I wonder if its possible to refer to a variable in another variable using variables in VSTS and/or TFS.
For instance lets assume we have the following variables:
what I would like to achive is something like:
and the be able to use var1,var2 and var3 later on in my build be able to use these as tokens for my web.conifg "transform".. and/or use them in the tasks for my build and/or release.
Anyone aware if its possible to combine variables in this way?
The examples you provided work perfectly. So the answer to your question is, "yes".
Update - TL'DR:
When it comes to the compilable and cacheable JSR223 Elements, I've saw people using all sorts of tactics dancing around it. I had my doubts and I had my answers here, and found that most of tactics I saw are done wrong:
If your JSR223 scripts are full of args[0], args[1], args[2] everywhere, then that's the wrong choice of tactic, even it is the best practice of JMeter, it is not the best practice in the software engineering and easy-maintenance point of view.
Even if you assign args[n] to some meaningful-named variables, it is not the best practice in JMeter either, as there are much simpler and straightforward ways.
Similarly, if you are following the advices of "using vars.get("") to get variables" (then assign them to some meaningful-named variables), it is not the best practice in JMeter either, as there are much simpler and straightforward ways.
The advice of "Don't use ${} in JSR223 scripts" is more a myth than the truth, as all the ${} using examples in this question are just fine.
Also, the advices of breaking up expressions like "ValidAssetIds_${i+1}_g" with "+" into "ValidCatalogAssetIds_"+ (i+1) + "_g" is just another myth, and in most cases untruth, as illustrated in this question.
Now, as per JMeter's best practices for JSR223:
The reason JSR223 Elements is recommended for intensive load testing over Beanshell or Javascript, is because it implements the Compilable interface, as Groovy scripting engine implements Compilable.
And, it tells people to
to check (enable) the Cache compiled script if available property to ensure the script compilation is cached
the script does not use any variable using ${varName} as caching would take only first value of ${varName}. Instead use:
Else, the other option is to pass them as Parameters to the script, like this:
Now, my question are,
What would happen if I use
def my_var = vars.get("MY_VARIABLE")
log.info("The value of my_var is ${my_var}")
in above example? Would log changes in each iteration when MY_VARIABLE changes?
Instead of above, I also tried to use
def my_var2 = __V(MY_VARIABLE)
def my_var3 = ${__V(MY_VARIABLE)}
but somehow I wasn't able to get the values of MY_VARIABLE. What I'm missing?
what if my ${varName} is dynamically defined, what would happen if I use ${varName} in such form? Like,
case 1:
for(def i = 0; i < validAssets.size(); i++) {
case 2:
def varName = ${__time(/1000,)}
Would each iteration have their own MY_Log values, or they all will be the same? I know I can guess my conclusion from observations, but the purpose of this question is to let me (or people) know the precautions when it comes to using JSR223 that we might not be aware of before. thanks.
All the "precautions" are described in the documentation
When using this feature, ensure your script code does not use JMeter variables or JMeter function calls directly in script code as caching would only cache first replacement. Instead use script parameters.
For example if you define a random string via User Parameters:
and try to refer it as ${randomString} in Groovy - it will be "random" only during the first iteration, on subsequent iterations the "first" value will be used:
Questions 1 and 3 are using Groovy's string interpolation feature, it's safe to use unless there is a clash with other JMeter Variables names
Question 2: you need to surround the __V() function with quotation marks otherwise the variable value is resolved but it's not defined in Groovy causing compilation error, you should see a message in jmeter.log file regarding it
def my_var2 = "${__V(MY_VARIABLE,)}"
Check out Apache Groovy: What Is Groovy Used For? article for more information on Groovy scripting in JMeter context.
I know how to call specific scenario from another feature file and pass parameters along. But is there a way I can do it while checking for condition using 'if'?
For instance:
* if (role=="SME"||role=="BA") karate.call('classpath:rough/utility.feature#checkDisabled'){element: #(elem)}
If this is the wrong implementation as what I get from the console. Please suggest me a way how can i achieve this in karate?
When you use karate.call() put the second argument inside the round brackets. This is pure JS and "Karate-style" embedded expressions will not work.
