Migrating NHibernate 3.3 to 5, getting Method not found: System.Data.IDbCommand NHibernate.AdoNet.AbstractBatcher.get_CurrentCommand() with SqlAzure - nhibernate

I am busy migrating a project from NHibernate to 5.1.3. I have picked up an error when committing a transaction or flushing the session.
The error I am currently receiving is as follows:
Method not found: 'System.Data.IDbCommand NHibernate.AdoNet.AbstractBatcher.get_CurrentCommand()'.
I have looked into the NHibernate 5.1.3 code and release notes and I can see that there has been a change to the CurrentCommand property getter for the AbstractBacther class. In this major release of NHibernate, this property has changed from being of type IDbCommand to type DbCommand. See the difference below:
Version 3.3.x Permalink
protected IDbCommand CurrentCommand
get { return _batchCommand; }
Version 5.1.3 Permalink
protected DbCommand CurrentCommand
get { return _batchCommand; }
I am using the SqlAzureClientDriver (NHibernate.SqlAzure) for reliable SQL Azure connections. I have noticed that the latest version of NHibernate.SqlAzure is still using the IDbCommand implementation.
Has anybody else using SqlAzureClientDriver experienced this problem and been able to resolve it?

Use the NHibernate5 version of SqlAzureClientDriver which can be installed as the nuget package NHibernate5.SqlAzure.


FluentNHibernate's PersistenceConfiguration Cache method removed

new to Fluent/NHibernate and trying to upgrade code base to the latest FluentNHibernate from version The PersistenceConfiguration type used to have a Cache method (below) and no longer there. Is this done differently in subsequent releases? I couldn't find anything in their release notes of the changes.
public TThisConfiguration Cache(Action<CacheSettingsBuilder> cacheExpression)
return (TThisConfiguration) this;

NullPointerException caught when writing to BigTable using Apache Beam's dataflow sdk

I'm using Apache's Beam sdk version 0.2.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT
and trying to pull data to a bigtable with the Dataflow runner. Unfortunately I'm getting NullPointerException when executing my dataflow pipeline where I'm using BigTableIO.Write as my sink. Already checked my BigtableOptions and the parameters are fine, according to my needs.
Basically, I create and in some point of my pipeline I have the step to write the PCollection<KV<ByteString, Iterable<Mutation>>> to my desired bigtable:
final BigtableOptions.Builder optionsBuilder =
new BigtableOptions.Builder().setProjectId(System.getProperty("PROJECT_ID"))
// do intermediary steps and create PCollection<KV<ByteString, Iterable<Mutation>>>
// to write to bigtable
// modifiedHits is a PCollection<KV<ByteString, Iterable<Mutation>>>
modifiedHits.apply("writting to big table", BigtableIO.write()
When executing the pipeline, I got the NullPointerException, pointing out exactly to the BigtableIO class at the public void processElement(ProcessContext c) method:
(6e0ccd8407eed08b): java.lang.NullPointerException at org.apache.beam.sdk.io.gcp.bigtable.BigtableIO$Write$BigtableWriterFn.processElement(BigtableIO.java:532)
I checked this method is processing all elements before to write on bigtable, but not sure why I'm getting such exception overtime I execute this pipeline. According to the code below, this method uses bigtableWriter attribute to process each c.element(), but I can't even set a breakpoint to debug where is exactly the null. Any kind of advice or suggestion of how to solve this issue?
public void processElement(ProcessContext c) throws Exception {
bigtableWriter.writeRecord(c.element()), new WriteExceptionCallback(c.element()));
I looked up the job and its classpath, and if I'm not mistaken it looks like you're using version 0.3.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT of beam-sdks-java-{core,io}, but version 0.2.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT of google-cloud-dataflow-java.
I believe the issue is because of this - you have to use the same version (more details: BigtableIO in version 0.3.0 uses #Setup and #Teardown methods, but runner 0.2.0 does not support them yet).

Mockolate Verify Error: Illegal override.. after Flex SDK 4.10 update

Since we upgraded the flex sdk in our application to 4.10 we've been running into Verify Errors while running unit tests that use mockolate.
They seem to occur when mocking an interface where a ByteArray is used in a method signature.
Example interface:
public interface IFileSystemHelper {
function loadFileContents(path:String):ByteArray;
Example test class:
public class SomeTest {
public var mockolateRule:MockolateRule = new MockolateRule();
public var fileHelper:IFileSystemHelper;
public function SomeTest() {
public function testMethod():void {
// ...
When compiling and running the test with flexmojos 6.0.1 the following error is thrown:
VerifyError: Error #1053: Illegal override of
IFileSystemHelper8F2B5D281827800A824B85B588C6F2A08AE814ED in
My initial suspicion was an sdk version problem with playerglobal (or airglobal in our case) so i recompiled mockolate (and flexunit) with sdk 4.10, without any result.
The only thing that seems to work is to remove the ByteArray type from the method signature... but that's not really an option :-) (and this has never been a problem before)
Is there anyone who has had a similar issue?
This problem usually occurs when compiling different parts of your application with different versions of the sdk.
I would recommend to have a look at the output of "mvn dependency:tree" as this should output all dependencies (direct and transitive ones). Perhaps this will help you find where the wrong version is comming from.

