Performance difference in Couchbase's get by Key and select by index - indexing

As we are doing benchmark tests on our Couchbase DB, we tried to compare search for item by their id / key and search for items by a query that uses secondary index.
Following this article about indexing and performance in Couchbase we thought the performance of the two will be the same.
However, in our tests, we discovered that sometimes, the search by key/id was much faster then the search that uses the secondary index.
E.g. ~3MS to search using the index and ~0.3MS to search by the key.(this is a 10 times factor)
The point is that this difference is not consist. The search by key varies from 0.3MS to 15MS.
We are wondering if:
There should be better performance for search by key over search by secondary index?
There should be such time difference between key searches?

The results you get are consistent with what I would expect. Couchbase works as a key-value store when you do any operation using the id. A key-value store is roughly a big distributed hashmap, and in this data structure, you can a very good performance on get/save/delete while using the id.
Whenever you store a new document, couchbase hash the key and assign a Virtual Bucket to it (something similar to a shard). When you need to get this document back, it uses the same algorithm to find out in which virtual bucket the document is located, as the SDK has the cluster map and knows exactly which node has which shards, your application will request the document directly to the node who owns it.
On the other hand, when you query the database, Couchbase has to make internally a map/reduce to find out where the document is located, that is why operations by id are faster.
About your questions about results from 0.3ms to 15ms, it is hard to tell without debugging your environment. However, there are a number of factors that could contribute to it. Ex: the document is cached/not cached, node is undersized, etc.

To add to #deniswrosa's answer, the secondary index will always be slower, because first the index must be traversed based on your query to find the document key, and then a key lookup is performed. Doing just the key lookup is faster if you already have the key. The amount of work to traverse the index can vary depending on how selective the index is, whether the entire index is in memory, etc. Memory-optimized indexes can ensure that the whole index is in memory, if you have enough memory to support that.
Of course even a simple key lookup can be slower if the document in question is not in the cache, and needs to be brought in to memory from storage.

It is possible to achieve sub-millisecond secondary lookups at scale, but it requires some tuning of your query, index, and some possibly some of Couchbase' system parameters. Consider the following simple example:
Sample document in userBucket:
"user::000000000001" : {
"email" : "",
"userId" : "000000000001"
This query:
FROM userBucket
email = ""
...should be able to achieve sub-millisecond performance with a properly tuned secondary index:
CREATE INDEX idx01 ON userBucket(email, userId);
Since the index is covering the query completely there is no need for the Query engine to FETCH the document from the K/V store. However "SELECT * ..." will always cause the Query service to FETCH the document and thus will be slower than a simple k/v GET("user::000000000001").
For the best latencies, make sure to review your query plan (using EXPLAIN syntax) and make sure your query is not FETCHing.


Performance of Lucene queries in Ignite

I have a very simple object as keys in my cache and I want to be able to iterate on the key/value pairs where a string matches a field in my keys.
Here is how the field is declared in the class
#AffinityKeyMapped #QueryTextField String crawlQueueID;
I run many queries and expect a small amount of documents to match. The queries take a relatively large amount of time, which is surprising given that there are maybe only 100K pairs locally in the cache. My queries are local, I want to hit only the K/V stored in the local node.
According to the profiler I am using, 80% of the CPU is spent here, int)
Knowing Lucene's performance, I am really surprised. Any suggestions?
BTW I want to sort the results based on a numerical field in the value object. Can this be done via annotations?
I could have one cache per value of the field I am querying against but given that there are potentially hundreds of thousands or even millions of different values, that would probably be too many caches for Ignite to handle.
Looking at the code that handles the Lucene indexing and querying, the index gets reloaded for every query. Given that I do hundreds of them in a row, we probably don't benefit from any caching or optimisation of the index structure in Lucene.
Additionally, there is a range query running as a filter to check for the TTL. FilterQueries are faster but on a fresh indexreader, there would not be much caching either. Of course, if no TTL is needed for a given table, this should not be required.
Judging by the documentation about the indexing with SQL indexing:
Ignite automatically creates indexes for each primary key and affinity
key field.
the indexing is done on the key alone. In my case, the value I want to use for sorting is in the value object so that would not work.

