Google drive and one drive sign in gives internet connection errors - onedrive

I have downloaded google drive and after its installation when google drive icon pops out for sign in, it gives me internet connection error. however my internet connection is working fine. i have tried it multiple times but failed. Same was the case with one drive sign in. Is there any problem with my connection settings? help me please

This is because your system uses PROXY to connect to the internet.
Try to change the proxy settings.

I would suggest trying to completely quit out of Google Drive and restarting the application. If that doesn't work, then reinstall Google Drive.


Internet router crashes when uploading large file on macbook "Uploading through Chrome/Google Drive/ Outlook"

Internet works just fine, once I try to upload large files on google drive/chrome or even open outlook, the whole internet router reset. and internet connection dropped for all devices.
at the beginning i thought it is ISP issue, however limiting the bandwidth solved the problem. Google drive preference allows users to customise the bandwidth. Chrome, you can define a new limit from session setting, you can use this guideline
i couldnt solve the problem for outlook yet. if you have a solution let me know. thank you.

ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED exclusively in browsers

I was working on a website on my local computer (mac OS High Sierra) and had put some redirects in the websites .htaccess file (in order to get images from the remote server instead of downloading them). After this it seemed that I could no longer access the website from my Chrome browser. Chrome would answer to any URL leading to the remote server with ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED.
I tried other browsers on my computer such as Firefox, Chrome Canary, Chromium and Opera. None of them could provide a connection.
Next I checked with a different internet access via TOR-Browser on the same computer whether I could access the website, and it worked.
Next I checked via Terminal whether I could connect to the remote server with ping, nslookup and traceroute. All connecting to the server as expected.
I googled up possible solutions to this problem but could not find one so far. I had read that resetting the DNS cache could help and tried sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder but it did not.
I did not edit the /etc/hosts file; a restart of the computer did not help; a reset of the .htaccess to the previous state did not help; resetting the caches in the browsers did not help.
How can I access the remote website from my browsers normally again?
EDIT1: Related question: Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED for only selective images from instagram API
EDIT2: After about one day I was able to access the remote website again with no further incidents of ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED even after putting the redirects into the .htaccess file. So it seems to me of being some sort of caching on my computer which prevents the browsers from accessing the remote website. However I have no clue what caused the error message in the first place and what kind of cache it might be.
Shortly after EDIT2 when I was able to access the remote website again, the ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED appeared again - this time I tested another device with the same internet connection and I had encountered the connection error too. Now I believe it has something to do with the router and/or it's firewall - not the ISP since I could connect to the remote website with shell commands (named above). The image requests to the remote website seem to cause the router to block further access from browsers, probably as a security measure similar to the situation in this article

Google Cloud Installation: Hostname unresolved

Okay, feel really dumb as I can't even install Google Cloud SDK. Started using command line and then moved to the installer. I got a "Download Failed:Resolving Hostname" Error. There seems to be nothing in the guides and any youtube videos say it installs easily - just keep clicking next?!?
Why am I being asked to set up a network proxy?
I'm using VPN? Could that be the issue?
Thanks in advance
It was the VPN. Annoying. Whilst posting this it occurred to me so I tried with the VPN disconnected and yipdy do dar, it worked.

VirtualBox RawDisk error : VERR ACCESS DENIED

I'd like to boot VirtualBox to the external hard drive I have that runs Windows 8 To Go, as the computer running virtual box is one that I can't boot to the drive during certain hours, but I'd still like to be able to interact with the OS on that drive.
I found a guide for creating a raw VM DK disk file for my external drive, and ran the commands for it in an administrator command prompt, which was listed as a requirement in the article I was reading.
At first, I'd boot to the drive with my VirtualBox machine, and it would ask me to enter the BitLocker encryption password.
I'd enter it, and before the spinning circles of the Windows loading logo would make a complete rotation, VBox would give me an error popup saying "Error: VERR_ACCESS DENIED".
I researched the issue a bit online and found that some users had resolved this issue by turning on 'Use host I/O cache' on the VirtualBox Storage controller.
I tried this, and the machine did indeed make it farther and stopped displaying an error message, only now it stays on the windows loading screen indefinitely, or may even restart itself.
I checked the log file and am seeing several non-displayed error messages of 'VERR_ACCESS DENIED".
Running virtual box itself as an administrator has had no effect.
Has anyone else tried this successfully? Does anyone have any tips?
I'd appreciate productive suggestions instead of criticism against 'why' I'm doing something.
Thank you!

Can I Show Windows Authentication Dialog When Trying To Connect To Un-Authenticated Network Path

In my application, it allows users to remotely connect computers and folders within the internal network for troubleshooting, etc.
My problem is that some of these computers that they are trying to connect to haven't yet been authenticated for them, so when I plug the UNC path into a new process for explorer, it doesn't error but simply returns some random local folder (My Documents I think).
My question is... Is there a way I can make a call to the windows authentication dialog to allow the user to authenticate against the remote PC? If the user simply enters the same address into a normal explorer window, the authentication screen will appear, however, using my app it doesn't.
Is there anyway I can force this to show up for the user?
Any help appreciated, thanks.
Based on this discussion:
Prompting for network credentials in VB.NET
You can have a look at CredUIPromptForCredentials API, in, just P/Invoke it. For more information: