VueJS / Vuex App - Validate JWT Token USED for Authentication - authentication

I have a VueJS App, using Vuex & Vue Router.
I have 3 components (which are also pages): Home, Login and a Protected Page which requires one to be authenticated.
The login page make a POST call to the backend API which returns a token if the credentials are valid.
methods: {
sendCredentials: function() {
const { email, password } = this
this.$store.dispatch(AUTH_REQUEST, {email, password})
.then(() => {
.catch((err) => console.log(err.response));
Here is the related action:
actions: {
[AUTH_REQUEST]: ({ commit, dispatch }, user) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
commit(AUTH_REQUEST);'http://localhost:3000/api/login', user)
.then((resp) => {
const token =;
localStorage.setItem('userToken', token);
commit(AUTH_LOGIN, token);
.catch(err => {
commit(AUTH_ERROR, err);
I have used navigation guard to block access to the protected page if the user is not logged in.
This is actually working: When I go the protected page, I'm asked to log in. When I use the rights credentials, I'm able to access the protected page.
I have yet a huge bug: When I put any random string on the localStorage as the userToken, I can access the protected page...
How to prevent that ?
The initial state is defined as below:
state: {
token: localStorage.getItem('userToken') || '',
Is there a way to validate the userToken which I get through the localStorage when I set up the initial state of token ?

I have been wondering the same thing a while ago. What I ended up with is to check the token against your backend on initial loading of your page. If the token is valid you commit it to Vuex, if the token is invalid, you delete everyting from localStorage.
This leads to the outcome where someone hypothetically could replace the token after initial load with their own invalid token, but if the clientside token is already validated, what would be the point? If you want to secure against this scenario as well you could apply the same logic in your navigation guard. So not just check for a token, but validate the token against your backend on each route change and clear localStorage if invalid. I think this will come at a performance disadvantage though due to the extra API call.


Why isn't NextAuth jwt automatically saved in cookies?

I have two simple authentication callback functions "jwt" and "session" which check if the user object exists and create the session if so.
callbacks: {
jwt: async ({ token, user }) => {
if(user) { =
return token
session: ({ session, token }) => {
if(token) { =
return session
My issue is, and I have been searching a lot to find information concerning this, why isn't this jwt automatically saved to cookies?
I find that my session is created and I am successfully "logged in", however if I look into my local storage there are no jwt cookies saved.
Do I have to manually save the jwt to my cookies in the jwt callback? Or is the jwt cookie not even required in the case of jwt session strategy? I need jwt cookies because from what I've read about middleware most solutions use cookies and decrypt the jwt to see if the user is logged in, instead of checking the getSession() hook.
You might need to to explain your problem in more detail since I canĀ“t really tell what you already implemented and left out for simplicity sake. I hope this helps you anyway:
The steps to add the cookie look roughly like this:
Create / sign a jwt with a npm package like jose or jsonwebtoken
Set the header of your response and add your signed jwt to it; return it to the client
import { SignJWT, jwtVerify, JWTVerifyResult } from "jose";
async function setCookie(response, user: {id: number}) {
const token = await generateJwtToken(user);
response.setHeader("Set-Cookie", [
`user=${token};` +
"expires=" + new Date(new Date().getTime() + 1 * 86409000).toUTCString() + ";"
response.status(200).json({message: "Successfully set cookie"})
async function generateJwtToken(user: { id: number }) {
return await new SignJWT({id:})
.setProtectedHeader({ alg: "HS256" })
.sign(new TextEncoder().encode(process.env.YOUR_JWT_TOKEN_ENV_VAR));
Verify the jwt on further requests with the same package as in 1.
export async function verifyJwt(request) {
const token = request.cookies["yourCustomUser"];
const verified: JWTVerifyResult = await jwtVerify(
new TextEncoder().encode(process.env.YOUR_JWT_TOKEN_ENV_VAR),
verified.payload.status = 200;
return verified.payload;
In addition to that you might wanna add sameSite=Strict, secure or path=/. For further information you should have a look at developers.mozilla
Also make sure to add error handling for expired Jwts etc.

How to get currently login user with passport-jwt

I implemented passport-jwt to authenticate user on protected route and also i want to check maybe the user login before creating first admin, please help me on how to do it.
this is my passport-jwt code that i have implemented
exports.getToken = function (user) {
return jwt.sign(user, config.secretKey, { expiresIn: 3600 });
var opts = {};
opts.jwtFromRequest = ExtractJwt.fromAuthHeaderAsBearerToken();
opts.secretOrKey = config.secretKey;
exports.jwtPassport = passport.use(
new JwtStrategy(opts, (jwt_payload, done) => {
console.log("JWT payload: ", jwt_payload);
User.findOne({ _id: jwt_payload._id, }, (err, user) => {
if (err) {
return done(err, false);
} else if (user) {
return done(null, user);
} else {
return done(null, false);
If I understand your question correctly, you have authenticated a user and (s)he's logged in. Now, before creating an admin, you want to check if the currently logged in user hasn't expired or something else. Right ?
To do that:
You need to store JWT on the client-side so that whenever you call your API, you can attach the JWT in your request's authentication header. I say Authentication header because your ExtractJWT Strategy is fromAuthHeaderAsBearerToken.
With this you can attach your token to subsequent API calls headers. You also need to implement a middleware on your server-side so that the controller can verify whether the JWT in the Authorization header is valid or invalid.
Here is a good resource to understand the pipeline. Note that in this resource, they fromUrlQueryParameter as the extract strategy, but the concept is the same.

