Unidata - Extract Count of strings from MultiValued fields - unidata

I'm a bit of a newbie when it comes to Unidata.
My problem is this;
I have lots of records with 20 fields. I want to extract a TOTAL count of the different values used in 1 of those fields; the field in question is multi-valued, so the data looks like "CSR²STR²CD2" etc.
I want to output to excel so the data looks something like the below, containing the COUNT for each value and how many times it appears in that field, across all records.
Column1 Column2
CSR 234235
STR 987346
CD2 736252
I've been told I can achieve this using a dictionary that calculates this or a subroutine. But I have very little technical grounding in Unidata, so where to start is a bit beyond me.

It sounds like you need an exploding sort? Multivalued (MV) fields, while they are very convenient in Basic code, can be sort of a pain to deal with in the query language. There is explicit support for them, but it's not as simple as non-MV data. The key is to do an "exploding" sort, which will flatten the MV fields - I think of it as creating "virtual" rows for each one of the MV fields. If there are multiple MV fields and they are associated correctly with each other, they will be linked together in the virtual rows. Single valued and non-associated MV fields will be duplicated in each of the virtual rows. It's difficult to explain, but for your question here's an example query:
The query and results:
CD2 3
CD3 3
CD4 2
13 records listed
Setting up the dictionary:
< 1 > Top of "ATB" in "DICT IAN.TEMP", 7 lines, 11 characters.
*--: P
001: D
002: 1
005: 5L
006: M <--- This is very important! Must be M (or MV) for BY.EXP to work
007: <--- If there are associated MV fields, this needs to be populated
*--: EX
Quit "ATB" in file "DICT IAN.TEMP" unchanged.
< 2 > Top of "COUNTER" in "DICT IAN.TEMP", 6 lines, 10 characters.
*--: P
001: I
002: 1 <-- This just returns "1" for every row in the output, to help with totals
005: 5R
006: S
*--: EX
Quit "COUNTER" in file "DICT IAN.TEMP" unchanged.
Setting up the sample data:
4 record(s) selected.
< 1 > Top of "3" in "IAN.TEMP", 1 line, 7 characters.
*--: P
001: CD2▒IAN
*--: EX
Quit "3" in file "IAN.TEMP" unchanged.
< 2 > Top of "1" in "IAN.TEMP", 1 line, 15 characters.
*--: P
001: CSR▒CD2▒CD3▒IAN
*--: EX
Quit "1" in file "IAN.TEMP" unchanged.
< 3 > Top of "4" in "IAN.TEMP", 1 line, 15 characters.
*--: P
001: CSR▒CD2▒CD3▒CD4
*--: EX
Quit "4" in file "IAN.TEMP" unchanged.
< 4 > Top of "2" in "IAN.TEMP", 1 line, 11 characters.
*--: P
001: CD4▒CD3▒CSR
*--: EX
Quit "2" in file "IAN.TEMP" unchanged.

Depending on your needs the solution would be different. For example...
You can use the SREFORMAT command to extract values from specific attributes into a new file, and then easily get counts of items from that file. In your example you'd have an item CSR with attribute 1 containing all of the keys of the items that included CSR. Then you'd just need another dict item to display the value count of atb1. That would result in the exact output that you've described.
You could do this programmatically with code like the following.
* Assume a1 looks like CSR]CD2]CSR]CSR]CD2...
COUNTS<2,POS> += 1
COUNTS<1,-1> = REC<1,V>
COUNTS<2,-1> = 0
* Result in COUNTS:
* A1 = CSR]CD2
* A2 = 3]2
Does that fit your use case?


