How to debug a macro that calculates distances between two points? - vba

I have a macro that calculates distances between two points. I am unable to get it to work, and would like some help debugging it.
I have created a Google API key, and have incorporated that in as well, but for some reason the macro doesn't work
Public Function
GetDT(origin_city As String, _
origin_state As String, origin_country As String, _
destination_city As String, _
destination_state As String, destination_country As String _
Dim surl As String
Dim oXH As Object
Dim bodytxt As String
Dim distanc_e As String
surl = ""
& _
Replace(origin_city, " ", "+") & "+" & Replace(origin_state, " ", "+") &
"+" & Replace(origin_country, " ", "+") & _
"&destinations=" & _
Replace(destination_city, " ", "+") & "+" & Replace(destination_state, "
", "+") & "+" & Replace(destination_country, " ", "+") & _
Set oXH = CreateObject("msxml2.xmlhttp")
With oXH
.Open "get", surl, False
bodytxt = .responseText
End With
bodytxt = Right(bodytxt, Len(bodytxt) - InStr(1, bodytxt, "<text>") - 5)
tim_e = Left(bodytxt, InStr(1, bodytxt, "</text>") - 1)
bodytxt = Right(bodytxt, Len(bodytxt) - InStr(1, bodytxt, "<text>") - 5)
distanc_e = Left(bodytxt, InStr(1, bodytxt, "</text>") - 1)
GetDT = distanc_e
Set oXH = Nothing
End Function

There is no way to confidently answer this question with the information provided. Writing a separate function to create the url will make your code more testable. Using Option Explicit to force all variables to be declared will detect any typos.
If MY_KEY is a variable then the url should look like this "..metric&key=" & MY_KEY.
surl = GetDTURL(origin_city, origin_state, origin_country, destination_city, destination_state, destination_country)
Function GetDTURL(origin_city As String, origin_state As String, origin_country As String, destination_city As String, destination_state As String, destination_country As String)
Dim surl As String
Const BaseURl As String = ""
surl = BaseURl
surl = Replace(surl, "#origin_city", origin_city)
surl = Replace(surl, "#origin_state", origin_state)
surl = Replace(surl, "#origin_country", origin_country)
surl = Replace(surl, "#destination_city", destination_city)
surl = Replace(surl, "#destination_state", destination_state)
surl = Replace(surl, "#destination_country", destination_country)
surl = Replace(surl, " ", "+")
GetDTURL = surl
End Function


vba excel sms for api

I would like that every time I register an appointment, the client is notified by sms.
You will find attached a vba code for this purpose for sending sms.
The script seems to be executing.
On the other hand, do not deliver the sms as expected.
Someone to help me figure out what is missing please
Sub send_SMS_RDV()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'''''''''essai code xfactor'''''''''''''''''''''
Set objHTTP = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
Dim Recipient As String
Dim Message As String
Dim rowname As String
Dim rowprestardv As String
Dim rowtimerdv, rownumber, rowdaterdv, x As String
rowtimerdv = Worksheets("PLANNING").Range("I4").Value
rowprestardv = Worksheets("PLANNING").Range("H4").Value
rowname = Worksheets("PLANNING").Range("N4").Value
rownumber = Worksheets("PLANNING").Range("O4").Value
rowdaterdv = Worksheets("PLANNING").Range("Q4").Value
x = "237"
Recipient = "x&lastrownumber"
If rowdaterdv = Worksheets("PLANNING").Range("P32").Value Then
Message = "Dear " & rowname & ", your appointment has been register at : " & rowtimerdv & " Contact us for any changes. Merci"
Message = "Dear " & rowname & ", your appointment has been register at : " & rowdaterdv & " Contact us for any changes. Merci"""
End If
'Set vars where phone numbers and msg are set in your sheet'
URL =" + Message + "&to=" + Recipient
objHTTP.Open "GET", URL, False
objHTTP.SetRequestHeader "Authorization", "Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIzNDcwOSIsImlhdCI6MTYwMTk5NzM4N30.VbWdRwVwtIn5JtwNYjeJ8imnM_2bYskRIg2O6uZG5fA" 'Your Token'
objHTTP.SetRequestHeader "Accept", "application/json"
objHTTP.send ("")
End Sub
Your URL variable looks wrong. That would need to be a string but it's not a proper string. You are missing a start quote mark and you are using + for concatenation where I would expect to see & instead.
Try changing it to this:
URL = "" & Message & "&to=" & Recipient
Thank you for your contribution.
I solved the problem.
here is what I modified to make it work.
Recipient = 237 & rownumber
and after url
url = Replace(url, " ", "%20")
However, I would like to configure with another provider but have problems again
Sub send_SMS_Fact()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
' Declaring varibles for sending sms
Dim objWinHTTP As Object
Dim response, send As String
Dim sURL As String
Dim API As String
Dim SenderID As String
Dim Recipient, Message As String
' Declaring varibles for Application
Dim rowname As String
Dim rowtypevente As String
Dim rowamount, rownumber, x As String
rowtypevente = Worksheets("FACTURATION").Range("H11").Text
rowamount = Worksheets("FACTURATION").Range("M11").Text
rowname = Worksheets("FACTURATION").Range("S11").Text
rownumber = Worksheets("FACTURATION").Range("T11").Text
API = "Um9kcnlnMTIzOnNhbG9tZQ=="
x = "237"
Recipient = x & rownumber
SenderID = "TechSoft-SMS"
' Preparation sms
If rowtypevente = "VENTE DIFF" Then
Message = "Dear " & rowname & ", The amount of your invoice which is: " & rowamount & " remains to be paid as soon as possible"
rowtypevente = "VENTE"
Message = "Dear " & rowname & ", We thank you for your loyalty and hope to have satisfied you. Best regards and see you soon"
End If
' Checking for valid mobile number
If rownumber <> "700000000" Then
Recipient = CStr(rownumber)
End If
''''''test protocole url'''''
Set objWinHTTP = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
sURL ="
sURL = Replace(sURL, " ", "%20")
Request = "&apikey=" & API & URLEncode(Apikey) & "&number=" & Recipient & URLEncode(Number)
Request = Request & "&message=" & Message & URLEncode(Message)
Request = Request & "&expediteur=" & SenderID & URLEncode(Expediteur) & "&msg_id=" & MsgID
objWinHTTP.Open "GET", URL & Request, False
objWinHTTP.SetTimeouts 30000, 30000, 30000, 30000
If objWinHTTP.StatusText = "OK" Then
strReturn = objWinHTTP.ResponseText
Debug.Print strReturn
End If
Set objWinHTTP = Nothing
send = strReturn
End Sub
Public Function URLEncode(sRawURL) As String
On Error GoTo Catch
Dim iLoop As Integer
Dim sRtn As String
Dim sTmp As String
Const sValidChars = "1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz:/.?=_-$()~&"
If Len(sRawURL) > 0 Then
For iLoop = 1 To Len(sRawURL)
sTmp = Mid(sRawURL, iLoop, 1)
If InStr(1, sValidChars, sTmp, vbBinaryCompare) = 0 Then
sTmp = Hex(Asc(sTmp))
If sTmp = "20" Then
sTmp = "+"
ElseIf Len(sTmp) = 1 Then
sTmp = "%0" & sTmp
sTmp = "%" & sTmp
End If
End If
sRtn = sRtn & sTmp
Next iLoop
URLEncode = sRtn
End If
Exit Function
URLEncode = ""
Resume Finally
End Function
This is how I configured the new url according to the documentation I found on their site.
But at the line "objWinHTTP.Open" GET ", URL & Request, False" I am told that the url uses an unrecognized protocol

