How can I access the API of OntoRefine? - openrefine

In our current project we have a lot of data in table form that we want to transform to RDF. OpenRefine offers the possibility to create projects or update data via an API (see:
Is it possible to use this API with OntoRefine and if so, how do I do it? Or are we better advised to use OpenRefine?
This question was similarly asked a little over a year ago but had not received an answer. (How to integrate tabular data into GraphDB automatically?)

OntoRefine is an extension and improvement on top of OpenRefine. The functionality offered by OpenRefine, including the API, should all be present in the GraphDB version. In terms of implementation, you shouldn't need much more than a simple HTTP client.
Here's a sample using a previously created OntoRefine project.
public static void main(String[] args) throws URISyntaxException, IOException {
CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
HttpGet post = new HttpGet(new URI("http://localhost:7200/orefine/command/core/get-models?project=1987845723285"));
HttpEntity entity = client.execute(post).getEntity();
Of course, you can also use the OpenRefine libraries, such as refine-java, for example.


How to convert a LinqExpression into OData query URI

There are a lot of answers on how to convert ODataQuery into an Expression or into a Lambda, but what I need is quite the opposite, how to get from a Linq Expression the OData query string.
Basically what I want is to transcend the query to another service. For example, having 2 services, where your first service is not persisting anything and your second service is the one that will return the data from a database. Service1 sends the same odata request to Service2 and it can add more parameters to the original odata request to Service2
What I would like:
public IActionResult GetWeatherForecast([FromServices] IWeatherForcastService weatherForcastService)
//IQueryable here
var summaries = weatherForcastService.GetSummariesIQ();
var url = OdataMagicHelper.ConvertToUri(summaries);
var data = RestClient2.Get(url);
return data;
OP Clarified the request: generate OData query URLs from within the API itself.
Usually, the queries are so specific or simple, that it's not really necessary to try and generate OData urls from within the service, the whole point of the service configuration is to publish how the client could call anything, so it's a little bit redundant or counter-intuitive to return complex resource query URLs from within the service itself.
We can use Simple.OData.Client to build OData urls:
If the URL that we want to generate is:
Then you could use Simple.OData.Client:
string service2Url = "http://localhost:11111/api/v1/";
var client = new ODataClient(service2Url);
var url = await client.For("weather_forecast")
Background, for client-side solutions
If your OData service is a client for another OData Service, then this advice is still relevant
For full linq support you should be using OData Connected Services or Simple.OData.Client. You could roll your own, or use other derivatives of these two but why go to all that effort to re-create another wheel.
One of the main drivers for a OData Standard Compliant API is that the meta data is published in a standard format that clients can inspect and can generate consistent code and or dynamic queries to interact with the service.
How to choose:
Simple.OData.Client provides a lightweight framework for dynamically querying and submitting data to OData APIs. If you already have classes that model the structure of the API then you can use typed linq style query syntax, if you do not have a strongly typed model but you do know the structure of the API, then you can use either the untyped or dynamic expression syntax to query the API.
If you do not need full compile-time validation of your queries or you already have the classes that represent the resources served by the API then this is a simple enough interface to use.
This library is perfect for use inside your API logic if you have need of generating complex URLs in a strongly typed style of code without trying to generate a context to manage the connectivity to the server.
NOTE: Simple.OData.Client is sometimes less practical when developing against a large API that is rapidly evolving or that does not have a strict versioned route policy. If the API changes you will need to diligently refactor your code to match and will have to rely on extensive regression testing.
OData Connected Services follows a pattern where some or all of the API is modelled in the client with strongly typed client side proxy interfaces. These are POCO classes that have the structure necessary to send to and receive data from the server.
The major benefit to this method is that the POCO structures, requests and responses are validated against the schema of the API. This effectively gives you full intellisense support for the API and allows you to explor it's structure, the generated code becomes your documentation. It also gives you compile time checking and runtime safety.
The general development workflow after the API is deployed or updated is:
Download the $metadata document
Select the Operations and Types from the API that you want to model
Generate classes to represent the selected DTO Types as defined in the document, so all the inputs and outputs.
Now you can start using the code.
In VS 2022/19/17 the Connected Services interface provides a simple wizard for establishing the initial connection and for updating (or re-generating) when you need to.
The OData Connected Service or other client side proxy generation pattern suits projects under these criteria:
The API definition is relatively stable
The API definition is in a state of flux
You consume many endpoints
You don't want to manually code the types to serialize or deserialze payloads
Full disclosure, I prefer the connected service approach, but I have my own generation scripts. However if you are trying to generate OData query urls from inside your API, its not really an option, it creates a messy recursive dependency... just don't go there.
Connected services is the low-(manual)-code and lazy approach that is perfect for a stable API, generate once and never do it again. But the Connected Service architecture is perfect for a rapidly changing API because it will manage the minute changes to the classes for you, you just need to update your client side proxy classes more frequently.

