How does positioning work on overlay image in cloudinary? - cloudinary

given the url(image) below as an example,h_140,c_fill/l_brown_sheep,w_220,h_140,c_fill,x_220,y_140/l_horses,w_220,h_140,c_fill,x_220,y_140/yellow_tulip.jpg
From what I understand, the first image yellow_tulip is drawn on (0, 0) which is the top left corner. The second image brown_sheep draws from (220, 140), which is the right bottom corner of yellow_tulip because (0, 0) starts from top left of canvas.
Everything makes sense from what I understand til the third image kicks in. horses also starts from (220, 140) but how come it starts from the center of second image brown_sheep? I'm really confused.

The dimensions of the image changes when you apply the overlay changes so that should be taken into consideration when applying the x and y coordinates.
The coordinates are calculated from the center of the image but since the size of the canvas in the first image is 220 by 140, setting the brown sheep overlay's coordinates to 220 by 140 will double the size of the canvas to 440 by 280.
Meaning the following URL is now 440 by 280,h_140,c_fill/l_brown_sheep,w_220,h_140,c_fill,x_220,y_140/l_horses,w_220,h_140,c_fill/yellow_tulip.jpg
To now overlay the horsed over the brown sheep you will need to recalculate the dimensions to the following-,h_140,c_fill/l_brown_sheep,w_220,h_140,c_fill,x_220,y_140/l_horses,w_220,h_140,c_fill,x_110,y_70/yellow_tulip.jpg


PyQt5: set coordinates for items in graphics scene

I have a scene = QGraphicsScene() and I added an ellipse via scene.addEllipse(100, 100, 10, 10, greenPen, greenBrush). The brush and the pen are set before. I add the QGraphicsScene right after to a QGraphicsView with MyGraphicsView.setScene(scene). All of this works except the position of the ellipse is always the center. The first 2 parameters in the addEllipse() function should be the coordinates (in this case 100, 100), but no matter what I put there, the ellipse is always in the center. Any ideas?
EDIT: now I added 3 ellipses like this (the one in the description deleted):
scene.addEllipse(10, 10, 10, 10, greenPen, greenBrush)
scene.addEllipse(-100, -10, 30, 30, bluePen, blueBrush)
scene.addEllipse(-100, -100, 60, 60, bluePen, blueBrush)
and my result is this:
So clearly the coordinates work somehow, but I still don't get how exactly. Do I have to set an origin to the scene?
And if I do this:
particleList = scene.items()
I get:
At this point I'm totally confused and I'd really appreciate some help.
An important thing that must be always kept in mind is that the position of a QGraphicsItem does not reflect its "top left" coordinates.
In fact, you can have a QGraphicsRectItem that has a QRectF positioned at (100, 100) but its position at (50, 50). This means that the rectangle will be shown at (150, 150). The position of the shape is relative to the position of the item.
All add[Shape]() functions of QGraphicsScene have this important note in their documentation:
Note that the item's geometry is provided in item coordinates, and its position is initialized to (0, 0).
Even if you create a QGraphicsEllipseItem with coordinates (-100, -100), it will still be positioned at (0, 0), and that's because the values in the addEllipse() (as with all other functions) only describe the coordinates of the shape.
Then, when a QGraphicsScene is created, its sceneRect() is not explicitly set, and by default it corresponds to the bounding rectangle of all items. When the scene is added to a view, the view automatically positions the scene according to the alignment(), which defaults to Qt.AlignCenter:
If the whole scene is visible in the view, (i.e., there are no visible scroll bars,) the view's alignment will decide where the scene will be rendered in the view. For example, if the alignment is Qt::AlignCenter, which is default, the scene will be centered in the view, and if the alignment is (Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop), the scene will be rendered in the top-left corner of the view.
This also means that if you have items at negative coordinates or with their shapes at negative coordinates, the view will still show the scene centered to the center of the bounding rect of all items.
So, you either set the scene sceneRect or the view sceneRect, depending on the needs. If the view's sceneRect is not set, it defaults to the scene's sceneRect.
If you want to display the items according to their position while also ensuring that negative coordinates are correctly "outside" the center, you must decide the size of the visible sceneRect and set it accordingly:
boundingRect = scene.itemsBoundingRect()
scene.setSceneRect(0, 0, boundingRect.right(), boundingRect.bottom())

