How to write SQL like pattern - sql

I have a SQL procedure with this SQL:
select CenterExpensesID,sum(NISAmount) NISAmount
from ktrn10_fnCostCentersTransactions(#month_start_date,#todate,'BEI')
where AccountNumber like #like_account
group by CenterExpensesID
#like_account is a parameter which can get a pattern e.g. '18%'
Is it possible to make a pattern which shows all the records "not like '18%'"
the pattern '[^1][^8]%' is not the solution because it excludes also 19,58 etc..

No. If SQL Server supported regular expressions, this would be easy.
One thing you could do is to parse the expression. So, this does what you want:
where (accountNumber like #param and #param not like '^%') or
(accountNumber not like stuff(#param, 1, 1, '') and param like '^%')
You could then pass in the parameter as '18%' for like and '^18%' for not like.
Or, you could just use two parameters:
where accountNumber like #like_param and
accountNumber not like #notlike_param
The default values would be something like '%' for #like_param and '' for #notlike_param.


How to substring records with variable length

I have a table which has a column with doc locations, such as AA/BB/CC/EE
I am trying to get only one of these parts, lets say just the CC part (which has variable length). Until now I've tried as follows:
SELECT RIGHT(doclocation,CHARINDEX('/',REVERSE(doclocation),0)-1)
FROM Table
WHERE doclocation LIKE '%CC %'
But I'm not getting the expected result
Use PARSENAME function like this,
SELECT PARSENAME(replace(#s, '/', '.'), 2)
This is painful to do in SQL Server. One method is a series of string operations. I find this simplest using outer apply (unless I need subqueries for a different reason):
select *
from t outer apply
(select stuff(t.doclocation, 1, patindex('%/%/%', t.doclocation), '') as doclocation2) t2 outer apply
(select left(tt.doclocation2), charindex('/', tt.doclocation2) as cc
) t3;
The PARSENAME function is used to get the specified part of an object name, and should not used for this purpose, as it will only parse strings with max 4 objects (see SQL Server PARSENAME documentation at MSDN)
SQL Server 2016 has a new function STRING_SPLIT, but if you don't use SQL Server 2016 you have to fallback on the solutions described here: How do I split a string so I can access item x?
The question is not clear I guess. Can you please specify which value you need? If you need the values after CC, then you can do the CHARINDEX on "CC". Also the query does not seem correct as the string you provided is "AA/BB/CC/EE" which does not have a space between it, but in the query you are searching for space WHERE doclocation LIKE '%CC %'
SELECT SUBSTRING(doclocation,CHARINDEX('CC',doclocation)+2,LEN(doclocation))
FROM Table
WHERE doclocation LIKE '%CC %'

LIKE clause using wildcard with multi value parameter

I'm stuck in this problem for days. In "report builder" I made my report having parameters: #ProductGroup and #RBS.
#ProductGroup has some specific values (chosen from checkbox).
#RBS has two fields: 1. MemberValue 2. MemberFullValue.
#RBS gets values from a query using the selected value from #ProductGroup. I use LIKE clause with wildcards. The query looks like:
SELECT MemberValue, CAST(MemberFullValue AS Varchar(2000)) AS MFV
WHERE (CAST(MemberFullValue AS Varchar(2000)) LIKE '%' + #ProductGroup + '%')
The problem is: it works well if i select single value from #ProductGroup, but when I select multi value it shows nothing.
I also tried IN clause. Doesn't work.