Sharepoint Feature Upgrades

I have the following in my feature.template.xml
<VersionRange BeginVersion="" EndVersion="">
<CustomUpgradeAction Name=""></CustomUpgradeAction>
<VersionRange BeginVersion="" EndVersion="">
<CustomUpgradeAction Name=""></CustomUpgradeAction>
My feature upgrade event is as follows:
public override void FeatureUpgrading(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties, string upgradeActionName, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, string> parameters)
using (SPSite site = (SPSite)properties.Feature.Parent)
using (SPWeb mySite = site.RootWeb)
switch (upgradeActionName)
case "":
//execute logicA
case "":
//execute logicB
Am I correct in saying that if the site is currently version, it will be upgraded to v 1.0.03, executing both logicA and logicB above. This means that sharepoint would call featureupgrading event for each version upgrade.Is this correct? Or do I need to do something different to achieve this?
I also have the following concerns:
What exactly do the the BeginVersion and EndVersion mean.
I especially do not understand the BeginVersion. What happens if instead of I set it to as well?
Any assistance would be greately appreciated, as I did not find any good relevant details online or on books.
When you add a new Feature to your VS SharePoint project, Visual studio initializes your Feature with version
In the properties window you can set a version number for your feature.
When you want to upgrade an existing feature you'll have to define the range of versions for which you want your upgrade actions (code, new manifest, ...) to happen.
E.g.: You deployed your feature without changing the version number. Your current deployed feature has version number
You want to upgrade your feature and set the version number to
If you define a versionrange as follows:
<VersionRange BeginVersion="" EndVersion="">
You'll notice nothing will happen when you call SPFeature.Upgrade() since is not in the defined versionrange.
If you use this versionrange
<VersionRange EndVersion="">
<VersionRange BeginVersion="" EndVersion="">
You'll notice your FeatureUpgrading eventreceiver or other upgrade actions will be triggered.
Your upgraded feature will now have version number
If you call SPFeature.Upgrade again nothing will happen again, because exceeds the defined versionrange. So BeginVersion is included, EndVersion not.
Every feature with a version number between [ - 1.x.x.x] will be upgraded if you use the latter versionranges.
I think you can also leave the BeginVersion and EndVersion attributes entirely out. Then you're upgradeactions will be triggered at every SPFeature.Upgrade() call. (To be verified)
For more information: Chris O'Brien wrote an interesting articles series about this topic, cfr. http://www.sharepointnutsandbolts.com/2010/06/feature-upgrade-part-1-fundamentals.html

S#arp Architecture - Rhino Security (unmapped class: Rhino.Security.IUser)

I'm using S#arp Architecture 1.6 and have implemented the Rhino Security integration as per
Rhino Security - S#arp Architecture
I'm using the latest build from Rhino.Commons
My Application_EndRequest method contains
ISession session = NHibernateSession.Current;
My ComponentRegister.cs contains
.UsingFactoryMethod(() => NHibernateSession.Current)
I have also added RhinoSecurityPersistenceConfigurer() as per instructions.
The error I'm recieving on calling
An association from the table Permissions refers to an unmapped class: Rhino.Security.IUser
Does anyone know what the cause of this error may be?
Has anyone successfully integrated Rhino.Security with S#arp Architecture?
Any help would be great.
-- Additional Details --
Thanks for all the replies so far.
I've still not been able to resolve this, so thought I'd add more details.
In my Global.asax.cs I have
private void InitializeNHibernateSession()
new string[] { Server.MapPath("~/bin/SwitchSnapshot.Data.dll") },
new AutoPersistenceModelGenerator().Generate(),
null, null, new RhinoSecurityPersistenceConfigurer());
RhinoSecurityPersistenceConfigurer :
public Configuration ConfigureProperties(Configuration nhibernateConfig)
Security.Configure<User>(nhibernateConfig, SecurityTableStructure.Prefix);
return nhibernateConfig;
I have an AuthorizationAttribute which calls
using (UnitOfWork.Start())
The error is occuring in NHibernateUnitOfWorkFactory.cs as
sessionFactory = cfg.BuildSessionFactory();
You need an NHibernate mapping for your User class (i.e. the class that implements the IUser interface). You also need a table in the database with the correct fields for your User class.
You have to let RS do some configuration work before the SessionFactory is created. Look at the second issue here http://groups.google.com/group/sharp-architecture/browse_frm/thread/4093c52596f54d23/194f19cd08c8fdd7?q=#194f19cd08c8fdd7. It should get you in the right direction.
Thanks to all who helped out.
In the end it was my own fault.
All I needed to do was to follow the S#arp Architecture Instructions a little better.
From an old version of S#arp I had 2 config files hibernate.cfg.xml and NHibernate.config. I thought I still needed both, but all I needed was hibernate.cfg.xml for S#arp version 1.6 and mapped User.cs using Fluent NHibernate.
Other changes I did was in ComponentRegister.cs
.UsingFactoryMethod(() => NHibernateSession.Current)
Then use the following in my code.
var authorizationService = IoC.Resolve<IAuthorizationService>();
using (UnitOfWork.Start())