
The SDK is included with any Business One patch or installer, in a subfolder called "Packages\SAP Business One SDK".

Visual Studio 2022 not showing up in the dropdown

We have on-prem Azure DevOps 2020 installed. We built a .net core 6 app in Visual Studio 2022.
However, when creating the build pipeline, VS 2022 is not showing up in the dropdown.
Has anyone faced this problem? Is MSFT supposed to release a patch that will start displaying VS 2022 in the dropdown?
Many people are running into this. No word from MS yet on when or if an update will be available. But these articles may help you find a workaround:
How do I update my Azure DevOps on-premise Pipeline tasks to include MSBuild v17 and Visual Studio 2022?
FWIW, I'm working around it by using an explicit MSBuild path as mentioned in this answer. I added a PreferredMSBuildExePath variable to my pipeline and set it equal to %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Professional\MSBuild\Current\Bin\amd64\MSBuild.exe. Then I made all my MSBuild steps use $(PreferredMSBuildExePath) as their MSBuild path under Specify Location. I also converted all my Visual Studio steps to MSBuild steps so I could use this explicit path variable.

Migrating SSDT from 2015 to 2019 Breaks Script Component

I just migrated from SSDT 2015 to SSDT 2019 and tried to open a project created in SSDT 2015. One of the packages has a data flow task with a script component in it. The script component fails to build with the error:
Could not find part of the path
I tried to delete the .vs folder in my project but that didn't work. The script still fails to rebuild. The script has a lot of classes in it so I'd rather not start from scratch and copy everything into it. Any idea what could be wrong?
Appears this issue may be caused by an incompatibility between Visual Studio 16.9 and SQL Server Integration Services Projects. The issue is described here:
Recommendation is to regress back to Visual Studio 16.8 or earlier.
The new version of data tools fixed it for me without rolling back to 16.8. This was a difficult issue to resolve. Nowhere in the MS documentation do they mention the tools update fixes that specific error. Thanks for the link!

Not able to restore nuget packages/Manage nuget packages not working in visual studio 2017

I tried to open a .Net Core solution which was working fine in 2015. Recently they added some .Net Core projects to the solution and asked us to upgrade to Visual Studio 2017 to be able to run them. We installed Visual Studio 2017 and tried to open the solution, but I am not able to build it. I get the following errors when I right-click and try to select "Manage Nuget packages".
I tried to open the PackageManager console from Tools: even this is not working
I also performed the "repair Visual Studio" process too.
Finally i resolved it by deleting my nuget.config both at project level and also in %appdata%/roaming/nuget .I think the issue is because of broken config file due to change from visual 2015 to visual studio 2017 .Not sure about the exact issue though

Package [some package] is not compatible with netcoreapp

I recently installed Visual Studio 2017. I migrated the existing project which created in Visual Studio 2015. It got migrated without any errors. But when I build the solution I get 100+ errors stating Package [Microsoft.AspNetCore...] is not compatible with [netcoreapp...]
There are more than 100 items listed like this. I tried
renaming the sdk value in global.json
removing sdk value in global.json
repair, uninstall & reinstalling Visual Studio 2017. But none of them work.
I'm not sure where to add net451 in imports as explained here because the project.json file is deleted while migration.
The same project was working fine in Visual Studio 2015. All issues started after migrating to Visual Studio 2017.
Please let me know how to fix this error.
Due to your last comment I believe your problem is with the Nuget cache. I've seen this before where Nuget is pulling older packages after updating to .NET Core Tooling RTM and or VS 2017. To fix this run dotnet nuget locals --clear all. Then try creating a new .NET Core project.
You have to do this solution
open menu>project>'your project name'proprties...
in the opened window Application Tab change 'Target Framework' combo to '.Net Core 2.0'
now close the window and update again
enjoy it:)
If you are coming here after VStudio 2019 and you can't install the upgrade-assistant to get you to .net 5, upgrade your Visual Studio to 16.9+