Making Backward-Compatible WCF Services - wcf

TLDR: How do I create WCF services that are backward compatible -- that is, when I deploy a new version of the service on the server-side, all the clients on the older versions can still use the service.
I'm creating a web service that will allow the client applications to fetch a listing of plugins. I will at least have one operation like FindPlugins(string nameOrDescription) which will, on the server, do a search and return a list of objects.
Unfortunately, I cannot guarantee that my clients will all be updated with each new release of my service; nay, I am sure that many of them will be trailing the latest version, and will have old versions -- how old, I cannot be sure, but I know they will be old :)
If I create a new service operation, change the schema, or make some sort of breaking operation on the server side, I'm done. I need to engineer backward compatibility at all times.
Here's one example. Say I return a list of Plugins, each which has a name and description, and I deploy v0.1 of my service. Then, I add a download link, and deploy that as v0.2 of my service.
Some options which I see are:
Force clients to update to the latest service (not feasible)
Break the service for old clients (not feasible)
Append a version number to each operation and only consume the version-specific operations (eg. FindPluginsV1, FindPluginsV2) -- doesn't seem practical with multiple operations
Provide a new service with each new version -- doesn't seem practical

WCF is backwards-compatible by default.
The following MSDN link contains a list of all the possible changes of a WCF contract and describes their effect on old clients:
WCF Essentials: Versioning Strategies
Most importantly, the following operations will not cause old clients to break:
Service contracts (methods)
Adding method parameters: The default value will be used when called from old clients.
Removing methods parameters: The values sent by old clients will be ignored silently.
Adding new methods: Obviously, old clients won't call them, since they don't know them.
Data contracts (custom classes for passing data)
Adding non-required properties.
Removing non-required properties.
Thus, unless you mark the new DownloadLink field as IsRequired (default is false), your change should be fine.

If you look at this article
The first example the guy gives will satisfy your requirements. It has the benefit that existing clients will not break, and you can add as many new service operations as you want this way.
public interface IMyServiceContract
public void MyMethod(MyDataContract input);
public interface IMyAugmentedServiceContract: IMyServiceContract
public void MyNewMethod(MyOtherDataContract input);
The change your service implementation:
public class MyOriginalServiceType: IAugmentedServiceContract { }