finding the leftside of the number from my query

i have a query which is getting updated on the basis that everytime something goes wrong, it adds 1 to the front of the exists number and every 1 added to the front has a different meaning
so update happens like this
update users
set i = i + 10000
where username = #username
i am writing a query to fetch the extreme 1 on the left side, if it has, display a message
because the number at the right side gets increasing too, so it always has a unique number
like 110
so if i pick last one and get the first 1 and measures against the remaining numbers count which is 6, i know which issue the user has
CAST the number as string and the you can chekc the string for the positions of the one
You can nest the CASE WHEN to the depth that you need
CASE CHARINDEX('1', CAST(value as CHAR(11)))
WHEN 0 THEN 'No number'
CASE CHARINDEX('1', CAST(value as CHAR(11)), 2)
WHEN 0 THEN 'only one 1 at the beginning'
WHEN 2 THEN 'two ones at the beginning'
WHEN 3 THEN 'ones at the beginning and at the trind another'
WHEN 4 THEN 'ones at the beginning and at the forth another'
ELSE ' First 1 one and then later another'
WHEN 2 THEN 'only a one at the third position'
ELSE 'somewhere a one after the third'
(No column name)
No number
only one 1 at the beginning
two ones at the beginning
First 1 one and then later another
First 1 one and then later another
ones at the beginning and at the trind another
two ones at the beginning
First 1 one and then later another
only one 1 at the beginning
only one 1 at the beginning
ones at the beginning and at the trind another
only one 1 at the beginning
only one 1 at the beginning
ones at the beginning and at the forth another
ones at the beginning and at the trind another

Changing names of variables using the values of another variable

I am trying to rename around 100 dummy variables with the values from a separate variable.
I have a variable products, which stores information on what products a company sells and have generated a dummy variable for each product using:
tab products, gen(productid)
However, the variables are named productid1, productid2 and so on. I would like these variables to take the values of the variable products instead.
Is there a way to do this in Stata without renaming each variable individually?
Here is an example of the data that will be used. There will be duplications in the product column.
And then I have run the tab command to create a dummy variable for each product to produce the following table.
sort product
tab product, gen(productid)
I noticed it updates the labels to show what each variable represents.
What I would like to do is to assign the value to be the name of the variable such as commercial to replace productid1 and so on.
Using your example data:
input companyid str10 product
1 "P2P"
2 "Retail"
3 "Commercial"
4 "CreditCard"
5 "CreditCard"
6 "EMFunds"
tabulate product, generate(productid)
list, abbreviate(10)
sort product
levelsof product, local(new) clean
tokenize `new'
ds productid*
local i 0
foreach var of varlist `r(varlist)' {
local ++i
rename `var' ``i''
Produces the desired output:
list, abbreviate(10)
| companyid product Commercial CreditCard EMFunds P2P Retail |
1. | 3 Commercial 1 0 0 0 0 |
2. | 5 CreditCard 0 1 0 0 0 |
3. | 4 CreditCard 0 1 0 0 0 |
4. | 6 EMFunds 0 0 1 0 0 |
5. | 1 P2P 0 0 0 1 0 |
6. | 2 Retail 0 0 0 0 1 |
Arbitrary strings might not be legal Stata variable names. This will happen if they (a) are too long; (b) start with any character other than a letter or an underscore; (c) contain characters other than letters, numeric digits and underscores; or (d) are identical to existing variable names. You might be better off making the strings into variable labels, where only an 80 character limit bites.
This code loops over the variables and does its best:
gen long obs = _n
foreach v of var productid? productid?? productid??? {
su obs if `v' == 1, meanonly
local tryit = product[r(min)]
capture rename `v' `=strtoname("`tryit'")'
Note: code not tested.
EDIT: Here is a test. I added code for variable labels. The data example and code show that repeated values and values that could not be variable names are accommodated.
input str13 products
"six something"
tab products, gen(productsid)
gen long obs = _n
foreach v of var productsid*{
su obs if `v' == 1, meanonly
local value = products[r(min)]
local tryit = strtoname("`value'")
capture rename `v' `tryit'
if _rc == 0 capture label var `tryit' "`value'"
else label var `v' "`value'"
drop obs
Contains data
obs: 7
vars: 7
size: 133
storage display value
variable name type format label variable label
products str13 %13s
five byte %8.0g five
four byte %8.0g four
one byte %8.0g one
six_something byte %8.0g six something
three byte %8.0g three
two byte %8.0g two
Another solution is to use the extended macro function
local varlabel:variable label
The tested code is:
input companyid str10 product
1 "P2P"
2 "Retail"
3 "Commercial"
4 "CreditCard"
5 "CreditCard"
6 "EMFunds"
tab product, gen(product_id)
* get the list of product id variables
ds product_id*
* loop through the product id variables and change the
variable name to its label
foreach var of varlist `r(varlist)' {
local varlabel: variable label `var'
display "`varlabel'"
local pos = strpos("`varlabel'","==")+2
local varlabel = substr("`varlabel'",`pos',.)
display "`varlabel'"
rename `var' `varlabel'