How well does a unique hash index perform in comparison to the record ID?

Following CQRS practices, I will need to supply a custom generated ID (like a UUID) in any create command. This means when using OrientDB as storage, I won't be able to use its generated RIDs, but rather perform lookups on a manual index using the UUIDs.
Now in the OrientDB docs it states that the performance of fetching records using the RID is independent of the database size O(1), presumably because it already describes the physical location of the record. Is that also the case when using a UNIQUE_HASH_INDEX?
Is it worth bending CQRS practices to request a RID from the database when assembling the create command, or is the performance difference negligible?
I have tested the performance of record retrieval based on RIDs and indexed UUID fields using a database holding 180,000 records. For the measurement, 30,000 records have been looked up, while clearing the local cache between each retrieval. This is the result:
RID: about 0.2s per record
UUID: about 0.3s per record
I've done queries throughout populating the database in 30,000 record steps. The retrieval time wasn't significantly influenced by the database size in both cases. Don't mind the relatively high times as this experiment was done on an overloaded PC. It's the relation between the two that is relavant.
To anser my own question, a UNIQUE_HAS_INDEX based query is close enough to RID-based queries.

Neo4j - Find node by ID - How to get the ID for querying?

I want to be able to to find a specific node by it's ID for performance reasons (IDs are more efficient than indexes)
In order to execute the following example:
WHERE ID(s) = 65110
I will need the ID of the node (65110 in this case)
But how to I get it? Since the ID is auto-generated, It's impossible to find the ID without querying the graph, which kind of defeats the purpose since I will already have the node.
Am I missing something?
TL;DR: use an indexed property for lookups unless you absolutely need to optimise and can measure the difference.
Typically you use an index lookup as an entry point to the graph, that is, to obtain the node that provides the start of an edge traversal. While the pointer-like nature of Neo4j node IDs means they are theoretically faster, index lookups are also very efficient so you should not discount them on performance grounds unless you are sure it will make a measurable difference.
You should also consider that Neo4j node IDs are not stable. If you delete a node it is possible for the same ID to be re-used in future. For this reason they should really be considered an internal implementation detail and not one that should be relied on as part of your application's external interface.
That said, I have an application that stores Neo4j IDs in a Solr index for looking up nodes in bulk, but this index is considered volatile and the nodes also contain an indexed, application-generated UUID property (with a unique constraint) that serves as their main "primary key".
Further reading and discussion:

Is O(1) access to a database row is possible?

I have an table which use an auto-increment field (ID) as primary key. The table is append only and no row will be deleted. Table has been designed to have a constant row size.
Hence, I expected to have O(1) access time using any value as ID since it is easy to compute exact position to seek in file (ID*row_size), unfortunately that is not the case.
I'm using SQL Server.
Is it even possible ?
Hence, I expected to have O(1) access
time using any value as ID since it is
easy to compute exact position to seek
in file (ID*row_size),
Ah. No. Autoincrement does not - even without deletions -guarantee no holes. Holes = seek via index. Ergo: your assumption is wrong.
I guess the thing that matters to you is the performance.
Databases use indexes to access records which are written on the disk.
Usually this is done with B+ tree indexes, which are logbn where b for internal nodes is typically between 100 and 200 (optimized to block size, see ref)
This is still strictly speaking logarithmic performance, but given decent number of records, let's say a few million, the leaf nodes can be reached in 3 to 4 steps and that, together with all the overhead for query planning, session initiation, locking, etc (that you would have anyway if you need multiuser, ACID compliant data management system) is certainly for all practical reasons comparable to constant time.
The good news is that an indexed read is O(log(n)) which for large values of n gets pretty close to O(1). That said in this context O notation is not very useful, and actual timings are far more meanigful.
Even if it were possible to address rows directly, your query would still have to go through the client and server protocol stacks and carry out various lookups and memory allocations before it could give the result you want. It seems like you are expecting something that isn't even practical. What is the real problem here? Is SQL Server not fast enough for you? If so there are many options you can use to improve performance but directly seeking an address in a file is not one of them.
Not possible. SQL Server organizes data into a tree-like structure based on key and index values; an "index" in the DB sense is more like a reference book's index and not like an indexed data structure like an array or list. At best, you can get logarithmic performance when searching on an indexed value (PKs are generally treated as an index). Worst-case is a table scan for a non-indexed column, which is linear. Until the database gets very large, the seek time of a well-designed query against a well-designed table will pale in comparison to the time required to send it over the network or even a named pipe.