Communication between two WCF service libraries on the same Windows Service host

The project I'm currently working on includes a server that receives C# scripts (partial code) from clients, wraps it to create a complete class, compiles it then load it into a separate AppDomain for execution.
A task (currently running script) can send feedback to the user at any point of it's execution, as defined in the script by the user. And possibly the task might wait for a response from the user (currently assuming it's only right after having sent feedback). And the user might, at any moment, decide to kill a task.
The server is implemented as a Windows Service hosting a WCF Service Library.
As I don't want to overcomplicate the client to make it communicate directly with the dynamically created AppDomains, the (partial) solution that I considered after some research was hosting a second WCF service with named pipe binding to make the dynamic AppDomains use it as a relay between them and the client facing WCF service.
My issue is that now I can't think of a clean way to have the two WCF services interact.
My ideas are:
Having them maintain direct references to each other:
Seeing as Normally both of the services are singletons it shouldn't be hard to do.
But that would be a pain to maintain in the case one of them fails and needs to be restarted. (I'm still new to WCF so I have no idea how common that is, but it's still an issue to consider. I think.)
Introducing some sort of a "message queue" (or two, one for each direction) with properties that can be set and subscribed to. Thus when one service sets a property an event will be triggered in the second. But that feels somewhat hacky to me, even though I can't really think of any clear issues.
I could really use some expert input on what I'm trying to accomplish, be it opinions on my thoughts or new ideas. Even if that involves rethinking the architecture. This project is still in an early enough stage to afford some rework, as long as there is enough reason to do that of course.
Since I've put lots of efforts (read: 2 minutes on paint) to prepare a quick (read: useless) schema of the system, I'll link it here since I don't have the reputation to post images:
Link to schema
As I now have the reputation thanks to an upvote:
Still after rereading my question, I feel that perhaps I have been looking at this issue from a too narrow perspective by thinking of the services as something more special than ordinary classes. The more I think about it the more I feel that the observer pattern is probably the best approach to take.
Just for the record, and to avoid leaving my (silly) question unanswered, I've realised that I was looking at this too narrowly by trying to find a solution specific to WCF services.
And finally I ended up using a variation of the observer pattern (based on the IObservable<T>Interface).
I came across the same issue. The way I handled a duplex communication between the two servers is as following:
For each process (AppDomain Seperated Task) create a pair of WCF services. Both services have their Instancing set to PerSession (no need for singleton which may cause problems in the long run like disconnect). This means the Client will be communicating for each process (AppDomain Separated Task) with two distinct Service instances or a service pair (i.e. Service1 and Service2).
We want a duplex communication in between these two services, which means that both can communicate with the other and pass data (in the form of a DataContract class object).
For this:
1- Declare two services (i.e. in a separate class library) and host them (self hosting or else).
2- Create your DataContract class and add any property, collection, enum etc. as you like. Both services must have a get-set property for this class.
3- In the same class library (where the Service1 and 2 classes reside), create another class. This class will act as a depository for the Service pair instances. It has a static List in order to register the service pair instances (you can identify each service with a GUID).
4- We setup the client proxy using svcUtil.exe (or by code). When the client makes a service request, a service (i.e. service1) will be created by the WCF. At service1, create or launch the process (App Domain Separated Task) as client2 and at its constructor create the Service2 proxy by code.
5- Initialize the Service2 instance (i.e. by a call to the service2) and register the service pair instances at static list of the depository (so that it can be retrieved later for duplex communication). Now we have both service instances and both of them are registered as a pair into a static list.
6- Start communication between both services by making a call from Client1 proxy.
7- At Service1 call method, retrieve the service pair from the static list. Deep copy (DeepClone) the Datacontract class object from Service1 to the Service2 using the get-set property mentioned at (2). (Note that you can use one of the many Deep Clone libraries from Nuget like DeepCloner).
8- Make a call back from Service2. Client2 now has the identical DataContract class property values as Client1
9- Repeat steps 6-8 for Client2 proxy for Service2-Service1 communication.

WCF Service Behavior to add an operation to my services

I'd like to create a service behavior which adds an extra service operation to my service. This way I can add the behavior to any of my services (existing and future) and my service will all be able to perform this extra service operation. (e.g. ping or returns some other service information)
I'm not sure what to do here to achieve what I want, What I've tried to do so far is to implement a service behavior which tries to modify the service description. Should I add an endpoint and then specify a new contract on that?
public class MyOperationBehavior : IServiceBehavior
void IServiceBehavior.ApplyDispatchBehavior(
ServiceDescription desc, ServiceHostBase host)
ServiceEndpointCollection sec = svcDesc.Endpoints;
ServiceEndpoint se = new ServiceEndpoint()
se.Address = "DoMyOperation";
se.Binding = "basicHttpBinding";
se.Contract = MyCustomContract;
One of the benefits of using services is that you are exposing a well-defined and fairly static set of operations to your consumers.
I'm not sure how being able to dynamically add service operations at runtime would benefit your consumers.
I would suggest that if you need to change your service contract on a per-consumer basis then it may indicate that your service composition is probably incorrect for the needs of your consumers.
Apologies this does not answer your question directly, and appreciate that re-work on the scale suggested may be outside current development scope.
I've found what I was looking for in this article on Dynamically adding methods to a WCF service without having to add it to each service contract.
But I also believe using WS-Discovery is a much better way of achieving what I want: exposing information about a service without having to touch the service contracts