Sending local photos via VBA to Telegram

I'm trying to send a local photo using VBA or VBScript. The solutions I found are either for sending URLs instead of files, or for other than VBA or VBScript.
Sub TelegramAuto()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Sheets("hidden")
Set ws1 = Sheets("Dashboard")
Dim objRequest As Object
Dim strChatId As String
Dim strMessage As String
Dim strPhoto As String
Dim strPostPhoto As String
Dim strPostData As String
Dim strResponse As String
strChatId = <id>
strMessage = ws.Range("J5") & Format(ws1.Range("D2"), "mm/dd/yyyy") & " " & ws1.Range("D4") & " " & ws1.Range("D6") _
& " " & ws1.Range("K6")
strPhoto = "C:/Users/mhjong/Desktop/GP_FS_Breakdown.png"
strPostData = "chat_id=" & strChatId & "&text=" & strMessage
strPostPhoto = "chat_id=" & strChatId & "&photo=" & strPhoto
Set objRequest = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
With objRequest
.Open "POST", "<token>/sendMessage?", False
.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
.send (strPostData)
End With
With objRequest
.Open "POST", "<token>/sendPhoto?", False
.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
.Send (strPostPhoto)
End With
End Sub
I can send messages. I cannot find the syntax to upload a local image and send it to Telegram.
strPhoto = "image link"
strPostPhoto = "chat_id=" & strChatId & "&photo=" & strPhoto
With objRequest
.Open "POST", "<Token>/sendPhoto?" & strPostPhoto, False
End With
Public Function tmBotSend(Token As String, chat_id As String, Optional text As String = "", Optional filename As String = "", Optional pavd As String = "") As String
'pavd as photo animation audio voice video document
'4096 chars for message.text, 200 chars for message.caption
Const adTypeBinary = 1
Const adTypeText = 2
Const adModeReadWrite = 3
Const telegram = ""
Dim part As String
part = bond("--") & form("chat_id") & chat_id & bond()
Dim dfn As String
If Len(filename) Then dfn = Dir(filename)
Dim caption As String
Dim send As String
If Len(dfn) Then
caption = "caption"
Select Case LCase(pavd)
Case "photo", "animation", "audio", "voice", "video", "document"
send = LCase(pavd)
Case Else
dfnA = Split(LCase(dfn), ".")
Select Case dfnA(UBound(dfnA))
Case "jpg", "jpeg", "png"
send = "photo"
Case "gif", "apng"
send = "animation"
Case "mp4"
send = "video"
Case "mp3", "m4a"
send = "audio"
Case "ogg"
send = "voice"
Case Else
send = "document"
End Select
End Select
caption = "text"
send = "message"
End If
part = part & form(caption) & text
Dim file
Dim body
With CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
If Len(dfn) Then
' filename
part = part & bond() & form(send, dfn)
' read file as binary
.Mode = adModeReadWrite
.Type = adTypeBinary
.LoadFromFile filename
.Position = 0
file = .Read
End If
' combine part, file , end
.Type = adTypeBinary
.Position = 0
.Write ToBytes(part)
'Debug.Print part
If Len(dfn) Then .Write file
.Write ToBytes(bond(suff:="--"))
.Position = 0
body = .Read
End With
With CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
'Debug.Print telegram & Token & "/send" & StrConv(send, vbProperCase)
.Open "POST", telegram & Token & "/send" & StrConv(send, vbProperCase), False
.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "multipart/form-data; boundary=" & bond("", "")
.send body
tmBotSend = .responseText
'Debug.Print .responseText
End With
End Function
Function ToBytes(str As String) As Variant
Const adTypeBinary = 1
Const adTypeText = 2
Const adModeReadWrite = 3
With CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
.Mode = adModeReadWrite
.Type = adTypeText
.Charset = "UTF-8" '"_autodetect"
.WriteText str
.Position = 0
.Type = adTypeBinary
ToBytes = .Read
End With
End Function
Private Function bond(Optional pref As String = vbCrLf & "--", Optional suff As String = vbCrLf, Optional BOUNDARY As String = "--OYWFRYGNCYQAOCCT44655,4239930556") As String
bond = pref & BOUNDARY & suff
End Function
Private Function form(ByVal name As String, Optional ByVal filename As String = "") As String
form = "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=""" & name & """"
If Len(filename) Then form = form & "; filename=""" & filename & """"
form = form & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
End Function

