Laravel using a case statement - sql

I'm trying to retrieve all messages of a conversation and display it's status (read or unread). With a CASE I try to read the property (boolean) and process it to a string.
$messages = DB::table('conversation_message')
' as message_id',
'messages.created_at as send_at',
'messages.user_id as from_id',
'messages.body as body',
' as conversation',
DB::raw('(CASE WHEN = 1 THEN read ELSE unread END) AS status')
->leftjoin('messages', '', '=', 'conversation_message.message_id')
->leftjoin('conversations', '', '=', 'conversation_message.conversation_id')
->orderBy('send_at', 'asc')
Without the CASE, the query works fine but with the case I recieve a Syntax error or access violation: 1064 near 'read.

Solved it by placing both the outcomes read and unread in double quotes.
$messages = DB::table('conversation_message')
' as message_id',
'messages.created_at as send_at',
'messages.user_id as from_id',
'messages.body as body',
' as conversation',
DB::raw('(CASE WHEN = 1 THEN "read" ELSE "unread" END) AS status')
->leftjoin('messages', '', '=', 'conversation_message.message_id')
->leftjoin('conversations', '', '=', 'conversation_message.conversation_id')
->orderBy('send_at', 'asc')
Now I can use the status directly as a css class!


sql query last_messages displays wrong message

i have query like this, but displays wrong last_message.
$users = Message::join('users', function ($join) {
$join->on('messages.from_id', '=', '')
->orOn('messages.to_id', '=', '');
->where(function ($q) {
$q->where('messages.from_id', auth()->user()->id)
->orWhere('messages.to_id', auth()->user()->id);
DB::raw('MAX(messages.created_at) max_created_at'),
DB::raw('MAX(messages.body) last_message'),
DB::raw('CASE WHEN(COUNT(messages.is_read) FILTER (WHERE is_read = false
AND messages.from_id != '.auth()->user()->id.') = 0) THEN true ELSE false END is_read'),
DB::raw('COUNT(messages.is_read) FILTER (WHERE is_read = false
AND messages.from_id != '.auth()->user()->id.') count_unread')
->orderBy('max_created_at', 'desc')
->paginate($request->per_page ?? 20)
when i change
DB::raw('MAX(messages.body) last_message'),
DB::raw('messages.body ORDER BY messages.created_at DESC LIMIT 1 last_message'),
display error messages like this, syntax error at or near "last_message". How to fix this?
You want to alias the column, not the statement. Try to change it to:
messages.body last_message ORDER BY messages.created_at DESC LIMIT 1
So you need first order the records based on some column and then return the first record of that list.
$cart_data = ScCart::orderBy('created_at', 'asc')->first();
$cart_data = ScCart::orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->first();
This will work for first and last record created in that table.

Query Builder raw sub query is not working

I'm having Problem running this code.It says:
Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL
I don't know if this is coming form subquery.Is it correct to write subquery like this?
$result = DB::table('grievance_redress_info')
DB::raw("(SELECT grievance_history.status
FROM grievance_history
ORDER BY DESC LIMIT 1) AS current_status")
->leftJoin("common_labels AS
I think you can do something like this
$grievance_redress_info = DB::table('grievance_redress_info')
$result = DB::table('grievance_history')
->leftJoinSub($grievance_redress_info, 'grievance_redress_info', function ($join) {
$join->on('grievance_history.grievance_id', '=', '');
you can check the docs for more
I hope this works!

laravel simple query builder (join & where case)

i have 2 table (product & type)
produk table
jenis table
- id
- jenis_item
i wanna access database jenis_item from jenis tablewith query builder
so far i already try
$selectProduk = DB::table('produk')->where('id', $id)->join('jenis', 'produk.id_jenis_produk', '=', '')->first();
and something like this
$selectProduk = DB::table('produk')
->join('jenis', function($join) {
$join->on('produk.id_jenis_item', '=', '')
->where('', $id); // line 86 (error)
but still failed with message error from laravel logs
exception 'ErrorException' with message 'Undefined variable: id' in C:\xampp\htdocs\itklan\app\controllers\ProdukController.php:86
where i'm missing?
#Thomas Kim
i get another error
exception 'ErrorException' with message 'Missing argument 3 for Illuminate\Database\Query\JoinClause::where(), called in C:\xampp\htdocs\itklan\app\controllers\ProdukController.php on line 86 and defined' in C:\xampp\htdocs\itklan\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Database\Query\JoinClause.php:87
line 87 :
$selectProduk = DB::table('produk')
->join('jenis', function($join) use($id) {
$join->on('produk.id_jenis_item', '=', '')
->where('', $id);
})->first(); //line 87
This is how PHP closures work. In order to use $id, the closure must inherit the variable from the parent scope by using the use keyword. For example:
$selectProduk = DB::table('produk')
->join('jenis', function($join) use($id) { // Check this line
$join->on('produk.id_jenis_item', '=', '')
->where('', '=', $id);
Closures may also inherit variables from the parent scope. Any such variables must be passed to the use language construct.
Also, looks like with Laravel's JoinClause, you need to be specific about your operators. Normally, you can do this:
->where('', $id);
And Laravel adds an equal operator for you. However, for join clauses, this will not work. You need to specify the operator.
->where('', '=', $id);