Using DLL references of WCF service in another WCF service

Sorry for the long question in the first place. I would rather prefer to come up with a shorter question but this is the most stripped version I could provide that I can clearly explain my point.
I have been trying to deliver a wrapper service to our client which should provide multiple services in it. Idea behind it is to reduce multiple calls to a one call and return a single object which has other associated objects in it. To illustrate my point, let me give following example:
Let's say we have following services:
Normally client should query Donation service (with a donationID) to get donation information, and then using the retrieved donation information, they should query Payment service to get payment related details, and if the payment is done in multiple small payments, using retrieved payment information, they should query PartialPayment service to get all donation information for a particular Donor.
Instead of client doing this, I am going to provide a wrapper service to accept donationID as a single parameter and return a class similar to this:
[DataContract(Namespace = "http://MyCompany.Services.DonationDetail")]
public class DonationDetail
public MyCompany.Services.Donation.Record donationRecord;
public PaymentDetail paymentDetail;
[DataContract(Namespace = "http://MyCompany.Services.DonationDetail")]
public class PaymentDetail
public MyCompany.Services.Payment.Record paymentRecord;
public List<MyCompany.Services.PartialPayment.Record> partialPayments;
So an instance of DonationDetail record should return all relevant information with that donation.
My problem arises when I use these individual services DLL's* in my wrapper service since any class I pass to client using wrapper service becomes part of the wrapper service and client can't use them right away with the corresponding types they retrieved using service references without writing a custom construction method to convert one type to another - although they are same objects. Instead of referring classes in original namespace, service uses following classes something like that now for the classes mentioned above:
DonationDetail.Record (Donation Record - I would expect MyCompany.Services.Donation.Record)
DonationDetail.Record1 (Payment Record - I would expect MyCompany.Services.Payment .Record)
DonationDetail.Record2 (PartialPayment Record - I would expect MyCompany.Services.PartialPayment.Record)
Is there a way to provide such an interface without a custom constructor? So, if they use "PartialPayment" namespace for the MyCompany.Services.PartialPayment WCF service, can they do something below after DonationDetail is retrieved via wrapper service?
PartialPayment.Record partialPayment = dDetailObj.paymentDetail.partialPayments[0];
*: Don't ask me why I don't use service references unless that is the cause of the problem, since that option gives me other problems to me at this point)
So I think what you are saying, effectively, is that if you have two different services that return the same object and when you add this as two different service references to the client, even though ultimately they are the same object as far as the services are concerned (since they reference the same DLL), the client sees them as two different types so you can't take the object returned from one and send it as the input to the other service.
Assuming I have understood your question (and I apologise if I have not)...
You could map one type to the other by constructing it and setting the properties but that is really kind of a pain and not very friendly to the consumer etc, hence I am going to suggest something kind of radical...
Ditch the service references on the client.
Yup, I said it, why would I suggest such a thing!?! Here's why...
First of all I would make sure my project was structured something like this:
Donation Detail Client Library
IDonationService (this is the service contract - notice no implementation in the client library)
Payment Detail Client Library
IPaymentService (this is the service contract - notice no implementation in the client library)
Partial Payment Client Library
IPartialPaymentService (this is the service contract - notice no implementation in the client library)
Wrapper Service Client Library (which references the three other client libraries)
IWrapperService (this is the service contract - notice no implementation in the client library)
Incidentally, I gave your records different class names but you could use namespaces if you like and call them all Record (I think calling them different names is less confusing, but that is probably just me).
On the service end you reference the client library that you need to implement the service and do whatever you have to do just as you always have.
On the client you reference the client libary (or libraries depending on what service you want to call) too, in the same way (so you effectively have a shared library between server and client - yeah old skool, but hey, you will see why).
The client then has the interface for the service contract and all the data contracts so it does not need the whole service reference, generated code thing. Instead what you can do on your client is something like this:
DonationRecord donation;
using (var cf = new ChannelFactory<IDonationService>("EndpointNameInConfigurationFile"))
IDonationService donationservice = cf.CreateChannel();
donation = donationservice.GetDonation("Donation1234");
using (var cf = new ChannelFactory<IWrapperService>("EndpointNameInConfigurationFile"))
IWrapperService wrapperService = cf.CreateChannel();
There, you see I took the data contract from one service and sent it to a completely unrelated service and it looks natural (I have an object that is returned from a method on class X and I took it and passed it as an agrument on class Y, job done, just like programming).
NOTE: Using this technique will not stop service references from working just as they always have so any existing client code would not have to change, just if you use your new wrapper service, you could use it like this to save having to map types.

