Windows Live ID Continue Button Broken - authentication

We have a production web application that uses Windows Live ID as its authentication mechanism. For several months now, it has been working great. However, in early August, we suddenly started experiencing a serious problem...
If the user is already signed into Windows Live (via our app in another window, or a different Windows Live app) and navigates to our site, a continue button appears. It says "You're already signed in", and lets the user click Continue and be redirected to our site. In early August, this continue button stopped working. You click it and it does nothing. We didn't change anything in our code, and lo and behold we're not the only ones experiencing this problem:
It's clearly a bug in Microsoft's page. What we need is a workaround - our customers quite literally can't get to our app if they are already signed into Windows Live. They have to go to a different website, sign out and then go back to ours. You can imagine that this is a pain, and makes us think twice about using Windows Live as an auth mechanism.
Pending Microsoft's bugfix, we are dead in the water and having to explain this to customers. We are looking for workarounds and working on our own.. our current solution is, 'Make sure you're not signed into Windows Live when you go to our web app.' Less than ideal. Any ideas?

This has been fixed by Microsoft.


Bixby Developer Studio keeps asking me to login

When I first launched Bixby Developer Studio, it greeted me with a startup screen with a Login button. I clicked on it and it opened a login page in my browser. I logged in that page using my Samsung developer account. The login was successful and a pop-up appeared asking me if I will allow the page to launch Developer Studio (which was already open at that point). I allowed it, but nothing happened; Developer Studio was still showing the startup screen.
I restarted the application but it again showed me that startup screen with the login button. If I click on the login button, it will just take me again to the login page in the browser. And then nothing would happen if I login again.
I'd suggest verifying if your browser is configured to accept cookies. If that information is verified and the problem still exists, there might be additional information in the ide.log file that can provide more insight
To get that information, follow these steps:
Note the time when you begin the next steps.
Go through the login process until you hit the point of failure.
From the IDE menu, click on Help -> Create Diagnostics Report. This
will popup a dialog that will point you to the location of the
diagnostics report, by default this location is
Unzip the diagnostics report and look at the ide.log file for any
errors at the time of login.
Feel free to post the errors here or if you prefer, you can open a ticket with Bixby Support too.
There are a couple of points you could work on here -
In this case, I suggest you to keep the browser open in the background while clicking on the login button. I was facing the same issue and somehow it worked for me like this. This has been an issue on a Windows machine. On a Mac this problem is not faced till now.
You could restart the Bixby studio itself for logging in again.
Also, I suggest removing the browser cookies as told by shahnawaz above.
Do let us know if this still persists !
Thank you all for your suggestions. For some reason, it just started working right after I received dozens of Windows updates (it's been a few days since I logged in to my Windows account as I have been using Linux; I rarely use my Windows account now and I wish Bixby Studio was available in Linux too). So, I actually haven't tried any of your suggestions yet. Thanks again, anyways!

When testing Visual Studio 2013 Microsoft Edge appears and asks for id and password

I have a VS2013 website developed in VB with Windows 10. I have tested it for years but now after migrating to Windows 10 when I go into debug mode, Edge pops up and asks for a user id and password. I have no user id or password that it accepts and I don't want that to happen anyway since it doesn't happen in production.
How can I get rid of the login requirement?
It sounds like your site has windows auth switched on. Ordinarily IE would negotiate for you and sign you in seamlessly. Edge doesn't seem to handle NTLM in the same way. To get your previous experience you could just switch the debug browser to IE11. This also has the benefit of enabling JS debugging which also currently breaks with Edge as VS2013. I'm sure these issues with Edge and VS will be fixed shortly.

Inherited a Silverlight/WCF application need to fix WindowsAuthentication

I've inherited a Silverlight/WCF application. (Having worked on .net MVC, and SPA for quite a while)
I tried switching the IIS website folder to see if a tweak to the code and a fresh build would work, it didn't work and I switched back and although the website is functional it has a number of faults.
For some reason the Windows authentication appears to have stopped working, this authorises a number of the admin functions. I think this is broken and so not enabling the functionality in the Silverlight app.
The server I've inherited has the applications as folders in the default website, which is new to me, and quite constraining. I've gone through IISAdmin videos, and learnt a lot, but not enough to fix the issue.
I am unable to get the software to run in VS2013, quite a bump after working on Single Page Applications.
I'm stumped as to how the same code put back no longer works; I've learnt my lesson, but I still need to fix the system. I am not sure whether IISReset would make a difference since the AppPool is recycled every 29 hours. I've found out what the harm in trying is, and so I am proceeding with caution.
So my main goal would be to get the Windows Authentication working again.

March 2013: Paypal Sandbox login loops back to developer page [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Please login to use the PayPal sandbox feature
(5 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
Since Paypal developer changed in March 2013, I've been unable to get into the sandbox.
I logged in to the new developer site OK with my actual Paypal account details.
I managed to import my accounts into the new development site (marked worryingly as 'beta') using the link
"Looking for Sandbox? Import your test accounts to continue testing. Learn what's new."
But clicking the link 'Sandbox site' on any of the accounts results in me being taken to:
This is the link where I'm greeted with a Paypal Sandbox logo and a single link reading "Please log in to use the PayPal Sandbox features."
Clicking on this link takes you back to where you have come from - that is the developer page where I am already logged in.
I did raise a support question with Paypal, but a week has passed and it's gone unanswered, so I'm hoping someone here can tell me what I'm missing in this new version?
I'm unable to reproduce this. I'm logging into my sandbox accounts just fine. I'm also able to test things like Express Checkout without any issue.
I know that browser cache and cookies can often be a big issue on the sandbox. For example, when I first attempted to try this after seeing your post I was getting a Proxy Error when trying to load I closed and re-opened my browser, though, and then everything worked as expected. Maybe give that a shot.
As Andrew Angell points out - this crazy behaviour was down to the web browser caching. I just cleared out everything in Chrome (Tools > Clear Browsing Data) and wiped everything since the beginning of time and that's got it. Nice catch, thanks Andrew. Appreciated.
The reason every browser I tried did this, is because I've used them all with Paypal - of course - so hence they all do the same thing, leading you to thing the issue is upstream.
Clear your cache and cookie simply by pressing
It works for me.
Clearing doesn't help me with this, USE CHROME INCOGNITO MODE(new window) - it works for me :)

Your client does not support opening this list with Windows Explorer

I installed Microsoft SharePoint and Project PWA on Windows Server 2008 R2.
When I want to open Library in Windows Explorer, I randomly get an error:
Your client does not support opening this list with Windows Explorer
When I open IE it's working for 1st and 2nd time, but after some clicks it's not working anymore and I need to restart IE and then it normally works for couple of times.
When it not working through Sharepoint it also not works via \server\DavWWWRoot\PWA and oposite.
I'm searching through the web for weeks and didn't find any solution.
Do you have any idea what should be wrong here. Any suggestion is welcome :)
I had the same exact issue with Windows 7 and explorer view. The following steps resolved the issue for me:
First - be sure that the Web Client service is running (run>services.msc).
Next - In I.E. check Tools>Internet Options>Security>Local Intranet>Sites>Advanced and add the site that you want to use explorer view with.
This finally fixed it for me. I hope that you have already found a solution to this issue! I was surprised at how difficult it was to find a solution to this problem!
This error message is a symptom to a billion different problems.
I solved this problem when I realized my XP32 box could do this just fine with IE8. So I reverted to IE8 in 7x64 (you have to do it by uninstalling updates for IE until you're back at 8) and it didn't work. The build versions were different and on the 7x64 "about" box it said IE8 was using 256-bit cipher while in XP32 it had 128-bit. That to me was a hint that there may be 64-bit issues even when you run the 32-bit executable.
Then I found this hotfix so I reinstalled the windows update for IE10 and then installed this hotfix. Now I'm able to open the TeamCenter site in question in windows Explorer. IE10 reports it's version 10.0.9200.16686. I cannot guarantee that it was the hotfix alone (and not also the reinstallation of IE10) which fixed it. But I'm willing to bet it was the hotfix alone.
In XP I found it impossible to then map this network location to a drive letter, as mapping doesn't like URL's. However in Windows 7 you can transform the URL so that it is interpreted as a Windows share. If the URL of a given folder is of this form:
you can also access it as
and, in this form, it can be mapped to a drive letter.
I do have issues at that point that even with IE10 open and logged in to the site I see some random time-out like problems and I get kicked off (and prompted to log in again in IE10). My situation is complicated because the site I'm accessing requires an Exostar token to log in, so I have to log in via website no matter what.
If it helps any one do the steps suggested above:
Make sure to use 32 bit internet explorer (program files (x86)/internet explorer).
Like was mentioned above Web client must be started.
You may also need to add your site to trusted sites in internet explorer.
Make sure enabled protected mode in internet options is disabled.
This is what finally fixed it for me: Check "Keep me signed in" on the login page. This was the key for me. Will not work without it checked in my case.
I had the same symptoms, and it turned out I don't have a root site collection. Creating one solved this for me.
Summarized the troubleshooting steps here:
There can be multiple reasons for it.
One could be using IE x64 version. It won't work there.
Secondly, check out this blog:
I experienced the same problem as well.
And I found out that if none of the above options are working, and if you work in an organisation, maybe the proxy is blocking the "Open with Explorer" option.
I did the same, and removed the proxy and it worked just fine.
this fixed it for me ( however in windows server 2008 you may need to install desktop experience i think its called)
After you log into windows go into services then restart the WebClient then see if you can use explorer view without the error " your client does not support. blah blah blah" if it does work then. make a batch file that says:
net stop webclient
net start webclient
then make a scheduled tasks that runs that batch file at start up. Have it run as a user with administrative rights, make sure you tell it to run even if user is not logged in. it should prompt you for the password of the admin account you selected. this worked for me with windows 7.
I found online where the error can occur intermittently with SharePoint 2010, however I think the SharePoint version is irrelevant. They said the client polls for a SharePoint root site and that the error occurs if one isn't found.
We have not seen the error since I created a root site even though we’re only using WSS3. Our errors began when we changed clients to Windows 7. So in our case it sounds like the issue could be the root site polling due to an IE8 security change in Windows 7.
*you on x64 bit machine* so solution is that there is no problem but you are using the wrong IE shortcut.
There are different IE types you can use (just type Internet Explorer in start search bar) and you will see..
Internet Explorer (64-bit) - won't show any sharepoint add-ons
Internet Explorer (No Add-ons) - won't show any sharepoint add-ons
Internet Explorer - only this will show sharepoint add-ons and will
work so basically make sure you always use this version of IE