How to find conditional cumulative sums in an excel table using VBA macro

Let's say I have two columns.
3.5463 11
4.5592 12
1.6993 111
0.92521 112
1.7331 121
2.1407 122
1.4082 1111
2.0698 1112
2.3973 1121
2.4518 1122
1.1719 1211
1.153 1212
0.67139 1221
0.64744 1222
1.3705 11111
0.9557 11112
0.64868 11121
0.7325 11211
0.58874 11212
0.86673 11221
0.17075 11222
0.64026 12111
0.80229 12112
0.43422 12122
1.0405 12211
0.63376 12212
0.56491 12221
0.34626 12222
0.81631 111111
0.91837 111112
0.70013 111121
0.87384 111122
1.1474 111211
0.47411 111221
0.12249 111222
0.56728 112111
0.88169 112112
0.14509 112121
0.68655 112211
0.36274 112212
1.1652 121111
0.99314 121112
0.42024 121121
0.23937 121122
1.0346 122111
0.64642 122112
0.15632 122121
0.41725 122122
0.40793 122211
In the first column, there is a number. With every one of those numbers, in the second column, is an associated ID. Now, there are some blank rows that do not contain any numbers in them.
Define one of these numbers to be a "daughter" of another number if the ID of the first number is the same as the ID of the second, with an extra digit on the end. For example, both IDs 11211 and 11212 are daughters of 1121, because the ID of 1121 has an extra digit, either a 1 or a 2, added onto the end to form the ID of its daughters. Thus, 1121 is the parent of both 11211 and 11212.
Here is what I want the macro to do. It must output a third column which contains, for every row, a cumulative sum of the number of the first column in that row, plus the parent number of that number, and the parent number of the parent number, etc. all the way up until it reachers either 11 or 12. It will begin by simply outputting the numbers in column 1 for 11 and 12 in the third column. Then, in a loop beginning with 111, it will add up the cumulative sum of every row (the number in that row plus the third column output of the parent), only if that row has a number and an id, and only if the parent exists and has an output in column 3. So for example, the number in the 3rd column of the row with ID 11222 should be the number in column 1 of that row, plus that of 1122, plus that of 112, plus that of 11. So, 0.17075+2.4518+0.92521+3.5463, or 7.09406. However, if you try to do this for ID 111221, you will notice that the row where the parent 11122 should be is empty. Thus, the parent does not exist, and no value will be outputted in column 3 for 111221.
I would greatly appreciate it if someone has some time on their hands to code up this VBA macro for me in exchange for an accepted solution.
I don't think a macro is needed, just some formulas. First, I put a header on my columns of data, such as "value," and "id." If you then highlight the column labels (i.e., A and B) and sort by B ("id") then A ("value"), you'll group your blank rows. You can then delete those rows. Now you have the data almost ready. When I did this, I converted the id column to text, as opposed to a number value, so if I sort the table by id, the pattern will be, "11, 111, 1111," and so on, instead of, "11, 12, 111, 112, 121." Then, I added columns to separate the separate characters or levels of the ids. This is to help with parents and children. You can use text-to-columns, or a MID formula, but what I did was have 6 more columns to the right. For each id row, each column would either have a "1," a "2," or a blank (null) value. Then I added another column, calling it "level." I used a formula like COUNTA across all my id splitting columns. So, for 11, my level value was 2. 111 would be 3, 11221 would be 5, and so on. This gives me the id level (parent, child, grandchild, etc). Then I added my final column to the right to compute my cumulative sum of the values. In concept I have one big nested IF statement, but in practice, I needed two. My formula says, if the row above me has a lower level number (i.e., it is some kind of parent), add the value of the current row to the value of the above row. Otherwise, keep going up a row till I do get a parent, and add the current row value to that number.