Need some advice for a web service API?

My company has a product that will I feel can benefit from a web service API. We are using MSMQ to route messages back and forth through the backend system. Currently we are building an ASP.Net application that communicates with a web service (WCF) that, in turn, talks to MSMQ for us. Later on down the road, we may have other client applications (not necessarily written in .Net). The message going into MSMQ is an object that has a property made up of an array of strings. There is also a property that contains the command (a string) that will be routed through the system. Personally, I am not a huge fan of this, but I was told it is for scalability and every system can use strings.
My thought, regarding the web services was to model some objects based on our data that can be passed into and out of the web services so they are easily consumed by the client. Initially, I was passing the message object, mentioned above, with the array of strings in it. I was finding that I was creating objects on the client to represent that data, making the client responsible for creating those objects. I feel the web service layer should really be handling this. That is how I have always worked with services. I did this so it was easier for me to move data around the client.
It was recommended to our group we should maintain the “single entry point” into the system by offering an object that contains commands and have one web service to take care of everything. So, the web service would have one method in it, Let’s call it MakeRequest and it would return an object (either serialized XML or JSON). The suggestion was to have a base object that may contain some sort of list of commands that other objects can inherit from. Any other object may have its own command structure, but still inherit base commands. What is passed back from the service is not clear right now, but it could be that “message object” with an object attached to it representing the data. I don’t know.
My recommendation was to model our objects after our actual data and create services for the types of data we are working with. We would create a base service interface that would house any common methods used for all services. So for example, GetById, GetByName, GetAll, Save, etc. Anything specific to a given service would be implemented for that specific implementation. So a User service may have a method GetUserByUsernameAndPassword, but since it implements the base interface it would also contain the “base” methods. We would have several methods in a service that would return the type of object expected, based on the service being called. We could house everything in one service, but I still would like to get something back that is more usable. I feel this approach leaves the client out of making decisions about what commands to be passed. When I connect to a User service and call the method GetById(int id) I would expect to get back a User object.
I had the luxury of working with MS when I started developing WCF services. So, I have a good foundation and understanding of the technology, but I am not the one designing it this time.
So, I am not opposed to the “single entry point” idea, but any thoughts about why either approach is more scalable than the other would be appreciated. I have never worked with such a systematic approach to a service layer before. Maybe I need to get over that?
I think there are merits to both approaches.
Typically, if you are writing an API that is going to be consumed by a completely separate group of developers (perhaps in another company), then you want the API to be as self-explanative and discoverable as possible. Having specific web service methods that return specific objects is much easier to work with from the consumer's perspective.
However, many companies use web services as one of many layers to their applications. In this case, it may reduce maintenance to have a generic API. I've seen some clever mechanisms that require no changes whatsoever to the service in order to add another column to a table that is returned from the database.
My personal preference is for the specific API. I think that the specific methods are much easier to work with - and are largely self-documenting. The specific operation needs to be executed at some point, so why not expose it for what it is? You'd get laughed at if you wrote:
public void MyApiMethod(string operationToPerform, params object[] args)
case "InsertCustomer":
case "UpdateCustomer":
case "Juggle5BallsAtOnce":
So why do that with a Web Service? It'd be much better to have:
public void InsertCustomer(Customer customer)
public void UpdateCustomer(Customer customer)
public void Juggle5BallsAtOnce(bool useApplesAndEatThemConcurrently)

