Asana API not returning Assignee information when requested using opt_fields - api

I wish to retrieve tasks (and additional info) in a particular project. Assignee info is not being retrieved.
I made the following api call:,created_at,assignee,,
which after urlencoding looks like this:
The api returned task name and created_at information but assignee information was not returned.
Following link specifically mentions assignee information was returned successfully:
Get asana tasks in project with assignee information
How do I retrieve assignee information for each task without making additional API calls?
I had missed mentioning the project id while typing out the above urls. Made the correction; I'm passing the project id too.

(I work at Asana)
Are you sure this is the exact request you are making? It doesn't have a "project" or "assignee" parameter to filter the tasks so this should return an error.
Also, be sure that that the tasks being returned actually have assignees. Tasks that have no assignee will return assignee: null, and your request for will have no effect on that task since it has no assignee.


Invoking GET statuses/user_timeline with user_id='' seems to invoke GET statuses/home_timeline. Why?

As I was trying to harvest the user_timelines for a list of user_ids, I noticed that my own home_timeline was also being harvested. In the end I discovered that whenever my list used a null string entry for user_id, executing the code below was the same as executing
twitter_api.statuses.home_timeline. That is ok, but I do not see such behavior Twitter- documented? What am I missing in the documentation?
twitter_api = twitter.Twitter(auth=auth)
You're correct - if you invoke the Twitter API v1.1 user_timeline method without a user_id or screen_name parameter specified (or null), it will return the user_timeline for the authenticated user making the API call. This is undocumented behaviour.
Note that home_timeline is a different method, and will return Tweets from the users you follow, not your own Tweets. I think you're describing the former (user_timeline), not home_timeline.
I'll make a note to get this added to the official API documentation.

How to update status in Attask Workfront through API calls

I have been trying to use
PUT .../api/v4.0/task?updates=[{"ID":"XYX","status":"InProgress"}
Do we need to add any other headers other than Content-Type?
I am getting error.
This solved it.
PUT .../api/v4.0/task/{ID}?fields=parameterValues&updates={"status": "INP"}
That would change the status from New to INProgress. The main thing was abbreviation for InProgress is INP and also adding fields.
You are correct, you must use the key for the status. You can get these from the API metadate with the status enum or you can get them from the interface from Setup -> Project Prefs -> Statuses.
They are case sensitive.

Is there a programmatic interface for retrieving/exporting Report results from Salesforce?

I am trying to retrieve the results of a Salesforce Report programmatically.
Often referenced is this blog about scraping the results from the web side, but the method is unsupported:
I can get a list of reports via the REST api:
require 'restforce'
restforce_client =
:refresh_token => <refresh token>,
:client_id => <client id>,
:client_secret => <client secret>
reports = restforce.query("SELECT Id,DeveloperName FROM Report")
=> "Rob_Test_Report"
I've also tried retrieving via the Metadata SOAP API ReportFolder object:
require 'metaforce'
metaforce =
:username => <username>,
:password => <password>,
:security_token => <security token>
report_folders = metaforce.list_metadata('ReportFolder')
=> "RobTestReportFolder"
I can see the folder. I haven't retrieved the contents yet but even when I do it seems that I would just be getting the metadata around the report itself (i.e. the filter criteria), not the results of the report. The metadata api is discussed here: Is this correct?
I saw this similar question from a couple years ago but did not know if it was correct or anything had changed in the API:
How to I access reports programmatically in SalesForce using Apex
Is it possible to export or pull the results of a Report through a supported Salesforce API?
You cannot retrieve the results of a report without using the Analytics API, which as of the Summer '13 release will be available only as a pilot. If you want to participate in the pilot, let me know and I will submit your request.
Once in the Pilot, you use a REST endpoint passing in the Id of the report. You will have two endpoints-- a describereport endpoint and a runreport enndpoint. What is returned from describeReport is a JSON representation of the metadata for the report (describes the dimensions and facts and such) and from runReport a JSON representation of the data.
Once you have the data you can do with it what you will. The report data is only available at the summary level and for the pilot only summary and matrix reports are supported.
I'm not aware of any programmatic way to do that. Conga app could be one option but I believe they get the filters from the report's metadata and construct a matching SOQL query...
The blog post you've mentioned should work. You probably missing something like setting session id in cookie.
Hack, error-prone, web-scraping way would be to use something similar to trick I did with Apex: Theoretically you'd be able to pull off similar thing from any other API access as long as you have the user's session Id (whether passed from logged in session or generated yourself from SOAP login call...)
Do also check out metadaddy's answer to my related question:

Astrid request returning empty

I'm trying to use the API, specifically to get data using the method under the "Request Format" section on this page -
The URL I built is:[MY APP ID]&time=1&user_id=[MY USER ID]&sig=[MY REQUEST SIGNATURE]
And it returns this:
Seems like it worked, but does anyone know why the "list" array might be returning empty? I've created a bunch of tasks in my profile so it should be showing those.
You need to sign in first with the method user_signin. If successful you get a token.
Then you need to call the task_list method providing the token.
You do not need to provide a user id with the task_list method. It is only used to select tasks that you share with this user.
Example for signing in:
Example for getting your tasks:

How Can i share a post using the post id

I am using Koala gem and in my UI i have an share link. How can i share the posts using the post id. Can it be done like this.
#facebook = FacebookToken.first
#graph =
#graph.put_object(params[:post_id], "share",:message => "First!")
It gives the following error
Koala::Facebook::ClientError: type: OAuthException, code: 240, message: (#240) Requires a valid user is specified (either via the session or via the API parameter for specifying the user. [HTTP 403]
I thing something going wrong with permission. I have added the following permission in the fave bool app
"share_item,manage_pages,publish_stream,read_stream,offline_access,create_event,read_insights, manage_notifications"
Do I need to some other permission to share a post using post id
The first parameter in put_object is not the post ID, but the ID of who is sharing it, be it a page or user.
So instead of saying:
#graph.put_object(params[:post_id] ...
You would say:
//the current user
#graph.put_object('me' ...
//any user that you have a UID for
#graph.put_object(#user.uid ...
//a page that you have post permissions for
#graph.put_object( ...
Also in a future version of Koala, put_object will be a bit different, and you should go ahead and switch over to put_connection.