Problem drawing a rectangle in Godot fragment shader

I'm having a fragment shader that draw some stuff. On top of that I want it to draw 1-pixel thick rectangle around the fragment. I have using step function, but the problem is the UV coordinates that is between 0.0 -1.0. How do I know when the fragment is at a specific pixel? For this I want to draw on the edges.
c.r = step(0.99, UV.x);
c.r += step(0.99, 1.0-UV.x);
c.r += step(0.99, UV.y);
c.r += step(0.99, 1.0-UV.y);
The code above just draw a rectangle, but the problem thicknes is 0.01% of total width/hight.
Is there any good description of UX, FRAGCOORD, SCREEN_TEXTURE and SCREEN_UV?
If it is good enough for you to work in screen coordinates (i.e., you want to define position and thickness in terms of screen space) you can use FRAGCOORD. It corresponds to the (x, y) pixel coordinates within the viewport, i.e., with the default viewport of 1024 x 600, the lower left pixel would be (0, 0), and the top right would be (1024, 600).
If you want to map the fragment coordinates back to world space (i.e., you want to define position and thickness in terms of world space), you must follow the work-around mentioned here.

Can a HScrollbar be used to rotate a label?

I am currently doing work for my college and I need help with a specific part of the program (Visual Studio 2010).
I have a HScrollbar that has a minimum of 0 and maximum of 85, which are supposed to represent angle values. I have it so that as you scroll the scrollbar the value is displayed in a label underneath(lblangle.text = HScrollbar.value)and above the scrollbar is a 90 ° vertical rectangle (colored -in label). How can I make it so that the colored in rectangular label rotates with the value in the label (lblangle) bellow. So for example lblangle will display 40 and so the rectangle rotates 40 degrees clockwise. I would also like this to update real time so that every time the scrollbar is scrolled the colored-in label is rotated accordingly.
Images of visuals and what should be the relevant code.