Simpler Explanation of How to Make Call WCF Service without Adding Service Ref

In Understanding WCF Services in Silverlight 2, the author, David Betz, explains how to call a web service without adding a service reference in the client application. I have a couple of weeks experience with WCF, so the article was over my head. In particular, although the author gave a lot of code snippets, but does not say what goes where. In the article, he provides two different code snippets for the web.config file, but does not clarify what's going on.
Looking at the source code there are four projects and two web.config files.
So far, I have been using the standard Silverlight project configuration of one project for the web service and one for the Silverlight client.
Firstly, does the procedure described in the article work with the standard two project configuration? I would think it would.
Secondly, does anyone know of a simpler example? I am very interested in this, but would like to either see source code in the default two project setup which is generated when a new Silverlight project is made, or find a step by step description of how to do this (eg, add a class called xxx.cs and add this code..., open web.config and add these lines...)
Many thanks
Mike Thomas
First, a little philosophy...
If you are a consumer of a WCF service that you did not write, adding a service reference to your client is really the only mechanism you have to enable interaction with that WCF service. Otherwise, you have no way of knowing what the service contract looks like, much less its data and message contracts.
However, if you are in control of both the client and the WCF service itself, adding a service reference to the client is a nice convenience, but I've recently been convinced not to use it. For one, it becomes a nuisance after the first few times you change your contract to remember to update your service reference. And in my case, I have several different C# projects that are consuming the WCF service, so I have to remember to update each one of them. Second, creating a service reference duplicates the contract definitions that are already defined in your WCF service. It is important to understand the implications of this.
Let's say your WCF defines the following type.
public class Person
[DataMember] public string FirstName {get; set;}
[DataMember] public string LastName {get; set;}
When you add a service reference to your client, the metadata associated with this class is retrieved through the metadata exchange (MEX) endpoint, and an exact replica of this class is created on the client side that your client "compiles" against. So your WCF service has a definition of the Person class, and so does your client, but they are two different, distinct class definitions.
Given this, it would make more sense to abstract the Person class into a separate assembly that is then shared between the WCF service and the client. The added benefit is that when you change the contract definitions within this shared assembly, you no longer have to update the service reference within the client because it is already referencing the shared assembly. Does that make sense?
Now to your question. Personally, I've only used WCF within C# projects, not Silverlight. However, I do not think things are radically different. Given that, I would suggest that you watch the Extreme WCF video at dnrTV. It gives a step-by-step guide for how to bypass the service reference feature.
Hope this helps.
Let me try - I'm not an expert at Silverlight development, so bear with me if I say something that doesn't apply to Silverlight :-)
As Matt Davis mentioned, the "usual" use case is this: you add a service reference to a given service URL. In doing so, Visual Studio (or the command-line tool svcutil.exe) will interrogate the service and grab its metadata - information that describes the service, all the available methods to call, what parameter they expect etc. From this, it will generate a class for you (usually called the "client" or "client proxy"), which you as a client (=service consumer) will use to call the service. You can have this client proxy class generated inside your "normal" Silverlight client project, or you could possibly create your own "service adapter" class library, esp. if you will be sharing that client proxy code amongst several Silverlight projects. How things are structured on the server side of things is totally irrelevant at this point.
As Matt D. also mentioned, if you do it this way, you're getting copies of the service, its methods, and its data, in your client - those are identical in structure to what the server has - but they're not the same type - you on the client side have one type, the server has another (the fields and properties are identical though).
This is important to remember since the whole basic idea of WCF is message-passing - all that connects the client (you) and the server (the other end) are the messages and their structure - what method to call and what values to pass into that method. There's no other link - there's no way a server can "connect" to the client code and check something or whatever. All that gets exchanged is serialized messages (in text or binary form).
If you do control both ends, you can simplify things a bit - you can physically share the service contract (the definition what the service looks like and what methods it has to call into) and the data contract (the description of what data is being passed back and forth) on both the server side as well as the client side. In this case, you won't be adding a service reference, you won't be duplicating the service and data definitions, so things are a bit easier (but it only works if you're in control of both ends).
In this case, best practice would be to package up all that describes the service (the service interface with its methods and the data contracts) into a separate assembly (class library) on the server, which you can then copy to the client side, and reference directly from there (like any old assembly you might have). So in this case, you would typically have at least three projects in your solution:
your actual Silverlight client project
the website or web app hosting your Silverlight control for testing
the service interface assembly, which contains the service and data contracts
So there you have it - I hope I covered all the basics of what's going on, and why you would want to do one or the other thing. If you need additional info, don't hesitate to comment on this posting and let us know!