Vue.js (Quasar) SPA restarts Auth Code Flow on each page reload

I have a SPA built with the Quasar Framework (based on Vue.js). The SPA is registered in Auth0 and uses the auth0-spa-js library to handle the login via Auth Code Flow. While the login works and I get a token, when I reload the page the Auth Code Flow is started again and the user is redirected to the /authorize endpoint to get a new code, which is then again exchanged for a new token.
To me this does not seem like the correct behaviour. I would have expected that the Auth0 library caches/stores the token in the browser and on page reload checks if there is a valid token already, instead of restarting the Auth Code Flow every time.
Or is that actually the way it should be considering this is a SPA and token storage in the browser is not good.
The code from the boot file:
import createAuth0Client from '#auth0/auth0-spa-js';
import axios from 'axios'
export default async ({ app, router, Vue }) => {
let auth0 = await createAuth0Client({
domain: '{domain}',
client_id: '{client_id}',
audience: '{audience}'
const isAuthenticated = await auth0.isAuthenticated();
if (isAuthenticated) {
// show the gated content
await afterLogin(auth0, Vue)
const query =;
if (query.includes("code=") && query.includes("state=")) {
// Process the login state
await auth0.handleRedirectCallback()
await afterLogin(auth0, Vue)
// Use replaceState to redirect the user away and remove the querystring parameters
window.history.replaceState({}, document.title, "/");
await auth0.loginWithRedirect({
redirect_uri: window.location.origin
async function afterLogin(auth0, Vue) {
let user = await auth0.getUser()
Vue.prototype.$user = user
Vue.prototype.$auth = auth0
// let claims = await auth0.getIdTokenClaims()
// console.log(claims)
// setAuthHeader(claims.__raw)
let token = await auth0.getTokenSilently()
function setAuthHeader(token) {
axios.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + token
What am I missing?
When refreshing you should check if user exists..
const user = await auth0.getUser();
You could create an autoCheckUser function at src/boot folder, that can check if user exist every time app created...
The feedback from Auth0 is that this is the expected behaviour.
"If the token is stored in memory, then it will be erased when the page is refreshed. A new token is silently requested via a cookie session."
Here is the link to the original answer

How to implement silent token refresh with axios request interceptor?

We are implementing a token-based authentication and when a user signs in we generate access and refresh tokens then save that with the timestamp on device so we can later check if the access token is expired or not.
We are currently using axios interceptor before every request and checking if the token is still valid or not with the timestamp we saved earlier when we generated the access and refresh tokens, but when the access token is expired and we are making a request to refresh the token the app goes on an infinite loop and none of the requests go through (both the original and refresh token api requests). you can see my code below:
const instance = axios.create({
baseURL: 'http://localhost:8080'
const refreshToken = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.then(response => {
resolve('refresh successful');
.catch(error => {
reject(Error(`refresh fail: ${error}`));
async config => {
const timestamp = 1602155221309;
const diffMinutes = Math.floor(Math.abs( - timestamp) / 60000);
// if diffMinutes is greater than 30 minutes
if (diffMinutes > 30) {
const tokenResponse = await refreshToken();
return config;
return config;
error => {
return Promise.reject(error);
The infinite loop is caused by your interceptor triggering another Axios request on which said interceptor will also run and trigger another Axios request, forever.
A simple solution would be to make the refresh token network request using the default axios instance which doesn't include any interceptors:
const refreshToken = () => {
// You can skip returning a new `Promise` since `` already returns one.
Obviously that also means you'll have to write a bit of logic to send the current refresh token along if that's included in your instance interceptors.

Apollo Client Delaying the Authorization Header

I am using Apollo (with Graph Cool), redux, and Auth0 in a React-Native app. I am trying to delay the queries and mutations until the header is set.
The idToken is stored in Async Storage, and is therefore a promise. I can't use redux to pass the token, because that would create a circular dependency.
When the user logins in for the first time or the token has expired, the queries are sent before header is set, which means I get the error Error: GraphQL error: Insufficient Permissions
How can I delay the queries until the token is found and added to the header? I have been searching three main solutions:
Add forceFetch: true; This seems to be part of an earlier implementation of the Apollo client. Even if I find the equivalent, the app still fails on the first attempt to fetch.
Reset the store (rehydrate?) upon logging in. This is still asynchronous so I don't see how this could affect the outcome.
Remove all mutations and queries from login itself, but due to the progress of the app, this is not feasible.
Some snippets:
const token = AsyncStorage.getItem('token');
const networkInterface = createNetworkInterface({ uri:XXXX})
//adds the token in the header
applyMiddleware(req, next) {
if(!req.options.headers) {
req.options.headers = {}
if(token) {
.then(myToken => {
req.options.headers.authorization = `Bearer ${myToken}`;
.catch(err => console.log(err));
next(); // middleware so needs to allow the endpoint functions to run;
// create the apollo client;
const client = new ApolloClient({
dataIdFromObject: o =>
const store = createStore(
token: tokenReducer,
profile: profileReducer,
path: pathReducer,
apollo: client.reducer(),
{}, // initial state
applyMiddleware(thunk, client.middleware(), logger),
I'm not certain this will work without a reproduction app, mostly because I don't have an app of your structure set up, but you're hitting this race condition because you are calling next() outside of your async chain.
Calling next() where it is currently will tell the client to continue on with the request, even if your token isn't set. Instead, let's wait until the token comes back and the header gets set before continuing on.
applyMiddleware(req, next) {
if(!req.options.headers) {
req.options.headers = {}
.then(myToken => {
req.options.headers.authorization = `Bearer ${myToken}`;
.then(next) // call next() after authorization header is set.
.catch(err => console.log(err));