Graphics causing solid white button -

I'm coding Conway's game of life. My grid is entirely in a picture box but when I load the form the back button in the upper right is completely white. Refreshing the form fixes the button but makes it incredibly laggy. Every other button shows up fine, just the back button is broken. How can I fix this?
Option Strict On
Public Class frmGame
' Declaring public variables
Public bmp As Bitmap
Public G As Graphics
Public WithEvents speed As Timer
Public grid(50, 40) As Boolean
Public input(50, 40) As Boolean
Public intGens As Integer = 0
Public change As Boolean = False
Public P As New Pen(Color.Black)
Private Sub picGrid_Paint(sender As Object, e As PaintEventArgs) Handles picGrid.Paint
' Loads bitmap, graphics, etc and prepares to begin simulation
' Creates graphics device
bmp = New Bitmap(600, 480)[enter image description here][1]
picGrid.Image = bmp
G = Graphics.FromImage(bmp)
' Defining variables for grid
Dim x As Integer = 0
Dim y As Integer = 0
' Draws grid
For y = 0 To 480
For x = 0 To 600
G.DrawRectangle(pen:=P, x:=x, y:=y, width:=12, height:=12)
x += 12
x = 0
y += 12
End Sub
Private Sub btnBack_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnBack.Click
' Hides rules form, shows main menu form
End Sub
Private Sub frmGame_FormClosed(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosedEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosed
' Frees memory when form is closed
End Sub
End Class

I'm not exactly sure do I understand your problem, nor I can recreate it with code provided.
But I can recommend some thing's that can help you.
First of all do not use Control.Refresh() while working with drawing, use instead Control.Invalidate() & Control.Update(), that may fix lag issue.
Do you relay need 2 forms (that i understand is the root of problem)?
Instead of hiding form, hide PictureBox (.Visible = False) and show other controls you need at that moment.


