I am getting certificate hostname verification failed errror while login to spark openfire - openfire

Hello i have istalled to openfire into my computer.I am trying to login to spark using username password and ip address as domain but i am getting I am getting certificate hostname verification failed errror.I found that that they are asking to change server i tried that option as well no result.

When we install Openfire server, it generates self-signed certificates for SSL connections. Now if you are in development phase, you don't need to worry about this error. However, once you go into production, you might consider placing proper HTTPS certificates against your domain.
Certificate directory: OPENFIRE_HOME/resources/security/


(60) SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK

Having problems installing PayPalCommerce in OpenCart,
After installing and trying to connect to PayPal I get this error!
"(60) SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK"
As anybody else come across problem as the server certs are just fine?
As Stated Server Certificats are fine, was thinking of changing the Curl SSL Veerify to False but that would defeat the whole purpose. And as the latest Security 1.2 (whatever abrevation).
Update your certificate authority bundle so that your HTTPS connection to the PayPal API endpoint can verify the connection is trusted.
One can be downloaded here, among other places.
If your attempted connection is using a specific certificate file rather than a CA bundle, delete the old certificate and either obtain the endpoint's current one to use instead or use CA verification of it

rails devsie_ldp how to ignore certificate verification?

I am using devise, devise_ldap_authenticatable module to do simple ldap authentication.
But if I try to authenticate on ssl (689 port), I have this error:
Net::LDAP::Error (hostname "x.x.x.x" does not match the server certificate):
So, I need to ignore this verification.
I tried to google, but I have no result :(
How I can do it?
Per the devise_ldap_authenticatable documentation
If you're using a test LDAP server running a self-signed SSL certificate, make sure the appropriate root certificate is installed on your system. Alternately, you may temporarily disable certificate checking for SSL by modifying your system LDAP configuration (e.g., /etc/openldap/ldap.conf or /etc/ldap/ldap.conf) to read TLS_REQCERT never.

How do I use SMTP on a test development server?

I am building an ecommerce website on a local Windows 7 pro (Apache/php) test server with a self-signed SSL. I have the mydomain.com in the hosts file redirecting to localhost - so far so good.
When I try to use the email function of the ecommerce software via Gmail smtp, I am getting an SSL error:
[23-Apr-2018 03:00:06 America/New_York] Connection failed. Error #2: stream_socket_enable_crypto(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages:
error:14090086:SSL routines:ssl3_get_server_certificate:certificate verify failed [C:\Apache24\htdocs\includes\classes\vendors\PHPMailer\class.smtp.php line 379]
[23-Apr-2018 03:00:06 America/New_York] SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host.
[23-Apr-2018 03:00:06 America/New_York] CLIENT -> SERVER: QUIT
I thought about just getting a cheap CA SSL and installing it on the server but I'm not sure this will work, since the Gmail smtp server is obviously not using my hosts file. This is just a guess at this point.
Question I'd like answered is, 1, will installing CA cert resolve the issue, and 2. if not, what is your strategy to have a functional email on a test server with domain in hosts file?
Thank you,
I added the following to the function responsible for smtp connection. Warning, only to be used on completely secure environment, your own test server, never on a live server.

unable to ssl connect to chef-server from chef-workstation

I have 2 different ubuntu VPS instances each with different ip addresses.
One is assigned as a chef-server and the other acts as a workstation.
When I use the command
knife configure -i
I do get options to locate admin.pem and chf-validator.pem files locally.
I am also able to create knife.rb file locally.
WHile setting up knife, I get a question which asks me to enter 'chef-server url' so I enter 'https://ip_address/ of the vps instance
But in the end I get an error message
ERROR: SSL Validation failure connecting to host: "ip_address of my server host"- hostname "ip_address of my host" does not match the server certificate
ERROR: Could not establish a secure connection to the server.
Use knife ssl check to troubleshoot your SSL configuration.
If your Chef Server uses a self-signed certificate, you can use
knife ssl fetch to make knife trust the server's certificates.
I used 'knife ssl fetch' to fetch the trusted_certs from the chef-server but still it doesnt work.
CHef experts please help.
Your chef-server has a hostname, the selfsigned certificate is done with this hostname.
The error you get is due to the fact you call an IP adress where the certificate is done for a hostname.
Two way: disable ssl validation (you'll have a warning but it will works) or make a configuration (using your hostname files for exemple) to use the chef-server hostname instead of ip address.
This is a SSL configuration point you may have with other servers too.

how to a website SSL certificate is valid or not?

I got an issue from my client regarding the SSL setup for his website. I'm not familiar with the SSL certification setup process. He is saying that We have an SSL certificate for this server but I can’t tell if it’s setup properly or not.
If I open that website, firefox says Warning: Contains unauthorized content. I am seeing some details in the warning message window which are given below:
Web site: mydomain.com
Owner: This web site does not supply ownership information
Verified by: Not specified
Mainly I want to know whether the SSL certificate used for this site is valid or not. Can anybody suggest a way to check for the SSL certificate validation of a website.
Telnet the server on port 443. If it is responding then it is a certificate problem
To install certificate
Check this