Is there a way to use timer ticks for multiple procedures? -

I am currently coding a small animation. The animation starts off with a small circle moving across the screen, then the user click buttons and other small images move across the screen (I feel like describing the contents of the images, the purpose of the program, etc. would be tangential and irrelevant).
The way I am currently coding the animation is like this:
Private Sub Timer_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Timer.Tick
Circle1.Left -= 10
If Counter = 16 Then
Timer.Enabled = False
Counter = 0
End If
Counter += 1
End Sub
However, the problem is that I need to use the timer to help animate the movement of multiple images. Other than creating multiple timers, is there a way of using the ticking of the timer in multiple subroutines?

You can use a list to hold all the controls you want to animate. Iterate the list in the timer event and modify the position of the controls. Here's an example how to do it.
Public Class Form1
' this list holds all controls to animate
Private controlsToAnimate As New List(Of Control)
Private random As New Random
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
' this list holds all controls to remove
Dim controlsToRemove As New List(Of Control)
For i = 0 To controlsToAnimate.Count - 1
Dim control = controlsToAnimate(i)
If control.Left < 0 Then
' this control has reached the left edge, so put it in the list to remove
' move the control to left
control.Left -= 10
End If
' remove all controls that have reached the left edge
For Each control In controlsToRemove
' for debug only, display the number of controls to animate
Me.Text = controlsToAnimate.Count()
End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
' create a new picturebox
Dim newControl As New PictureBox
With newControl
' load an image for the picturebox
.Image = Image.FromFile("D:\Pictures\abc.jpg")
' size of the picturebox
.Size = New Size(100, 100)
' picturebox appears at the right edge of the form,
' the vertical position is randomize
.Location = New Point(Me.Width - newControl.Width, random.Next(Me.Height - newControl.Height))
' stretch the image to fit the picturebox
.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage
End With
' add the newly created control to list of controls to animate
' add the newly created control to the form
End Sub
End Class


How to use properties of dynamically created picturebox in

I was trying to remove this "brickn" when ball intersect with this brick
but i am facing problem that "brickn" is not declared any helps?
there is code
Dim brickWidth as Integer = 0
Public Function CreateBrick() As PictureBox
Dim Brickn As New PictureBox
Brickn.Size = Brick.Size
Brickn.Left = BrickWidth
Brickn.Top = 0
Brickn.Image = Brick.Image
Brickn.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage
Brickn.BackColor = Color.Black
Return Brickn
End Function
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
For i= -75 To Me.Width
BrickWidth += 170 ' increasing brick.left on every new brick is created
i += 170 ' increasing looop count according to brick needed
Private Sub Boll_control_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Boll_control.Tick
If Ball.Bounds.IntersectsWith(brickn.Bounds) Then
End If
End Sub
why this "brickn" is not saying not declared in "boll control tick " timer
You are instantiating brickn withing CreateBrick. You are returning it as the result of that function, but not assigning it to anything. So it's scope is limited to the CreateBrick fuction only, which is why it's not accessible from Boll_control_Tick.
Also you are then trying to create multiple instances of it with using a single object.
This code will allow you to create one or more. You will then need to rework your Boll_control_Tick to work out whether it intersects with any. You may want to create a list or array of PictureBox objects as Brickn instead of one.
Dim brickWidth as Integer = 0
Dim Brickn As PictureBox ' This may be better as a list or an array
Public Function CreateBrick() As PictureBox
Dim myBrickn As New PictureBox
'Note - no idea what Brick is here or where it comes from
Brickn.Size = Brick.Size
Brickn.Left = BrickWidth
Brickn.Top = 0
Brickn.Image = Brick.Image
Brickn.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage
Brickn.BackColor = Color.Black
Return myBrickn
End Function
and then in your Form_Load method:
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
For i= -75 To Me.Width
Brickn = CreateBrick() ' or add to your List/Array here
BrickWidth += 170 ' increasing brick.left on every new brick is created
i += 170 ' increasing looop count according to brick needed
That will add multiple picture boxes to your controls and, if you want, create a list or array of them for easy access. You will need to loop through those in Boll_control_Tick to see if ball bounds intersects with any and then remove that specific one only

