error on hosting sencha touch app in googledrive - sencha-touch-2

when am trying to host my app in googledrive getting an error
just splash screen and continue on blinking with loader
try this link
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED
bootstrap.js:11 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'addClassPathMappings' of undefined
app.js:13 Uncaught TypeError: Ext.application is not a function

I had this error too, after using sencha CMD - upgrade command.
I was missing the 'touch' folder in my aplication root.
copy-ing the touch folder from another project in my current project solved this.


sails.js stopped to work after cloning from repository

After adding to git and cloning sails.js application back to another desktop my application stopped to work correctly. e.g. I am able to successfully run sails lift command, however when trying to load login page I see that the page is not loaded properly:
and I receive multiple errors in browser console (back end console is ok and does not drop any errors):
cloud.setup.js:13 Uncaught ReferenceError: Cloud is not defined
at cloud.setup.js:13
Uncaught ReferenceError: parasails is not defined
at ajax-button.component.js:12
ajax-form.component.js:20 Uncaught ReferenceError: parasails is not defined
at ajax-form.component.js:20
Uncaught ReferenceError: parasails is not defined
at js-timestamp.component.js:15
I checked node_modules folder and parasails is included there.
I didn't include node_module to my repo as I can always run npm install after cloning.
I managed to create and successfully run a new sails.js application on my desktop without any issues.
So, there must be an error with the files I pushed or didn't pushed to git.
In .gitignore file I had dependencies/ folder excluded.
That rule was excluding any file in assets/dependencies subfolder, where a number of sails.js files are located, e.g. parasails.js, etc.

Uncaught syntax error: unexpected token < error

I'm using service worker and caching with workbox using webpack for a vuejs app. While it worked fine until now, when I pushed new changes to our app, the app breaks after reloading the page and gives this error. Also, in the network tab, I see that it is requesting a non-existing app.js build file which was a previous deploy file. How do I solve this?
If you observe the image, you can see that the request is going to older app.js file while in the dist folder to the left, the hash of app.js bundled is different.
error image

react-native-signature-canvas not working properly in expo IOS

react-native-signature-canvas is not working properly in Expo, it throws an error "Unable to open URL".
I am using package of react-native-signature-canvas signature using env Expo.
What is going on here? I just simply copy and paste this code from React Native Signature Component based Canvas for Android && IOS && expo.
I used the same code example provided on above page.
Error Message:
RemoteConsole.js:80 Possible Unhandled Promise Rejection (id: 0):
Error: Unable to open URL: ReactABI32_0_0-js-navigation://postMessage?data%253Aimage%252Fpng%253Bbase64%252CiVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAuQAAAVWCAYAAAD ... YII%253D
I solved this error, this error throws because of remote debugger is on after i stop remote debugging it works fine.

TypeError when I try to run my app simulator at http://localhost:8081/debugger-ui/

When I try to run my app simulator with react-native run-android, the application starts normally, but the debugger at http://localhost:8081/debugger-ui/ doesn't show console.log and print this error :
(index):92 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'volume' of null
at Object.render ((index):92)
at Object.setState ((index):46)
at ((index):152)
you can try opening the In - App Developer Menu
Next click Debug JS Remotely.

IBM Worklight 6.1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'directUpdate' of undefined

I'm using Worklight 6.1
I have developed an Android application with
connectOnStartup : true
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="16" android:targetSdkVersion="16" />
When I try to execute the application on the device (4.1.2), when it starts I get the exception in log cat:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'directUpdate' of undefined
The application is a mix between the modules "Adapter-based authentication" and "Integrating server-generated pages in hybrid applications". Downloaded from
If I do not set the set connectOnStartup to false it works.
Any idea?
You point me to the error, I thought there was nothing being executed before Direct Update but the java script code included in the main HTML page is executed before.
Then I realized that I didn't include the javascript file where the security challenge handler was implemented. Thas was the issue.
I have included the
<script src="js/SingleStepAuthRealmChallengeProcessor.js"></script>
in the .html and now it is working.
Thank you Idan.