rails devsie_ldp how to ignore certificate verification? - devise

I am using devise, devise_ldap_authenticatable module to do simple ldap authentication.
But if I try to authenticate on ssl (689 port), I have this error:
Net::LDAP::Error (hostname "x.x.x.x" does not match the server certificate):
So, I need to ignore this verification.
I tried to google, but I have no result :(
How I can do it?

Per the devise_ldap_authenticatable documentation
If you're using a test LDAP server running a self-signed SSL certificate, make sure the appropriate root certificate is installed on your system. Alternately, you may temporarily disable certificate checking for SSL by modifying your system LDAP configuration (e.g., /etc/openldap/ldap.conf or /etc/ldap/ldap.conf) to read TLS_REQCERT never.


Is it recommended to disable ssl verification instead of providing ca certificate in production?

Our client has provided self signed certificate for one of the internal service. We are acceessing this service in our shell script using curl. In order to connect to that service we need to provide certiface in our curl command or we can disable ssl verification using -k in our curl command. We wanted to know is it safe to disable ssl verification on production?
Disabling certificate verification removes all security properties from the HTTPS connection. It is strongly advised that you do not disable it.

Allow kubernetes storageclass resturl HTTPS with self-signed certificate

I'm currently trying to setup GlusterFS integration for a Kubernetes cluster. Volume provisioning is done with Heketi.
GlusterFS-cluster has a pool of 3 VMs
1st node has Heketi server and client configured. Heketi API is secured with a self-signed certificate OpenSSL and can be accessed.
e.g. curl https://heketinodeip:8080/hello -k
returns the expected response.
StorageClass definition sets the "resturl" to Heketi API https://heketinodeip:8080
When storageclass was created successfully and I try to create a PVC, this fails:
"x509: certificate signed by unknown authority"
This is expected, as ususally one has to allow this insecure HTTPS-connection or explicitly import the issuer CA (e.g. a file simply containing the pem-String)
But: How is this done for Kubernetes? How do I allow this insecure connection to Heketi from Kubernetes, allowing insecure self-signed cert HTTPS or where/how do I import a CA?
It is not an DNS/IP problem, this was resolved with correct subjectAltName settings.
(seems that everybody is using Heketi, and it seems to be still a standard usecase for GlusterFS integration, but always without SSL, if connected to Kubernetes)
Thank you!
To skip verification of server cert, caller just need specify InsecureSkipVerify: true. Refer this github issue for more information (https://github.com/heketi/heketi/issues/1467)
In this page, they have specified a way to use self signed certificate. Not explained thoroughly but still can be useful (https://github.com/gluster/gluster-kubernetes/blob/master/docs/design/tls-security.md#self-signed-keys).

Using letsencrypt to sign SSL certificates for local servers

Can I use a certificate from letsencrypt to sign local certificates?
I'm annoyed when accessing routers and APs at 192.168.x.x to get security warnings.
I could create my own root cert, and import it into all my browsers etc, and create certs for all the local servers.
But I'd rather have the chain device -> www.example.com -> letsencrypt -> root
Then also guests could use my local servers/services without this security error.
No, you can not because the certificate issued to you by letsencrypt will not have the keyusage certificate signing enabled. Without this attribute in the issuer, any browser or SSL client musth reject the certificate.
If this were possible, anyone could issue valid certificates for any server simply by having a valid certificate from a trusted CA
If you want to issue certificates for your local servers you will need to create your own CA and include the root certificate in the truststore of each client
Yes, you can... but not like that
Yes, you can get certificates for servers on a private network. The domain must be a real domain with public txt records, but the A, AAAA, and CNAME records can be private/non-routable (or in a private zone).
No, the way to do that isn't by using Let's Encrypt certificates to sign local certificates.
You can accomplish exactly what you want to accomplish using the DNS-01 challenge (setting txt records for your domain).
Who is your domain / dns provider?
Immediate, but Temporary Solution
If you want to test it out real quick, try https://greenlock.domains and choose DNS instead of HTTP for the "how do you want to do this" step.
Automatable Integration
If you want a configurable, automatable, deployable solution try greenlock.js (there are node plugins for Cloudflare, Route 53, Digital Ocean, and a few other DNS providers).
Both use Let's Encrypt under the hood. Certbot can also be used for either case and can use python plugins.
Possibly related...
P.S. You might also be interested in a service like Telebit, localtunnel, or ngrok.

I am getting certificate hostname verification failed errror while login to spark openfire

Hello i have istalled to openfire into my computer.I am trying to login to spark using username password and ip address as domain but i am getting I am getting certificate hostname verification failed errror.I found that that they are asking to change server i tried that option as well no result.
When we install Openfire server, it generates self-signed certificates for SSL connections. Now if you are in development phase, you don't need to worry about this error. However, once you go into production, you might consider placing proper HTTPS certificates against your domain.
Certificate directory: OPENFIRE_HOME/resources/security/

go get accept selfsigned certificate from distant host

I'd like to be able to go get from my Stash server with a nice URL. My stash server works only over HTTPS. The problem is that my SSL certificate I'm using with stash is self-signed and any go get to my server gets me the following error:
x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
Is there a way to authorize self-signed certificates from go get?
go get -insecure has been deprecated.
As of go 1.14, the correct way to do this is by setting the GOINSECURE environment variable to a comma-separated list of domains from which you'd like to ignore the certs.
E.g. Setting in within ~/.zshrc (if zsh shell)
Then you will be able to install the packages like:
go get example.com/some/pkg
Use go get -insecure https://xxxxx.
From go get -h:
The -insecure flag permits fetching from repositories and resolving
custom domains using insecure schemes such as HTTP. Use with caution.