How to add infinite components when a button is clicked

I have a social media WinForm. I have a function that basically makes a new picture box when a button is clicked
Public Sub NewPost()
picture as new picturebox
picture.Width = 208
picture.Height = 264
picture.Image = Form2.PictureBox1.Image
picture.Location = New Point(258, 60)
End Sub
The thing is it only generates 1 new picture box because I have to make a new variable each time I want to add a picturebox, and eachtime I have to have a new name. I know my question Is a bit confusing but help would be nice thanks
If you want to trap events for your dynamic PictureBoxes, then you'll have to abandon the WithEvents model and move to using AddHandler.
Here's a quick example where the name of the PictureBox is displayed when it is clicked. Note that I am not setting a Location since they are being added to a FlowLayoutPanel which takes care of the placement for you:
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
End Sub
Public Sub NewPost()
Dim picture As New PictureBox
picture.Width = 208
picture.Height = 264
picture.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle
' ...etc...
Dim index As Integer = FlowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Count + 1
picture.Name = "pb" & index
AddHandler picture.Click, AddressOf picture_Click
End Sub
Private Sub picture_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
Dim pb As PictureBox = DirectCast(sender, PictureBox)
End Sub
End Class
because I have to make a new variable each time
Not necessarily. You just want to keep a reference to the object. That reference doesn't need to be its own variable, it can just as easily be an element in a list. For example, suppose on your form you have a list of PictureBox objects as a class-level member:
Dim pictureBoxes As New List(Of PictureBox)()
Then in your method you can just add to that list:
Public Sub NewPost()
Dim pictureBox As New PictureBox
pictureBox.Width = 208
pictureBox.Height = 264
pictureBox.Image = Form2.PictureBox1.Image
pictureBox.Location = New Point(258, 60)
End Sub
In this case the pictureBox variable is local to the NewPost method and gets re-created each time. But pictureBoxes is a class-level member and keeps track of the growing list of PictureBox objects that you're creating.
You can use a for while loop to create n number of objects
You can use the existing ControlCollection
Public Function NewPost() As String
Dim picture As New PictureBox
'your code
picture.Name = "Pb" & Form2.Controls.OfType(Of PictureBox).Count
Return picture.Name
End Function
then you can retrive it
DirectCast(Form2.Controls(NewPost), PictureBox).Image = Form2.PictureBox1.Image
DirectCast(Form2.Controls("Pb12"), PictureBox).Image = Form2.PictureBox1.Image

Graphics causing solid white button

I'm coding Conway's game of life. My grid is entirely in a picture box but when I load the form the back button in the upper right is completely white. Refreshing the form fixes the button but makes it incredibly laggy. Every other button shows up fine, just the back button is broken. How can I fix this?
Option Strict On
Public Class frmGame
' Declaring public variables
Public bmp As Bitmap
Public G As Graphics
Public WithEvents speed As Timer
Public grid(50, 40) As Boolean
Public input(50, 40) As Boolean
Public intGens As Integer = 0
Public change As Boolean = False
Public P As New Pen(Color.Black)
Private Sub picGrid_Paint(sender As Object, e As PaintEventArgs) Handles picGrid.Paint
' Loads bitmap, graphics, etc and prepares to begin simulation
' Creates graphics device
bmp = New Bitmap(600, 480)[enter image description here][1]
picGrid.Image = bmp
G = Graphics.FromImage(bmp)
' Defining variables for grid
Dim x As Integer = 0
Dim y As Integer = 0
' Draws grid
For y = 0 To 480
For x = 0 To 600
G.DrawRectangle(pen:=P, x:=x, y:=y, width:=12, height:=12)
x += 12
x = 0
y += 12
End Sub
Private Sub btnBack_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnBack.Click
' Hides rules form, shows main menu form
End Sub
Private Sub frmGame_FormClosed(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosedEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosed
' Frees memory when form is closed
End Sub
End Class
I'm not exactly sure do I understand your problem, nor I can recreate it with code provided.
But I can recommend some thing's that can help you.
First of all do not use Control.Refresh() while working with drawing, use instead Control.Invalidate() & Control.Update(), that may fix lag issue.
Do you relay need 2 forms (that i understand is the root of problem)?
Instead of hiding form, hide PictureBox (.Visible = False) and show other controls you need at that moment.