How to generate and send an email using Mozilla Thunderbird through Excel VBA

I've been looking into trying to use VBA Macro's to send an email through Mozilla Thunderbird with the spreadsheet as an attachment.
///I've searched Google and Stack Overflow itself and none of those solutions seem to be working./// I am not the best at coding or excel itself so I was just wondering if any kind soul could help me out?
Appreciate any help given.
Looked at a load more articles and tried following what the comments have said but they didn't help. I have, however, managed to get the email portion of this to work myself. Below is the code I use
Private Declare Function ShellExecute Lib "shell32.dll" _
Alias "ShellExecuteA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpOperation As String, _
ByVal lpFile As String, ByVal lpParameters As String, ByVal lpDirectory As
String, _
ByVal nShowCmd As Long) As Long
Sub Send_Email_Using_Keys()
Dim Mail_Object As String
Dim Email_Subject, Email_Send_To, Email_Cc, Email_Bcc, Email_Body As String
Email_Subject = "ACT Form Completed and Confirmed"
Email_Send_To = ""
Email_Cc = ""
Email_Bcc = ""
Email_Body = "ACT Form Completed and Confirmed Please see attached"
Mail_Object = "mailto:" & Email_Send_To & "?subject=" & Email_Subject &
"&body=" & Email_Body & "&cc=" & Email_Cc & "&bcc=" & Email_Bcc
On Error GoTo debugs
ShellExecute 0&, vbNullString, Mail_Object, vbNullString, vbNullString,
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:02"))
Application.SendKeys "%s"
If Err.Description <> "" Then MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
This opened the 'Write' box in thunderbird with all the fields pre-filled out ready to send.
Found some old code. Not recently tested but it worked with attachments for Thunderbird. You probably have to adapt it to your needs:
'* Send mail with Thunderbird
Option Explicit
'* HTML formatting
Private Const STARTBODY = "<html><head><style type='text/css'> body { font: 11pt Calibri, Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } </style></head><body> "
Private Const ENDBODY = "</body></htlm>"
'* Test only
Private Const ATTACHMENT1 = "C:\Temp\attachment1.pdf"
Private Const ATTACHMENT2 = "C:\Temp\attachment2.pdf"
'* Test code only. Can be run by placing the cursor anywhere within the code and press F5
'* SetX THUNDERBIRD_PATH "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Thunderbird\thunderbird.exe"
Private Sub MailTest()
Dim Rcp As String
Dim CC As String
Dim BCC As String
Dim Result As Boolean
Rcp = ""
CC = ""
BCC = ""
Result = SendMail(Rcp, CC, BCC, "Test", "Hello World", False, ATTACHMENT1 & ";" & ATTACHMENT2)
End Sub
'* Send e-mail through Thunderbird
'* SetX THUNDERBIRD_PATH "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Thunderbird\thunderbird.exe"
Function SendMail(strTo As String, _
strCC As String, _
strBCC As String, _
strSubject As String, _
strMessageBody As String, _
Optional PlainTextFormat As Boolean = False, _
Optional strAttachments As String = "", _
Optional SignatureFile As String = "") As Boolean
Dim Cmd As String
Dim Arg As String
Dim Result As Integer
Dim objOutlook As Outlook.Application
Dim MAPISession As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim MAPIMailItem As Outlook.MailItem
Dim strTemp As String
Dim MailResult As Boolean
Dim I As Integer
Dim Account As Object
MailResult = False
Cmd = Environ("THUNDERBIRD_PATH") 'E:\Program Files\Mozilla Thunderbird\thunderbird.exe
If Cmd <> "" Then ' Thunderbird installed
Arg = " -compose """
strTo = Replace(strTo, ";", ",")
If strTo <> "" Then Arg = Arg & "to='" & strTo & "',"
strCC = Replace(strCC, ";", ",")
If strCC <> "" Then Arg = Arg & "cc='" & strCC & "',"
strBCC = Replace(strBCC, ";", ",")
If strBCC <> "" Then Arg = Arg & "bcc='" & strBCC & "',"
If strSubject <> "" Then Arg = Arg & "subject=" & strSubject & ","
If PlainTextFormat = True Then
strTemp = "2" 'Plain text
strTemp = "1" 'HTML