API modularization in Restlet

I have developed a web application based on Restlet API. As I am adding more features over time, I need sometimes to reuse similar group of REST API under different endpoints, which provides slightly different context of execution (like switching different instances of databases with same schema). I like to refactor my code to make the API reusable and reuse them at different endpoints. My initial thinking was to design an Application for each reusable API and attach them on the router:
The API should be agnostic of configuration of the REST API. What is the best way to pass context information (for example the instance of database) to the Application API? Is this approach viable and correct? What are the best practices to reuse REST API in Restlet? Some code samples would be appreciated to illustrate your answer.
Thanks for your help.
I have see this basic set-up running using a Component as the top level object, attaching the sub applications to the VirtualHost rather than a router, as per this skeleton sample.
public class Component extends org.restlet.Component
public Component() throws Exception
// Client protocols
// Database connection
final DataSource dataSource = InitialContext.doLookup("java:ds");
final Configuration configuration = new Configuration(dataSource);
final VirtualHost host = getDefaultHost();
// Portal modules
host.attach("/path1", new FirstApplication());
host.attach("/path2", new SecondApplication(configuration));
host.attach("/path3", new ThirdApplication());
host.attachDefault(new DefaultApplication(configuration));
We used a custom Configuration object basically a pojo to pass any common config information where required, and used this to construct the Applications, we used separate 'default' Contexts for each Application.
This was coded originally against restlet 1.1.x and has been upgraded to 2.1.x via 2.0.x, and although it works and is reasonably neat there may possibly be an even better way to do it in either versions 2.1.x or 2.2.x.

Searching with WebAPI

I have made a web API class for my Customer model. I have the standard methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE). The problem is, I want to implement another GET method which is a search. Something like this:
public IEnumerable<Customer> Search(string id)
var customers = customerRepository.Search(id);
return customers;
The search method performs a search based on the account number of my customers, using the .Contains() method.
The problem is, when I navigate to: I get a 404. What am I doing wrong here?
While Darin's answers are always of top quality this question would actually benefit from an answer that explains how searching, paging and filtering should actually be done in any API and how it should be done using the most current version of Web API (v2).
This is a post which I consider a good resource on the matter (technology indenpendent):
The answer should also reflect what's new in ASP.NET Web API v2 because Darin's answer is quite old.
Since this question comes up at the top when doing Google search for " web api searching" I will try to explain few things here.
To get as close as possible to REST principles with the latest version of ASP.NET Web API (v2) one should take a serious look at attribute routing that was introduced in the latest version. It is very hard to achieve RESTful routing with the old, classic, convention based routing (in global.asax.cs or RouteConfig.cs).
You should read more about that here
Now, to go into details how to implement the specifics you ask about.
The most common practice is to expose these types of functionality through query string parameters.
Per REST principles, you should have one endpoint for your Customers resource, for instance
To achieve this you would decorate your GetCustomers() action in your Web API controller like this
public HttpResponseMessage GetCustomers(string q="", string sortBy="", string sortDirection="", bool active=true, ...)
// q = being optional search query
// sortBy = optional sort by column/property
// sortDirection = optional sort direction
// active = filter on 'active' column/property
// ... other filters may be applicable
You would implement this action closely to what you did in classic MVC if you wanted to provide filtered Views.
I would only introduce new controllers and custom actions if really needed, for some custom edge cases.
with regards to a comment about SearchFilter strongly typed object, let's explain that this won't work out of the box because the default model binder will not bind to this class when using GET requests.
So I'd either take those properties out of SearchFilter class and put them on the action itself so they'd bind via query string binder or use the [FromBody] binder if you wanted to bind from the request body. As per
As per the default route setup only the standard controller action names are allowed (the RESTful ones and the dispatching is done based on the HTTP verb). If you want to violate the RESTful conventions and use some custom action names then you will have to modify your route setup in order to include the action name in the url: api/{controller}/{action}/{id}. Now you can send a request to /api/Customers/Search/123 which will invoke the Search action on the Customers API controller.