programmatically select and highlight a row of a ListView in VB.NET

I want to do something seemingly simple - programmatically select and highlight a row of a ListView in VB.NET.
VB.NET: How to dynamically select a list view item?
tells me what should to be all that is needed, but it isn't. The row is selected, but not highlighted.
tells me about the "HideSelection" property and the .Focus() method (also referenced at Select programmatically a row of a Listview), which sounded hopeful, but the best I can get is the faint highlight mentioned, I want the full monty. I tried a Noddy example with just a ListView, in Details mode, FullRowSelection = true, HideSelection = False, one columnheader defined and then
ListView1.Items(2).Selected = True
I get this
but I want this
I can simulate highlighting by adding these lines
ListView1.SelectedItems(0).BackColor = Color.CornflowerBlue
ListView1.SelectedItems(0).ForeColor = Color.White
but then how can I be sure to undo the artificial highlight if the row can be implicitly as well as explicitly deselected? Do I have to think of all the possible cases? That's too much work for what should be a simple operation. Plus, since I want to color-code my rows, there is an additional challenge that when I undo the highlight color, I have to figure out what color is appropriate at that point. Is there a better, simpler way?
You can access the Graphics object used to draw each item, and draw them yourself.
Make a new project with a Button and ListView. Paste the following code:
Form_Load to use multiple subitems
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Me.ListView1.OwnerDraw = True ' or else can't handle DrawItem event
End Sub
Three handlers for the ListView's drawing related events. Code copied from this answer
Private Sub listView1_DrawColumnHeader(sender As Object, e As DrawListViewColumnHeaderEventArgs) Handles ListView1.DrawColumnHeader
e.DrawDefault = True
End Sub
Private Sub listView1_DrawSubItem(sender As Object, e As DrawListViewSubItemEventArgs) Handles ListView1.DrawSubItem
Const TEXT_OFFSET As Integer = 1
' I don't know why the text is located at 1px to the right. Maybe it's only for me.
Dim listView As ListView = DirectCast(sender, ListView)
' Check if e.Item is selected and the ListView has a focus.
If Not listView.Focused AndAlso e.Item.Selected Then
Dim rowBounds As Rectangle = e.SubItem.Bounds
Dim labelBounds As Rectangle = e.Item.GetBounds(ItemBoundsPortion.Label)
Dim leftMargin As Integer = labelBounds.Left - TEXT_OFFSET
Dim bounds As New Rectangle(rowBounds.Left + leftMargin, rowBounds.Top, If(e.ColumnIndex = 0, labelBounds.Width, (rowBounds.Width - leftMargin - TEXT_OFFSET)), rowBounds.Height)
Dim align As TextFormatFlags
Select Case listView.Columns(e.ColumnIndex).TextAlign
Case HorizontalAlignment.Right
align = TextFormatFlags.Right
Exit Select
Case HorizontalAlignment.Center
align = TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter
Exit Select
Case Else
align = TextFormatFlags.Left
Exit Select
End Select
TextRenderer.DrawText(e.Graphics, e.SubItem.Text, listView.Font, bounds, SystemColors.HighlightText, align Or TextFormatFlags.SingleLine Or TextFormatFlags.GlyphOverhangPadding Or TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter Or TextFormatFlags.WordEllipsis)
e.DrawDefault = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub listView1_DrawItem(sender As Object, e As DrawListViewItemEventArgs) Handles ListView1.DrawItem
Dim listView As ListView = DirectCast(sender, ListView)
' Check if e.Item is selected and the ListView has a focus.
If Not listView.Focused AndAlso e.Item.Selected Then
Dim rowBounds As Rectangle = e.Bounds
Dim leftMargin As Integer = e.Item.GetBounds(ItemBoundsPortion.Label).Left
Dim bounds As New Rectangle(leftMargin, rowBounds.Top, rowBounds.Width - leftMargin, rowBounds.Height)
e.Graphics.FillRectangle(SystemBrushes.Highlight, bounds)
e.DrawDefault = True
End If
End Sub
Button click handler to simulate item(2) selected
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Me.ListView1.Items(2).Selected = True
End Sub
This will draw the background color regardless of focus. You have a lot of control over other colors and fonts going this route too.
Here, the button has been clicked, to select item 2, while the button still has focus, and item 2 is selected.
Easiest thing,
Just allocate the LST_ItemIndex = lstList.FocusedItem.Index everytime you select a different item
and then fire the below whenever you want the highlight
If lstList.Items.Count > 0 Then
lstList.Items(LST_ItemIndex).Selected = True
End If

Animate Picturebox in VB

I am new to VB and just can't figure it out how to animate a button using the MouseHover Event..
I want to create a single loop for all the buttons(picturebox) in my project that will increase the button's size when the user rests the mouse on it.
Maybe something like:
For Each Form As Form In Application.OpenForms
For Each Control As Control In Form.Controls
Tks. Any help is appreciated.
Use Inherits to create a new button (or PictureBox) class for you purpose. Here is the code.
Public Class cuteButton
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Button
Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseHover(e As EventArgs)
'Wite code here to change button size or whatever.
End Sub
End Class
A very simple way is to use a common MouseHover event to grow your buttons (which I guess is really a Picturebox with an image in it):
Private Sub CustomButton_Grow(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Picturebox1.MouseHover, Picturebox2.MouseHover
'Set a maximum height to grow the buttons to.
'This can also be set for width depending on your needs!
Dim maxHeight as single = 50
If sender.Height < maxHeight then
sender.Size = New Size(sender.Width+1,sender.Height+1)
End if
End Sub
Then you can reset all buttons in a snap using the MouseLeave event. If you want that part animated as well then you can to use a global shrink routine that constantly shrink all buttons but the one in MouseHover. Good luck!
This Will Work even if you have 10,000 button or picture box ....
I am Assuming that you only have 1 form and many Buttons ,,, you have to be specific on your question
This Code will work fine with Buttons, Picturebox ,text box
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
For Each cntrl As Control In Controls ' Looping for each Button as Control
If TypeOf cntrl Is Button Then
AddHandler cntrl.MouseEnter, AddressOf cntrl_MouseEnter ' Adding the event and handler
AddHandler cntrl.MouseLeave, AddressOf cntrl_MouseLeave ' Adding the event and handler
End If
End Sub
'' Assuming you wanna eNlarge everytime the mouse Hover or Enter
Private Sub cntrl_MouseEnter(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
CType(sender, Button).Size = New Point(CType(sender, Button).Size.Width + 50, CType(sender, Button).Size.Height + 50)
End Sub
'' Here it goes back normal size
Private Sub cntrl_MouseLeave(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
CType(sender, Button).Size = New Point(CType(sender, Button).Size.Width - 50, CType(sender, Button).Size.Height - 50)
End Sub