How to solve module ""QtQuick.Controls" version 2.0 is not installed" on mac - qml

I've been getting the error "module "QtQuick.Controls" version 2.0 is not installed" on Qt Creator 5.6.13, so i upgraded to 5.11.2 and i'm still getting it.
Here's the part causing it:
import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
Thank you for your help.

use this command to install it on linux
sudo apt install qml-module-qtquick-controls2

Make sure you activated your Qt kit in Projects > Build & Run as follow:

Ok so, I was building with the Qt Creator 5.6.3 compiler.
Projects => Build & Run => change to the corresponding kit.


Installing Pythonnet package on MacOS v12.4

Has anyone installed Pythonnet on Python 3.10.0 (was pre-installed with Mac OS)? When I try to install Pythonnet through PIP, it complains that there is some issue with the package, and not with PIP!! After searching a bit on Google , I found that Pythonnet is currently not supported on Python 3.10.
So the next step was to install an older version (supported) of Python e.g. 3.7 on Mac and then make it the default Python environment. However, even after using the right set of commands, I'm unable to do switch from 3.10 to 3.7.
enter image description here
Can someone please tell me where am I going wrong?
Try installing a preview with --pre pip parameter. Python.NET 3.0.0 is currently in preview and is about to be released, it supports Python 3.10.

Unable to add asm schematic in Spartacus 3.2

When installing asm with schematics in Spartacus 3.2, I have the following error :
ng add #spartacus/asm
Skipping installation: Package already installed
schematics_2.addPackageJsonDependenciesForLibrary is not a function
There could be multiple reasons for this:
you might have an older version of #spartacus/schematics installed:
Please check in your package.json if you are have #spartacus/schematics on the same version as the #spartacus/core.
if so, please check is node_modules/#spartacus/schematics/package.json actually on the same version as the #spartacus/core.
please make sure you are installing the 3.2 version of ASM by running ng add #spartacus/asm#3.2

Packaging with Pyinstaller - PyQt5 setStyle ignored

I'm actually have an similar issue as described here after update python, pyistaller, pyqt5, pyqt5-tools. Before I got the desired "Windows Vista-style" without app.setStyle('windowsvista') when I run the compiled stand-alone executable.
Now I got the Windows "Classic-style" instead. If I start the application in PyCharm it will use the desired "Windows Vista-style".
Currently installed on Win7 64bit:
Python : 3.6.4
PyInstaller: 3.3.1
PyQt5 : 5.10
pyqt5-tools: (update to doesn't work)
Does anyone have any idea why PyInstaller ignored the style?
The error seems to have been fixed in a unmerged branch of PyInstaller. More information can be found on the GitHub pull request conversation, but reinstalling PyInstaller using pip install fixed the same style issue for me on Mac.

Redhawk IDE will not display Components

When I launch the REDHAWK IDE via Eclipse, I cannot see the installed components (SigGen, fastFilter, etc). I can see the components just fine if I use the command line to create a project. I'm convinced it has to be a path or variable issues, but I just don't know what to reconfigure.
I'm using REDHAWK Version 2.1.0 and on CentOS7
OSSIEHOME is set to the /usr/local/redhawk/core
SDRROOT is set to /var/redhawk/sdr
Any suggestions?
I found a solution by reinstalling and including every Redhawk package that I could find using "yum list redhawk*"
I have the same problem and it turns out I was using a Java version higher than 8 which is not supported by RedHawk. Make sure you use Java 8 to launch the IDE otherwise it does not work. Submitted a DR but because JDK8 still supported they do not feel the need to fix it.
I followed the official installation instructions for RedHawk 2.3.0 on Centos 7.9 and had this same issue, I fixed it by opening a terminal in the Redhawk installation directory and running
sudo yum install redhawk-basic-components-2.3.0-5.el7.x86_64.rpm
After which the components appeared in the IDE without a restart

Scales pkg do not install in my 2009 32 bit Mac mini (El Capitan) Rstudio

I recently upgrade my 2009 Mac mini adding 2gb of ram and installing "El Capitan". For some reason when I try to install "ggplot2" the package Scales ask me for compile it, when I hit yes to continue the process a message appears saying that is unable to compile the dependency. When I check my installed packages the installed Scales version installed is the 0.4.0 and don't allow me to update it to the 0.4.1 version. I try selecting another mirror and installing manually the newer version but it dosen't work. I also install gfortran 4.2.3 and tcltk 8.5.5x11 trying to solve the compiling problem.
The messages that appears are the following:
-"ERROR: compilation failed for package ‘scales’"
-"ERROR: lazy loading failed for package ‘ggplot2’"
I will appreciate any help.