opengl texture mapping off by 5-8 pixels

I've got a bunch of thumbnails/icons packed right up next to each other in a texture map / sprite sheet. From a pixel to pixel relationship, these are being scaled up from being 145 pixels square to 238 screen pixels square. I was expecting to get +-1 or 2 pixel accuracy on the edges of the box when accessing the texture coordinates, so I'm also drawing a 4 pixel outline overtop of the thumbnail to hide this probable artifact. But I'm seeing huge variations in accuracy. Sometimes it's off in one direction, sometimes the other.
I've checked over the math and I can't figure out what's happening.
The the thumbnail is being scaled up about 1.64 times. So a single pixel off in the source texture coordinate could result in around 2 pixels off on the screen. The 4 pixel white frame over top is being drawn at a 1-1 pixel to fragment relationship and is supposed to cover about 2 pixels on either side of the edge of the box. That part is working. Here I've turned off the border to show how far off the texture coordinates are....
I can tweak the numbers manually to make it go away. But I have to shrink the texture coordinate width/height by several source pixels and in some cases add (or subtract) 5 or 6 pixels to the starting point. I really just want the math to work out or to figure out what I'm doing wrong here. This sort of stuff drives me nuts!
A bunch of crap to know.
The shader is doing the texture coordinate offsetting in the vertex shader...
v_fragmentTexCoord0 = vec2((a_vertexTexCoord0.x * u_texScale) + u_texOffset.s, (a_vertexTexCoord0.y * u_texScale) + u_texOffset.t);
gl_Position = u_modelViewProjectionMatrix * vec4(a_vertexPosition,1.0);
This object is a box which is a triangle strip with 2 tris.
Not that it should matter, but matrix applied to the model isn't doing any scaling. The box is to screen scale. The scaling is happening only in the texture coordinates that are being supplied.
The texture coordinates of the object as seen above are 0.00 - 0.07, then in the shader have an addition of an offset amount which is different per thumbnail. .07 out of 2048 is like 143. Originally I had it at .0708 which should be closer to 145 it was worse and showed more like 148 pixels from the texture. To get it to only show 145 source pixels I have to make it .0.06835 which is 140 pixels.
I've tried doing the math in a calculator and typing in the numbers directly. I've also tried doing like =1305/2048. These are going in to GLfloats not doubles.
This texture map image is PNG and is loaded with these settings:
but I've also tried GL_LINEAR with no apparent difference.
I'm not having any accuracy problems on other textures (in the same texture map) where I'm not doing the texture scaling.
It doesn't get farther off as the coords get higher. In the image above the NEG MAP thumb is right next to the HEAT MAP thumb and are off in different directions but correct at the seam.
here's the offset data for those two..
filterTypes[FT_gradientMap20].thumbTexOffsetS = 0.63720703125;
filterTypes[FT_gradientMap20].thumbTexOffsetT = 0.1416015625;
filterTypes[FT_gradientMap21].thumbTexOffsetS = 0.7080078125;
filterTypes[FT_gradientMap21].thumbTexOffsetT = 0.1416015625;
==== UPDATE ====
A couple of things off the bat I realized I was doing wrong and are discussed over here: OpenGL Texture Coordinates in Pixel Space
The width of a single thumbnail is 145. But that would be 0-144, with 145 starting the next one. I was using a width of 145 so that's going to be 1 pixel too big. Using the above center of pixel type math, we should actually go from the center of 0 to the center of 144. 144.5 - 0.5 = 144.
Using his formula of (2i + 1)/(2N) I made new offset amounts for each of the starting points and used the 144/2048 as the width. That made things better but still off in some areas. And again still off in one direction sometimes and the other other times. Although consistent for each x or y position.
Using a width of 143 proves better results. But I can fix them all by just adjusting the numbers manually to work. I want to have the math to make it work out right.
... or.. maybe it has something to do with min/mag filtering - although I read up on that and what I'm doing seems right for this case.
After a lot of experiments and having to create a grid-lined guide texture so I could see exactly how far off each texture was... I finally got it!
It's pretty simple actually.
uniform mat4 u_modelViewProjectionMatrix;
uniform mediump vec2 u_texOffset;
uniform mediump float u_texScale;
attribute vec3 a_vertexPosition;
attribute mediump vec2 a_vertexTexCoord0;
The precision of the texture coordinates. By specifying mediump it just fixed itself. I suspect this also would help solve the problem I was having in this question:
Why is a texture coordinate of 1.0 getting beyond the edge of the texture?
Once I did that, I had to go back to my original 145 width (which still seems wrong but oh well). And for what it's worth I ended up then going back to all my original math on all the texture coordinates. The "center of pixel" method was showing more of the neighboring pixels than the straight /2048 did.

How to change the anchor point from the top-left corner of a transformation matrix to the bottom-left corner?

Say, I have an image on an HTML page.
I apply an affine transformation to the image using CSS3 matrix function.
It looks like:
img#myimage {
transform: matrix(a, b, c, d, tx, ty);
/* use -webkit-transform, -moz-transform etc. */
The origin of an HTML page is the top-left corner and the y-axis is inverted.
I'm trying to put the same image in an environment (cocos2d) where the origin is the bottom-left corner and the y-axis is upright.
To get the same result in the other environment, I need to transform the origin somehow and reflect that in the resulting CGAffineTransform.
It would be great if I can get some help with the matrix math that goes here. (I'm not so good with matrices.)
The following formula would work,
for converting the position from CSS3 to Cocos2d:
(screen Size - "y" position in CSS3 - height of object)
To make the origin for the Cocos environment same as for the CSS3 environment we would only have to add the screen size to the cocos2d's bodies y co-ordinate.
Eg. The screen size is (100,100) and the body is a point object if you place it at (0,0) in CSS3 it would be at the top left corner. If we add the screen size to the y co-ordinates for cocos2d the object would be placed at (0,100) which is the top-left corner for cocos2d as well
To make the co-ordinates same, since the Y axis is inverted, we have to subtract the "Y" co-ordinate given in CSS3 from the Screen Size for Cocos2d. Suppose we place the same point object in the previous example at (0,10) in CSS3 we would place it at (0, 100 - 10) in cocos2d which would be the same positions on the screen
Since our body would NOT always be a point object we have to take care of its anchor point as well. If suppose the body's height is 20 and we place it at (0,10) in CSS3 then it would be placed at the top-left position and would be coming down because the Y axis is inverted
Hence we would also have to subtract the body's total height from the screen size and "y" co-ordinate to place it at the same position which would be (0, 100 - 10 - 20) putting the body at the same place in cocos2d environment
I hope I am correct and clear :)