VB.NET - Movement Blocked due to Faulty Collision Detection

So, I am making a game for my programming class as part of my final project. I'm just in the planning and experimenting stage at the moment and I decided to get a headstart on graphics and collisions. I first made my program just by experimenting with the Graphics class VB has to offer, instead of using PictureBoxes. Alongside that, I added keyboard input to move an Image around. When I decided to add collision detection through the intersectsWith() method of the Image class, things became weird.
Basically, in my code, the "Player" entity has three different images - which change depending on which way they are facing, which is in turn determined by what key the user presses. Without any collision detection code, the movement and image changing works fine and the image moves about. However, as soon as I add collision detection the player does not move at all, only the way they face changes. This happens even if the player's Image is nowhere near the image I want to test for intersection (a dollar sign). Here's my entire code:
Public Class Form1
Enum DirectionFacing
End Enum
' Player X position.
Dim pX As Integer = 100
' Player Y position.
Dim pY As Integer = 100
' The direction the player is facing - by default, backward.
Dim dir As DirectionFacing = DirectionFacing.BACKWARD
' The image of the player.
Dim pI As Image = My.Resources.MainCharacter_Forward
' Another image designed to test for collision detection.
Dim dI As Image = My.Resources.DollarSign
Private Sub Form1_KeyDown(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles MyBase.KeyDown
If (e.KeyCode = Keys.W) Then
' If they press W, move forward.
dir = DirectionFacing.FORWARDS
pI = My.Resources.MainCharacter_Forward
movePlayer(DirectionFacing.FORWARDS, 10)
ElseIf (e.KeyCode = Keys.S) Then
' If they press S, move backward.
dir = DirectionFacing.BACKWARD
pI = My.Resources.MainCharacter_Behind
movePlayer(DirectionFacing.BACKWARD, 10)
ElseIf (e.KeyCode = Keys.A) Then
' If they press A, move to the left.
pI = My.Resources.MainCharacter_Side
dir = DirectionFacing.LEFT
movePlayer(DirectionFacing.LEFT, 10)
ElseIf (e.KeyCode = Keys.D) Then
' If they press D, move to the right. To make the player face rightward,
' the image can be flipped.
Dim flipped As Image = My.Resources.MainCharacter_Side
pI = flipped
dir = DirectionFacing.LEFT
movePlayer(DirectionFacing.RIGHT, 10)
End If
End Sub
' Moves the player by a certain amount AND checks for collisions.
Private Sub movePlayer(dir As DirectionFacing, amount As Integer)
If (dI.GetBounds(GraphicsUnit.Pixel).IntersectsWith(pI.GetBounds(GraphicsUnit.Pixel))) Then
End If
If (dir = DirectionFacing.FORWARDS) Then
pY -= 10
ElseIf (dir = DirectionFacing.BACKWARD) Then
pY += 10
ElseIf (dir = DirectionFacing.LEFT) Then
pX -= 10
ElseIf (dir = DirectionFacing.RIGHT) Then
pX += 10
End If
End Sub
Private Sub draw(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Handles Me.Paint
Dim g As Graphics = e.Graphics()
g.DrawImage(dI, 400, 350)
g.DrawImage(pI, pX, pY)
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Me.DoubleBuffered = True
End Sub
End Class
Basically, every time I press a key and want the image to move, the image doesn't move at all (even when the Player is nowhere close to the dollar sign), but the direction they are facing still changes. How can I keep the player moving and still stop the player from colliding with another image?
Well, the
If (dI.GetBounds(GraphicsUnit.Pixel).IntersectsWith(pI.GetBounds(GraphicsUnit.Pixel)))
will always return False since the GetBounds method does not return the current location of each rectangle. So they will never intersect, and your drawing scene remains the same.
So let's try to solve this problem.
Enum DirectionFacing
End Enum
' The image of the player.
Dim pI As New Bitmap(My.Resources.MainCharacter_Forward)
' Another image designed to test for collision detection.
Dim dI As New Bitmap(My.Resources.DollarSign)
'The rectangle of the player's image.
Dim pIrect As New Rectangle(100, 100, pI.Width, pI.Height)
'The static rectangle of the collision's image.
Dim dIrect As New Rectangle(400, 350, dI.Width, dI.Height)
Now the IntersectWith function should work in the movePlayer method:
Private Sub movePlayer(dir As DirectionFacing, amount As Integer)
Dim px = pIrect.X
Dim py = pIrect.Y
Select Case dir
Case DirectionFacing.FORWARDS
py -= amount
Case DirectionFacing.BACKWARD
py += amount
Case DirectionFacing.LEFT
px -= amount
Case DirectionFacing.RIGHT
px += amount
End Select
If Not New Rectangle(px, py, pI.Width, pI.Height).IntersectsWith(dIrect) Then
pIrect = New Rectangle(px, py, pI.Width, pI.Height)
End If
End Sub
Note that, both px and py variables are now locals because we already have pIrect which includes the currect x and y. We replaced the If statement with Select Case as a better approach I believe. We created a new rectangle to check any possible collision, if not, then we update our pIrect and refresh the drawing.
Besides moving the image through the W S A D keys, you also can make use of the ← ↑ → ↓ keys. To intercept them in the KeyDown event, just override the IsInputKey function as follow:
Protected Overrides Function IsInputKey(keyData As Keys) As Boolean
Select Case keyData And Keys.KeyCode
Case Keys.Left, Keys.Up, Keys.Right, Keys.Down
Return True
Case Else
Return MyBase.IsInputKey(keyData)
End Select
End Function
Thus, the KeyDown event:
Private Sub Form1_KeyDown(sender As Object, e As KeyEventArgs) Handles MyBase.KeyDown
Select Case e.KeyCode
Case Keys.W, Keys.Up
pI = New Bitmap(My.Resources.MainCharacter_Forward)
movePlayer(DirectionFacing.FORWARDS, 10)
Case Keys.S, Keys.Down
pI = New Bitmap(My.Resources.MainCharacter_Behind)
movePlayer(DirectionFacing.BACKWARD, 10)
Case Keys.A, Keys.Left
pI = New Bitmap(My.Resources.MainCharacter_Side)
movePlayer(DirectionFacing.LEFT, 10)
Case Keys.D, Keys.Right
pI = New Bitmap(My.Resources.MainCharacter_Side)
movePlayer(DirectionFacing.RIGHT, 10)
End Select
End Sub
Again, we replaced the If Then Else statement with Select Case. If you are not supposed to do that, I believe it will be easy for you to revert and use If e.KeyCode = Keys.W OrElse e.KeyCode = Keys.Up Then ....
The Paint routine:
Private Sub draw(sender As Object, e As PaintEventArgs) Handles Me.Paint
Dim g As Graphics = e.Graphics()
g.DrawImage(dI, dIrect)
g.DrawImage(pI, pIrect)
End Sub
Finally, don't forget to clean up:
Private Sub Form1_FormClosed(sender As Object, e As FormClosedEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosed
End Sub
Good luck Graphics not drawing to screen