My final formula for all but the first 5 rows of data was (in the 6th row of data):
rest of answer is below
The values were column C, the original id in column D, the id split columns were E through J, the level column was K, and my formula was in L. This formula can be copied down the table. For the first 4 rows, you just need 1 less IF statement each row you go up. The fifth row of data might take the above formula; it depends how it will deal with the column headers in row one. The formula on the 4 row of data might be:
I'm still learning how to format these comments, so I'll try to provide a sample of the layout I have...
1 value id 1 2 3 4 5 6 lvl cumul_sum
2 3.546300 11 1 1 2 3.546300
3 1.699300 111 1 1 1 3 5.245600
4 1.408200 1111 1 1 1 1 4 6.653800
5 1.370500 11111 1 1 1 1 1 5 8.024300
6 0.816310 111111 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 8.840610
7 0.918370 111112 1 1 1 1 1 2 6 8.942670
8 0.955700 11112 1 1 1 1 2 5 7.609500
So for example, the number in the 3rd column of the row with ID 11222 should be the number in column 1 of that row, plus that of 1122, plus that of 112, plus that of 11. So, 0.17075+2.4518+0.92521+3.5463, or 7.09406.However, if you try to do this for ID 111221, you will notice that the row where the parent 11122 should be is empty. Thus, the parent does not exist, and no value will be outputted in column 3 for 111221.
As a native worksheet array formula¹ in D1,
B$1:INDEX(B:B, MATCH(1E+99, A:A)), LEFT(B1, ROW(INDIRECT("2:"&LEN(B1)))))), TEXT(,))
The above does not compensate for missing parents (null string). It totals everything it can find and uses zero for missing parents.
As a VBA UDF² in E1,
Function conditionalCumulativeSum(nums As Range, _
ids As Range, sib As Range, _
Optional nullOnBlank As Boolean = True)
Dim i As Integer
'truncate any full column reference to the UsedRange
Set nums = Intersect(nums, nums.Parent.UsedRange)
'match the nums and ids ranges
Set ids = ids.Resize(nums.Rows.Count, nums.Columns.Count)
For i = Len(sib.Value2) To 2 Step -1
If nullOnBlank And IsError(Application.Match(--Left(sib, i), ids, 0)) Then
conditionalCumulativeSum = vbNullString
Exit For
End If
conditionalCumulativeSum = conditionalCumulativeSum + _
Application.SumIfs(nums, ids, Left(sib, i))
Next i
If i = 0 Then conditionalCumulativeSum = vbNullString
End Function
The above defaults to return a null string when it encounters any missing parent through the hereditary chain. This can be turned off by adding FALSE as the optional fourth parameter and then the UDF will behave identically to the native formula.
Results from sample data
¹ Array formulas need to be finalized with Ctrl+Shift+Enter↵. If entered correctly, Excel with wrap the formula in braces (e.g. { and }). You do not type the braces in yourself. Once entered into the first cell correctly, they can be filled or copied down or right just like any other formula. Try and reduce your full-column references to ranges more closely representing the extents of your actual data. Array formulas chew up calculation cycles logarithmically so it is good practise to narrow the referenced ranges to a minimum. See Guidelines and examples of array formulas for more information.
² A User Defined Function (aka UDF) is placed into a standard module code sheet. Tap Alt+F11 and when the VBE opens, immediately use the pull-down menus to Insert ► Module (Alt+I,M). Paste the function code into the new module code sheet titled something like Book1 - Module1 (Code). Tap Alt+Q to return to your worksheet(s).