How to write SQL query with many % wildcard characters

I have a coloumn in Sql Server table as:
companystring = {"CompanyId":0,"CompanyType":1,"CompanyName":"Test
215","TradingName":"Test 215","RegistrationNumber":"Test
I want to query the column to search for
companyname like '%CompanyName":"%test 2%","%'
I want to know if I'm querying correctly, because for some search string it does not yield the proper result. Could anyone please help me with this?
Edit: I have removed the format bold
% is a special character that means a wildcard. If you want to find the actual character inside a string, you need to escape it.
INSERT #d VALUES(1,'foo%bar'),(2,'fooblat');
SELECT id, s FROM #d WHERE s LIKE 'foo[%]%'; -- returns only 1
SELECT id, s FROM #d WHERE s LIKE 'foo%'; -- returns both 1 and 2
Depending on your platform, you might be able to use some combination of regular expressions and/or lambda expressions which are built into its main libraries. For example, .NET has LINQ , which is a powerful tool that abstracts querying and which provides leveraging for searches.
It looks like you have JSON data stored in a column called "companystring". If you want to search within the JSON data from SQL things get very tricky.
I would suggest you look at doing some extra processing at insert/update to expose the properties of the JSON you want to search on.
If you search in the way you describe, you would actually need to use Regular Expressions or something else to make it reliable.
In your example you say you want to search for:
companystring like '%CompanyName":"%test 2%","%'
I understand this as searching inside the JSON for the string "test 2" somewhere inside the "CompanyName" property. Unfortunately this would also return results where "test 2" was found in any other property after "CompanyName", such as the following:
-- formatted for readability
companystring = '{
"CompanyName":"Test Something 215",
"TradingName":"Test 215",
"RegistrationNumber":"Test 215",
"Website":"Test 215",
Even though "test 2" isn't in the CompanyName, it is in the text following it (TradingName), which is also followed by the string "," so it would meet your search criteria.
Another option would be to create a view that exposes the value of CompanyName using a column defined as follows:
SUBSTRING(companystring, CHARINDEX('"CompanyName":"', companystring) + LEN('"CompanyName":"'), LEN(companystring)),
CHARINDEX('"', SUBSTRING(companystring, CHARINDEX('"CompanyName":"', companystring) + LEN('"CompanyName":"'), LEN(companystring))) - 1
) AS CompanyName
Then you could query that view using WHERE CompanyName LIKE '%test 2%' and it would work, although performance could be an issue.
The logic of the above is to get everything after "CompanyName":":
SUBSTRING(companystring, CHARINDEX('"CompanyName":"', companystring) + LEN('"CompanyName":"'), LEN(companystring))
Up to but not including the first " in the sub-string (which is why it is used twice).

Need to check parameter against table rows in SQL Query

I would like to build one sql query in that one of my filed of form should not contain common names (maintained list of words in separate table) and i am passing value of that filed as parameter and want to check that it shouldn't contain any common name from that table.
How can i achieve that using sql query?
Note : if common name is 'abc' and i am passing parameter as '!abc123' since it contains that word query should return false.
Thanks in advance.
Try something like (Untested Query):
SELECT CommonName
FROM CommonNamesTable
WHERE CommonName like '%NameToTest%'
OR CONTAINS(NameToTest, CommonName);
Basically you need the string match options:
Take a look at options of CONTAINS and read about Queries with full text search
Is this what you're looking for?
SELECT (COUNT(*) == 0) FROM tablewithcommonwords
WHERE wordfromform LIKE CONCAT('%', wordcolumnnfromcommonwordstable, '%');
Try this:
IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT word FROM CommonWord WHERE #yourparam
LIKE '%' + word + '%')
Return 0
This works if the #yourParam is contained in any word or name, what you do not want to use. It only returns 1 if it is not contained by any row in the table.
I worte this sentence only on this way (you can use a simple Exists instead of NOT Exists), because may you want to extend the functionality in the true part.
if exists (select * from reservedwords where #parameter like '%'+word + '%')
select 0
select 1
I would like to suggest that You have to use keypress Event in Your TextBox and then Handle your Code after Each character enter in your TextBox.

Regular expressions inside SQL Server

I have stored values in my database that look like 5XXXXXX, where X can be any digit. In other words, I need to match incoming SQL query strings like 5349878.
Does anyone have an idea how to do it?
I have different cases like XXXX7XX for example, so it has to be generic. I don't care about representing the pattern in a different way inside the SQL Server.
I'm working with c# in .NET.
You can write queries like this in SQL Server:
--each [0-9] matches a single digit, this would match 5xx
SELECT * FROM YourTable WHERE SomeField LIKE '5[0-9][0-9]'
stored value in DB is: 5XXXXXX [where x can be any digit]
You don't mention data types - if numeric, you'll likely have to use CAST/CONVERT to change the data type to [n]varchar.
WHERE CHARINDEX(column, '5') = 1
AND CHARINDEX(column, '.') = 0 --to stop decimals if needed
AND ISNUMERIC(column) = 1
i have also different cases like XXXX7XX for example, so it has to be generic.
WHERE PATINDEX('%7%', column) = 5
AND CHARINDEX(column, '.') = 0 --to stop decimals if needed
AND ISNUMERIC(column) = 1
Regex Support
SQL Server 2000+ supports regex, but the catch is you have to create the UDF function in CLR before you have the ability. There are numerous articles providing example code if you google them. Once you have that in place, you can use:
5\d{6} for your first example
\d{4}7\d{2} for your second example
For more info on regular expressions, I highly recommend this website.
Try this
select * from mytable
where p1 not like '%[^0-9]%' and substring(p1,1,1)='5'
Of course, you'll need to adjust the substring value, but the rest should work...
In order to match a digit, you can use [0-9].
So you could use 5[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] and [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]7[0-9][0-9][0-9]. I do this a lot for zip codes.
SQL Wildcards are enough for this purpose. Follow this link:
you need to use a query like this:
select * from mytable where msisdn like '%7%'
select * from mytable where msisdn like '56655%'