Internet router crashes when uploading large file on macbook "Uploading through Chrome/Google Drive/ Outlook" - file-upload

Internet works just fine, once I try to upload large files on google drive/chrome or even open outlook, the whole internet router reset. and internet connection dropped for all devices.
at the beginning i thought it is ISP issue, however limiting the bandwidth solved the problem. Google drive preference allows users to customise the bandwidth. Chrome, you can define a new limit from session setting, you can use this guideline
i couldnt solve the problem for outlook yet. if you have a solution let me know. thank you.


Kaggle API Token Not Downloading

I am unable to download "Kaggle.JSON" to use the Kaggle API. I have not come across anyone else online with this problem. I have tried on Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Safari browsers and on Windows as well as Mac OS. Every time I click on "Create new API token," no downloads are triggered. Is there an alternate way to get this file? I receive the "Ensure kaggle.json is in the location ~/.kaggle/kaggle.json to use the API." message but nothing is downloaded. I do not receive a prompt to save as and the file is not saved in any location. Is there any advice as to why this is not working?
Kaggle API option in Account
Disable the pop-up blocker. Or try another browser

Google Colab running any cell received javascript related errors

Received a browser white popup saying when executing any cells:
Could not load the JavaScript files needed to display output.
This is probably because your Google account login access has expired or because third-party cookies are not allowed by your browser.
Please reload this page.
I have tried re-login and restarted runtime, and no help. Strange is another notebook is fine.
Update: Just restarting browser and relaunched everything seemed to "fix" this.
For those like me who tried all the given solutions but with no use ,the magic thing that worked for me in the end was to open colab using a vpn!
Restart browser. If someone find a better way, please post.
I got this error on chrome. Every colab notebook I opened had this issue even if it wasn't connected to a runtime.
Restarting the browser didn't help.
Clearing cookies of last 24hours (and restarting my system to be sure!) fixed the issue.
This may be because access to your Google account has expired or because your browser does not allow third-party cookies.
Check your task manager on your laptop and see how full the disk is.
Mine was 100% so I searched “disk cleanup” on my Windows computer And got rid of temporary files and files downloaded from internet, etc. also clear cache and cookies on whatever browser you’re doing. And if you have synced your google chrome and Microsoft edge specifications as the same(cookies, extensions, etc) then get rid of both cache and other stuff on them as well. Also check 3rd party cookies
Using vpn solved this problem for me
The library I'm using by default prints a large amount of info, which caused this problem for me. Restart the browser only works if it doesn't print that much again. Disabling the verbose info printing solved the problem for me.
I found when the notebook is heavy it is throwing up this error. For example there were so many plots in my notebook, that slowed it down and caused this problem. Also make sure you don't have multiple notebooks opened.
Try Cleaning your trash/recycle-bin & temp files.
That worked out for me.
Disabling some AdBlock extensions works for me.

Google drive and one drive sign in gives internet connection errors

I have downloaded google drive and after its installation when google drive icon pops out for sign in, it gives me internet connection error. however my internet connection is working fine. i have tried it multiple times but failed. Same was the case with one drive sign in. Is there any problem with my connection settings? help me please
This is because your system uses PROXY to connect to the internet.
Try to change the proxy settings.
I would suggest trying to completely quit out of Google Drive and restarting the application. If that doesn't work, then reinstall Google Drive.

webRTC example does not working after downloading source?

I am looking to use webRTC for my college project. The example( works nice (asks the permission to access the webcamera) whenever i access them from internet but after i download the source(even from github) it does not work, it does not even ask the permission for accessing the camera. any help? Thanks.
The WebRTC API does not work unless it is being hosted. Simply opening the html files and running the scripts will not work.
So, I bet if you host it(Apache, VisualStudio, etc), it will work just fine.

IE 10 not using AppCache after browser closed

I wrote an application using the HTML5 Cache Manifest and I'm having a problem using it in IE 10.
I used Fiddler to witness the manifest file being downloaded and all resources fetched on the initial load of the application. If I disable my network adapter to force the machine offline, the application continues to work as expected as long as I don't close the browser window.
However, when I close the browser window, then attempt to re-open the page from a favorite, IE 10 tells me "You're not connected to a network". Obviously I know that, I'm trying to use the app offline. These exact steps work in Chrome.
Is this behavior by design? Is there a workaround? I can't test with IE 11 right this different in IE 11?
Hearing of some issues of the appcache clearing if your company utilizes gpo settings and has "empty temporary internet files folder when browser is closed" enabled.
Did you find the answer to this? I have the same problem. I did get a bit further though. I found that if you go to the IE10 File menu option and tick Work Offline then try and access your cached app it loads the page but I still have an issue as it does not appear to be using the javascript file that should also be cached. All works ok on Google Chrome but our clients are restricted to IE so Chrome is not an option.