How to get CPU(idle) value in the vmstat result

I am trying to get the value of 'id' in the vmstat result.
However, I found out that the position of 'id' column is different between platforms such as linux/AIX/HP...
## Linux
procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- --system-- -----cpu------
r b swpd free buff cache si so bi bo in cs us sy id wa st
0 0 35268 117568 158244 1849104 0 0 3 11321 5 2 9 15 73 3 0
So, I think I should find the string 'id' and get the position(the) then, get the value of the position in the next row.
How can I do that with awk script?
this oneliner does what you want:
awk '{for(i=NF;i>0;i--)if($i=="id"){x=i;break}}END{print $x}'
first find out the id index, then print the corresponding column in the last line.

How do I remove contiguous sequences of almost identical records from database

I have a SQL Server database containing real-time stock quotes.
There is a Quotes table containing what you would expect-- a sequence number, ticker symbol, time, price, bid, bid size, ask, ask size, etc.
The sequence number corresponds to a message that was received containing data for a set of ticker symbols being tracked. A new message (with a new, incrementing sequence number) is received whenever anything changes for any of the symbols being tracked. The message contains data for all symbols (even for those where nothing changed).
When the data was put into the database, a record was inserted for every symbol in each message, even for symbols where nothing changed since the prior message. So a lot of records contain redundant information (only the sequence number changed) and I want to remove these redundant records.
This is not the same as removing all but one record from the entire database for a combination of identical columns (already answered). Rather, I want to compress each contiguous block of identical records (identical except for sequence number) into a single record. When finished, there may be duplicate records but with differing records between them.
My approach was to find contiguous ranges of records (for a ticker symbol) where everything is the same except the sequence number.
In the following sample data I simplify things by showing only Sequence, Symbol, and Price. The compound primary key would be Sequence+Symbol (each symbol appears only once in a message). I want to remove records where Price is the same as the prior record (for a given ticker symbol). For ticker X it means I want to remove the range [1, 6], and for ticker Y I want to remove the ranges [1, 2], [4, 5] and [7, 7]:
Sequence Symbol Price
0 X $10
0 Y $ 5
1 X $10
1 Y $ 5
2 X $10
2 Y $ 5
3 X $10
3 Y $ 6
4 X $10
4 Y $ 6
5 X $10
5 Y $ 6
6 X $10
6 Y $ 5
7 X $11
7 Y $ 5
Sequence Symbol Price
0 X $10
0 Y $ 5
3 Y $ 6
6 Y $ 5
7 X $11
Note that (Y, $5) appears twice but with (Y, $6) between.
The following generates the ranges I need. The left outer join ensures I select the first group of records (where there is no earlier record that is different), and the BETWEEN is intended to reduce the number of records that need to be searched to find the next-earlier different record (the results are the same without the BETWEEN, but slower). I would need only to add something like "DELETE FROM Quotes WHERE Sequence BETWEEN StartOfRange AND EndOfRange".
MIN(GroupsOfIdenticalRecords.Sequence)+1 AS StartOfRange,
MAX(GroupsOfIdenticalRecords.Sequence) AS EndOfRange
MAX(Q2.Sequence) AS ClosestEarlierDifferentRecord
Quotes AS Q1
Quotes AS Q2
Q2.Sequence BETWEEN Q1.Sequence-100 AND Q1.Sequence-1
AND Q2.Symbol=Q1.Symbol
AND Q2.Price<>Q1.Price
) AS GroupsOfIdenticalRecords
The problem is that this is way too slow and runs out of memory (crashing SSMS- remarkably) for the 2+ million records in the database. Even if I change "-100" to "-2" it is still slow and runs out of memory. I expected the "ON" clause of the LEFT OUTER JOIN to limit the processing and memory usage (2 million iterations, processing about 100 records each, which should be tractable), but it seems like SQL Server may first be generating all combinations of the 2 instances of the table, Q1 and Q2 (about 4e12 combinations) before selecting based on the criteria specified in the ON clause.
