Workday get_worker from USER_ID or email filter - workday-api

I am trying to find an API to get worker on email basis. Can someone please help me in the same.

No, there is no such way to get worker by email.
You may refer to the api for get workers here ->
but you sure can retrieve data using employee_id, using the request xml as follows:-
<wd:Get_Workers_Request xmlns:wd="urn:com.workday/bsvc" version="30.0">
<wd:Request_References bsvc:Skip_Non_Existing_Instances="false">
<wd:Worker_Reference >
<wd:ID wd:type="Enter ID type here...for eg WID,Employee_ID">Enter WID or other ID type you have choosen</wd:ID>

No, this isn't possible through the Public APIs.
Your Workday team or Integration Administrator could set up a custom report enabled for REST calls with email address as the prompt, though. The Workers from Prompt data source is good for this.


How to get a Workday worker / employee web profile URL?

I wish to retrieve a Workday worker (aka employee) web profile URL via the Workday API. The use case is that I'm building a chatbot to retrieve user information and I want to be able to deep link to the worker (employee) web profile.
The issue is that I cannot do either of the following:
get a web profile URL from the API
create a web profile URL from data in the API
A web profile URL looks like the following. The userId looks like 1234 right before the .htmld extension as that is the only number that changes between employee profiles.{myCompany}/d/inst/1$715/247${1234}.htmld
A search URL in the webUI returns a slightly different URL but has the same numerical userId at the end, e.g. the 1234 before .htmld here:{myCompany}/d/inst/autocompletesearch/247${1234}.htmld
A worker API call is like the following with a 32 byte hexadecimal workerId like deadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef. Searching for the API workerId in the web UI returns no results.{myCompany}/workers/{workerId}
The API result does not have the web profile userId, e.g. 1234, any where in it, or a URL that can render a web page.
"descriptor":"Joe Cool",
"descriptor":"Santa Rosa, California",
"descriptor":"Peanuts (Charles 'Sparky' Schulz)",
Can anyone help provide info on how to get a web profile URL from the Workday API?
The ID returned from workday's API is actually the Workday ID, not Worker ID. The Workday ID or WID is a direct reference to any object in Workday. This is often referred to as an "Integration ID". Workday doesn't document this very well, but workday's URLs do have an interesting thing you can take advantage of for deep linking to any Workday Object:{myCompany}/d/inst/{sourceReferenceWID}/{WID}.htmld
As long as you have the Workday ID (WID) of an object, you can deeplink directly. The sourceReferenceWID is just for logging purposes, so you can enter any text you want. I tested this in my own tenant with the text "deeplink" replacing {sourceReferenceWID} just for fun. For your example, the following URL should work for Joe Cool:{myCompany}/d/inst/deeplink/deadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef.htmld
This is not officially documented, so Workday may change how this works and your mileage may vary.
It's not a delivered REST API, but you could create a RaaS with the Business Object "Worker from Prompt". There is a field called "Worker Instance URL". When you call the endpoint, you can use the WID (Workday ID), the Employee_ID, or Contingent_Worker_ID for the filter.{tenant}/{report owner}/{report name}?Worker!WID=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
or{tenant}/{report owner}/{report name}?Worker!Employee_ID=x

Update secret parameter in Jenkins Job

I have a lot of free-style jobs in my Jenkins instance. I create them with Jenkins API (generate XML-file with configuration and post them by "http://my-jenkins-instance:8080/createItem?name=JobName").
There is one problem - I can not generate value in secret fields. For example, I want such a config:
Inject passwords to the build as environment variables -> Job passwords.
And I need to set 123 to Password field.
I can not do this through XML because it appears decoded in XML. Something like this: {AQAAABAAAANwHq0hsSF6...}
I want to set the value to this parameter
So my questions are:
Can I get the decoded value of a plain password through some API? So I could send 123 and get {AQAAABAAAANwHq0hsSF6...} back.
If not, can I set secret value some other way? I can only think of using Selenium but it is too slow (comparing to API).
I have found the solution.
I can set the value as a plain text: <value>123</value>, create or update a job. Then I need to disable and enable the job.

Command Status 0x00000011 with submit_multi for SMPP integration

Hi am integrating with Sybase Mobile 365 Services and I have gotten submit_sm and deliver_sm to work fine. I am trying to get submit_multi to work, but no matter what I try I get back a Command Status = 11. Does anyone have any thoughts as to what that command status means? Why I would get that? I have tried different service types and everything else I can think of... with no success.
Command Status = 11 (ESME_RINVDSTADR) means "Invalid destination address".
This mean that probably the the dest_address field in your submit_multi request is wrong.
The dest_address field for submit_multi should be a list of destination address structures as defined in SMPP 3.4 Specification - chapter
The number of destination addresses in the list is set in the number_of_dests field.
Additionally, you could also check that the dest_addr_ton (Type of Number) and dest_addr_npi (Numbering Plan Indicator) are correct for each destination address. For more details about this check out this link.

Asana API not returning Assignee information when requested using opt_fields

I wish to retrieve tasks (and additional info) in a particular project. Assignee info is not being retrieved.
I made the following api call:,created_at,assignee,,
which after urlencoding looks like this:
The api returned task name and created_at information but assignee information was not returned.
Following link specifically mentions assignee information was returned successfully:
Get asana tasks in project with assignee information
How do I retrieve assignee information for each task without making additional API calls?
I had missed mentioning the project id while typing out the above urls. Made the correction; I'm passing the project id too.
(I work at Asana)
Are you sure this is the exact request you are making? It doesn't have a "project" or "assignee" parameter to filter the tasks so this should return an error.
Also, be sure that that the tasks being returned actually have assignees. Tasks that have no assignee will return assignee: null, and your request for will have no effect on that task since it has no assignee.

Using the Bloomberg API, how do I request the price information for the HTUSMOML and GSTHHVIP indexes

Using the Bloomberg API, how do I request the price information for the HTUSMOML and GSTHHVIP indexes.
Part of the basic code which I am using is listed below:
Service refDataService = session.GetService("//blp/refdata");
Request request = refDataService.CreateRequest("ReferenceDataRequest");
request.Set("security", "HTUSMOML US INDEX");
request.Set("security", "GSTHHVIP US INDEX");
request.Append("fields", "PX_LAST");
request.Append("fields", "OPEN");
I get an error of "Symbol not available in service: ReferenceDataRequest.
Have you tried using the same syntax and asking for a well-known index, like INDU or QQQQ or something? That would eliminate a lot of possibilities.
If that works, then are you sure there is reference data available for these indices? Sometimes they only have pricing data, not reference data.
Next, are you sure you are permissioned to get this data? Either you may not be allowed, or your API setup may not be providing proper authentication for an account that does have permission.
If none of that works, you really need to follow Help Help and call the analytics desk for assistance.
There are a few issues with your code you should address:
You're setting the security twice, the second time overrides the first
You probably should be doing
request.Append("securities", ...);
The yellow key which you're specifying should be given in lower case.
Index securities don't have an exchange in their name - lose the US, it's just "HTUSMOML Index"
I recommend not using the yellow key at all, instead use the Bloomberg Global Identifier in this format:
request.Append("securities", "/bbgid/BBG000RGBSK8");
(BTW, BBG000RGBSK8 is the actual Bloomberg Global Identifier for HTUSMOML Index)