Indexing a 'non guessable' key for quick retrieval?

I'm not fully getting all i want from Google analytics so I'm making my own simple tracking system to fill in some of the gaps.
I have a session key that I send to the client as a cookie. This is a GUID.
I also have a surrogate IDENTITY int column.
I will frequently have to access the session row to make updates to it during the life of the client. Finding this session row to make updates is where my concern lies.
I only send the GUID to the client browser:
a) i dont want my technical 'hacker'
users being able to guage what 'user
id' they are - i.e. know how many
visitors we have had to the site in total
b) i want to make sure noone messes with data maliciously - nobody can guess a GUID
I know GUID indexes are inefficnent, but I'm not sure exactly how inefficient. I'm also not clear how to maximize the efficiency of multiple updates to the same row.
I don't know which of the following I should do :
Index the GUID column and always use that to find the row
Do a table scan to find the row based on the GUID (assuming recent sessions are easy to find). Do this by reverse date order (if thats even possible!)
Avoid a GUID index and keep a hashtable in my application tier of active sessions : IDictionary<GUID, int> to allow the 'secret' IDENTITY surrogate key to be found from the 'non secret' GUID key.
There may be several thousand sessions a day.
PS. I am just trying to better understand the SQL aspects of this. I know I can do other clever thigns like only write to the table on session expiration etc., but please keep answers SQL/index related.
In this case, I'd just create an index on the GUID. Thousands of sessions a day is a completely trivial load for a modern database.
Some notes:
If you create the GUID index as non-clustered, the index will be small and probably be cached in memory. By default most databases cluster on primary key.
A GUID column is larger than an integer. But this is hardly a big issue nowadays. And you need a GUID for the application.
An index on a GUID is just like an index on a string, for example Last Name. That works efficiently.
The B-tree of an index on a GUID is harder to balance than an index on an identity column. (But not harder than an index on Last Name.) This effect can be countered by starting with a low fill factor, and reorganizing the index in a weekly job. This is a micro-optimization for a databases that handle a million inserts an hour or more.
Assuming you are using SQL Server 2005 or above, your scenario might benefit from NEWSEQUENTIALID(), the function that gives you ordered GUIDs.
Consider this quote from the article Performance Comparison - Identity() x NewId() x NewSequentialId
"The NEWSEQUENTIALID system function is an addition to SQL Server 2005. It seeks to bring together, what used to be, conflicting requirements in SQL Server 2000; namely identity-level insert performance, and globally unique values."
Declare your table as
create table MyTable(
id uniqueidentifier default newsequentialid() not null primary key clustered
However, keep in mind, as Andomar noted that the sequentiality of the GUIDs produced also make them easy to predict. There are ways to make this harder, but non that would make this better than applying the same techniques to sequential integer keys.
Like the other authors I seriously doubt that the overheads of using straight newid() GUIDs would be significant enough for your application to notice. You would be better of focusing on minimizing roundtrips to your DB than on implementing custom caching scenarios such as the dictionary you propose.
If I understand what you're asking, you're worrying that indexing and looking up your users by their hashed GUID might slow your application down? I'm with Andomar, this is unlikely to matter unless you're inserting rows so fast that updating the index slows things down. Only on something like a logging table might that happen, and then only for complicated indicies.
More importantly, did you profile it first? You don't have to guess why your program is slow, you can find out which bits are slow with a profiler. Otherwise you'll waste hours optimizing bits of code that are either A) never used or B) already fast enough.