* if (role=="SME"||role=="BA") karate.call('classpath:rough/utility.feature#checkDisabled', {element: elem})
Please take some time to read this part of the docs: https://github.com/karatelabs/karate#call-vs-read
I have defined in my bamboo plan a variable (BAMBOO_TEST_VAR) that I'd like to reuse in a particular script but I can't seem to figure out how to make it visible to that script.
If I just reference that variable from the script it merely prints the variable as empty.
27-Oct-2020 23:34:00 TEST JOB
27-Oct-2020 23:34:00 bamboo.shortJobName =
27-Oct-2020 23:34:00 BAMBOO_TEST_VAR=
And if I provide it as input to the Environment variables field it just renders with the value I give in that field taken as a literal, not to the plan variable I was hoping it would evaluate to.
27-Oct-2020 23:36:57 TEST JOB
27-Oct-2020 23:36:57 bamboo.shortJobName =
How can I reference the plan's environment variable directly from a script task without passing it down through arguments or something of the sort. What aspect or bamboo detail am I ignorant of that would have informed me that what I'm attempting is not possible or not supported because of reason XYZ?
So the trouble was I didn't scope the variable appropriately. What did it in the end was
Turns out if I slowed down and looked at the bamboo page more carefully I would have noted the help breadcrumbs they left around. Copying that help text here, emphasis mine:
Variables substitute values in your task configuration and inline scripts. If a variable name contains any reference to a password, like "password", "sshKey", "secret", or "passphrase", its value will be masked with "********".
For tasks configuration fields, use the syntax ${bamboo.myvariablename}.
A question for CMake experts out-there.
According to the CMake function documentation a function simply does not return anything. To change variable values one has to pass it to the function, and inside the function set the new value specifying the PARENT_SCOPE option.
Fine, this is a well-known feature of CMake.
My question here is not about the how, rather on why: why CMake functions do not return values? What is the idea behind?
For example, a function cannot be used inside a if expression, or called inside a set command.
If I remember correctly, it is the same with autotools, therefore I do not think it is like this just by chance.
Is there any expert that knows why?
You can find a partial answer by Ken Martin in a message from the CMake's mailing list:
With respect to the general question of functions returning values it
could be done but it is a bit of a big change. Functions and commands
look the same (and should act the same IMO) to the people using them.
So really we are talking about commands returning values. This is
mostly just a syntax issue. Right now we have
command(arg arg arg
to support return values we need something that could handle
command (arg command2(arg arg) arg arg
or in your case
or in another case
set(foo get_property(
etc. This hits the parser and the argument processing in CMake but I
think it could be done. I guess I’m not sure if we should do it.
Open to opinions here.
I'm trying to store the names of some variables inside strings. For example:
Dim Foo1 as Integer
Dim Foo1Name as String
' -- Do something to set Foo1Name to the name of the other variable --
MessageBox.Show(Foo1Name & " is the variable you are looking for.")
' Outputs:
' Foo1 is the variable you are looking for.
This would help with some debugging I'm working on.
Well, you can clearly just set Foo1Name = "Foo1" - but I strongly suspect that's not what you're after.
How would you know which variable you're trying to find the name of? What's the bigger picture? What you want may be possible with reflection, if we're talking about non-local variables, but I suspect it's either not feasible, or there's a better way to attack the problem in the first place.
Does this example from msdn using reflection help?
One solution would be to use an associative array to store your variables. Once, I did this in .Net, but I think I wrote a custom class to do it.
myArray("foo1Name") = "foo1"
Then, you can just store a list of your variable names, or you can wrap that up in the same class.
if( myArray(variableName(x)) == whatImLookingFor ) print variableName(x) & "is it"
I think this really depends on what you are trying to debug. Two possible things to look at are the Reflection and StackTrace classes. That said when your program is compiled, the compiler and runtime do not guarantee that that names need to be consistent with the original program.
This is especially the case with debug vs. release builds. The point of the .PDB files (symbols) in the debug version are to include more information about the original program. For native C/C++ applications it is strongly recommended that you generate symbols for every build (debug+release) of your application to help with debugging. In .NET this is less of an issue since there are features like Reflection. IIRC John Robbins recommends that you always generate symbols for .NET projects too.
You might also find Mike Stall's blog useful and the managed debugger samples.
For finding the variable name, see: Finding the variable name passed to a function
This would apply to VB.Net as well.