I am creating a hangman game and i cant get my dashes to draw on the screen.
Public Class Form1
Public lines() As String= IO.File.ReadAllLines("C:\Users\axfonath14\Desktop\words_alpha.txt")
Dim thisArray As String() = lines.ToArray
Public word As String = thisArray(CInt(Int((thisArray.Length * Rnd()) + 1)))
Public g As Graphics = Me.CreateGraphics()
Public dash As Image = My.Resources.dash
Public x As Integer = 1
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Label1.Text = word
For Each c As Char In word
x += 1
g.DrawImage(dash, 125 + (100 * x), 100)
Label2.Text = x
End Sub
End Class
when i run this code it runs through the loop and changes the label to the amount of letters but it just wont draw anything.
Never, EVER call CreateGraphics. Lazy people do so without explanation in examples and tutorials but it is never appropriate in a real application. ALWAYS do your drawing in the Paint event handler of the control you want to draw on. In your case, get rid of that g field altogether, move your drawing code to the Paint event handler of the form and use the Graphics object that it provides:
Private Sub Form1_Paint(sender As Object, e As PaintEventArgs) Handles Me.Paint
For Each c As Char In word
x += 1
e.Graphics.DrawImage(dash, 125 + (100 * x), 100)
End Sub
That way, your drawing gets restored each time the form gets erased and repainted, which can be often and will be after the Load event handler completes.
If you want to change what gets drawn then you need to store the appropriate data in fields that can then be accessed from the Paint event handler. To force a repaint, call Invalidate on the form or control whose Paint event you're handling.
You're grabbing the graphics context before the form has initialized. Move your initialization code to the actual constructor, after the InitializeComponent() method is called.

How to turn over cards in card game?

I have created a card game where 2 x 12 different images will be loaded into 24 picture boxes in vb forms. My intention is for the user to turn over two cards at a time, trying to find pairs to match. Each time the game is loaded, there will be different pictures and they will be in different positions. So far I have loaded the image for the back of the card in the game successfully but I can’t turn them over to see if my images have loaded successfully.
I am not concerned about shuffling them yet, I just want to see if the images have loaded and to be able to have two cards turned over at a time. I’m really confused as I’m not used to using VB for such tasks so any help is appreciated. Here is my code:
Imports System.IO
Public Class Board
' as per stackoverflow Terms of Service
' this code comes from
'array of picture boxes
Private pBoxes As PictureBox()
'array of images
Private imgs As String() = {"1.jpg", "2.jpg", "3.jpg", "4.jpg", "5.jpg", "6.jpg", "7.jpg", "8.jpg", "9.jpg", "10.jpg", "11.jpg", "12.jpg", "13.jpg", "14.jpg", "15,jpg", "16.jpg", "17.jpg", "18.jpg", "19.jpg", "20.jpg", "21.jpg", "22.jpg", "23.jpg", "24.jpg"}
'random number generator
Private RNG = New Random
'cover image
Private coverImg As String = "bg.jpg"
Private dt As DateTime
'turns cards
Private pbFirst As PictureBox
Private pbSecond As PictureBox
Private matches As Int32 = 0
'Folder where images are held
Private ImgFolder As String
Private Sub Board1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
RNG = New Random()
'array of picture boxes
pBoxes = New PictureBox() {PictureBox1, PictureBox2, PictureBox3, PictureBox4,
PictureBox5, PictureBox6, PictureBox7, PictureBox8,
PictureBox9, PictureBox10, PictureBox11, PictureBox12, PictureBox13, PictureBox14, PictureBox15, PictureBox16, PictureBox17, PictureBox18, PictureBox19, PictureBox20, PictureBox21, PictureBox22, PictureBox23, PictureBox24}
'where images are located
ImgFolder = "F: \COMPUTER SCIENCE\Test images"
coverImg = Path.Combine(ImgFolder, coverImg)
For Each p As PictureBox In pBoxes
p.ImageLocation = coverImg
End Sub
'Take images from file
Private Sub PickImages()
Dim nums = Enumerable.Range(1, 12).ToArray()
Dim pool = nums.Concat(nums).OrderBy(Function(r) RNG.Next).ToArray()
End Sub
Private Sub Shuffle()
End Sub
' reset everything
Private Sub NewGame()
matches = 0
pbFirst = Nothing
pbSecond = Nothing
' repick, reshuffle
dt = DateTime.Now
'tmrMain.Enabled = True
End Sub
End Class
I dont have the points to comments however are you clicking on the pictures to turn them over? If so I think you would just need to have an event such as the below to load the back of the card image.
Private Sub PictureBox1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles PictureBox1.Click
PictureBox1.ImageLocation = ("Path to Picture of back of the card")
End Sub
Don't try and over-think this - forget about "turning them over" simply change the image:
Private Sub PictureBox1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles PictureBox1.Click, PictureBox2.Click 'etc
dim index as short
' to do: get the index of the PictureCard
If sender.Image is coverImg then
sender.Image = imgs(index) ' in stead of 0, use the index of the picture card
sender.Image = coverImage
End if
End Sub