Making Backward-Compatible WCF Services

TLDR: How do I create WCF services that are backward compatible -- that is, when I deploy a new version of the service on the server-side, all the clients on the older versions can still use the service.
I'm creating a web service that will allow the client applications to fetch a listing of plugins. I will at least have one operation like FindPlugins(string nameOrDescription) which will, on the server, do a search and return a list of objects.
Unfortunately, I cannot guarantee that my clients will all be updated with each new release of my service; nay, I am sure that many of them will be trailing the latest version, and will have old versions -- how old, I cannot be sure, but I know they will be old :)
If I create a new service operation, change the schema, or make some sort of breaking operation on the server side, I'm done. I need to engineer backward compatibility at all times.
Here's one example. Say I return a list of Plugins, each which has a name and description, and I deploy v0.1 of my service. Then, I add a download link, and deploy that as v0.2 of my service.
Some options which I see are:
Force clients to update to the latest service (not feasible)
Break the service for old clients (not feasible)
Append a version number to each operation and only consume the version-specific operations (eg. FindPluginsV1, FindPluginsV2) -- doesn't seem practical with multiple operations
Provide a new service with each new version -- doesn't seem practical
WCF is backwards-compatible by default.
The following MSDN link contains a list of all the possible changes of a WCF contract and describes their effect on old clients:
WCF Essentials: Versioning Strategies
Most importantly, the following operations will not cause old clients to break:
Service contracts (methods)
Adding method parameters: The default value will be used when called from old clients.
Removing methods parameters: The values sent by old clients will be ignored silently.
Adding new methods: Obviously, old clients won't call them, since they don't know them.
Data contracts (custom classes for passing data)
Adding non-required properties.
Removing non-required properties.
Thus, unless you mark the new DownloadLink field as IsRequired (default is false), your change should be fine.
If you look at this article
The first example the guy gives will satisfy your requirements. It has the benefit that existing clients will not break, and you can add as many new service operations as you want this way.
public interface IMyServiceContract
public void MyMethod(MyDataContract input);
public interface IMyAugmentedServiceContract: IMyServiceContract
public void MyNewMethod(MyOtherDataContract input);
The change your service implementation:
public class MyOriginalServiceType: IAugmentedServiceContract { }

Consuming a WCF Rest Service with WP7

I have a WCF Restful Service that returns JSON objects that my iPhone and Android apps consume nicely. This is my first attempt at building something like this and I left WP7 till last as my background lies with C# and VS2010. But it seems it’s not going to be a simple as I had guessed.
So I guess I have three questions:
1, Can I consume JSON objects in WP7? If so does anyone know of a tutorial?
2, if not, can I use the existing service and build some new contracts for consumption in WP7? Or,
3, do I need to build a whole new service?
Option one is most desirable but either way, I need to develop for all three operating systems so does anyone know the best type of model to bring this all together???
Yes, but not with the channel factory / proxy programming model which you may be used to with WCF. REST services are usually consumed by using some simpler classes such as WebClient. You can use the JSON libraries (DataContractJsonSerializer is in the WP7 profile) then to deserialize the data you receive. Even the untyped JSON (the System.Json classes from the System.Json.dll on Silverlight), while not officially in the profile, they kind of work on WP7 as well (I've seen a few people simply referencing the SL library on a WP7 project).
If you want proxy support, you can add a new endpoint to the service using BasicHttpBinding, which is supported in WP7; if you don't need it, see 1).
No. See 1) and 2).
Try this to deserialize a JSON object:
public static T Deserialize<T>(string strData) where T : class
DataContractJsonSerializer serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(T));
byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(strData);
MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(byteArray);
T tRet = serializer.ReadObject(memoryStream) as T;
return tRet;
I find a totally wcf-based approach more interesting.
This is a good post that addresses this issue