strMessageBody = STARTBODY & strMessageBody & ENDBODY 'Add HTML and CSS
End If
Arg = Arg & "format=" & strTemp & "," 'Format specifier HTML or Plain Text
Arg = Arg & "body='" & strMessageBody & "'," 'Add body text
Call AddSignature(SignatureFile, strMessageBody) 'Add signature if any
Arg = Arg & "attachment='"
Call AddAttachments(strAttachments, , Arg) 'Add attachment(s) if any
Arg = Arg & "'""" 'Closing quotes
Shell Cmd & Arg 'Call Thunderbird to send the message
MailResult = True
SendMail = MailResult
End Function
'* Add recipients, CC or BCC recipients to the email message
'* Recipients is a string with one or more email addresses,
'* each separated with a semicolon
'* Returns number of addresses added
Private Function AddRecipients(Recipients As String, MAPIMailItem As Outlook.MailItem, RecType As Integer) As Integer
Dim OLRecipient As Outlook.Recipient
Dim TempArray() As String
Dim Recipient As Variant
Dim Emailaddr As String
Dim Count As Integer
Count = 0
TempArray = Split(Recipients, ";")
For Each Recipient In TempArray
Emailaddr = Trim(Recipient)
If Emailaddr <> "" Then
Set OLRecipient = MAPIMailItem.Recipients.Add(Emailaddr)
OLRecipient.Type = RecType
Set OLRecipient = Nothing
Count = Count + 1
End If
Next Recipient
AddRecipients = Count
End Function
'* Add possible signature to the email message
'* Returns True if signature added
Private Function AddSignature(SignatureFile As String, ByRef strMessageBody As String) As Boolean
Dim Signature As String
Dim Tempstr As String
Dim Added As Boolean
Added = False
If SignatureFile <> "" Then
Signature = ""
Open SignatureFile For Input As #1 'Open file for reading
Do While Not EOF(1) 'Loop through file
Input #1, Tempstr 'One line
Signature = Signature & Tempstr 'Add it
Close #1
strMessageBody = strMessageBody & Signature 'Add to message
Added = True
End If
AddSignature = Added
End Function
'* Add possible attachments to the email message
'* Returns number of attachments added
Private Function AddAttachments(ByRef strAttachments As String) As Integer
Dim TempArray() As String
Dim Attachment As Variant
Dim Tempstr As String
Dim Count As Integer
Count = 0
TempArray = Split(strAttachments, ";")
For Each Attachment In TempArray
Tempstr = CStr(Trim(Attachment))
If Tempstr <> "" Then
If Count > 0 Then Arg = Arg & ","
Arg = Arg & "file:///" & Tempstr
End If
Count = Count + 1
Next Attachment
AddAttachments = Count
End Function
The code below iterates through a range in excel and for each record marked for sending it will send an email using Thunderbird. Additionally, if the path to a file is specified it will attach that file. Be careful with the apostrophes when building the command string. If you get them wrong the non-printing characters will be removed from the message body for some reason.
Public Sub sendEmail(subject As String, msg As String, path As String)
Dim contactRange As Range, cell As Range
Dim count As Integer
Dim thund As String
Dim email As String
Dim recipientName As String
Dim pathToThunderBird
Set contactRange = Range("ContactYesNo")
pathToThunderBird = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Thunderbird\thunderbird.exe "
With Worksheets("IT consulting")
For Each cell In contactRange
If cell.Value = "Yes" Then
count = count + 1
recipientName = cell.Offset(0, 2).Value
email = cell.Offset(0, 6).Value
emailMsg = "Hi " & recipientName & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & msg & vbCrLf
'You'll want to change the salutation.
thund = pathToThunderBird & _
"-compose " & """" & _
"to='" & email & "'," & _
",subject='" & subject & "'," & _
",body='" & emailMsg & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"Your Name" & vbCrLf & _
"123.456.7890" & "'" & """"
If path = "" Then 'no attachment
'do nothing
Else 'with attachment
thund = thund & ",attachment=" & path
End If
Call Shell(thund, vbNormalFocus)
'comment this out if you do not want to send automatically
SendKeys "^+{ENTER}", True
End If
Next cell
End With
End Sub