Is there a way to use timer ticks for multiple procedures?

I am currently coding a small animation. The animation starts off with a small circle moving across the screen, then the user click buttons and other small images move across the screen (I feel like describing the contents of the images, the purpose of the program, etc. would be tangential and irrelevant).
The way I am currently coding the animation is like this:
Private Sub Timer_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Timer.Tick
Circle1.Left -= 10
If Counter = 16 Then
Timer.Enabled = False
Counter = 0
End If
Counter += 1
End Sub
However, the problem is that I need to use the timer to help animate the movement of multiple images. Other than creating multiple timers, is there a way of using the ticking of the timer in multiple subroutines?
You can use a list to hold all the controls you want to animate. Iterate the list in the timer event and modify the position of the controls. Here's an example how to do it.
Public Class Form1
' this list holds all controls to animate
Private controlsToAnimate As New List(Of Control)
Private random As New Random
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
' this list holds all controls to remove
Dim controlsToRemove As New List(Of Control)
For i = 0 To controlsToAnimate.Count - 1
Dim control = controlsToAnimate(i)
If control.Left < 0 Then
' this control has reached the left edge, so put it in the list to remove
' move the control to left
control.Left -= 10
End If
' remove all controls that have reached the left edge
For Each control In controlsToRemove
' for debug only, display the number of controls to animate
Me.Text = controlsToAnimate.Count()
End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
' create a new picturebox
Dim newControl As New PictureBox
With newControl
' load an image for the picturebox
.Image = Image.FromFile("D:\Pictures\abc.jpg")
' size of the picturebox
.Size = New Size(100, 100)
' picturebox appears at the right edge of the form,
' the vertical position is randomize
.Location = New Point(Me.Width - newControl.Width, random.Next(Me.Height - newControl.Height))
' stretch the image to fit the picturebox
.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage
End With
' add the newly created control to list of controls to animate
' add the newly created control to the form
End Sub
End Class

Printing a Graphic Object VB.NET

I have a module that generates fill out a System.Drawing.Graphics object.
I then try to print it with a event on my main form but the print preview comes out blank.
This is my print page
Private Sub MyPrintDocument_PrintPage(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs) Handles MyPrintDocument.PrintPage
Dim MyGraphic As Graphics
MyPrintDocument.PrinterSettings.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Top = 200
MyPrintDocument.PrinterSettings.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Left = 100
MyPrintDocument.PrinterSettings.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Right = 100
MyPrintDocument.PrinterSettings.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Bottom = 75
MyGraphic = MyGrpahicPage
End Sub
MyGrpahicPage is the public graphics object my module fill out.
I think the problem is that you have to print to the Graphics object provided by the event argument, not another one that you may have hanging around. In other words, you need to draw on e.Graphics. The help page for PrintPageEventArgs.Graphics shows how this is supposed to work.
I found the way.
1. step: you must create thy MyGraphics in your form:
... Form declaration ...
Private GrBitmap As Bitmap
Private GrGraphics As Graphics
Dimm Withevents pd as new PrintDocument 'The withevents is important!
2. step: Anywhere (ig, in the formload sub, or in a buttonclick sub) :
GrBitmap = New Bitmap(Width, Height)
GrGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(GrBitmap)
(the Width and the Height values you must calculate by the content of the graphics)
3. step:
Complete the GrGraphics with any .DrawString, .DrawLine, etc. methods
4. step:
Create a sub of Printdocument:
Private Sub pd_PrintPage(sender As Object, ev As PrintPageEventArgs) Handles pd.PrintPage
ev.Graphics.DrawImage(Me.GrBitmap, New Point(0, 0))
End Sub