TypeError when I try to run my app simulator at http://localhost:8081/debugger-ui/ - react-native

When I try to run my app simulator with react-native run-android, the application starts normally, but the debugger at http://localhost:8081/debugger-ui/ doesn't show console.log and print this error :
(index):92 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'volume' of null
at Object.render ((index):92)
at Object.setState ((index):46)
at WebSocket.ws.onopen ((index):152)

you can try opening the In - App Developer Menu
Next click Debug JS Remotely.


Why Console.log printing "Unrecognized event:..." in Expo React native app

When I am printing any value in my react native app console:-
for e.g.:- console.log('Printing Data')
Then it's printing data twice as follows:-
Unrecognized event: {"type":"client_log","level":"log","data":["Printing Data"]}
Printing Data
How can I prevent printing of "Unrecognized event: {..." ?
Sometimes it happens, try to update EXPO CLI
npm install -g expo-cli.

react-native-signature-canvas not working properly in expo IOS

react-native-signature-canvas is not working properly in Expo, it throws an error "Unable to open URL".
I am using package of react-native-signature-canvas signature using env Expo.
What is going on here? I just simply copy and paste this code from React Native Signature Component based Canvas for Android && IOS && expo.
I used the same code example provided on above page.
Error Message:
RemoteConsole.js:80 Possible Unhandled Promise Rejection (id: 0):
Error: Unable to open URL: ReactABI32_0_0-js-navigation://postMessage?data%253Aimage%252Fpng%253Bbase64%252CiVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAuQAAAVWCAYAAAD ... YII%253D
I solved this error, this error throws because of remote debugger is on after i stop remote debugging it works fine.

How can i set firefox to be my default Remote JS Debugger for React-Native?

I don't have chrome installed for some reason. When I hit "debug JS remotely", i get a log saying, "chrome wasn't found", and when i try to access the url in firefox : http://localhost:8081/debugger-ui, it doesn't work.
I want to debug in Firefox browser. How can i change the default settings for react-native remote JS debugger.
Step1: Put the URL in your Firefox/Opera browser: http://localhost:8081/debugger-ui
Step2: Open the Console ( Ctrl+Shift+J or Cmd+Shift+J )
Step3: Hit Cmd+D on Simulator and select "Debug JS Remotely"
Step4: Hit Cmd+R on Simulator
Step5: Check the Console in the Browser
These steps will work for Opera Browser also
This works for me.
To use a custom JavaScript debugger in place of Chrome Developer Tools, set the REACT_DEBUGGER environment variable to a command that will start your custom debugger. You can then select "Debug JS Remotely" from the Developer Menu to start debugging.
The debugger will receive a list of all project roots, separated by a space. For example, if you set REACT_DEBUGGER="node /path/to/launchDebugger.js --port 2345 --type ReactNative", then the command node /path/to/launchDebugger.js --port 2345 --type ReactNative /path/to/reactNative/app will be used to start your debugger
for more info check this:

ReactNative app crashes only if running in Release mode

I'm building this app in RN and after upgrading to 0.49, it started crashing only when in "release" mode. It crashes right after it starts. It took me awhile to even trace down the crash point because my crash reporter (bugsnag) isn't even triggering.
I set the scheme in xcode to "release" and I was finally able to reproduce the crash with a tethered device.
The output is:
43 JavaScriptCore 0x00000001880011ac _ZN3JSC8evaluateEPNS_9ExecStateERKNS_10SourceCodeENS_7JSValueERN3WTF8NakedPtrINS_9ExceptionEEE + 316
44 JavaScriptCore 0x000000018836a558 JSEvaluateScript +2017-10-15 02:54:24.331 [error][tid:com.facebook.react.JavaScript] undefined is not an object (evaluating 's.View.propTypes.style')
INFO : BSG_KSCrashReport.c (2157): void bsg_kscrashreport_writeStandardReport(BSG_KSCrash_Context *const, const char *const): Writing crash report to /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/00FD4F8E-DFF5-4166-982B-0D4AB56048DE/Library/Caches/KSCrashReports/GP/GP-CrashReport-0659B2B2-1DB4-48B9-BDDB-5EC72DE8B201.json
2017-10-15 02:54:24.354 [fatal][tid:com.facebook.react.ExceptionsManagerQueue] Unhandled JS Exception: undefined is not an object (evaluating 's.View.propTypes.style')
2017-10-15 02:54:24.357 [error][tid:com.facebook.react.JavaScript] Module AppRegistry is not a registered callable module (calling runApplication)
INFO : BSG_KSCrashReport.c (2157): void bsg_kscrashreport_writeStandardReport(BSG_KSCrash_Context *const, const char *const): Writing crash report to /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/00FD4F8E-DFF5-4166-982B-0D4AB56048DE/Library/Caches/KSCrashReports/GP/GP-CrashReport-9288B937-E697-4571-AE3D-5377FB7EABAE.json
libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException
I suspect it's being caused by the bundler.. Could be Babel or something else. I've tracked down any references to "*.propTypes.style" and commented them out, thinking it'd be those, but that didn't change the result. It still crashes.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks!
Try to
1) run your app in debug mode
2) uncheck 'JS Dev Mode' in Dev Settings
3) Reload app
you will see some errors related to propTypes.
I had a similar issue. by disabling JS Dev Mode I figured out my packages are using View.PropTypes.style.
In another similar issue, it was from fabric crashlytics. I changed it's version and problem solved.
I too suffered from this problem. The issue ended up being that some of the components I used were still using:
Unfortunately had to revert back to react-native 48.4 until the respective packages were updated.
In my case it was react-native-facebook-login.
Try searching your node modules to find the specific components using the above and inform the dev that it needs to be updated to be compatible with 0.49.x
Try to check log where it is breaking with adb log in simulator
View.proptypes is deprecated in latest react
native.use ViewPropTypes instead of View.proptypes.
import {ViewPropTypes } from 'react-native';
styles: PropTypes.shape({
view: ViewPropTypes.style,
From your logs, I can see 2 problems:
You use a third party module using ...View.propTypes. It'll not crash in debug mode, but it'll display a red screen during the launch
The module name you use, is not the right one.

error on hosting sencha touch app in googledrive

when am trying to host my app in googledrive getting an error
just splash screen and continue on blinking with loader
try this link
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED
bootstrap.js:11 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'addClassPathMappings' of undefined
app.js:13 Uncaught TypeError: Ext.application is not a function
I had this error too, after using sencha CMD - upgrade command.
I was missing the 'touch' folder in my aplication root.
copy-ing the touch folder from another project in my current project solved this.