If I run the query on a smaller subset of the data (for example, by using "(SELECT TOP 100000 FROM Quotes) AS Q1", and similar for Q2), it completes in a reasonable amount time. I was trying to figure out how to automatically run this 20 or so times using "WHERE Sequence BETWEEN 0 AND 99999", then "...BETWEEN 100000 AND 199999", etc. (actually I would use overlapping ranges such as [0,99999], [99900, 199999], etc. to remove ranges that span boundaries).
The following generates sets of ranges to split the data into 100000 record blocks ([0,99999], [100000, 199999], etc). But how do I apply the above query repeatedly (once for each range)? I keep getting stuck because you can't group these using "BETWEEN" without applying an aggregate function. So instead of selecting blocks of records, I only know how to get MIN(), MAX(), etc. (single values) which does not work with the above query (as Q1 and Q2). Is there a way to do this? Is there totally different (and better) approach to the problem?
CONVERT(INTEGER, Sequence / 100000)*100000 AS BlockStart,
MIN(((1+CONVERT(INTEGER, Sequence / 100000))*100000)-1) AS BlockEnd
CONVERT(INTEGER, Sequence / 100000)*100000
You can do this with a nice little trick. The groups that you want can be defined as the difference between two sequences of numbers. One is assigned for each symbol in order by sequence. The other is assigned for each symbol and price. This is what is looks like for your data:
Sequence Symbol Price seq1 seq2 diff
0 X $10 1 1 0
0 Y $ 5 1 1 0
1 X $10 2 2 0
1 Y $ 5 2 2 0
2 X $10 3 3 0
2 Y $ 5 3 3 0
3 X $10 4 4 0
3 Y $ 6 4 1 3
4 X $10 5 5 0
4 Y $ 6 5 2 3
5 X $10 6 6 0
5 Y $ 6 6 3 3
6 X $10 7 7 0
6 Y $ 5 7 4 3
7 X $11 8 1 7
7 Y $ 5 8 5 3
You can stare at this and figure out that the combination of symbol, diff, and price define each group.
The following puts this into a SQL query to return the data you want:
select min(q.sequence) as sequence, symbol, price
from (select q.*,
(row_number() over (partition by symbol order by sequence) -
row_number() over (partition by symbol, price order by sequence)
) as grp
from quotes q
) q
group by symbol, grp, price;
If you want to replace the data in the original table, I would suggest that you store the results of the query in a temporary table, truncate the original table, and then re-insert the values from the temporary table.
Answering my own question. I want to add some additional comments to complement the excellent answer by Gordon Linoff.
You're right. It is a nice little trick. I had to stare at it for a while to understand how it works. Here's my thoughts for the benefit of others.
The numbering by Sequence/Symbol (seq1) always increases, whereas the numbering by Symbol/Price (seq2) only increases sometimes (within each group, only when a record for Symbol contains the group's Price). Therefore seq1 either remains in lock step with seq2 (i.e., diff remains constant, until either Symbol or Price changes), or seq1 "runs away" from seq2 (while it is busy "counting" other Prices and other Symbols-- which increases the difference between seq1 and seq2 for a given Symbol and Price). Once seq2 falls behind, it can never "catch up" to seq1, so a given value of diff is never seen again once diff moves to the next larger value (for a given Price). By taking the minimum value within each Symbol/Price group, you get the first record in each contiguous block, which is exactly what I needed.
I don't use SQL a lot, so I wasn't familiar with the OVER clause. I just took it on faith that the first clause generates seq1 and the second generates seq2. I can kind of see how it works, but that's not the interesting part.
My data contained more than just Price. It was a simple thing to add the other fields (Bid, Ask, etc.) to the second OVER clause and the final GROUP BY:
row_number() over (partition by Symbol, Price, Bid, BidSize, Ask, AskSize, Change, Volume, DayLow, DayHigh, Time order by Sequence)
group by Symbol, grp, price, Bid, BidSize, Ask, AskSize, Change, Volume, DayLow, DayHigh, Time
Also, I was able to use use >MIN(...) and <=MAX(...) to define ranges of records to delete.