how to remove BuddyPress branding from website permalinks - buddypress

e.g., how can I remove "Buddypress" branding from the URL?
I just want to remove the BuddyPress branding from my website permalinks.

You can change this within the BuddyPress settings for specific BuddyPress directories, by assigning them to specific WordPress Pages you manually create.
Login to your wp-admin as an Admin user
Create a new blank Page representing the URL you want to use instead of "Members". For example, if you want the URL to be, create a page called "mem" and set its permalink within WP to be /mem
Click Settings->BuddyPress->Pages
Select the "mem" page next to Members and click Save Settings


Shopify Liquid: Adding Sections to the Login Template

I have a client request to add manageable content to the login page. I assume this would work like managing any other page, simply create a section with the necessary schema and markup, then include that section ({% section 'section_name' %}) in the customers/login.liquid theme template. Problem is I don't see an option to select the login page in the page selection drop-down when customizing the theme. How do I allow my client to customize the login page via sections?
The actual login template cannot have manageable sections.
The closest workaround is to create a custom page template that includes a login form. The page can include manageable sections that are accessible when customizing the theme. The only issue is that all the automatically generated login url links will not go to this page, so any instances of those links need to be adjusted in the theme.
You can manually tell the customizer where to go by adding a hash(#) at the end of the url, followed by the shopify site path you want to visit/edit.
Once you enter this in the browser url bar, you'll need to hit enter twice to get the page to reload properly.
If you do this and find it keeps sending you back to the homepage, it means that accounts are disabled on the Shopify store. You can change this by going to:
Shopify Admin > Settings > Checkout > Customer accounts
Then selecting either: Accounts are optional // Account are required

How to change text in Shopify Admin pages?

I'm trying to change the text "SKU" to something else on the Admin site, in two places:
On the Product Variant column header, when you're looking at the Product in the admin site.
On the Variant Options screen, under the Inventory header.
The purpose is to change the name for the Admin user to see something else, it doesn't need to impact the front end site. I already tried modifying the translation in en.default.json but that didn't work.
Its a build in text in the Shopify pages and code.
You can use a Javascript to do it by writing a Chrome/Firefox extension to do it or using a bookmarklet in your address bar.
A bookmraklet is a JS code which is running on the given page when you click it
Here are few samples:

Broadleaf commerce display some product to logged in users only

I am developing an e-commerce application using broad-leaf commerce.
My requirement is I have to add an product from login panel and display that product to only logged in users. Here few product products will be visible to all users (guest too) and few will be visible to only logged in users.
is there any way to do this?
Thanx soulfly1983 fou your try,but I found another alternative to do this without any customization. here is the full procedure..
Add a new category from admin panel.
Add a new page from admin panel (under content tab) and note the URL should be the same of category and page.
3 In the page click on rule tab.
4 Check the yes button in "Restrict to certain customers?"
Click +rule button and the select "match all" and select customer registered is equal to false
So this page will be visible to only guest users.
In the HTML body section of the rule (in general tab) write a message "you need to log in to view this stuff"
When user will log in successfully the user will not be able to the page , because we applied a rule that only logged out users can see the page so this time user will see the category and products added to that category.
am I doing right? any regarding this suggestion?
You can either extend the Product entity and add a field that will indicate whether that product will be visible to all users, or alternatively you could simply add an attribute for each product via the admin interface. Either way you will need to modify the UI logic so that it will take this additional field (or attribute) into consideration.

Existing pages to subpages on trac

Is it possible to make existing page a subpage of some other existing page on Trac? When using the "parentToBe/SubToBe = markup, Trac notifies on a new page creation that page SubToBe is maybe relative.
Having WIKI_RENAME permission every wiki page has a button 'Rename' at the bottom of the page. You click and change e.g. "Test" to "parentToBe/Test2" there, and it's just moved to be a subpage of "parentToBe" then.

change default joomla login page

i'm working on a Joomla web site where i would like to change the default authentication page.
i created a new login menu item and i've tried to hide the com content area so that the login form don't show. instead of the default login form i placed a new better looking login module.
now i'm trying to make this page the default login page.
There are a couple areas in the site where access is restricted to registered users. and if clicked it leads to the default joomla login page. i want the user to be redirected to login from the new one.
can you please help?
The easiest way to obtain your own custom login page is to override the default joomla layout template.
It's actually very easy to do.
Start with your template. In the template directories, you'll need to have an html folder in your template. Inside of that, you'll need a com_users directory, and inside of that - a login folder. Like this:
Then, copy /components/com_users/views/login/tmpl/default_login.php into your new login folder you just created.
From here, you can customize the default_login.php file to your hearts content. Be sure to keep the field names and hidden fields intact - be sure to only manipulate layout elements and avoid changing anything to do with the form, form name, destination or fields.
You can do the same for the logout template - and as a bonus, it goes in the same folder in your template.