Select sql code in Laravel

Following query returning six values
SELECT tbl_start FROM timetable inner join route ON tbl_rte_id = id WHERE rte_origin = "UL" and rte_destination = "HW" ORDER BY(tbl_start) DESC;
And my laravel code is returning only one value
$tables = Timetable::join('route', 'tbl_rte_id', '=', 'id')
->where('rte_origin', $origin, 'AND')
->where('rte_destination', $destination)
->orderBy('tbl_start', 'desc')
foreach ($tables as $table) {
$result[$table->id] = $table->tbl_start;
This laravel code is not similar or similar. Can anyone help me.
Change this part:
->where('rte_origin', $origin, 'AND')
// to:
->where('rte_origin', $origin)
It will know by default that it's AND operator
And if you want to provide this operator, then do this:
->where('rte_origin', '=', $origin, 'AND')
You may try something like this:
$tables = Timetable::join('route', 'tbl_rte_id', '=', '')
->where('rte_origin', $origin)
->where('rte_destination', $destination)
->orderBy('tbl_start', 'desc')
->get()->lists('tbl_start', 'id');
The $tables will contain an array of id => tbl_start pairs.
Add a listener in your routes.php
Event::listen('illuminate.query', function($sql){
Then execute both queries and check if you have the same result

Laravel Eloquent Select CASE?

Is there anyone with experience in PHP & Laravel Eloquent who can help me resolve this statement? I'm trying to inject a CASE... WHEN.. END... inside a raw() method. It seemed like it was completely ignored. The existing documentation hasn't been . I've tried several different things to no prevail. I'm trying to pull this off:
SELECT, ...,
CASE WHEN = <CurrentUser> THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS is_user,
FROM <table>
The source code is below:
$shares = Share::where('shares.status', '=', SHARE_STATUS_APPROVED)
->where('shares.deleted', '=', '0')
->where('', '<=', $nelat)
->where('', '>=', $swlat)
->where('locations.lng', '>=', $nelng)
->where('locations.lng', '<=', $swlng)
->where('', '=', $user)
->orWhere('shares.connected_user_id', '=', $user)
->join('users', 'shares.user_id', '=', '')
->join('locations', '', '=', 'users.location_id')
->join('provinces', '', '=', 'locations.province_id')
->join('countries', '', '=', 'locations.country_id')
->select(' AS share_id', ' AS user_id', 'shares.connected_user_id', 'shares.original_language_id', 'shares.image',
'users.first_name', 'users.last_name', '',
'', '', 'countries.code',
'', 'locations.lng',
->raw('(CASE WHEN = ' . $user . ' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS is_user')
->orderBy('shares.created_at', 'desc')
->orderBy('', 'asc')
->orderBy('shares.connected_user_id', 'asc')
Move your raw() call inside the SELECT statement:
->select(' AS share_id', ' AS user_id', 'shares.connected_user_id',
'shares.original_language_id', 'shares.image',
'users.first_name', 'users.last_name', '',
'', '', 'countries.code',
'', 'locations.lng',
DB::raw('(CASE WHEN = ' . $user . ' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS is_user')
->orderBy('shares.created_at', 'desc')
Alternatively you can use selectRaw instead.
->selectRaw(" AS share_id, AS user_id ,
shares.connected_user_id ,
shares.original_language_id, shares.image,
users.first_name, users.last_name,,,, countries.code,, locations.lng,
(CASE WHEN = {$user} THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS is_user)")
->orderBy('shares.created_at', 'desc')
Just recently I have created a package that adds CASE support for Eloquent Query Builder. You can check it out here:
Using the package you can do this:
use App\Models\Invoice;
use AgliPanci\LaravelCase\Query\CaseBuilder;
$invoices = Invoice::query()
->case(function (CaseBuilder $case) {
$case->when('balance', '<', 0)->then('Overpaid')
->when('balance', 0)->then('Paid')
->else('Balance Due');
}, 'payment_status')