Convert Html String into HTMLDocument VBA

I'm writing a macro to grab the current exchange rate from yahoo but I'm having trouble converting a html string into a HTMLDocument to allow me to search for the required element by id. Here is my code so far but it fails on the debug.print line.
Public Sub Forex(currency1 As String, currency2 As String)
Dim oXHTTP As Object
Dim doc As HTMLDocument
Dim url As String
Dim html As String
Dim id As String
Set oXHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
url = "" & currency1 & currency2 & "=X"
oXHTTP.Open "GET", url, False
html = oXHTTP.responseText
Set oXHTTP = Nothing
Set doc = New HTMLDocument
doc.body.innerHTML = html
id = "yfs_l10_" & currency1 & currency2
Debug.Print doc.getElementById("id").innerText
End Sub
What am I missing here?
I am making use of method from excel-vba-http-request-download-data-from-yahoo-finance:
Sub Forex(currency1 As String, currency2 As String)
Dim url As String, html As String, id As String
Dim oResult As Variant, oLine As Variant, sRate As String
url = "" & currency1 & currency2 & "=X"
id = "<span id=""yfs_l10_" & currency1 & currency2 & "=x"">"
html = GetHTTPResult(url)
oResult = Split(html, vbLf)
For Each oLine In oResult
If InStr(1, oLine, id, vbTextCompare) Then
sRate = Split(Split(oLine, "<span id=""yfs_l10_audusd=x"">")(1), "</span>")(0)
Exit For
End If
End Sub
Function GetHTTPResult(sURL As String) As String
Dim XMLHTTP As Variant, sResult As String
Set XMLHTTP = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
XMLHTTP.Open "GET", sURL, False
sResult = XMLHTTP.responseText
Set XMLHTTP = Nothing
GetHTTPResult = sResult
End Function
You're almost there, you just have the id wrong:
id = "yfs_l10_" & currency1 & currency2 & "=X"
Debug.Print doc.getElementById(id).innerText

How to Add Text to a VB.NET RadioButtonList

I'm dynamically creating a RadioButtonList and can't figure out how to add additional text to show up under the radio button.
My basic code is as follows and I want sURL to show up under each resultant radio button.
For i As Integer = 0 To ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1
Dim iLocationID As Integer = ds.Tables(0).Rows(i).Item("LocationID")
Dim sStreet As String = ds.Tables(0).Rows(i).Item("AddressStreet")
Dim sCity As String = ds.Tables(0).Rows(i).Item("AddressCity")
Dim sState As String = ds.Tables(0).Rows(i).Item("AddressState")
Dim sZip As String = ds.Tables(0).Rows(i).Item("AddressPostalCode")
Dim sName as String = ds.Tables(0).Rows(i).Item("Name")
Dim dsContact As New DataSet
Dim sURL As String = ""
sURL = "<a href='" & sStreet & "+" & sState & "+" & sZip & "' target='_blank'>" & sStreet & " " & sCity & " " & sState & ", " & sZip & "</a>"
Dim dDistance As Decimal = Math.Round(ds.Tables(0).Rows(i).Item("Distance"), 1)
Dim sDistance As String
If dDistance > 1 Then
sDistance = dDistance & " Miles Away"
sDistance = dDistance & " Mile Away"
End If
sURL += " " & sDistance
sURL += " Phone: " & sContactPhone
rblVendorLocations.Items.Add(New ListItem(sName, iLocationID))
The first parameter to the ListItem constructor is the text to show beside the radio button, if you want that to be sURL then pass that rather than sName.
You can also pass html as this parameter if you want to style it in some particular way e.g.
ListDeliveryFrequency.Items.Add( _
New ListItem("<div>" + sName +"</div> <div>" + sUrl + "</div>", _